Ukpai Kalu's scientific contributions

Publications (3)

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Abstract. The history of Biology at its earliest periods cannot be described without mentioning the roles played by Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galen and, Theophrastus in ancient Greco-Roman world, and Leonardo DaVinci in Italy among others,who did studies that helped ignite and consequently shape the early periods of the study of Biology as a field of...
p>The history of Biology at its earliest periods cannot be described without mentioning the roles played by Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galen and, Theophrastus in ancient Greco-Roman world, and Leonardo DaVinci in Italy among others, who did studies that helped ignite and consequently shape the early periods of the study of Biology as a field of natura...
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p>The history of Biology at its earliest periods cannot be described without mentioning the roles played by Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galen and, Theophrastus in ancient Greco-Roman world, and Leonardo DaVinci in Italy among others, who did studies that helped ignite and consequently shape the early periods of the study of Biology as a field of natura...