Science topic

Coronavirus - Science topic

A genus of the family CORONAVIRIDAE which causes respiratory or gastrointestinal disease in a variety of vertebrates.
Questions related to Coronavirus
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
Hello I'm an engineer new to structural biology and helping to develop a cloud docking tool for screening compounds, similar to Swissdock but with mass throughput and GPU optimizations.
Specifically we're helping researchers repurpose existing drugs against protein structures simulated from the novel coronavirus genome.
I'm planning to use GPU optimized AutoDock-GPU , which takes in <protein>.maps.fld
I know you can use autogrid to select the bounding box and generate the .maps.fld, but I've been unable to figure out the workflow. Also for preliminary screening I want to search the whole protein without specifying a bounding box. Is there a script for converting protein.pdb to .maps.fld?
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sorry to bother you but i have tried a lot and i didn't find the answer yet
I'm trying to use autodock GPU on colab but just for one ligand and and receptor
i find that my protein should be in .maps.fld format
but mine is in PDB or PDBqt could you help me if you find a way ?
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
8 answers
The US Government Comparative Toxicogenomics database shows that Fluoride can inhibit Human immunity to viruses and pneumonia. Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme (ACE), 2'-5'-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1 (OAS1) and Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM1) are included as susceptible epigenetic targets of the poison.
Wuhan is an area with high Fluoride exposure from atmospheric and groundwater pollution.
Are there more studies linking virus outbreaks or mutations with Fluoride?
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
4 answers
Has the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic caused a reduction or increase in remote online communication, business cooperation, co-operation, clustering, etc. between companies, businesses, between business entities, financial institutions, public institutions, local government, non-governmental organisations and other entities?
In the sectors of manufacturing companies, financial institutions, online technology companies, online shops, etc., which experienced strong sales increases during the pandemic, the scale of business cooperation between business entities may have increased significantly. In contrast, in service sectors subject to lockdowns, forced reduction or real temporary cessation of business activities, sectors in lockdown-induced crisis and recession, the scale of development of business cooperation between economic operators may have decreased significantly. During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns imposed on selected service and commercial sectors of the economy were introduced in some countries, triggering an economic recession in mid-2020. In addition to this, international supply and procurement logistics chains were disrupted which further reduced the ability to produce certain types of goods and exacerbated the economic crisis. As a result, some operators decided to carry out recovery programmes and to increase the scale of their business using the Internet, including providing their services, offering products via the Internet, selling their product and service offerings online, improving e-logistics and remote Internet communication. Therefore, as a result of the downturn in the economy, the decline in economic activity, the scale of business cooperation in many businesses may have decreased. However, on the other hand, the scale of business and other cooperation conducted through remote Internet communication, the development of e-logistics, online payments and settlements, etc. may have increased.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Has the pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Covid-19) caused a decrease or increase in the scale of remote Internet communication, business cooperation, co-operation, clustering, etc. between companies, enterprises, between business entities, financial institutions, public institutions, local governments, non-governmental and other entities?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
In the New Year 2024, I wish the development of good scientific cooperation, that all the problems that were also caused by, among others, the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, by the introduced lockdowns, that the post-pandemic health problems will stop, that all the problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and various secondary activities will be solved, so that never again something similar to the Covid-19 pandemic will not appear again. I wish everyone good health and those who are ill a full recovery, all the best. I wish that the New Year 2024 will be better for everyone than the previous years.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
My specialty is quantum physics but because of the pandemium I was interested in physical methods applied to virology. Today's physics is at nanolevel manufacturing so I suppose it can solve problems with viruses too.
As far as I know to force the organism to produce antibodies one can introduce the capsid or the envelope of the virus in it. I wonder if the following method below is used to collect capsids of a virus.
Method: I know it is possible to remove the nucleus of a cell. So lets take a number of cells from a human and extract the nuclea. Then put a huge number of the viruses in a culture with the cells. The viruses will inject their the DNA (or RNA) in the cells thereby leaving their capsids outside. But the cell can not reproduce the virus because there is no nucleus. Now one can separate the human cells with the viruses's DNA from the capsids and use the capsids to create antibodies by directly injecting as a vaccine.
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Hi Ilian Peruhov. I up loaded my new article Applied Atomic Science of bio-EMF New Viral Infection Model. I believe this article DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17306.82883 can help answer your question.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
1 answer
What was the misinformation effect of conspiracy speculations during COVID-19 pandemic?
Study showed, when only 4.6% of population believed coronavirus was of a natural origin, irrational, denying and hesitant health behavior spread widely across nation.
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Dear Dr. Peshkovskaya!
You raised a relevant point. Please let me argue that one cannot evaluate the overall impact of misinformation on conspiracy speculations for the following reasons in the context of systems thinking:
1) Misinformation is a "virus" itself that mutates: Muppidi, S.R. (2023). Exploring a Vaccine for the Misinformation Virus in a Global Pandemic: Media Literacy, COVID, and Science Communication. In: Pachauri, S., Pachauri, A. (eds) Global Perspectives of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health, Education, and Role of Media. Springer, Singapore., Open access:
2) Conspiracy speculations are the product of fear that is highly case - and context-dependent: Khalaf, M.A., Shehata, A.M. Trust in information sources as a moderator of the impact of COVID-19 anxiety and exposure to information on conspiracy thinking and misinformation beliefs: a multilevel study. BMC Psychol 11, 375 (2023)., Open access:
3) Both misinformation and conspiracy must be eliminated when it comes to science and healthcare delivery. Since there is a war in cyberspace nobody knows the real up-to-date situation. Certain criminal teams are constantly on the move causing fear and confusion. These teams ultimately aim to create chaos.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
6 answers
People around the world are now nervous and confused about 'Corona Virus' . What are the differences between corona virus induced fever/cold/cough and normal fever/cold/cough ?
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Distinguishing between symptoms caused by the coronavirus (such as in COVID-19) and those resulting from other common viral respiratory infections (like the flu or common cold) can be challenging, primarily because there is considerable overlap in the symptoms. However, there are certain characteristics and nuances that can help in differentiating them to some extent:
### 1. **Symptom Onset**:
- **Coronavirus (COVID-19)**: The onset of symptoms is typically gradual. Symptoms often start mild and progressively worsen over a few days.
- **Common Cold/Flu**: Symptoms of common colds usually develop quickly but are generally milder compared to flu or COVID-19. The flu often begins abruptly.
### 2. **Fever**:
- **Coronavirus**: Fever is a common symptom but not universal. It is usually high and can be persistent.
- **Common Cold**: Rarely causes fever in adults, though it's more common in children.
- **Flu**: Fever is common and typically higher and more sudden than in COVID-19.
### 3. **Cough**:
- **Coronavirus**: Cough is often dry and can be severe.
- **Common Cold**: Cough is milder and often accompanied by a runny or stuffy nose.
- **Flu**: Cough is usually dry and can be severe.
### 4. **Additional Symptoms**:
- **Coronavirus**:
- Loss of taste or smell is a distinctive symptom that is more specific to COVID-19.
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing is more commonly observed and can be severe.
- Fatigue, body aches, sore throat, headache, and gastrointestinal symptoms are also reported.
- **Common Cold**:
- More likely to cause sneezing, runny or stuffy nose.
- Sore throat and mild body aches can occur.
- **Flu**:
- Sudden onset of symptoms like high fever, severe body aches, fatigue, and weakness.
- Some gastrointestinal symptoms can occur, but they are more common in children.
### 5. **Severity and Progression**:
- **Coronavirus**: Can range from asymptomatic to severe respiratory distress and complications. Higher risk of severe illness in older adults and those with underlying health conditions.
- **Common Cold/Flu**: Generally, these lead to milder disease compared to COVID-19, but the flu can be severe in some cases, especially in vulnerable populations.
### 6. **Duration**:
- **Coronavirus**: Symptoms can last longer and may persist for weeks in severe cases.
- **Common Cold**: Usually resolves within 7-10 days.
- **Flu**: Symptoms can last 5-7 days, though fatigue may persist longer.
### Conclusion
While these differences can provide guidance, it's important to note that there is substantial overlap in symptoms among these viral infections. The presence of unique symptoms like loss of taste or smell, the pattern of symptom progression, and the severity can offer clues, but definitive diagnosis often requires specific testing, such as RT-PCR for COVID-19. During periods when COVID-19 is prevalent, it's prudent to assume such symptoms could be due to coronavirus infection and seek medical advice and testing as appropriate.
l This protocol list might provide further insights to address this issue.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
5 answers
The high tide of coronavirus (COVID-19) has hit us again and again! And there are likely to be more deadly hits in the future. Meanwhile, preparations have been made to prevent the attack of a more deadly virus called 'Disease X'.
There is no way to stop this deadly virus. In this time of deep crisis, I have come up with two great ways to prevent viral infections including proper treatment of viral infections that can save countless lives. These methods will be effective in multiple ways. They are able to inactivate the virus and block and prevent the virus from entering the body cells. And the vaccine and the medicine I made will heal the person infected by the virus. And they are not at all harmful to our body.
To know more please watch video. Thank you
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If you have a treatment/cure or prevention that works for viruses, you do not need to wait for a new virus, you can use it on viruses that are currently causing problems.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
7 answers
Coronavirus vaccine.. What happens after the virus changes its configuration ? What will the live vaccine induce in our bodies? What will the immune response produce in our bodies ?
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It is useful in my country Egypt specially in school children's. For travelling outside the country we must take the Corona virus vaccine. I think it is very important.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
The global COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic, which was caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has resulted in a significant loss of human life around the world. The SARS-CoV-2 has caused significant problems to medical systems and healthcare facilities due to its unexpected global expansion. Despite all of the efforts, developing effective treatments, diagnostic techniques, and vaccinations for this unique virus is a top priority and takes a long time. However, the foremost step in vaccine development is to identify possible antigens for a vaccine. The traditional method was time taking, but after the breakthrough technology of reverse vaccinology (RV) was introduced in 2000, it drastically lowers the time needed to detect antigens ranging from 5–15 years to 1–2 years. The different RV tools work based on machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Models based on AI and ML have shown promising solutions in accelerating the discovery and optimization of new antivirals or effective vaccine candidates. In the present scenario, AI has been extensively used for drug and vaccine research against SARS-COV-2 therapy discovery. This is more useful for the identification of potential existing drugs with inhibitory human coronavirus by using different datasets. The AI tools and computational approaches have led to speedy research and the development of a vaccine to fight against the coronavirus. Therefore, this paper suggests the role of artificial intelligence in the field of clinical trials of vaccines and clinical practices using different tools.
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Leapfrogging clinical research steps via AI has, imo, very little empIrical foundations , dear Eduard Babulak , with respect to the biological reality of living organisms.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
12 answers
Economics of different countries is collapsed because of COVID-19. What you think? What will be the opportunities of funding at higher studies after this Pandemic? Please share your thoughts regarding this issue. Your valuable thoughts will be highly appreciated.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions and changes in various aspects of higher education, including funding opportunities for international students pursuing higher studies in different countries. While the pandemic has presented challenges, it has also led to some opportunities in funding for students. Here are some potential opportunities to consider:
  1. Scholarships and Grants: Many universities and governments around the world offer scholarships and grants to attract international students. After the pandemic, there may be increased emphasis on supporting students from diverse backgrounds, including those affected by the economic impact of the pandemic.
  2. Financial Aid and Support: Some countries and institutions may increase their financial aid packages to help students overcome financial barriers to higher education.
  3. Research Funding: Universities and research institutions may focus on research related to pandemics, public health, and other fields that are crucial in addressing global challenges. This could create additional funding opportunities for students interested in these areas of study.
  4. Industry Partnerships: There might be increased collaboration between universities and industries to address pandemic-related issues and other global challenges. This could lead to funded research projects and opportunities for students to work on practical and relevant research.
  5. Online Learning Opportunities: The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online education. Students may find opportunities to access high-quality education from prestigious institutions around the world through online programs, often at a more affordable cost.
  6. Government Initiatives: Some governments may introduce special funding initiatives or incentives to attract international students as a part of their economic recovery plans.
  7. Flexible Work and Study Options: In a post-pandemic world, some countries might offer flexible work options for international students, allowing them to support their studies financially while gaining work experience.
  8. Remote Research Opportunities: Students may find opportunities to collaborate on research projects remotely with universities and research centers around the world, which could lead to funding support.
  9. Philanthropic Contributions: Donors and philanthropic organizations might increase their contributions to support higher education and research in response to the pandemic's impact on the global community.
It is essential for students to actively research funding opportunities and stay updated on the latest developments in higher education funding. Many funding opportunities have specific application deadlines and requirements, so students should plan ahead and be proactive in seeking financial support.
Additionally, students can reach out to their prospective universities' international student offices or financial aid offices to inquire about available funding options and scholarships tailored to their field of study and background.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
23 answers
This RG open question is linked to the previous about the dramatic evolution (partly unexplainable) of COVID19 in Northern Italy during wave 1.
The previous RG open question is reported below🔴 and resulted in a completely alternative model for the evolution🟨 of SARS-CoV/2 from pre-pandemic phase to pandemic phase.
In this specific RG question, the intention is to create an open discussion on the possible emergence of a violent outbreak of avian flu or similar in central Europe.
This concern arises from a qualitative model that links three events which in the past have always characterized the violent explosion of a bird flu or similar.
---Coronavirus Epidemic/Pandemic;
---Conflict/War partly out of control;
---Pandemic avian flu or similar.
The ABSTRACT of the model can be consulted directly here..
This RG open question will serve to accumulate data both for and against this dire possibility.
Thanks to all the participants.
🔴The novel Coronavirus in N. Italy, Lombardia 【 COVID19 / 2019nCoV / SARSCoV2 】 shows a fatality rate compatible with SARS-MERS. Why?? MAR.2020. --
🟨Link between the start of pandemic SARS-CoV/2 (COVID19) and the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan (Hubei: China): the furin cleavage site of spike protein. FEB.2022. --
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The model is in progress ... ..... Disease Outbreak News. Influenza A(H5N1) in cats – Poland. 16 July 2023. WHO.
On 27 June 2023, the IHR National Focal Point of Poland notified WHO of unusual deaths in cats across the country. As of 11 July, 47 samples have been tested from 46 cats and one captive caracal, of which 29 were found to be positive for influenza A (H5N1). Fourteen cats are reported to have been euthanized, and a further 11 died, with the last death reported on 30 June. The source of the exposure of cats to the virus is currently unknown and epizootic investigations are ongoing.
Sporadic infection of cats with A(H5N1) has previously been reported, but this is the first report of a high numbers of infected cats over a wide geographical area within a country.
As of 12 July, no human contacts of A(H5N1) positive cats have reported symptoms, and the surveillance period for all contacts is now complete.
The risk of human infections following exposure to infected cats at the national level is assessed as low for the general population, and low to moderate for cat owners and those occupationally exposed to H5N1-infected cats (such as veterinarians) without the use of appropriate personal protective equipment.
WHO continues to monitor the situation and work in close collaboration with the animal and public health sectors, regional agencies, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), and other partner agencies in Poland.
Description of situation
On 27 June 2023, the IHR National Focal Point of Poland notified WHO of unusual deaths in cats across the country. As of 11 July 2023, a total of 47 samples have been tested from 46 cats and one caracal (Caracal caracal). Of these 47 samples, 29 (62%) were positive for influenza A(H5N1). Positive samples were reported from 13 geographical areas within the country.
Some cats developed severe symptoms including difficulty in breathing, bloody diarrhoea, and neurological signs, with rapid deterioration and death in some cases. In total, 20 cats had neurological signs, 19 had respiratory signs, and 17 had both neurological and respiratory signs.
Fourteen cats are reported to have been euthanized, and a further 11 died. Post-mortem exams on a small number of cats are suggestive of pneumonia. According to the information available, the last known death among cats was reported on 30 June .
Genomic analysis of 19 viruses sequenced from this outbreak showed that they all belonged to the H5 clade and were highly related to each other. Also, the viruses are similar to influenza A(H5N1) clade viruses which have been circulating in wild birds and which caused outbreaks in poultry recently in Poland.
The source of exposure of cats to the virus is currently unknown and epizootic investigations are ongoing. There are several possibilities for the source of infection, among which the cats could have had direct or indirect contact with infected birds or their environments, ate infected birds, or ate food contaminated with the virus. Authorities are investigating all potential sources and to date have not ruled out any. Of the 25 cats for which the information is available, two were outdoor cats, 18 were indoor with access to a balcony, terrace, or backyard, and five were indoor cats with no access to the outside environment. Seven cats are reported to have had the opportunity for contact with wild birds.
This is the first report of high numbers of cats infected with avian influenza A(H5N1) spread over a wide geographical area within any country. Sporadic infections in domestic cats with A(H5N1) viruses, including A(H5N1) H5 clade viruses, have been reported previously, following close contact of the cats with infected birds or from ingesting meat of infected birds.
Epidemiology of H5N1
Since the end of 2021, an unprecedented number of H5N1 outbreaks among poultry and wild birds has been reported worldwide. As of June 2023, the clade viruses have become dominant in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. Alongside wild bird and domestic poultry infections, there have been increased detections in non-avian species, including wild terrestrial (often scavenging) and marine mammals and occasionally in farmed or captive mammalian species, likely through contact with infected live or dead birds or their environments.
Since 2020, 12 human cases of avian influenza A(H5N1) clade virus detections have been reported to WHO, four of which were severe cases and eight were mild or asymptomatic. It is unclear if the detection of the virus in these mild or asymptomatic cases resulted from infection or temporary contamination of the nasal passages. Most humans infected with A(H5N1) viruses have resulted from direct or indirect contact with infected live or dead poultry. Human infection with influenza A(H5N1) viruses can cause severe disease and is fatal in some cases.
Public health response
Response measures have been implemented by the national authorities in Poland. These include:
Under the guidance of the public health authorities in Poland, all owners of infected cats are provided with a health self-assessment questionnaire and requested to self-monitor for symptoms of influenza-like illness (ILI) or acute respiratory illness (ARI) for 10 days since last contact with infected cat. As of 12 July, 70 individuals who had been in contact with confirmed cats have completed self-monitoring and none reported symptoms.
Providing regular updates on the situation and sharing information and updates with partners, including international organizations.
Epizootic investigations are underway to understand the epidemiological situation in cats and the likely source of exposure of cats to the virus.
Preventive measures have been taken to prevent the occurrence of disease in humans by issuing publicly available general precautions for cat owners and individuals who have contact with sick animals suspected of avian influenza infection.
WHO continues to monitor the situation and work in close collaboration with the animal and public health sectors, regional agencies, FAO, WOAH, and other partner agencies in Poland and globally.
WHO is evaluating the existing candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) of A(H5N1) through the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) to ensure valid CVVs are developed and available for pandemic preparedness purposes.
WHO risk assessment
To date, human A(H5N1) infections following contact with an infected cat have not been documented. Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus detections in humans remain unusual, and sustained human-to-human transmission has not been documented.
To date, no symptomatic human contact of infected cats has been reported in Poland despite potentially close contact between cats and owners, and the capacity to detect a human case in contact with an infected cat is adequate in the country.
Therefore, based on current information, the risk of human infections following exposure to infected cats at the national level is assessed as low for the general population, and low to moderate for cat owners and those occupationally exposed to A(H5N1)-infected cats (such as veterinarians) without the use of appropriate personal protective equipment.
Based on the current information, the risk for humans at the regional level is assessed as low, due to: i) avian influenza surveillance activities in animals in Europe being strengthened since September 2022, when the unprecedented geographical extent (37 European countries affected) resulted in 50 million poultry being culled in affected establishments; and (ii) Currently, there are no reported instances of human infection with the A(H5N1) virus acquired from cats, although A(H5N1) infection in domestic cats has been confirmed in Poland.
Due to the uncertainties related to this event, including the source of infection, the risk assessment may change.
WHO advice
The reports of these events do not change the current WHO recommendations on public health measures and surveillance of influenza.
Due to the constantly evolving nature of influenza viruses, WHO continues to stress the importance of global surveillance to detect and monitor virological, epidemiological and clinical changes associated with emerging or circulating influenza viruses that may affect human (or animal) health and timely virus-sharing for risk assessment.
All individuals exposed to animal influenza viruses, and all contacts of confirmed human cases, should monitor their health for the duration of the known exposure period with additional seven days at a minimum.
All those exposed to known infected poultry, wild birds or other animals, or to farms under suspicion, should be registered and placed under close monitoring by local health authorities. This will facilitate the early detection of illness and timely clinical case management. If a person is suspected of having zoonotic influenza, the health authorities must be notified, and appropriate clinical case management should be provided.
Public health and animal health authorities should collaborate closely in the areas of information sharing, joint risk assessment, and response to outbreaks of zoonotic influenza at the human-animal interface, adhering to the One Health approach.
FAO, WHO and WOAH have issued a joint situation analysis and advice to countries in relation to ongoing avian influenza outbreaks in animals and the risk posed to human health. FAO, WHO and WOAH continue to review the situation, monitoring the rapidly evolving nature of the virus, and updating recommendations for curbing its spread, in addition to working with countries in preparedness and response, and facilitating collaboration across countries and sectors. The spread of the virus to five continents speaks to the need for global cooperation and alertness to protect animals, people, and economies.
WHO does not recommend any restrictions on travel and/or trade with Poland based on available information on this event.
Further information
Influenza at the human-animal interface summary and assessment, 31 May 2023.
WHO Global influenza programme, human-animal interface:
WHO Monthly Risk Assessment Summary: Influenza at the human-animal interface:
Cumulative number of confirmed human cases for avian influenza A(H5N1) reported to WHO, 2003-2022, 31 May 2023.
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bird flu in pets and other animals
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) , Investigation into the risk to human health of avian influenza (influenza A H5N1) in England: technical briefing 5
WOAH. WAHIS report for Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (H5N1) in Poland.
Case definitions for the four diseases requiring notification in all circumstances under the International Health Regulations (2005):
Government of Poland. Chief Veterinary Inspectorate communication. 26 June 2023.
Government of Poland. Chief Veterinary Inspectorate communication. 28 June 2023. Komunikat IV GLW w sprawie choroby kotów | Główny Inspektorat Weterynarii (
WOAH Statement on avian influenza and mammals:
OFFLU. First statement on infections with Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus in cats in Poland. 28 June 2023.
Chief Sanitary inspectorate of Poland Announcement regarding the detection of cases of infection among domestic cats caused by the influenza A/H5N1 virus/
FAO - Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus infections detected in cats in Poland
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
2 answers
The production, processing, and import/export of food items has been reducing significantly, which may result in food security issues in future, if not managed now.
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If the country promotes the domestic farming system and they are not really to imports so defenitly No
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
1 answer
A large percent of of crude oil is consumed by transportation sector globally .
By referring to previous years statistics , more than 60 percent of worldwide oil consumption
belonged to transportation sector .
Corona virus pandemic mainly struck the travel and public transportation industry
in short term , that are part of transportation sector .
So the question may ensue the following questions :
- How many percent of oil consumption belonged to travel and public transportation industry ?
- How many percent the travel and public transportation industry is struck by pandemic in monetary term ?
- And how many percent of travel and public transportation industry costs is allocated to fuel (mostly crude oil products) consumption .
Can anyone introduce some references ?
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The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on crude oil consumption has been significant, particularly in the short term. Here are some insights and references to help answer your questions:
  1. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), transportation accounts for about 60% of global oil consumption. Of that, around 25% is used for passenger cars and light-duty vehicles, while the remaining 35% is used for heavy-duty vehicles, aviation, and marine transport.
  2. The travel and public transportation industry has been severely impacted by the pandemic, with significant declines in both passenger traffic and revenue. According to the World Bank, the global tourism industry is expected to contract by 70% in 2020 compared to the previous year. The aviation industry has also been hit hard, with a decline in passenger traffic of around 60% in 2020 compared to 2019.
  3. The share of travel and public transportation industry costs that is allocated to fuel consumption varies depending on the mode of transportation and the location. In general, however, fuel costs can represent a significant share of total operating costs. For example, in the United States, fuel costs can represent up to 30% of total operating costs for the trucking industry.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). "Global Oil Demand to Decline in 2020 as Coronavirus Weighs Heavily on Markets." April 2020.
  • World Bank. "COVID-19 to Plunge Global Economy into Worst Recession since World War II." June 2020.
  • International Air Transport Association (IATA). "COVID-19: Impact on the Airline Industry." March 2020.
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). "Factors Affecting Gasoline Prices." May 2020.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
4 answers
How did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic increase the level of digitization and Internetization of economic processes, increase the scale of remote communication carried out between business entities and public institutions, increase the level of digitization of the economy?
During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, the government, with the aim of slowing the development of coronavirus transmission and increasing the period of preparation time of health system institutions for the development of the epidemic nationwide, introduced mandatory national quarantines imposed on the public and lockdowns imposed on selected, mainly service sectors of the economy. Companies and businesses on which lockdowns were imposed were not allowed to conduct business under standard conditions and could only provide their services remotely via the Internet during lockdown periods. This issue affected many companies operating, among others, in the sectors of tourist services, hotels, catering, gyms and fitness clubs, physical stores and shopping centers, cultural services provided by museums, galleries, philharmonics, theaters, operas, cinemas, etc. In addition to this, restrictions on the scope of services provided also applied to certain segments of transportation services, domestic and international air transportation, the public transportation system and many other services. The ability to move business operations and services provided to the Internet proved to be a viable option for many companies to survive the recession and economic crisis caused by the quarantines and lockdowns introduced in 2020. Since April 2020, sales of various products and services carried out via the Internet have increased rapidly. A significant number of citizens who, prior to the pandemic, did not make purchases via the Internet were suddenly forced to do so, as it were, by the pandemic situation and through government-imposed restrictions. In some product ranges, such as electronics, consumer electronics and household appliances, sales made via the Internet increased turnover several times during the pandemic. Consequently, in some product ranges, the pandemic not only changed customers' buying habits but also significantly increased the profits of stores that switched to online sales and manufacturers of certain types of products, for which demand increased significantly during the pandemic. During the pandemic, many companies, especially in the SME sector, increased the scale of digitization and Internetization of business processes. The government, as part of various anti-crisis, anti-decession measures, offered targeted subsidies to SME companies to increase the level of business digitization and adapt to the new realities of business development with greater use of the Internet. The result was an increase in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy. The scale of development of e-commerce, e-business, e-banking, online and mobile banking, e-logistics, e-learning, e-government, remote work, online payments and settlements, etc. has increased. I described the processes and key determinants of the increase in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy in articles of my co-authorship, which I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal after publication:
For those who are interested in this issue, please read the issues, determinants, factors of growth in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy, which I have described in my articles. I am currently writing a monograph on this topic and invite researchers and scientists who consider this issue of interest to join me in scientific cooperation. I ask for your comments and suggestions on other determinants and factors of growth in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy, which have not been covered above. I also ask for your conclusions, results of reflections, considerations on the current and prospective effects of the progressive process of digitization and Internetization of the economy. Important questions that can inspire reflection on this issue are the following:
- To what extent can the increasing scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy go in the next few years, and what will be the consequences?
- What positive and negative effects can be distinguished from the continuation of the process of increasing the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy in the coming years?
- How did the pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Covid-19) increase the level of digitization and Internetization of economic processes, increase the scale of remote communication carried out between business entities and public institutions, increase the level of digitization of the economy?
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Stephen I. Ternyik
"Disturbed social growth process", yes, and will be more of the case, reversing back I can envisage.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
6 answers
What was the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on globalisation processes?
Increase in the scale of international scientific cooperation on SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus research and analysis of Covid-19 disease development; use of analogous anti-pandemic security instruments; disrupted chains of international supply and supply logistics; analogous changes in trends in financial markets, including raw materials markets, other types of production factors and stock exchanges; increase in the scale of digitisation of remote communication and business processes; increase in the scale of digitisation of public offices and institutions; increase in the scale of e-commerce, e-banking, e-payments carried out via the Internet, e-logistics, remote working, e-learning, e-government, development of online and mobile banking; negative social and economic impacts; a decrease in demand for energy and other raw materials in 2020 and an increase in demand for raw materials from 2021 onwards; a decrease in economic activity in the service sectors affected by the lockdowns; the analogous use of soft monetary and fiscal policy instruments; the emergence of inflationary pressures; an increase in inflation; the emergence of opportunities to accelerate the processes of pro-climate transformation of the energy sector, but these opportunities have been used to varying degrees in different countries, resulting in different levels of energy and environmental security in different countries, etc. These are just some of the effects of the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus on globalisation processes. I am conducting research on this issue. I have described the results of my research and key aspects of this problematic in an article which, when published, I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal:
If you are conducting research in this area, or have a research interest in this area, I invite you to join me in a research collaboration.
Encouraging joint discussion on this issue, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What was the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on globalisation processes?
What do you think?
What is your opinion on the subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Global logistics is being reorganized by more resilient models of supply chain management. Increased online education programs offer the possibility to study with famous global institutions from home, with limited physical residency. Tourism and travel have seen a clear reduction, in global numbers. Information and communication technology are now used to think in alternative models of globalization, e.g. glocalization.
The Dialectics of Modernity-
Recognizing Globalization
Globalisation has made us more vulnerable. It creates a world without borders, and makes us painfully aware of the limitations of our present instruments, and of politics, to meet its challenges.
Anna Lindh
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
5 answers
Did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic potentially increase opportunities to accelerate processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, but unfortunately these opportunities were not taken advantage of?
During the 1st wave of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, the stock markets crashed. Energy and industrial commodities fell sharply on the commodity exchanges. A stock market crash also occurred on the stock markets. The main factor in the panic on the capital markets was the declaration of a global coronavirus epidemic, or pandemic state, by the World Health Organisation on 8 March 2020. This new term 'pandemic' itself created fear and uncertainty in the context of financial markets and economic processes. During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, there were also disruptions to international supply and supply logistics chains, government imposed quarantines and lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy which increased the scale of the 2020 recession. As a result of these mainly interventionist actions by central institutions, a deep economic crisis emerged in 2020, the economy declined in many sectors of the economy, and economic process activity declined. The result of the decline in economic activity was a decrease in demand for raw materials, including energy raw materials. Due to the increase in remote working by employees of many companies from home, the use of cars, especially combustion cars, decreased. As a result, air quality and the state of the environment noticeably improved in 2020. In addition, opportunities have arisen to accelerate pro-climate transformation processes in the economy. Unfortunately, in many countries these opportunities have not been seized. For example, in the country where I operate during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), the government used printed money to provide financial public assistance to companies and enterprises operating in a wide variety of industries and sectors, not just those in lockdowns, on a historically record scale. Many companies and enterprises that were in good financial standing also benefited from these programmes of non-refundable financial subsidies, employee wage subsidies, tax relief, deferrals of contributions to the social security system and so on. The scale of the granted non-refundable public aid realised on the basis of printed money introduced extra-budgetarily by government funds created especially for this purpose was so large that inflation began to rise in Poland almost from the beginning of 2021. Citizens invested the extra, free money in shares and flats, which caused an increase in the prices of these assets. On the other hand, opportunities to accelerate the processes of pro-climate transformation of the economy were missed by the government. Subsidies for the development of renewable energy sources were not increased and were even reduced on some issues. Since April 2022, the government has reduced subsidies and worsened the economic conditions for the installation of photovoltaic panels by citizens on the roofs of their houses. There is a lack of subsidies for insulating the facades of buildings and single-family houses, installing photovoltaics, installing heat pumps and other renewable energy solutions. Poland has still not met the European Union guidelines for receiving EU subsidies to finance projects that could be implemented under the National Reconstruction Programme. As a result, the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources has slowed down instead of accelerating as it could have done during the pandemic. Unfortunately, still the process of pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the energy sector is progressing much slower than it could if the issue of green transformation of the economy was not ignored in the political and business spheres in Poland. The result of these omissions, neglect and ignorance is the current low level of energy independence and security in Poland in the context of the currently developing energy crisis. The result of this neglect is also the poor air quality in Poland. Poland has one of the worst air quality in the world. Poland is one of the 3 countries in Europe with the highest mortality rate caused by poor air quality polluted with various toxins resulting mainly from the dominant dirty energy industry based on burning fossil fuels. In addition, even more negative consequences of these omissions, negligence and ignorance appear in the future, when the process of global warming will significantly accelerate in the next decades and lead to a worsening of the climate crisis and to a climate catastrophe, which may already occur at the end of this 21st century.
The potential for accelerating the processes of pro-climate transformation of the economy that occurred during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic was described in my publications, which I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal after publication:
What does it look like in your country?
Did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic potentially increase opportunities to accelerate processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, but unfortunately these opportunities were not used?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
В России очень похожая ситуация на ту, что Вы описали применительно к Польше. Улучшение состояния воздуха было временным и только в период локдауна. Интересно, как обстоят дела в Китае.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
132 answers
Look around you and count how many black offices for solving the exams and assignments are there.
From my point of view, e-learning alone will not succeed without traditional learning. Furthermore, I see that e-learning hasn't achieved the desired aims or results for developing countries and traditional learning is better. This is because there are many black offices for solving exam questions!! These offices made online learning a trading stock that resembles the slave-market.
At least, the hybrid learning of both of them is better than the traditional one.
In any way, exams must be inside the educational institutes with the physical attendance of the students.
Please share your experiences so we all can get better.
Relevant answer
The following is a good article related to this discussion thread:
Universities unite against the academic black market
The link is:
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
8 answers
The SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic has, in some respects, through interrupted chains of international supply and supply logistics, reduced the scale of economic globalisation processes. On the other hand, the need for the development of remote Internet communication has increased due to the introduction of home quarantine periods and lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy in 2020. Consequently, the scale of internetisation and digitalisation of various aspects of business conducted by companies and enterprises has increased. As a result of the growth of the Internet, the importance of information globalisation has increased in terms of remote Internet-based communication. In a multi-year perspective, the importance of environmental and pro-climate globalisation may increase in the future. In view of the above, how else will globalisation processes change in this decade of the 21st century? Will the current energy crisis, the unfolding food crisis, the migration crisis
What is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Over the past decades, a number of sources of globalization have emerged. One of them is technological progress, which has led to a sharp reduction in transport and communication costs, a significant reduction the costs of processing, storing and using information.
The second source of globalization is trade liberalization and other forms of economic liberalization that have curtailed protectionist policies and made world trade freer. As a result there were tariffs have been substantially reduced, and many other barriers to trade in goods and services have been removed. Other liberalization measures have led to an increase in the movement of capital and other factors of production.
The third source of globalization can be considered a significant expansion of the scope of organizations, which became possible both as a result of technological progress and wider horizons of management on basis of new means of communication. Thus, many companies that previously focused only on local markets have expanded their production and marketing capabilities, reaching the national, multinational, international and even global level.
Globalization brings not only benefits, it is fraught with negative consequences or potential problems, which some of its critics see as a great danger.
One of the main problems is related to the question: who benefits from globalization? In fact, most of the benefits are rich countries or individuals. The unfair distribution of the benefits of globalization gives rise to the threat of conflicts at the regional, national and international levels.
The second problem is related to potential regional or global instability due to the interdependence of national economies at the global level. Local economic fluctuations or crises in one country may have regional or even global implications.
The third set of problems posed by globalization is caused by the fear that control over the economies of individual countries may shift from sovereign governments to other hands, including the most powerful states, multinational or global corporations and international organizations.
Because of this, some see globalization as an attempt to undermine national sovereignty. For this reason, globalization can make national leaders feel helpless before its forces, and the electorate - antipathy towards her. Such sentiments can easily turn into extreme nationalism and xenophobia with calls for protectionism, lead to the growth of extremist political movements, which is potentially fraught with serious conflicts.
The problem generated by globalization - the infringement of national sovereignty and the independence of political leaders - can also be largely resolved on the basis of international cooperation, for example, by a clear delineation of the powers of the parties, i.e. national governments and their leaders, on the one hand, and international organizations and multinational or global corporations, on the other. The very involvement of political leaders in building the necessary institutions to deal with these and other globalization-related issues will help them regain the sense that they are in control of their future and in control of their positions in the world.
Globalized world. In the meantime, unfortunately, the world is moving in the opposite direction, along the path of political and military dictate of a strong
weak, that in the context of globalization of all aspects of the life of the world community, it is fraught with a global confrontation.
The current crisis of the Western economy is not a recession because it is not cyclical and is not limited to 12-16 months. What is happening in the US and Europe today is a structural crisis, a process that began in the fourth quarter of 2021 and will continue for at least five years without interruption. However, the West does not understand the causes and essence of the crisis, because they do not have theories describing it. That is why, according to the economist, the American and European authorities are doing stupid things instead of effective measures to resolve problems.
It was impossible to avoid this crisis, because they went too far. They have expanded private consumption so much that they can no longer keep it. You need to name the main number. There is an indicator in the United States that they do not disclose in public discussion: this is the level of price growth for all industrial goods, not only for final goods entering the wholesale trade, but in general for everything, from raw materials to the final product. For the first time, the rise in prices for manufactured goods exceeded the level of the late 1970s. The previous peak was at the end of 1947. There are 23 with something percent.
The entire system of socio-political management in the West, both in the USA and in Europe, is built through representatives of the middle class, qualified consumers. Today this instrument is being destroyed. Instead of the middle class, new poor people appear, who have a middle-class attitude, but they have no money.
The sanctions pressure on Russia has exacerbated the economic problems of the West. European financiers note that EU politicians are afraid to take responsibility for decisions taken under the slogans of transatlantic solidarity and assistance to Ukraine.
In fact, this whole situation with global confrontation and the breakdown of the dollar system is disastrous for the United States not by economic factors, but by intellectual ones. Roughly speaking, Washington will undoubtedly lose to Moscow only because the US does not even have a concept of a plan to solve the colossal economic problems and save the dollar system.
Intellectual life in the US and Russia goes in opposite directions. The US has nothing left for a long time. There, no one can imagine even a weak positive scenario. The complete absence of any thought, not to mention the concept.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
Some recent studies have documented COVID-19 being zoonotic. Online documents show china testing fish for the coronavirus. How ever, pets such as cats and dogs rarely show the signs of the disease even after infection, though there can still shed the virus to humans. To this effect, what preventive recommendation should be done against transmission of the virus between pets and humans. Is it possible fo the vaccine administered to humans also be administered to pets?
Relevant answer
Hello Exodus Akwa,
Pet animals were proven to be infected with SARS-CoV-2. In some cases, there are evidence of pets transmitting the disease to humans. Though it may be impractical/ difficult, avoiding contact with the confirmed infected pet is the only way out. In situations where the pet animals are asymptomatic, we cannot do anything. Some news of vaccine development for animals were reported from Russia, Finland (for ferrets) in the year 2021, however, their scientific publication is awaited. You can find more details in our recent review .
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
5 answers
This dataset includes CSV files that contain the tweet IDs. The tweets have been collected by the model deployed here at The model monitors the real-time Twitter feed for coronavirus-related tweets, using filters: language “en”, and keywords “corona”, "coronavirus", "covid", "covid19" and variants of "sarscov2".
As per the Twitter Developer Policy, it is not possible for me to provide information other than the Tweet IDs (this dataset has been completely re-designed on March 20, 2020, to comply with data sharing policies set by Twitter). Note: This dataset should be solely used for non-commercial research purposes. A new list of tweet IDs will be added to this dataset every day. Bookmark the dataset page for further updates.
Dataset status as of May 24, 2020: 116,962,112 Global Tweets (EN) 
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The following is a list of some datasets which might be helpful for your work.
Dataset #1
MonkeyPox2022Tweets: The First Public Twitter Dataset on the 2022 MonkeyPox Outbreak - The dataset consists of a total of 255,363 Tweet IDs of the same number of tweets about monkeypox that were posted on Twitter from 7th May 2022 (date when the first case of this outbreak was detected) to 23rd July 2022. Link to the dataset -
Dataset #2
Twitter Conversations about the COVID-19 Omicron Variant - It presents a total of 522,886 Tweet IDs of the same number of tweets about the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant posted on Twitter since the first detected case of this variant on November 24, 2021. Link to the dataset -
Dataset #3
Twitter Chatter about Online Learning during the Current COVID-19 Omicron Wave - The dataset comprises a total of 52,984 Tweet IDs of the same number of tweets about online learning posted since the first detected case of the Omicron variant. Link to the dataset -
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
107 answers
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health problem. Infected patients usually have respiratory symptoms due to lung involvements. However, liver impairments could be another findings.
So does Covid-19 affect liver functions & how?
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
32 answers
Those who recover from the coronavirus are probably not going to catch it again, at least in the short term, experts say. But it's unclear how long that immunity will last.
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The health minister of the Chhattisgarh state of India tested COVID-19 positive for the third time.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
11 answers
Considering the US negative Oil Price and Also the Global Average Oil Production Cost that Range between $30 to $40 a Barrel, Please Share your Perspective Regarding the Future of the Oil Prices, Oil Production and Oil Firms.
"US oil prices crashed into negative territory for the first time in history as the evaporation of demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic left the world awash with oil and not enough storage capacity — meaning producers are paying buyers to take it off their hands. West Texas Intermediate, the US benchmark, traded as low as -$40.32 a barrel in a day of chaos in oil markets." , reported by FINANCIAL TIMES on April 20, 2020.
Now the most common questions that might be raised in all people's mind is that " Will Oil Price Recover and Oil Industry Survive?? If Yes, When and How this will Occur?? "
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
100 answers
Covid-19 live updates.
Which websites, links, and platforms can one use to track Covid-19 live updates?
Relevant answer
The World Health Organization (WHO) and this respected portal, ResearchGate (RG).
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
20 answers
There are news on COVID-19 outbreak on ship, no matter cruise or military one.
And few aircraft carriers are also involved.
What is special about the ship arrangement that facilitated all these?
Nature 580, 18 (2020)
Limiting spread of COVID-19 from cruise ships - lessons to be learnt from Japan,
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, , hcaa092,
COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health countermeasures,
Journal of Travel Medicine, , taaa030,
Public Health Responses to COVID-19 Outbreaks on Cruise Ships — Worldwide, February–March 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:347-352. DOI:
Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, Yokohama, Japan, 2020.
Euro Surveill. 2020;25(10):pii=2000180.
Chest CT Findings in Cases from the Cruise Ship “Diamond Princess” with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
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Have a look at this useful RG link for insights.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
10 answers
  • As of today (April 14th), South Africa has tested a little over 83,000 people in a country of nearly 60 million. That’s about the same population as the UK, who’ve tested around 382,000, or 4.6x as many. But ~24% of tests in the UK came back positive, whereas that rate is only about 2.8% in SA. It seems SA’s lockdown and other measures have been working pretty well so far.
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Part of the reason may be that Africa misses many more cases than other parts of the world because it has far less testing capacity. Another hypothesis that Africans have had more exposure to other coronaviruses that cause little more than colds in humans, which may provide some defense against COVID-19. Another possibility is that regular exposure to malaria or other infectious diseases could prime the immune system to fight new pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
1 answer
I'd like to know how to search for the list of all the suppliers providing Commercial ACE 2 produced from E.Coli, I want to order it to carry out ACE2-spike protein interactions ?
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I searched using the keywords "ace2 e coli". It's not a complete list of suppliers since just googling will find you a few that aren't listed on biocompare, and you have to check the ones listed that they are actually e coli expression but you'll get a decent number of choices.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
50 answers
COVID-19 is the pandemic of the 21st century. It is known to be spread by infectious aerosols produced when speak, cough, breathe or sneeze. Those aerosols can travel a few meters from the source… or much longer distances?
When we look at the images of the growing pollen tubes in the oesophagus of patients during the flowering season1, we can imagine that pollen will be a prevalent emission of any sneeze and cough in Spring. We show in a previous publication that airborne pollen is the main vector for bacteria in the air2. This pollen is passively dispersed long distances. Already Charles Darwin pointed out the ability of pollen to be dispersed thousands of km from the African coast inside the Atlantic ocean3. What about if pollen is carrying bacteria and viruses longer than expected? Some prevalent pollen types are now flying in Europe coinciding with the pandemic expansion of COVID-19. Could pollen being emitted as aerosol by humans also be a vector for diseases?
But other inhaled particles also contribute to increase the amount of emissions when coughing, for example smoke particles or pollution. It is well known how aerosols from smoking are responsible for disease’s dispersion. About pollution, the habit changes and the economical break derived from the pandemic are doing the job. But are we doing enough concerning smoking or vaping?
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
38 answers
Because there is no any vaccine for COVID-19 until and in past insects have transmitted number of diseases like; chikungunya virus, yellow fever, dengue fever,Lyme disease, plague,malaria, sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis, filariasis. So, what do you think, could it be possible for COVID-19?
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SARS-CoV-2 cannot be transmitted by mosquitoes.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
39 answers
When I discussed some people who once suffered from Coronavirus, they reported some sort of memory loss. I was surprised to know this. Are there any other reported eveidences revealing any type of memory loss in covid suggered people. Kindly share.
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Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia have a higher risk of developing dementia than those with other types of pneumonia.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
5 answers
Can Coronavirus spread at community level from sewage and drainage?
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Have a look at this useful RG link for better insight.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
5 answers
Nasal Spray for Prevention/Early Treatment of COVID-19 Works in Mice
A newly discovered small molecule could be sprayed into people’s noses to prevent COVID-19 illness prior to exposure and provide early treatment if administered soon after infection. When the molecule was evaluated in mice engineered to display human receptors for the coronavirus, morbidity and mortality were reduced. The encouraging results held across experiments with several SARS-CoV-2
From data released by a team of reseachers across 3 Universities in North America
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Leo Nnamdi Ozurumba-Dwight Interesting, Would be glad to read more about this research
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
33 answers
Which Animal species can transmit the Coronavirus (COVID-19) to humans?
What are the animals incriminated to transmit COVID-19 to humans and how we deal with them to avoid infection?
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The following study suggest that cats can also transmit SARS-CoV-2 to humans.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
Sleep is known for its immuno-modulatory and immune strengthening effects. Different sleep stage specific deprivations studies across animal kingdom are found correlated with many patho-physiological, immune-weakening and health detrimental issues. Is the lack of sleep with modern stress and socio-economical changes are driving the immuno-deficiency in humans to combat virus challenges?
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A disrupted circadian rhythm caused by poor sleep may decrease night-time melatonin levels increasing the susceptibility for SARS-CoV-2 infection
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
An article March 10, 2020 on Annals of Internal Medicine, The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From Publicly Reported Confirmed Cases: Estimation and Application, estimates a median incubation period of 5.8 days "(95% CI, 4.5 to 5.8 days), and 97.5% of those who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days (CI, 8.2 to 15.6 days) of infection."
Are there any updated estimates or more recent reports?
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
14 answers
I can see how pandemic has impacted creative abilities of both young and adult learners, by creating isolation from learning. It had negative effects on physical and mental health of students. Do you think that Creativity is consumed by corona? Would you like to comment upon this statement? You are most welcome.
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As a visual artist & children's educator, I disagree. Creative thinking & doing is often promoted by a crisis as we look for compensations and we've had plenty of time to work on new ideas. The last 2 years have been one of my most productive periods and diverse disciplines have opened their minds and doors to new creative approaches. Children are fully engaged with creative approaches. Art often thrives in periods of adversity and uncertainty. It becomes a fundamental need for human survival. I think you will see a new era of exciting creative projects.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
25 answers
Wearing mask has been inevitable, though not bad, it too has established a mask culture over the world. Along with it arose some major problems, likewise, identity issues, healty issues and bargaining. Production of mask has taken the shape of big profit making Industries. There is a lack of knowledge regarding proper wearing of mask. There is no check on production firms. There should be parameters and specifications on material, size, thickness, etc. for producing masks of good quality. Many a time, wearing a mask creates identity crisis and it may create some other social problems if not handled within time. What do you think about these issues? Kindly share your views and experience.
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Wearing face masks is one of the essential means to prevent the transmission of certain diseases such as COVID-19. Surgical mask-wearing in Japan is has been routine practice against a range of health threats. Their usage and associated meanings are explored in Tokyo with both mask wearers and non-mask wearers. Although acceptance of COVID-19 masks is increasing globally, many people feel that social interaction is affected by wearing a mask. In addition, there are individual perceptions of infection risk, personal interpretations of responsibility and solidarity, cultural traditions and religious imprinting, and the need to express self-identity. Therefore, the significance of an in-depth understanding of the cultural and sociopolitical considerations around the personal and social meaning of mask-wearing in different contexts as a prerequisite for assessing the effectiveness of face masks as a public health measure is critical. Furthermore, improving the personal and collective understanding of citizens' behaviors and attitudes appears crucial for developing more effective health contacts about the COVID-19 or similar hereafter.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
24 answers
Is it indispensable to receive a vaccine by the COVID-19 recovered person?
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As per my opinion it is advisable to receive complete schedule of COVID vaccine irrespective of past history of infection with COVID-19.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
12 answers
Are the use of inhibitors and interferons could be an excellent preventive measure against COVID-19?
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Dear Talha Bin Emran interferons (IFNs) are important cytokines which orchestrate the immune response to pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses. The production of IFNs is triggered by the recognition of pathogenic components through pattern-recognition receptors (PRR)
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
1 answer
We have ran some Coronavirus samples on MinION using MinKnow with the Guppy basecaller on. Unfortunately, we had to re-run later to get enough reads, however, on this second time we left the Guppy off ! All these using windows 10.
How do I run this last data on Guppy separately, using windows instead of command line? I would appreciate your comments.
Thank you for the help
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I have only found how to run guppy on windows with commands.
(You must enter the link with your nanopore account)
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
1 answer
Some studies showed IgG could appear before IgM in some patients infected with COVID-19. Do these IgGs recognize epitopes shared with the previous coronavirus? Any role for previous memory T-cells?
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Kindly check the following attached documents for insight.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
4 answers
COVID-19 is mainly a respiratory disease that affects the lung, although other organ structures with endothelium seems to be affected too.
When should we do imaging?
What is the aim of the imaging?
How can it help with management?
Do you agree with the following consensus statement?
How will you adjust your own practice and difficulties encountered? Why?
The Role of Chest Imaging in Patient Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multinational Consensus Statement from the Fleischner Society. Chest. 2020 Apr 07.
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I personally believe that imaging examinations in covid should be rapid, simple and executable at the patient's bedside and therefore I believe that the most useful is LUS.
Unfortunately still today is used the chest X-ray that has been proven useless.
The purpose of LUS is to stage the pathology in order to predict its evolution, unfavorable or favorable. With LUS and blood gas analysis we can determine which patients should be discharged at home in a period when bed meals are scarce in all hospitals.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
7 answers
She left school at 16 without completing her formal education, became a pioneer of virus imaging, and identified and imaged the first coronavirus in 1964. More than half a century after the discovery, her work has come roaring back into focus during the present pandemic.
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Me too, Dear Rad Maythil
Science Reports, others I do not read, but I still remember myself reading a very short book on a BBC broadcasting report on the theory of the creation of the universe when I was still a child.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
6 answers
Has this been done with current vaccines and do you have links to the research to provide us with?
Double-blind clinical trials for coronavirus COVID 19.
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Mutasem Z. Bani-Fwaz Good question
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
26 answers
COVID-19 is changing the social life of all people. Jumping out of the personal aspect, how does it affect the family as a whole.
Family is regarded as the fundamental structure of the society, will COVID-19 changes the future family structure, unit and model?
How is it affecting gender issues too?
Besides, why is domestic violence increasing? Is psychology and psychiatry playing a role?
[1] Campbell AM. An increasing risk of family violence during the Covid-19 pandemic: Strengthening community collaborations to save lives.
Forensic Science International: Reports vol. 2 (2020): 100089.
[2]COVID-19: Reducing the risk of infection might increase the risk of intimate partner violence
[3]The pandemic paradox: The consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence
J Clin Nurs
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Dear Dr Sunny Chi Lik Au . See the following useful RG link:
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
9 answers
What is the new coronavirus strain?
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A booster shot of an Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine provide immune protection from the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant (B.1.1.529).
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
21 answers
Coronavirus and pregnancy
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Since pregnant women are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, therefore they must take vaccine for protection against disease.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
37 answers
The question of how computers can contribute to controlling the COVID-19 pandemic is being posed to experts in artificial intelligence (AI) all over the world.
AI tools can help in many different ways. They are being used to predict the spread of the coronavirus, map its genetic evolution as it transmits from human to human, speed up diagnosis, and in the development of potential treatments, while also helping policymakers cope with related issues, such as the impact on transport, food supplies and travel.
But in all these cases, AI is only effective if it has sufficient examples to learn from. As COVID-19 has taken the world into unchartered territory, the "deep learning" systems, which computers use to acquire new capabilities, don’t necessarily have the data they need to produce useful outputs.
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We can apply AI algorithms for COVID-19 detection and predictions
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
9 answers
Has anyone studied the effects of rheumatic drugs on the coronavirus?
I read the article
and see that many specialists place great hopes on drugs for rheumatic diseases in the treatment of covid. The article is from the beginning of the pandemic and I am interested in whether there is confirmation of the hopes written in the article. Is there new data and progress in this direction?
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
21 answers
The rapid pace of deforestation, urbanisation and road building are major factors in the spread of infectious diseases across Asia, including the coronavirus.
Worldwide, more than 119,000 people have been infected by the Covid-19 coronavirus, which emerged from China late last year, and more than 4,200 have died, according to a Reuters tally.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic diseases or zoonoses - meaning they are passed from animals to humans. Other examples include the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that was transmitted from civet cats, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome that was passed from camels, as well as Ebola and bird flu.
"Diseases passed from animals to humans are on the rise, as the world continues to see unprecedented destruction of wild habitats by human activity," Doreen Robinson (the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP) BP, Marc,2020.
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Also see the following useful link.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
147 answers
There are indications that mouthwashes could reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission. Do you have any solid information about this?
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Patients with better oral hygiene combat Covid-19 symptoms, milder symptoms and less inflammation in their bodies, and recover faster.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
154 answers
What do you think about the origin of the new coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Now there are different reports about the main origin of the coronavirus. Some media say the virus may have been synthesized in the laboratory.
What do you think about this? Will the virus soon be cured or vaccinated? Please share your comments.
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I have no doubt that it is not of natural origin.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
287 answers
Hello to all
About 3 months ago, I asked this question, but I didn't get a comprehensive answer.
Can a person who has had Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) get infected again?
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Yes certainly !!!, it is possible even in vaccinated people, as well as facing to the new varients
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
16 answers
Coronavirus Worldwide peak will come next winter
scientific model predicts
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Also visit the following RG link for better insights.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
37 answers
It has been seen that many deaths of older people happened due to coronavirus, younger was found infected and then recovered yet no any case or less cases or children affected by coronavirus was reported. Anyone have any information or suggestions???
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A uncommon but devastating multisystem inflammatory disease affecting children and adolescents has been reported, probably linked to COVID-19.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
15 answers
A new study has found that the new coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2, didn't spread as efficiently in warmer and more humid regions of the world as it did in colder areas. Though the early analysis, published in the journal Social Science Research Network, is still under review, it provides a glimpse into what we might expect in the warmer months to come. 
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Kindly check the following links:
Will summer stop the coronavirus? Here's what the evidence says (so far):
Will Warmer Weather Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus? Don't Count on It, Say Experts:
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
14 answers
For a comparative study of legislative activity during the coronavirus pandemic, we are looking for experts who can report about the current operation of the legislature in their country.
We will be most grateful for links to relevant experts, particularly from countries outside Europe and North America.
If you can suggest relevant experts, please write me privately at [email protected]
Thank you very much in advance,
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Dear Ittai, have a look at these two websites:
Here you will find a whole lot of information on current parliamentary works, although you will need some Italian language skills to process the information.
Hope this was useful!
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
15 answers
Have you ever imagined how the physically disabled people feel under COVID-19?
Which type of disability is most impacting these minority under COVID-19?
Autism? Cleft patients? Mental health patients? Deaf? Dumb? Blind? Loss of limbs?
How can we help them?
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Please see these links for info on health and consequences of COVID-19 for people with disabilities:
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
23 answers
his is what you need to know about coronavirus immunity and contracting the virus more than once.
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
19 answers
increasing temperature in summer makes people spending more time indoors to seek relief in the air conditioning. Can air conditioning facilitates contribute in spreading coronavirus?
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
7 answers
Changes in social protection sphere are almost inevitable in many countries during and after Coronavirus crisis. What are they?
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It has increased already during pandemic, but if it remains after pandemic, is an open question. Some measures are surely only during pandemic.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
32 answers
Please anyone can help me by answering this question. I would like to have information concerning the mode of transmission of this Virus. Is this transmission will be from human to human only? I want to know if animals such as cats can carry this Virus and transmit it to humans.
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The following study provides evidence of animal-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
15 answers
Stress, diabetes, hypertension, depression, and other chronic illnesses.
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
For example, not changing shoes when coming home and thus bringing tons of viruses from outside.
Walking bare-feet via security at airports,
Instead of putting on disposable covers on their feet, etc.
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In my opinion, prevalence of obesity and deficiency of vitamin D among US population are the two main factors for spike of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
15 answers
The current study shows that blood group A people has a higher susceptibility to SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 [1].
The explanation is that presence of anti-A antibody in blood group B and blood group O people can inhibit the adhesion of Spike protein to ACE2 receptor on the host cell surface [2].
However, this study showed that blood group AB people didn't have a higher susceptibility to COVID-19. However, there is no anti-A antibody in blood group AB people too. Therefore, we should expect that both blood group A and blood group AB people have a higher susceptibility tocoronavirus.
How can we explain if anti-A antibody played an important role in the infection of coronavirus without considering the situation in blood group AB people?
[1] Zhao, Jiao, et al. "Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility." medRxiv (2020).
[2] Guillon, Patrice, et al. "Inhibition of the interaction between the SARS-CoV spike protein and its cellular receptor by anti-histo-blood group antibodies." Glycobiology 18.12 (2008): 1085-1093.
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The following study suggests that individuals with type O and rhesus negative (Rh-) blood groups may have a lower risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 illness.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
36 answers
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The pandemic has definitely changed the way in which countries operate from the health sector to technological advances to the education and economic well being. However, Kiprotich Kiptum has a valid point.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
114 answers
One reason for posting this question is to hope that by following this question it is possible to keep up on developments pertaining to this question.
An article in a health magazine, Stat, by Sharon Begley, Experts envision two scenarios if the new coronavirus isn’t contained, suggests the answer for now is, not sure.
An article in Lancet, Nowcasting and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of the 2019-nCoV outbreak originating in Wuhan, China: a modelling study, by Prof. Joseph T. Wu, Kathy Leung, and Prof. Gabriel M Leung, remarks in the discussion portion of their paper that `independent self-sustaining human-to-human spread is already present in multiple Chinese cities’ including global transport hubs. This suggests that containing, confining and eliminating COVID-19 as a pervasive and ongoing infectious disease might not be possible.
If infected people do not acquire immunity, that affects calculations of the ongoing spread of COVID-19. For example, if 70% of a population catches COVID-19 and most survive and acquire immunity, then the size of the group that COVID -19 could newly infect would be smaller. In that way, over time, as the number of people who survive the disease increases, the rate of new infections might decline because there would be fewer people without acquired immunity. I wonder what epidemiology says? These issues also affect hopes for a vaccine.
Regardless of what the immunity situation is, it seems to be that there should be a permanent cultural shift away from greetings such as handshakes and kissing.
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for sure it's 100% possible even with vaccine
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
13 answers
In the current pandemic situation, it is not possible to completely avoid a psychiatric patient carrying COVID-19 or being directly symptomatic. In addition, medical priority is to help anyone. How is your psychiatric clinic prepared for this situation? What is the experience of Italian psychiatrists or psychiatrists from other countries of the world (China, European states?)
COVID-19 infection is currently superior to any mental disorder, but what is your management of an acute psychiatric patient with a positive epidemiological history or clinical symptoms? I am very curious about your opinions, comments and observations.
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At a large hospital in Montreal (where my son works) many nurses have resigned and only a few doctors are remaining (most are taking a leave of absence, or a holiday, just to get out). The vaccine mandate (take vaccine or leave) has stripped this hospital of professionals rendering it useless. Who is going to treat patients?Maybe the administrators!
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
27 answers
Salam (Hello)!
We have prepared some new compounds with important potential to inhibit viruses.
We are interested in inhibition of Hepatetis-B/C, Nipah, Nil and coronavirus.
Who can collaborate with us in Virology?
Makkah/KSA and Oujda/Morocco
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The field of specialization is looking for efficient antiviral Cannabinoids against Delta-Coronavirus.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
8 answers
Hi all.
I am conducting research that is intending to compare if requests to a call center for a service are statistically significantly different from 2019 as compared to 2020, due to coronavirus interventions that took place in the year. What would the most appropriate test in SPSS be to run to determine this?
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Don't you have the complete data available?
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
19 answers
Vertigo is a condition that can make it feel like you or your surroundings are spinning, sometimes leading to a loss of balance, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 is a novel entity which had led to many challenges among physicians due to its rapidly evolving nature. Vertigo or dizziness has recently been described as a clinical manifestation of COVID-19.
So, Are dizziness and vertigo COVID-19 Symptoms? and why?
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
28 answers
Hello, anyone interested in doing research collaborations? I have done and published some papers regarding deep learning, computer vision, IoT, and security.
Here is my page:
This is also my recent publication in Elsevier.
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Please have look on our(Eminent Biosciences (EMBS)) collaborations.. and let me know if interested to associate with us
Our recent publications In collaborations with industries and academia in India and world wide.
EMBS publication In association with Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Moscow State University , Russia. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Icahn Institute of Genomics and Multiscale Biology,, Mount Sinai Health System, Manhattan, NY, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with ICMR- NIN(National Institute of Nutrition), Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth MN 55811 USA. Publication Link:
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EMBS publication In association with Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Publication Link:
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Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad , India. Publication Link:
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Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Karpagam academy of higher education, Eachinary, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Ballets Olaeta Kalea, 4, 48014 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 016, Telangana, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad-682 506, Cochin, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and CODEWEL Nireekshana-ACET, Hyderabad, Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore-641046, Tamilnadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and LPU University, Phagwara, Punjab, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Department of Bioinformatics, Kerala University, Kerala. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Gandhi Medical College and Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad 500 038, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and National College (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Tiruchirapalli, 620 001 Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Calicut - 673635, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and NIPER, Hyderabad, India. ) Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and King George's Medical University, (Erstwhile C.S.M. Medical University), Lucknow-226 003, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Chemical & Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Safi center for scientific research, Malappuram, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Dept of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
Dr. Anuraj Nayarisseri
Principal Scientist & Director,
Eminent Biosciences.
Mob :+91 97522 95342
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
3 answers
The COVID-19 pandemic can be regarded as the world most severe single health problem over the past century.
How did it affect global biomedial research efforts?
To the understanding of our NewQIS research group, coronavirus research since 2020 has rocketed biomedical research like no other single health issues so far.
To visualize this, density equalizing mapping may be applied, as established by Gastier and Newman in 2004 (PNAS).
A first article was published in 2020 that anaylsed all articles relevant to COVID-19 which were published until 18/03/2020.
The following article, recently published in the J Med Internet Res 2021 Sep 8;23(9):e30692.
doi: 10.2196/30692 visualizes COVID-19 research efforts until 31/12/2020
It summarizes: that "research output exploded in 2020 with momentum, including citation and networking parameters. China and the United States were the countries with the highest publication performance. Globally, however, publication output correlated significantly with COVID-19 cases. Research funding has also increased immensely."
It concludes that "the abrupt decline in publication efforts following previous coronavirus epidemics should demonstrate to global researchers that they should not lose interest even after containment, as the next epidemiological challenge is certain to come. Validated reporting worldwide and the inclusion of low-income countries are additionally important for a successful future research strategy."
Does anybody now other projects on global COVID-19 research efforts?
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Dear Dr Groneberg, the pandemic affected global research effort particularly with regards research on other infectious and chronic diseases. Some global research project were stopped due to the pandemic.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
67 answers
How many people are infected with Covid-19 in your country/continent/world?
how many people have recovered? how many people have lost their lives in your country/continent/world?
What are the survival and rates?
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  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
6 answers
Under COVID-19, healthcare facilities requests a lot of sterilization to prevent hospital transmission of the disease. Bleach solution and many other disinfection agents may not be effective against such a large scale of usage.
Can ultraviolet light be used to inactivate the virus?
Can it be applied on whole room disinfection?
Can it be used on high turnover medical equipment sterilization? E.g. stethoscope.
Can it be used to inactivate infected donors' blood products or body fluids?
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
408 answers
How is your country/region responding to the outbreak of Coronavirus? What measures have been put in place? What other plans are in place? How is your country responding?
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Tightening quarantine measures. People in Ukraine have relaxed today. There is a gradual increase in infection cases. Ukraine is currently 45th in the world in the incidence of corona
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
48 answers
Whether someone is vaccinated or has previously had Covid-19, they are safely immune from getting the disease again. But does that mean they are also not contagious to others? Some research indicates they can still catch the virus and be contagious and should continue to wear a mask. What are your views based on reported research?
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Yes, they can still contract the virus and spread it
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
8 answers
Most of the developing countries extract water from the shallow water table for drinking and other activities. Pit latrines/toilet pits and drinking water wells are located in the same land in such countries.
Safe distances between wells and pit latrines are varied from location to location depending on the soil type, hydrogeological condition of the ground, and the elevation of the toilet pit. In practice, this distance varies from 15 m to 30 m in accordance with guidelines provided by the local authorities in developing counties.  Viruses are very small compared to other microorganisms so that they can be pass through the porous soils easily.
Behaviors/stability of Coronavirus in the shallow water table are being studied. I would like to discuss this matter with the latest findings.  
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Dear A. G. Piyal Aravinna,
Yes, this is an important issue that should be taken into account when improving anti-pandemic safety instruments and systems. The key issue is the distance, but also the creation of such anti-pandemic and sanitary safety instruments that will ensure full separation of water intakes from sewage systems, etc. The issue of distance should take into account various possible technical and organizational devices that will ensure an appropriate range of social distance for citizens and thus the possibility of epidemic development will be much smaller. What do you think about it? What's your opinion on this topic? What do you think about this? What do you think about this topic? What is your opinion on this issue?
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
12 answers
It's 99 days since the first case of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, and we are welcoming the 5th days of 0 new cases of COVID-19 following a week of <10 cases per day.
How should we define the end of a local endemic?
How long should the latent period be defined?
When is it safe to resume social activities?
Should territory wide screening of asymptomatic people be done before declaring the end of endemic?
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The SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic is a global epidemic. On a global scale, the state of the pandemic in March 2020 was announced by the World Health Organization. Therefore, this organization could declare the end of the pandemic. On the other hand, the end of the epidemic on a regional, national or local scale can be announced by national central institutions of the health care system, including the ministries of health, in agreement with the government. In order to be able to declare the end of the epidemic on a national, regional or local scale, it is necessary to have a relatively large decrease in the number of new coronavirus infections, a decrease in the number of people seriously ill with Covid-19 disease and deaths caused by this disease. The decrease in Coronavirus infections and in sick people should be sustained in a longer period, i.e. min. several months, taking into account the periods of possible occurrence of subsequent epidemic waves caused by new variants of the Coronavirus and occurring in other regions of the world. In addition, an important factor that may be taken into account in the event of declaring the end of a pandemic on a global scale or an epidemic on a regional scale will be the level of vaccination of citizens with highly effective vaccines against Coronavirus and the level of social, collective immunity of the society achieved thanks to these vaccines.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
4 answers
Dear All,
One of my Master students she supposed to work in the airport to complete her thesis, unfortunately, it is not easy because of coronavirus nowadays. She is doing some simulations now, but she does need experimental data.
I am wondering if anyone can help her or if you have any other way to get data from the previous years??? about air, noise and water pollution in addition to climate change data.
Normally such data are available online for many airports but she couldn't find a useful one.
Thank you all in advance
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
4 answers
In Germany the minister of Health wants to drop the incedence, the number of new infect Io ns per 100 thousand people, as the major indicator to take policy decisions to contain the pandemic in Germany. The president of the RKI has protested to do this.
Who is right?
I think the incedence is still an important leading indicator to judge the actual development. The attempt to replace it by the share of ICUs occupied by coronavirus patients is wrong.
First, the is a lagging indicator compared to the current incidence. Causality runs from infections toward hospitalizations not the other way round.
It is true in particular through vaccinations over time the relation between both indicators has changed, but this could be modelled using Kalman-Filtering techniques including variable coefficients.
Using such estimates to predict the future share of ICUs occupied by the corona-patients would be more efficient than just looking at the actual ICU shares.
What do you think?
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Hi Georg Erber . I think it is a very complicated issues come together. If you want to fix one , the other one will break . I think the best solution is to make optimization among these different issues.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
7 answers
Let us think loudly.
Every day the media showed the high rate of mortality from coronavirus mostly reported from high-income countries and very few from low-income countries.
Some will be stated that the reason is the accuracy in reporting cases in low-income countries that is probably due to among others to the few facilities to do so.
That is right to some extent. But what about the general mortality in both types of countries? dose it is reported or not whatever the cause? If yes, then will start our assumption which will include the pre-COVID-19 Era and during the COVID-19 Era.
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Hi Dr Amen A. A. Bawazir . I think both have the same problem.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
66 answers
In the period March-May 2020, in many countries due to the development of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic causing Covid-19 disease, a significant part of didactic processes have been converted into e-learning form. Therefore, there is now a rapid increase in the use of ICT, Internet technologies and certain Industry 4.0 technologies in the application of teaching processes in a remote form via the Internet. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic, in order to limit the development of the pandemic, full-time teaching activities at schools and colleges have now been suspended and replaced by e-learning in many countries. Due to the suspension of stationary didactic classes in schools and colleges, classes are conducted remotely, through various new online media through specific forms of e-learning. The growing importance and development of e-learning is also correlated with the current acceleration of the digitization processes of the economy.
Therefore, teachers are looking for answers to the following research questions:
- How will the current state of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic affect learning outcomes?
- To what extent can modern ICT information technologies implemented in the teaching processes effectively replace traditional, stationary teaching processes?
- How long can schools and universities last for only in e-learning form?
- To what extent the use of ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0 information technologies for teaching processes enabled continuation of education during the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic?
- What are currently used applications and e-learning platforms through which online real-time teaching classes are conducted remotely via the Internet? ZOOM, Google Meet, Microsoft Teems, ... or other?
The purpose of answering these questions will be continued research for many months, i.e. also after the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic has expired, because a similar pandemic cannot be ruled out in the future. Therefore, the above questions should be answered and education systems better prepared for such an eventuality.
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply.
I invite you to discussion.
Thank you very much for participating in the discussion.
Best wishes.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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La Covid 19 marcó un cambio de la Educación presencial a la Educación a Distancia con la utilización de las plataformas docentes y el uso de las redes sociales para el interacción con los estudiantes. Fueron excelentes las experiencias vividas yconsidero que aunque Regresemos a la normalidad se deben seguir utilizando de manera complementaria.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
7 answers
Scientific Fact-Finding (SFF) is important for further assessment of novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak.
I would like to discuss about the ability to provide funding and technical cooperation under the Article X or any section of BWC for task.
Contribution of experts, policy makers and interesting personals for the discussion is appreciated in advance.
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Yes of course. Both the determinants of the development of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic as well as the individual variants of the Coronavirus should be thoroughly scientifically tested in order to use this knowledge to properly improve pandemic risk management systems, crisis management systems, healthcare institution systems, required and recommended instruments anti-pandemic security.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
10 answers
Under the pandemic of COVID-19, screening becomes important to tackle the spread. Fever is one of the screening criteria for many public places screening for access.
However, how is fever defined?
Is the 0.1 degree change makes the significance?
What is the range of standard deviation being acceptable?
What machine is accurate?
Is those hand held infrared measuring machines reliable?
Is there scenarios giving false negative tha may make a huge consequence?
Normal Body Temperature: A Systematic Review.
Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019;6(4):ofz032. Published 2019 Apr 9.
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CDC considers a person to have a fever when he or she has a measured temperature of 100.4° F (38° C) or greater, or feels warm to the touch, or gives a history of feeling feverish.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
57 answers
According to the latest publications and news the majority of the experts argue that Coronavirus (COVID-19) slows down the economy, the consumption falls, and most of the industries face a recession.
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Of course, there are both positive and negative impacts on economies because of COVID-19. But, the negative ones (economic slowdown, hardships to the general public) are more prominent, in general.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
33 answers
You may think that the one “positive” of testing positive for the COVID-19 causing coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) and surviving would be that you won’t get infected by that virus again. At least not during this pandemic. Ah, but is this assumption really true? Will you indeed be immune to the SARS-CoV2 after you’ve recovered from a COVID-19 infection?
What do you thing we are ready for second phase of COVID-19 pandemic? What stretegies government did?
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It's possible to be re-infected after suffering from covid-19
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
47 answers
As of Mar. 22, 2020, 13,592 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19. However, 94,175 people have recovered from the illness. This information comes from the Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases map developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering.
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Yes, this is a very dangerous and deadly virus! It causes death!
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
9 answers
I have written a 1000-word policy brief on COVID-19, outlining the course of action of ECOSOC in this crisis situation. What is the best platform to send it for publication?
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I think this is a very useful and important initiative, especially at the present time. I fully agree with all the recommendations of colleagues outlined in the discussion. The main thing is an active life position and a desire to do something !!!
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
2 answers
I am using a VSV pseudotype in lab and have infected and NP40 lysed cells. This is a BSL2/3 virus and needs to be used in hood or inactivated for benchwork (PAF or bleach), will infected cell lysates have inactive virus allowing me to run a BCA/ protein quantification?
I understand equal cell # and loading volume for Western is common, but the CPE/cell death was variable between cell lines and would prefer to use BCA numbers.
Thanks for your responses,
keywords: VSV, virus, inactivation, spike protein, SARS-CoV-2, COVID19, NP40, lysis buffer, Western blot, Bradford assay, BCA assay
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VSV pseudotype inactivation by 2%NP40 need comparative evaluation with other inactivating agent and select the best from immunogenic effect one,for determing it,s efficacy.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
57 answers
Dear Fellows
With the developing stories of the spread of COVID-19 all around the world, which has been declared as a pandemic by WHO recently, I am wondering, in how much time this virus would vanish from the surface of the Earth? Is there any scientific study available for this?
Please share your opinions.
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Todavía no se puede predecir q desaparecerá el Covid 19. Al parecer tendremos q convivir con él e inmunizarnos con las vacunas aprobadas por la OMS.
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
8 answers
With confirmed cases of Kovid-19 globally 8 million and more countries going into lockdown to slow the epidemic, the emerging question is: "When will it all end?" The answer depends on a large part of the uncertainties about the novel coronavirus that causes the disease, Which includes whether you can get it more than once and how quickly the world's scientists can produce a vaccine. There are also factors such as the cost and benefits of long-term closure and what different countries can do from both economic and political perspectives
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It will most likely fade off gradually
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
72 answers
What do you think are the most important psychological disorders associated with COVID-19?
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Los más comunes son depresión, estrés, miedo, ansiedad, desesperación, tristeza etc
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
124 answers
Hello, everyone!
I would like to work with Japanese people, mainly Japanese university students, to reduce their fear of coronavirus and their anxiety about the future.
If anyone knows of a work or intervention protocol that could be translated into Japanese and used, please share the information!
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Fear of one thing makes that thing really exist, so what to do not to think about such a problem be active and interested in other things that you like
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
39 answers
The threat of pandemic disease is not new: For decades, public health experts advised that a coronavirus outbreak was looming, global proportions, and that the world was not equipped to fight it when it arrived. Why did governments not prepare in advance?
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Thank you, Prof. Rajiv ..
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
56 answers
With the continuing threat of the Coronavirus and the deterioration of global economies due to quarantine, are we heading towards choosing between health or the economy?
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Health is more important
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
7 answers
Pregnant women are vulnerable to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). They have a higher risk of hospitalization and death than those with no pregnancy.
Safety is a critical issue but pregnant women were not included in COVID-19 vaccine research. They may greatly concern about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines that could harm their fetus.
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Breast-feeding COVID-19 vaccinated mothers also protect their new-borns through their milk
In fact the pregnant lactating women who had been COVID-19 vaccinated can also protect their new-born by breast-feeding them through the SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in their milk.
For details have a look at this article in JAMA in the link below:
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
53 answers
Immunity can be defined as the first defense line for the body against a lot of infections especially what is known by now as coronavirus infection. So, we need to boost that system in order to make us safe or at least less exposed to catch the disease. How can we do this properly?
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Good and balanced nutrition
enough rest
peace of mind
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
24 answers
Why corona virus is creating panic in China? And why the virus is spreading among people.
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May I suggest to my RG Research Colleagues the following question:
  • asked a question related to Coronavirus
61 answers
Garlic has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. The garlic extract had inhibitory effects on Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), which is a coronavirus. (Avicenna J Phytomed. 2016;6(4):458–267.) Garlic compounds reduce inflammation and oxidative stress (Viruses. 2017;9(7):159). Garlic compounds also significantly inhibited the production of proinflammatory cytokines. (Biochem Biophysic Res Comm 2015; 464(3):774-779).
Therefore, is it OK to recommend garlic to people for fighting coronavirus infection, which is associated with increased inflammation ?
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Please have a look for the properties of garlic: