Science topic

Pandemics - Science topic

Pandemics are epidemics of infectious disease that have spread to many countries, often more than one continent, and usually affecting a large number of people.
Questions related to Pandemics
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
Did the money that was printed and introduced into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic and went into the capital markets, among other things, cause asset inflation in those markets, including the stock markets?
Did the significant amount of additional, printed, anti-crisis money that was injected into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic and found its way into capital markets, among other things, pull stock market indexes upward and cause asset inflation in capital markets, including stock markets?
When there is a strong decline in the level of activity of economic entities, the rate of economic growth slows down, there is a risk of the emergence of a recession of the economy, a serious financial and/or economic crisis begins then the governments of individual countries, fearing a strong increase in unemployment, increase the scale of anti-crisis state interventionism, launch programs to activate the economic activity of companies and enterprises under mild fiscal policy and active fiscal policy. With the growing risk of deepening the scale of the financial and/or economic crisis
central banks lower interest rates with a view to lowering the cost of money lent by commercial banks in the form of bank loans and thus increasing liquidity in the banking sector and indirectly in the economy as a whole. When the World Health Organization declared a pandemic state of Covid-19 on March 11, 2020, there was panic in the capital markets involving panic selling of assets. The high level of uncertainty and investment risk prevailing in the capital markets, including those of the stock exchanges, caused companies and businesses to put their investment plans on hold and some had already begun to see declines in the level of sales of their product and service offerings. Subsequently, citizens' fears for their jobs quickly emerged and politicians, fearing the loss of public support, quickly began to launch processes that would result in the introduction of certain anti-crisis instruments. The sharp stock market crashes on the stock exchanges, which lasted for several days, as well as declines in industrial commodity prices, were halted when central banks strongly reduced the level of interest rates. During the Covid-19 pandemic, anti-crisis state interventionism was applied on a large scale to limit the scale of the development of the economic crisis. These anti-crisis interventionist measures were intended to prevent the economy from deepening into a recession in 2020 and the occurrence of stagflation in subsequent years. Stagflation is a particularly unfavorable type of deep economic crisis characterized by high inflation, sometimes hyperinflation and high unemployment. For capital markets, including the stock market, it is a particularly unfavorable type of economic crisis. Triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdowns introduced during the pandemic, the global economic crisis starting in the spring of 2020 could, in many countries, as it did during the 2008 global financial crisis, turn into another financial crisis, a debt crisis of the state's public finance system with the simultaneous occurrence of a recession of the national economy. If the anti-crisis, interventionist measures introduced at the time, the aid programs launched for businesses, public institutions, for citizens within the framework of the use of available instruments of fiscal policy and monetary policy did not work, a situation of a significant deepening of the then economic crisis could occur. Then this deepened economic crisis could have been more severe than the one that occurred in 2008 and could have been characterized by stagflation. In such a situation, also the interventionist actions of central banks, e.g. by continuing to lower interest rates, could no longer work effectively because there was already an excess of money in the markets, citizens and companies on bank deposits in commercial banks held record high amounts of money and inflation had already begun to rise in many countries as of 2021. After the anti-crisis reduction of interest rates by central banks, which in many countries took place between March and May 2020, the stock markets quickly returned to prosperity. When this kind of situation lasts for a prolonged period over many months, quarters or even sometimes several years then stock prices can rise to levels described as highly overvalued which can then result in a stock market crash at a time when most market participants do not expect it. In the meantime, stock prices may rise on a "buy the rumors, sell the facts" basis. It is not out of the question that this principle worked in 2023-2024, as most investors active in the stock markets expected the start of the announced interest rate cuts by central banks. Expectations were reasonable since inflation had fallen to levels close to inflation targets and central banks had not lowered interest rates, which had previously been anti-inflationarily raised after the Covid-19 pandemic.
I described the key issues of the central banking problem in my articles below:
Synergy of post-2008 Anti-Crisis Policy of the Mild Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank
Analysis of the effects of post-2008 anti-crisis mild monetary policy of the Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank
A safe monetary central banking policy as a significant instrument for liquidity maintenance in the financial system
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Did the significant amount of additional, printed, anti-crisis money that was injected into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic and found its way into capital markets, among other things, pull stock market indexes upward and cause asset inflation in capital markets, including stock markets?
Did the money that was printed during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was introduced into the economy and found its way to the capital markets, among others, cause asset inflation in those markets, including the stock markets?
Did the money that was printed and introduced into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic cause asset inflation in capital markets, including stock markets?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Probably. More importantly, I'm nominating your question as "the longest question ever asked on Research Gate."
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
7 answers
In a recent review article titled “N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Beneficial or Harmful for Cancer?” published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Rubio-Casillas, and colleagues discuss how mRNA vaccines may impact immunological pathways, potentially affecting cancer risk. Their research suggests that a high level of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in mRNA vaccines could promote cancer growth and metastasis in certain models. This raises concerns about the role of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in cancer development. The authors recommend future clinical trials to explore lower levels of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression. An earlier study by Professor Abdollah Jafarzadeh and team, published in the International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research, explores the potential link between SARS-CoV-2 infection and cancer. They found that cancer patients may have a higher susceptibility to COVID-19 due to their compromised immune systems from cancer treatments. Additionally, recovered COVID-19 patients may experience persistent immune abnormalities that could contribute to cancer development or recurrence. In my opinion, these studies highlight the complex interactions between COVID-19 and cancer, suggesting a need for further research to understand and address potential risks associated with the pandemic. I would be grateful if you could provide your insightful opinions on this matter. References: 1. Alberto Rubio-Casillas, David Cowley, Mikolaj Raszek, Vladimir N. Uversky, Elrashdy M. Redwan, Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024. 2. Jafarzadeh A, Gosain R, Mortazavi SMJ, Nemati M, Jafarzadeh S, Ghaderi A. SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Possible Risk Factor for Incidence and Recurrence of Cancers. Int J Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Res. 2022;16(2):117-27. doi: 10.18502/ijhoscr.v16i2.9205. PubMed PMID: 36304732. PubMed PMCID: PMC9547773. 3. S. M. J. Mortazavi, S. A. Mortazavi, J. S. Welsh and L. Sihver, Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 2023, DOI: 10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.2310-1679
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Additionally, pseudouridine is the most abundant naturally occurring RNA modification (below). Why would a transient spike in pseudouridine have any impact on cancer? I think that it's prudent to approach any therapeutic with caution, but I am not convinced by the evidence that they present.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
In light of the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19, it is imperative to contemplate the world's readiness to address potential future pandemics.
This discussion delves into the global preparedness, lessons learned, and strategies necessary to mitigate the impact of similar crises.
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Dear Professor,
Pandemics may happen more frequently in the future because of the rapid changes that are happening in our surroundings. The way we live our lives and the way we interact with our environment that will only provide numerous opportunities for pathogens to spill over from animal reservoirs and then to spread from person to person.
The answer to your question is a Yes and a No.
Yes, because after covid-19 pandemic we have developed the necessary tools and resources to intercept a future outbreak before it spirals into a global pandemic. We now have the capacity to develop and strengthen global early warning systems. Investments may be made in advanced disease surveillance technologies, including real-time monitoring of human and animal health data which can help identify and track emerging pathogens. Early detection will enable swift response and containment measures.
No, because we are not sure which pathogen will trigger the next pandemic and from where will it come from and how will it spread as well as what type of illness will it cause. Nothing is known! Nevertheless, preparedness is required at every step such as collaboration between the experts in the field and the academia to industry, making testing easily available as well as finding ways to reduce risk.
Malcolm Nobre
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
After reading an interesting article Wallace J, Goldsmith-Pinkham P, Schwartz JL. Excess Death Rates for Republican and Democratic Registered Voters in Florida and Ohio During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Intern Med. 2023;183(9):916–923. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.1154, I rethought my old results. Help me confirm/reject one of the hypotheses of my Citizen Science research. I am not a political scientist and I admit that my results may be the result of a methodological error.
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What Trump vs Biden means for science
"The two likely candidates for the November US Presidential elections — Donald Trump and Joe Biden — have opposing views on many issues. Nature talks to researchers and policy analysts about three key areas for science:
  • Trump could disrupt the climate agenda laid out by Biden by reversing pledges to slash emissions and by blocking funding for clean energy projects.
  • The candidates differ in their support for abortion rights, vaccinations and key federal and international health agencies.
  • China relations are one area where the two candidates are more aligned: scientific cooperation between the US and China has continued to decline under Biden and this is unlikely to change..."
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
11 answers
Various pandemic diseases have taught us various lessons from time to time, lastly, the spread of corona virus spread has shown how fickle human condition or survival is in face of sudden outbreak of dangerous diseases!
What are the human security implications of 'corona virus spread' around the world?
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Dear Esteemed Reader,
The spread of the coronavirus, specifically referring to the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has posed unprecedented challenges to human security around the globe. The impacts of this pandemic extend far beyond the immediate health crisis, affecting various dimensions of human security, including economic stability, access to essential services, social cohesion, and the functioning of governance systems. Below, we delve into the multifaceted ways in which the spread of the coronavirus threatens human security worldwide.
1. Health Security:The most direct impact of the coronavirus is on health security. The rapid spread of the virus has overwhelmed healthcare systems in many countries, leading to a shortage of medical supplies, hospital beds, and healthcare personnel. This situation has not only jeopardized the care for COVID-19 patients but also disrupted routine healthcare services, affecting the management of other diseases and health conditions.
2. Economic and Livelihood Security:The pandemic has triggered a global economic downturn, affecting livelihoods, increasing unemployment rates, and exacerbating poverty. Lockdown measures, while necessary to contain the virus's spread, have led to the closure of businesses, disruptions in global supply chains, and significant losses in income for workers and families. The economic impact is particularly severe for vulnerable populations and those working in informal sectors.
3. Food Security:Disruptions in agricultural production and supply chains have raised concerns over food security. In some regions, the pandemic has affected food availability and accessibility, increasing the risk of hunger and malnutrition. The economic fallout from the pandemic further compounds food insecurity, as more individuals and families struggle to afford basic necessities.
4. Social Security:The pandemic has strained social fabrics, leading to increased isolation, mental health issues, and domestic violence. Social distancing measures, while crucial for public health, have disrupted traditional support systems and community networks. The situation is exacerbated by the stigma and discrimination associated with COVID-19, affecting certain groups more profoundly.
5. Political and Community Security:The coronavirus has tested the resilience of governance and political systems. In some cases, it has led to the postponement of elections, restricted civic freedoms, and heightened tensions among communities. The effectiveness of governmental responses to the pandemic has also become a source of public scrutiny, influencing trust in public institutions.
6. International Security:On a global scale, the pandemic has impacted international relations and cooperation. Issues such as vaccine nationalism, restrictions on travel, and competition for medical resources have highlighted the challenges of managing a global health crisis in a politically fragmented world. The pandemic underscores the need for strengthened international cooperation and solidarity to address shared threats.
In conclusion, the spread of the coronavirus represents a profound threat to human security, touching upon all aspects of life. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic and coordinated approach that goes beyond immediate health responses, encompassing economic support, social protection, and international collaboration. As we navigate through and beyond this pandemic, the lessons learned will be crucial for building more resilient societies capable of withstanding future crises.
Should you require further insights or wish to discuss specific aspects in more detail, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,
With this protocol list, we might find more ways to solve this problem.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
A possible measures to be taken in-order to reduce the impact of any pandemic across the global.
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Dear Ms. Abubakar!
You spotted a key issue - how to prepare better for the future in the context of crisis management. A new article deals with this problem:
Michael A Stoto and John Kraemer (2024). Behind the Paper - Are we prepared for the next pandemic? New tools for measurement and assessment, 9 February 2024, Copyright © 2024 Springer Nature All rights reserved, Quote: "Studies show that standard preparedness measures do not predict COVID-19 outcomes, suggesting new measures are needed. But evaluating metrics is more than prediction. Measurement science points the way to tools that capture operational capabilities , including coordination and decision making..., what to measure: But there also is a serious conceptual issue: conflating resilience and preparedness..."
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
During the Covid-19 pandemic, was there an opportunity to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, and was this opportunity unfortunately not taken advantage of in some countries?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, due to the decline in the economic activity of companies and enterprises in many sectors of the economy, there were opportunities to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, to implement the principles of sustainable economic development, to direct the development of the economy towards the green circular economy model, to achieve the goals of sustainable development, to increase the scale of pro-environmental policies, pro-environmental, pro-climate policy and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the level of environmental pollution, and in the situation of continuation of these processes in the coming years, it is also to increase the scale of the possibility of implementing the scenario of slowing down the progressive process of global warming, to give humanity more time to prepare for the possible subsequent negative effects of progressive climate change, the developing climate crisis. Some countries have taken advantage of these opportunities, but unfortunately only in some countries.
These issues are presented in the article:
The Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Coronavirus Pandemic on Ecological Security and the Development of International Environmental Policy
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
During the Covid-19 pandemic, was there an opportunity to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, and was this opportunity unfortunately missed in some countries?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, was there an opportunity to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dear Prof. Prokopowicz!
You spot an important topic. There are countries certainly, which missed the opportunity you mentioned above.
Aisha Badruddin, Sustainable low-carbon post COVID 19 recovery measures across sectors in world economies: A thematic analysis on its coverage,
Total Environment Research Themes, Volume 6, 2023,
Multinational supply chains of the corporate world are a key enable of future sustainable development:
Mingzhong Hua, Zhe Li, Yudong Zhang, Xiaobei Wei, Does green finance promote green transformation of the real economy? Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 67, Part B, 2024,
The Russia - Ukraine war does have a negative role in Europe.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
7 answers
I have thought to cover the challenges faced by various functions in managing the supply chain - Procurement, Quality Assurance, Technical, Logistics , Planning and Regulatory
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ResearchGate Link:
(PDF) Improving Lean engagement through utilising improved communication, recognition and digitalisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in JLR's powertrain machining facility (
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
I’ve been reading about applications on the cognitive developmental delay in children born during the COVID pandemic. My child’s case is delayed speech in terms of expected milestones, as in forming 2 or more words-sentences, while the behaviour and motor skills are meeting expectations. Some of my colleagues face the similar description for theirnown offspring, yet had their kids “diagnosed“ as ”ADHD“, ”behavioural issues“, as well as ”Autism spectrum”. Fearing that we are facing the same “Hasty diagnosis outbreak” as in our attempts to “understand and resolve COVID” by March 2020, and before anyone offer giving my child Choloroquin, could you share some input?
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As a foster carer, I know many other carers looking after children born in this period, there seems to be a dividing line between those who were in care from birth in larger families and children who came into care later who were from families with no other children.
the children in care from birth (were no FASD , or abstinence syndrome is present)
due to the constant interaction with adults and many children, these children are open to interaction and have normal language development and seem to be hitting milestones.
Those children from smaller social groups seam to have language delay and are less willing to interact with others, it takes two to three years of intensive therapeutic care for children to start to catch up.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
For my final year dissertation, I am searching about the effect of the covid 19 pandemic on nurses' mental health.
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Thank you very much for your help!
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
5 answers
Hi all, I have sort of a paradoxical scenario that applies to several species groups throughout Southeast Asia and is becoming more and more probable in the very near future. I need to start a discussion with conservation-minded people who realize the implications of conservation policy advocacy and adverse effects those policy changes may have:
One of the common buzz-words of the post-Covid era is "One Health". For those unfamiliar with the One Health approach, it is a holistic framework with the objective of identifying and achieving balance between the health of people, animals, and ecosystems. The One Health approach is a lens that recognizes humans, wildlife, and the environment are intrinsically connected, whereby beneficial or adverse effects on one component will directly affect the others.
When we apply One Health to wildlife trade policy, many groups are advocating that hotspot wildlife trade nations (like Vietnam and China), do not implement all-out bans on wildlife, but instead a select group of high-risk species that are prone to zoonotic disease transfer with humans, as a pandemic prevention measure... and here lay the issue....
I have just recently analyzed data for three government rescue centers in the north and south Vietnam for an IUCN project, and during the pandemic, we have seen an increase in "High-risk species X" (insert primates, viverrids, mustelids, etc.) rescues compared to the years prior. I spoke with some of the rescue team and managers and they said that people are voluntarily handing over captive High-risk species X to authorities more often now because they worry about disease, and more strict wildlife regulation enforcement since the pandemic began.   This has definitely put a strain on Rescue Center facilities in the country, especially those run by government employees who don't have regular access to experienced vets, and who often release animals that have no business being released back into the wild (obviously ill, over habituated to humans, non-native to the area, etc.) I'm wondering what solutions we can recommend for this problem, because if conservationists continue to advocate for these "Common Sense One Health Policies" that elevate an all-out ban high-risk species, and start realistically enforcing bans on keeping High-risk Species X these voluntary hand-overs will explode and result in Rescue Centers filling over their capacity, and government officials rapidly releasing tons of High-risk Species X (whether native or not) back into the nearest protected area forests. The fallout from this could be devastating -- biological invasions, massive outbreaks of disease into wild populations, inbred depression from farmed animals decreasing fitness of wild populations, who knows what else...
And there is the paradox -- If we ban high-risk zoonotic disease species from wildlife trade, we protect them from that particular threat, and we prevent future pandemics through that particular human-wildlife interface; but in doing so, we risk damning a more significant population-level of wildlife, which could also lead to a pandemic through a different interface caused by the releases and inter-species spikes.
How do we address this problem before it happens -- and it will happen?
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I took my case to Nepal’s highest court to improve conservation
"After seeing an endangered-animal pelt displayed on television, Kumar Paudel embarked on a five-year legal battle, advocating for equitable enforcement of wildlife laws..."
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
After pandemic we lost our tip provider and we tested few alternatives however we did not find any reliable substitute? Can you please share the ones you find suitable?
Thank you
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  1. Companies often provide an online store where customers can purchase instruments, accessories, and consumables.
  2. Product Catalog:Explore the product catalog or the section dedicated to accessories and consumables on the Picodrop website. Look for information related to measurement tips or cuvettes.
  3. Contact Customer Support:If you are unable to find the information you need on the website, consider reaching out to Picodrop's customer support. They can provide specific details about available consumables, pricing, and ordering procedures.
  4. Authorized Distributors:Check if Picodrop has authorized distributors or resellers in your region. These distributors may offer a convenient way to purchase consumables for Picodrop spectrophotometers.
  5. User Manuals or Documentation:Review the user manuals or documentation that came with your Picodrop spectrophotometer. It might include information on where to order replacement parts and consumables.
  6. Online Retailers:Some companies also make their products available through online scientific equipment retailers. Check if reputable online platforms offer the specific consumables you need for your Picodrop spectrophotometer.
Keep in mind that information and availability may have changed since my last update in January 2022. Always refer to the most current sources, including the official Picodrop website and customer support, for the latest information on ordering tips or consumables for your Picodrop spectrophotometer.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Some good insights into #ArtificialIntelligence, #ChatGPT, #teaching, #technology in #writing ! Academic writing and ChatGPT: Students transitioning into college in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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1. Inevitable for simple tasks
2. Useful for editing papers to foreign students
3. Helpful for organizing ideas
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
Covid-19 pandemic posses potent strength to invade all body cells and systems and worsening or disrupting body processes.
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You're right on spot.
Treatment regimen alone weakens the immune system but Covid-19 exacerbates the the entire system all together.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
Has the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic caused a reduction or increase in remote online communication, business cooperation, co-operation, clustering, etc. between companies, businesses, between business entities, financial institutions, public institutions, local government, non-governmental organisations and other entities?
In the sectors of manufacturing companies, financial institutions, online technology companies, online shops, etc., which experienced strong sales increases during the pandemic, the scale of business cooperation between business entities may have increased significantly. In contrast, in service sectors subject to lockdowns, forced reduction or real temporary cessation of business activities, sectors in lockdown-induced crisis and recession, the scale of development of business cooperation between economic operators may have decreased significantly. During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns imposed on selected service and commercial sectors of the economy were introduced in some countries, triggering an economic recession in mid-2020. In addition to this, international supply and procurement logistics chains were disrupted which further reduced the ability to produce certain types of goods and exacerbated the economic crisis. As a result, some operators decided to carry out recovery programmes and to increase the scale of their business using the Internet, including providing their services, offering products via the Internet, selling their product and service offerings online, improving e-logistics and remote Internet communication. Therefore, as a result of the downturn in the economy, the decline in economic activity, the scale of business cooperation in many businesses may have decreased. However, on the other hand, the scale of business and other cooperation conducted through remote Internet communication, the development of e-logistics, online payments and settlements, etc. may have increased.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Has the pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Covid-19) caused a decrease or increase in the scale of remote Internet communication, business cooperation, co-operation, clustering, etc. between companies, enterprises, between business entities, financial institutions, public institutions, local governments, non-governmental and other entities?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
In the New Year 2024, I wish the development of good scientific cooperation, that all the problems that were also caused by, among others, the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, by the introduced lockdowns, that the post-pandemic health problems will stop, that all the problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and various secondary activities will be solved, so that never again something similar to the Covid-19 pandemic will not appear again. I wish everyone good health and those who are ill a full recovery, all the best. I wish that the New Year 2024 will be better for everyone than the previous years.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Nowadays elementary learners no longer adept to manual operations. They are very keen on just choosing from the letters (mutiple choice) without even trying to solve for the right answer. Also I have seen that after pandemic, learners do not know basic operations and manual computation.
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After electronic calculators and later, calculator-apps in tablets, laptops, PC's and particularly mobile-phones almost eveybody became lazy to do any arithmetics manuelly and also mentally.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the way English is taught as a foreign language?
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Dear Dr. Al-Maktary!
You raised a very important issue. Covid-19 enforced the role of online - learning platforms in studying foreign languages. May I claim that the answer is a case and context-dependent one:
1) Jiang, P., Namaziandost, E., Azizi, Z. et al. Exploring the effects of online learning on EFL learners’ motivation, anxiety, and attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a focus on Iran. Curr Psychol 42, 2310–2324 (2023)., Available at:
2) Linling, Z., & Abdullah, R. (2023). The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Flipped Classroom for EFL Courses: A Systematic Literature Review. SAGE Open, 13(1)., Open access:
3) Sun, P. P., & Luo, X. (2023). Understanding English-as-a-foreign-language university teachers' synchronous online teaching satisfaction: A Chinese perspective. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1–12., Available at:
4) Mansfield, J., Smith, K., Adams, M. et al. Valuing COVID-19 as an opportunity to understand teacher agency. J Educ Change (2023)., Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
What do you think about this topic? Especially since the pandemic. 2020 and beyond. Of course, influencers are not some kind of new phenomenon. They have been around for years.
However, scrolling through tiktok at the beginning of the pandemic (2020+), you could only see tiktok trends, dances... and now more and more influencers are promoting various products, strengthening the brand and business processes of various companies.
What do you think the future holds for it? What impact do they have and what impact will they have in the future regarding consumer behaviour? What is your opinion on this matter?
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Influenser marketing is a powerful marketing promotion tool nowadays, especially with the target of younger generations.
If the company managed to find a right influenser(s) for its brand influenser marketing can be successful.
Thanks AI we got AI-created influensers now, when different brands cooperate with an AI-influenser what doesn't exist in reality, but generates content and promotes your brand to right TA.
The future has to be regulated as there are plenty of legal and ethical questions regarding influenser marketing.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
We perceive a different form of content production on Instagram of universities since the Covid-19 pandemic to the present day. Is it a legacy of strategic communication odopted by communicators from that period?
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I am afraid of perhaps not fully understanding Samuel's question or not fully appreciating the ideas behind his observation.
From a purely fundamental perspective of everyday communication, my humble idea would be that 'formal', 'strategic' communication is gradually on the way out.
'We' centricism and inclusive, empathetic register, which keeps the message simple, straight forward and crisp is the way forward.
If anything, the legacy of post-Covid communication is that there remains little difference between Business/Strategic/Formal communication and those that feature on social networking sites.
All organizations, including Universities (perhaps particularly so) find the focus on brevity, clarity and legitimacy to be the core principles of any media engagement.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
It would have been controversial to raise questions about the Vaccination-Vitiligo link while the Pandemic was raging. Now that the Pandemic is under control, we must seek the truth.
There are plenty of articles I could locate with Google Scholar reporting incidents that suggest there is a link. For instance,
Vitiligo is recognized as an auto-immune phenomenon. Vaccinations, in general, have been associated with auto-immune reactions.
There have been two new cases of vitiligo among my acquaintances in the last two years. In both cases, the person involved had taken Covid-19 vaccinations.
A major epidemiological study is called for. The study should also cover possible associations with gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic factors, and nutritional factors so that we will understand conditions under which a causative phenomenon is identified.
Srinivasan Ramani, 25-11-2023
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covid triggers autoimmune reaction (such as vitiligo) in a small % of cases.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
12 answers
In the times of COVID19 pandemic when most of the academics and research have shifted to online and distance mode, I wonder if there are postdoc positions available without the restriction of being physically present in the lab/ university. Any suggestions or links to open position advertisements can help me in grabbing a postdoc position.
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This innovative concept if gain popularity would be a win-win for both the parties. A working professional with PhD who want to have a post doc experience without leaving existing job can go for it. On the other hand a professor or a lab/university looking for some expert of some specialized domain in the team get it without much monetary burden. Even I work in a govt Institute and leaving job or getting deputation for a post doc is not on the offering, so to fulfill my dream of having post doc experience can only be true if remote/online/part time post doc positions are offered/advertised regularly
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  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
What was the misinformation effect of conspiracy speculations during COVID-19 pandemic?
Study showed, when only 4.6% of population believed coronavirus was of a natural origin, irrational, denying and hesitant health behavior spread widely across nation.
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Dear Dr. Peshkovskaya!
You raised a relevant point. Please let me argue that one cannot evaluate the overall impact of misinformation on conspiracy speculations for the following reasons in the context of systems thinking:
1) Misinformation is a "virus" itself that mutates: Muppidi, S.R. (2023). Exploring a Vaccine for the Misinformation Virus in a Global Pandemic: Media Literacy, COVID, and Science Communication. In: Pachauri, S., Pachauri, A. (eds) Global Perspectives of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health, Education, and Role of Media. Springer, Singapore., Open access:
2) Conspiracy speculations are the product of fear that is highly case - and context-dependent: Khalaf, M.A., Shehata, A.M. Trust in information sources as a moderator of the impact of COVID-19 anxiety and exposure to information on conspiracy thinking and misinformation beliefs: a multilevel study. BMC Psychol 11, 375 (2023)., Open access:
3) Both misinformation and conspiracy must be eliminated when it comes to science and healthcare delivery. Since there is a war in cyberspace nobody knows the real up-to-date situation. Certain criminal teams are constantly on the move causing fear and confusion. These teams ultimately aim to create chaos.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Good day everyone,
My name is Phil- a medical student at Dalhousie University.
I'm investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on presentations of asthma exacerbations to the Halifax Infirmary, and hoping to publish it to Cureus.
I'm looking for 5 folks to provide emails to potentially peer review the article- would anyone be able to help out with this please?
Thank you!
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I can help you with this.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
28 answers
Determine the appropriate sociological theory to explain the social effects of the Corona pandemic
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The Corona pandemic has created negative effects socially, as domestic violence increased, divorce cases increased, shops were closed, causing an increase in the rate of poverty and unemployment, especially in poor communities as a result of the imposed ban, schools and universities were suspended and places of worship were closed, in addition to the psychological state to which the individual was exposed, which He still lives in this condition, in addition to social stigma.
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2 answers
Telemedicine in Disaster Response: Explore how telemedicine can be leveraged in disaster situations, such as natural disasters or pandemics, to provide remote medical assistance and triage.
Patient Experience and Satisfaction: Research factors affecting patient satisfaction and engagement in telemedicine, including usability, accessibility, and trust in virtual healthcare.
Telemedicine for Rural Healthcare Access (SDG 3):Investigate how telemedicine can address healthcare disparities in rural and underserved areas, contributing to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).
Telemedicine for Health Equity (SDG 10): Study how telemedicine can reduce health disparities and promote equitable access to healthcare, in line with SDG 10 (Reduced Inequality).
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Thank you dear sir, This helped a lot
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
7 answers
In the current situation, public health is at a very critical stage. We are facing epidemics and pandemics in the country as well as worldwide. How can artificial intelligence help tackle public health?
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The rapid spread of diseases like COVID-19 has highlighted the need for innovative solutions to tackle public health challenges. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play a crucial role in addressing these issues effectively.
Firstly, AI can assist in early detection and diagnosis of diseases. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data from various sources such as electronic health records, social media, and wearable devices to identify patterns and detect potential outbreaks before they become widespread. This early warning system can help public health officials take timely actions to prevent further transmission.
Secondly, AI-powered predictive modeling can aid in resource allocation and planning. By analyzing historical data on disease prevalence, population demographics, and healthcare infrastructure, AI algorithms can accurately predict future healthcare needs. This information enables governments and healthcare organizations to allocate resources efficiently, ensuring that adequate medical supplies, personnel, and facilities are available where they are most needed.
Furthermore, AI can enhance contact tracing efforts during epidemics or pandemics. By analyzing mobile phone data or using facial recognition technology in surveillance cameras, AI systems can identify individuals who may have come into contact with an infected person quickly. This allows for prompt isolation or testing of potentially exposed individuals to prevent further transmission.
Lastly, AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants can provide accurate information about symptoms, prevention measures, and treatment options to the general public. These chatbots use natural language processing techniques to understand user queries and provide relevant responses instantly. They not only reduce the burden on healthcare professionals but also ensure that accurate information reaches a wider audience.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence has immense potential in tackling public health challenges during epidemics and pandemics. From early detection to resource allocation and contact tracing efforts – AI technologies offer innovative solutions that can save lives by enabling faster response times and more effective interventions.
World Health Organization. (2020). Artificial intelligence for health. Retrieved from
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1 answer
The pandemic, COVID-19 changed the world in many ways numerous to outline. Specifically, it impacted the demographics of the healthcare industry. It also modified the scope of many businesses, globally. There are arguably long term effects of all these; evidenced by data.
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Healthcare industry
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
12 answers
ففي ظل الانسحاب الامريكي من منظمة الصحة العالمية وقطع التمويل عنها هل ينتهي الامر باستبدال الوكالة الدولية بكيان عالمي جديد في ظل انتقادات المنظمة من الادارة الامريكية؟ ماذا ستسرف عنه الايام في المستقبل
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Uh oh! , COVID-19 is a "One Thousand and One Nights" story. It seems that we are at the beginning!
Has this epidemic become a point to chronicle date like the One Thousand and One Nights stories? هل أصبح هذا الوباء نقطة تأريخ مثل حكايات ألف ليلة وليلة؟
Let me ask the following three questions:
  • Is there a lack of interpretability and transparency related to this virus?
  • Did we reach a state with this pandemic that is hard to control and monitor?
  • Is COVID-19 one of nature's secretions or it has been fabricated in the laboratories of one or more countries?
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
Can generative AI predict future pandemic outbreaks?
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No one, nothing, no AI, not even God, can predict the future and never will (unless the entire future has already become the past, e.g., at the end of time, if ever).
There is obviously a very high probability that the Sun will rise tomorrow around the same time as today. But, this is only a probability.
As mentioned in other answers, we now have excellent tools to make reliable predictions about a pandemic outbreak. But everything in our Universe is subject to the laws of action and reaction.
Belief in the reliability of a prediction alone is enough to modify important parameters likely to make this prediction obsolete before it comes true. Obviously, AI can propose numerous scenarios taking into account all possible reactions (second, third… levels of analysis). But because each level is based on assumptions, this greatly decreases the probability of the outcome.
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6 answers
Exploring the role of AI and data analytics in improving our ability to predict and manage pandemics
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Enhancing Pandemic Forecasting and Response Through AI and Big Data Analytics
In the contemporary technological epoch, the synergistic confluence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) offers prodigious potentialities in the domain of epidemiology, specifically in the prognostication and management of pandemics. Below is an elucidative exegesis delineating the role of AI and BDA in this imperative juncture of public health.
  1. Temporal and Spatial Epidemiological Trend Detection:Heterogeneous Data Integration: AI methodologies, particularly deep learning architectures like convolutional neural networks (CNNs), can seamlessly amalgamate variegated data streams, ranging from climatic datasets to population mobility patterns. This facilitates the discernment of latent epidemiological trajectories. Geospatial Analytics: Leveraging geospatial big data, AI models can undertake spatial clustering, hotspots detection, and generate spatial epidemiological landscapes, thereby optimizing surveillance operations.
  2. Genomic Epidemiology and Phylogenetics:Pathogen Genomic Sequence Analysis: Deep learning frameworks, coupled with recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) units, can decode nucleotide sequences, enabling real-time tracking of pathogenic mutations and the subsequent epidemiological repercussions. Phylodynamic Modeling: The integration of phylogenetic trees with epidemiological data enhances pathogen transmission chain detection, assisting in the early intercession of superspreading events.
  3. Predictive Analytics and Forecasting:Epidemic Trajectory Forecasting: Leveraging techniques such as time series analysis, Gaussian processes, and Bayesian inference models, AI delineates potential epidemic trajectories, enhancing proactive pandemic management strategies. Sentinel Surveillance Augmentation: By harnessing natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis on digital platforms, it's plausible to detect epidemiological anomalies and incipient outbreaks, thereby amplifying sentinel surveillance efficacy.
  4. Optimization of Resource Allocation:Reinforcement Learning for Policy Decisions: AI-driven reinforcement learning algorithms can simulate various pandemic response strategies, thereby elucidating optimal policy frameworks and resource allocations that minimize societal and economic ramifications. Supply Chain Analytics: Through BDA, the healthcare supply chain can be optimized in real-time, ensuring efficacious distribution of essential commodities like personal protective equipment (PPE) and vaccines.
  5. Socio-behavioral Analytics and Public Engagement:Sentiment Analysis on Public Discourse: By applying NLP on social media feeds and public discourse platforms, AI can gauge public sentiment, facilitating the development of targeted communication strategies and ensuring efficacious public engagement. Epidemiological Simulation Models: Agent-based modeling and cellular automata, driven by AI, can simulate various socio-behavioral scenarios, shedding light on potential transmission dynamics in diverse sociocultural milieus.
In summation, the concomitant integration of AI and BDA transcends traditional epidemiological paradigms, proffering an enhanced acumen in pandemic forecasting and response. As we embark upon the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the quintessential role of technologically-driven methodologies in public health resilience becomes incontrovertibly manifest.
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10 answers
Investigating the indicators that could help us predict and prepare for future pandemics
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Please see attached file
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3 answers
This question explores the potential of cutting-edge technology to provide early warnings for future pandemics and revolutionize our approach to pandemic preparedness.
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The prediction of novel pandemics is a complex challenge, and while advanced machine learning algorithms and AI-driven data analysis can play a role in pandemic preparedness, they cannot reliably predict the emergence of entirely new and unforeseen pandemics with high precision. Here are some key considerations:
  1. Lack of Historical Data:Predictive models, including machine learning and AI, typically rely on historical data to identify patterns and make predictions. However, novel pandemics by definition involve new pathogens that have not been previously observed in human populations. Therefore, there may be limited or no relevant historical data to analyze.
  2. Complexity and Unpredictability:The emergence of a novel pandemic involves a multitude of complex factors, including the mutation and transmission dynamics of pathogens, zoonotic spillover events, human behavior, international travel patterns, and more. These factors interact in unpredictable ways, making it difficult to build accurate predictive models.
  3. Data Limitations:While diverse datasets can provide valuable information for monitoring and responding to known diseases, they may not capture all the relevant factors associated with the emergence of a new pandemic. The data might also be incomplete, biased, or subject to reporting delays.
  4. Rare Events:Novel pandemics are rare events with significant societal impacts. Predictive models struggle with rare events because they lack sufficient examples to learn from. Most data-driven models are better suited for more common, recurring events.
  5. Ethical and Privacy Concerns:Collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of predicting novel pandemics could raise ethical and privacy concerns. Balancing the need for public health preparedness with individual rights and privacy is a challenging issue.
  6. Expertise and Collaboration:Effective pandemic preparedness and response require collaboration between AI/ML experts, epidemiologists, virologists, public health officials, and other domain experts. Expert judgment and insights are critical in interpreting model outputs and making informed decisions.
While AI and machine learning can't reliably predict the emergence of novel pandemics, they can contribute to pandemic preparedness and response in several ways:
  • Early Warning Systems: AI algorithms can analyze diverse datasets (e.g., social media, medical reports, environmental data) to detect unusual patterns or signals that might indicate the early stages of an outbreak.
  • Epidemiological Modeling: AI can help build more accurate and dynamic epidemiological models that assist in scenario planning and resource allocation during a pandemic.
  • Drug Discovery and Vaccine Design: AI can accelerate drug discovery and vaccine design by simulating molecular interactions and predicting potential candidates.
  • Healthcare Resource Allocation: Machine learning can help hospitals and healthcare systems optimize resource allocation during a pandemic, such as ICU bed availability and staff scheduling.
In summary, while advanced AI and machine learning techniques can enhance pandemic preparedness and response, predicting entirely novel pandemics remains a highly challenging task due to the inherent complexity, unpredictability, and data limitations associated with such events. Efforts should focus on a holistic approach that combines data-driven analysis with expert knowledge, surveillance systems, and international collaboration to mitigate the impact of pandemics.
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2 answers
Recent research about working life in the context of global unrest, new ideas of ‘the organization’, and the need for an inclusive recovery after the COVID19 pandemic, reveal that ‘business as usual’ does not longer cut it for human resource management practices. We therefore have an unprecedented opportunity to do what C.T. Kulik (2021, p. 216) argues in ‘We need a hero: HR and the ‘next normal’ workplace’ published in Human Resource Management Journal: It is essential to learn from the pandemic; in particular ‘to create better workplaces than the ones we left behind (ibid).’ In this regard, Kulik argues that ‘HR has a window of opportunity in which to develop psychologically safe workplaces, trust-based employment relationships and socially connected workforces’ (p. 216).
This special issue responds to this need by focusing on what’s happening in the labor market in the Nordic context. Nordic working life is characterized by high levels of trust, employee autonomy, and dialogue between parties in the labor market. At the same time, new forms of employment, digitalization, sector differences, sustainability issues, political turmoil and financial altercations affect these characteristics and make the future of the Nordic working life less predictable. Against this backdrop, this special issue welcomes conceptual, empirical, and systematic review studies related to the call topic. Relevant themes include, but are not limited to,
  • HRM, leadership, and management practices
  • HRM, sustainability, and technology
  • HRM, platform and gig economies
  • HRM, diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • HRM and labor laws
  • HRM, digitalization, and globalization
  • HRM, the Nordic model and values (integrity, trust, autonomy)
  • HRM, the Nordic model and job engagement
NB: Full papers only and submission deadline 1 November 2023. More info at:
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We look forward to your contribution!
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1 answer
How can the international community best respond to the challenges of climate change, pandemics, and other global threats?
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Responding effectively to global threats like climate change, pandemics, and others requires a coordinated effort from the international community.
Here are some key strategies:
  1. International Cooperation:Strengthen international organizations like the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO) to facilitate collaboration among nations. Foster diplomatic relations and promote dialogue to build trust among countries.
  2. Global Governance and Agreements:Develop and enforce international agreements and treaties to address specific global challenges, such as the Paris Agreement for climate change or the International Health Regulations for pandemics. Ensure compliance with existing agreements and work on new ones when necessary.
  3. Science and Data Sharing:Promote global sharing of scientific research and data related to climate, health, and other threats. Encourage transparency in reporting and monitoring, especially during public health emergencies.
  4. Sustainable Development:Prioritize sustainable development to mitigate climate change and reduce vulnerability to pandemics. This includes investments in renewable energy, green infrastructure, and public health systems. Implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for addressing multiple global challenges simultaneously.
  5. Climate Change Mitigation:Commit to ambitious emissions reduction targets and transition to a low-carbon economy. Provide financial and technological assistance to developing countries for climate adaptation and mitigation efforts.
  6. Pandemic Preparedness:Establish a global early warning system for infectious diseases to detect outbreaks quickly. Build robust healthcare infrastructure and strengthen public health systems in all countries, with a focus on low- and middle-income nations.
  7. Resilience and Adaptation:Develop strategies for climate resilience and adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change. Support communities vulnerable to both climate change and pandemics with resources and expertise.
  8. Technology Transfer:Facilitate the transfer of clean energy and healthcare technologies from developed to developing countries. Promote research and innovation in areas relevant to global threats.
  9. Education and Awareness:Raise awareness about the interconnectedness of global threats and the importance of collective action. Foster public understanding of the science behind climate change and pandemics.
  10. Financial Support:Mobilize funds for climate adaptation, mitigation, and pandemic preparedness through mechanisms like the Green Climate Fund and the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility. Explore innovative financing solutions such as carbon pricing and global health insurance.
  11. Inclusivity and Equity:Ensure that responses to global threats are equitable and do not exacerbate existing inequalities. Engage marginalized communities and indigenous peoples in decision-making processes.
  12. Conflict Resolution:Address conflicts and geopolitical tensions that can hinder international cooperation on global threats. Use diplomacy and mediation to resolve disputes peacefully.
Ultimately, addressing global threats requires a holistic and coordinated approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of these challenges. It also demands a commitment to long-term sustainability and a shared responsibility among nations to protect the planet and its inhabitants.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
I plan to do research in this field, studying factors that explain the performance of insurance firms during the recent pandemic.
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Not much there was no compensation in most insurance companies
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
I need the code of matlab of SEIR model in paper"Stability analysis and numerical simulation of SEIR model for pandemic COVID-19 spread in Indonesia Suwardi Annas a , Muh. Isbar Pratama b , Muh. Rifandi b , Wahidah Sanusi b , Syafruddin Side b,∗"?
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In this code, the SEIR model is represented by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The `ode45` function is used to solve these equations numerically over the given time span `tspan`. The results are then plotted to visualize the dynamics of the population compartments over time. You can modify the parameter values, initial conditions, and time span to fit your specific scenario. Additionally, you may consider incorporating additional features or extensions to the basic SEIR model as per the requirements of your analysis. I hope this code helps you get started with the SEIR model in MATLAB!Certainly! Here's a basic MATLAB code implementation of the SEIR model for infectious disease simulations:matlab % SEIR Model Parameters beta = 0.8; % Infection rate gamma = 0.2; % Recovery rate sigma = 0.1; % Incubation rate % Initial conditions N = 1000; % Total population I0 = 1; % Initial infected individuals E0 = 0; % Initial exposed individuals R0 = 0; % Initial recovered individuals S0 = N - I0 - E0 - R0; % Initial susceptible individuals % Time vector tspan = 0:1:100; % Time span of simulation % Function representing the SEIR model seir = @(t, y) [-beta * y(1) * y(2)/N; % Susceptible equation beta * y(1) * y(2)/N - sigma * y(2); % Exposed equation sigma * y(2) - gamma * y(3); % Infected equation gamma * y(3)]; % Recovered equation % Solve the differential equations [t, y] = ode45(seir, tspan, [S0, E0, I0, R0]); % Plotting the results plot(t, y(:, 1), 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); % Susceptible hold on; plot(t, y(:, 2), 'y', 'LineWidth', 2); % Exposed plot(t, y(:, 3), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); % Infected plot(t, y(:, 4), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2); % Recovered legend('Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Recovered'); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Population'); title('SEIR Model Simulation'); grid on;
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
The world is currently facing numerous challenges such as climate change coupled with unpredictable rainfall patterns, population growth surpassing the available resources, increased social mobility, high poverty levels, widening gap of social and regional disparities and disease pandemics. Public policies that seek to address these challenges can only provide workable solutions if the decisions made by decision-makers are informed by well researched information.
Research publications are an indispensable way of communicating scientific findings to the world. It can inform policymaking that has the potential to transform lives for the better. However, most people view research as a gateway to achieving academic goals.
Researchers need to ensure their work has an impact on public policy by engaging policymakers at various stages during their research work, ensuring that their published work is simplified that even non academicians can understand and making the findings readily available in non-traditional research article types, such as newspapers and magazines
 Furthermore as a researcher, you can improve the credibility to your findings by making your data readily available in various platforms e.g. in Figshare
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Dear Job,
I want to respond to your discussion in a way that will keep colleagues focused and activist to work on solutions for how to make open access pieces relevant to those who will use them. Your discussion is already starting to turn academic but we need to improve the open access that we have because it is not having the impact it could.
I'll suggest a few solutions of how we can work together and invite colleagues to do so, and then I will discuss some of the background.
I. We still only have a couple of open access book publishers and they are not policy focused or really open. We need to start a few where we have bases. I'm happy to join boards of places doing this and have several works that fit.
II. Open access journals do not last long and even places that say they support them are now putting political pressures on them. Like other journals, they deteriorate into just promoting self interest or narrow ideologies. So we need to work together in the same way as I, above, or we just become meaningless.
III. Getting results still means being seen on the Internet through search engines and monied interests are able to promote their works better. We need better advocacy with what we have. For example:
a) ResearchGate used to allow us to put our work in categories but they have eliminated this. Rather than improve the ability to categorize works (really we should be able to in multiple categories, with key words) so that it is easier to find a cluster of works that are related, by an author, in a cluster of certain policies, they eliminated this. After they did this, I noticed that access to my works dropped about 40%. Before, you could find my works by categories like "indicators for development/ sustainable development" or "cultural heritage policy" or by country.
b) I notice that those articles that people have mentioned on Wikipedia are those that get the most reads. Those are not my most important or best articles but Wikipedia won't allow authors to enter their own discoveries. Oranizations pay Wikipedia to promote their work for influence. We need to help each other to highlight our important works in places like that.
This is what we need to do to ensure that this great new tool that we have of open access can meet its potential with the audiences in which we have an advantage: (1) professionals who are outside university libraries but use the internet, (2) scholars in the Global South or in small universities who do not have access to large libraries and use the Internet, and (3) the general public (who are the REAL decision-makers who need to force governments to act; not the paid or narrowly influenced decision-makers who have no incentive to promote progress on those issues that you list) and who may do Internet searches for pieces useful to them.
If you look at my ResearchGate site, you can see that in the last few years I have been trying to publish almost entirely open access and to make sure that my research pieces include more TOOLS that can be used by researchers, the public and decisionmakers directly for policy benefits: tools like INDICATORS and measurements to hold government actors accountable; designs of projects that can achieve results; and social scientific pieces that are not just long academic journalism but show how systems work and don't work so we know where to focus resources for change and where not to be distracted just by slogans. But it is still very hard to get materials into a debate.
Two other quick comments on your post:
- I think you have a typo and mean DECREASED social mobility, and not "increased";
- I think you need to recognize the importance of the public and of democratic pressure to improve policy. "Policy makers" are often appointed to oppose change and have no interest in appropriate information or new approaches. For most of the problems we face today, there were solutions decades ago and most of what is written as solutions just repeats what we have known for decades. Most of the solutions are in the literature but they are buried so that they cannot be found. Scholars and researchers work to divert attention to them. So what we often need to do is uncover and promote what already exists. Open access can do that if we are effective with some of the focus that I suggest and that others can add to.
David Lempert, Ph.D., J.D., M.B.A., E.D. (Hon.)
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
10 answers
Is it not lowering the quality of education? What has been the purpose of exam invigilation over the years before the COVID-19 pandemic? Will their degrees be authentic? Will they not be half-baked? Is it not an online copy-paste game? What do you think?
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There are no objective exams Samuel Mwendwa Your query is, imo, mostly a matter of precise technicalities, e.g. ID control. I do think there are two possible technical routes: A) fully automated examination in an anonymous way by multiple choice, B) something like a full oral rigorosum.
The main problem with all the online education (exams included) that I do see is the problem that outmoded educational practices will now be repeated electronically.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
HRM practices have been hugely affected by the pandemic across the globe. Is there any possibility of a change in the practices in the expected POST-COVID-19 era? Are we going to resort to our old and/ traditional HRM practices? What is your take on this as a practitioner or academic? Kindly share your thoughts with us, thank you.
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Yes, there are changes to the world of work, such as.
Remote work, health and safety protocols, employee well-being and talent management. These changes have affected the human resource management (HRM)
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
10 answers
To date, the human cost of coronavirus (COVID-19) is more than 13 000000 infections, and more than 570000 death worldwide. The economic cost so far has been staggering. Many economies almost come to a halt. The impact on supply, demand, the financial market is affecting both larger and smaller firms. However, SMEs are at a disadvantage due to limited resources, existing obstacles in securing capital, and the span of time over which they can survive this pandemic compared to the larger firms.
How SMEs and new start-ups are going to handle this pandemic? Can they survive it or a great majority of them will go out of business? Should the government step in to help?
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The impact of COVID-19 on new start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been significant and varied. While some have managed to survive and even thrive during these challenging times, others have faced substantial challenges and, unfortunately, some have been forced to shut down. The overall impact depends on several factors, including the industry, location, adaptability, financial stability, and the duration and severity of lockdowns and restrictions in their respective regions.
Challenges faced by start-ups and SMEs during COVID-19:
  1. Revenue Loss and Cash Flow Constraints: Many start-ups and SMEs experienced a sharp decline in revenue, especially those operating in industries directly affected by lockdowns and social distancing measures, such as hospitality, travel, retail, and entertainment. This revenue loss led to cash flow constraints, making it difficult for businesses to cover operational expenses and debts.
  2. Supply Chain Disruptions: The pandemic disrupted global supply chains, leading to shortages of raw materials and delayed shipments. This affected the production and distribution capabilities of many start-ups and SMEs, especially those reliant on imported goods.
  3. Reduced Consumer Spending: With economic uncertainty and job losses, consumer spending decreased in various sectors. Start-ups and SMEs relying on discretionary spending saw a decline in demand for their products or services.
  4. Limited Access to Funding: Investors became cautious during the pandemic, and many venture capital firms shifted their focus to supporting existing portfolio companies rather than making new investments. As a result, new start-ups found it challenging to secure funding.
  5. Remote Work Transition: The sudden shift to remote work posed challenges for some start-ups and SMEs that were not prepared for a remote work environment. It impacted team collaboration, productivity, and the overall work culture.
  6. Uncertainty and Fear: The overall uncertainty caused by the pandemic led to fear and hesitancy among consumers and businesses. Start-ups and SMEs struggled to plan for the future, not knowing how long the pandemic and its economic effects would last.
Adaptation and Survival Strategies:
Despite the challenges, some start-ups and SMEs have managed to survive and even thrive by adopting various strategies:
  1. Digital Transformation: Businesses that quickly adapted to online operations, e-commerce, and digital marketing fared better during the pandemic. Those with robust online platforms were able to continue selling products and services to a wider audience.
  2. Pivoting Business Models: Some start-ups changed their core offerings or targeted new markets that were in demand during the pandemic. For example, some restaurants switched to takeout and delivery services, and some clothing manufacturers began producing face masks.
  3. Cost Optimization: Companies that implemented cost-cutting measures and managed their finances efficiently were better positioned to weather the crisis.
  4. Government Support: Various governments worldwide offered financial assistance, grants, and loans to support struggling businesses during the pandemic.
  5. Innovation and Creativity: Start-ups and SMEs that continued to innovate and find unique solutions to pandemic-related challenges had a higher chance of survival.
Can they survive?
The survival of new start-ups and SMEs amid the ongoing impact of COVID-19 remains uncertain and heavily dependent on various factors. Those that have successfully adapted their business models, managed their finances, and embraced digital transformation are more likely to survive. However, many businesses, especially in highly affected industries, continue to face significant challenges.
As the situation evolves and vaccination efforts progress, economic recovery is expected, which can provide some relief to struggling businesses. However, it may take time for certain industries to fully recover.
In conclusion, while the pandemic has posed immense challenges for new start-ups and SMEs, those that have been resilient, adaptable, and creative in navigating these unprecedented times have a better chance of survival. Government support, access to funding, and a gradual return to normalcy will also play crucial roles in determining the fate of these businesses.
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25 answers
Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many governments and private organizations allocated large sums of money to fund projects dealing with various areas related to this virus. The vaccine is the most prominent area but detection, caring and monitoring of the patients revealed that the current medical equipment is not adequate and sufficient. Are these funding going to lead to invention or innovation? have you seen any report of innovation in medical technology in your community?
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Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to serve as an engine for innovation in medical technology. The unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic have driven the healthcare and medical technology industries to rapidly develop and adopt innovative solutions to address the crisis. Here are some ways in which the pandemic has accelerated innovation in medical technology:
  1. Vaccines and Therapeutics: The urgent need for vaccines and therapeutics to combat COVID-19 led to unprecedented global efforts in research and development. The development and deployment of mRNA vaccines, such as those from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, showcased the potential of new vaccine technologies.
  2. Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare: The pandemic pushed the adoption of telemedicine and remote healthcare solutions to provide medical services to patients while minimizing in-person contact. Virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and telehealth platforms have become more widely accepted and integrated into healthcare systems.
  3. Digital Health Solutions: Contact tracing apps, health monitoring wearables, and digital health platforms have been developed or repurposed to help track and manage the spread of the virus, monitor patients' health remotely, and provide real-time data for public health officials.
  4. Medical Imaging and AI: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms have been applied to medical imaging, such as chest X-rays and CT scans, to aid in the detection and diagnosis of COVID-19. These technologies have shown promise in enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.
  5. Ventilator Innovation: The high demand for ventilators during the pandemic spurred efforts to develop and produce new and more efficient ventilator models to support patients with severe respiratory issues.
  6. Rapid Diagnostic Tests: The need for quick and accurate COVID-19 testing led to the development of various rapid diagnostic tests, including antigen tests and molecular point-of-care devices.
  7. Supply Chain and Logistics Innovations: The pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities in the medical supply chain. Innovations in supply chain management and logistics have been explored to ensure the efficient distribution of medical equipment, PPE, and vaccines.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
12 answers
Economics of different countries is collapsed because of COVID-19. What you think? What will be the opportunities of funding at higher studies after this Pandemic? Please share your thoughts regarding this issue. Your valuable thoughts will be highly appreciated.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions and changes in various aspects of higher education, including funding opportunities for international students pursuing higher studies in different countries. While the pandemic has presented challenges, it has also led to some opportunities in funding for students. Here are some potential opportunities to consider:
  1. Scholarships and Grants: Many universities and governments around the world offer scholarships and grants to attract international students. After the pandemic, there may be increased emphasis on supporting students from diverse backgrounds, including those affected by the economic impact of the pandemic.
  2. Financial Aid and Support: Some countries and institutions may increase their financial aid packages to help students overcome financial barriers to higher education.
  3. Research Funding: Universities and research institutions may focus on research related to pandemics, public health, and other fields that are crucial in addressing global challenges. This could create additional funding opportunities for students interested in these areas of study.
  4. Industry Partnerships: There might be increased collaboration between universities and industries to address pandemic-related issues and other global challenges. This could lead to funded research projects and opportunities for students to work on practical and relevant research.
  5. Online Learning Opportunities: The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online education. Students may find opportunities to access high-quality education from prestigious institutions around the world through online programs, often at a more affordable cost.
  6. Government Initiatives: Some governments may introduce special funding initiatives or incentives to attract international students as a part of their economic recovery plans.
  7. Flexible Work and Study Options: In a post-pandemic world, some countries might offer flexible work options for international students, allowing them to support their studies financially while gaining work experience.
  8. Remote Research Opportunities: Students may find opportunities to collaborate on research projects remotely with universities and research centers around the world, which could lead to funding support.
  9. Philanthropic Contributions: Donors and philanthropic organizations might increase their contributions to support higher education and research in response to the pandemic's impact on the global community.
It is essential for students to actively research funding opportunities and stay updated on the latest developments in higher education funding. Many funding opportunities have specific application deadlines and requirements, so students should plan ahead and be proactive in seeking financial support.
Additionally, students can reach out to their prospective universities' international student offices or financial aid offices to inquire about available funding options and scholarships tailored to their field of study and background.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
23 answers
This RG open question is linked to the previous about the dramatic evolution (partly unexplainable) of COVID19 in Northern Italy during wave 1.
The previous RG open question is reported below🔴 and resulted in a completely alternative model for the evolution🟨 of SARS-CoV/2 from pre-pandemic phase to pandemic phase.
In this specific RG question, the intention is to create an open discussion on the possible emergence of a violent outbreak of avian flu or similar in central Europe.
This concern arises from a qualitative model that links three events which in the past have always characterized the violent explosion of a bird flu or similar.
---Coronavirus Epidemic/Pandemic;
---Conflict/War partly out of control;
---Pandemic avian flu or similar.
The ABSTRACT of the model can be consulted directly here..
This RG open question will serve to accumulate data both for and against this dire possibility.
Thanks to all the participants.
🔴The novel Coronavirus in N. Italy, Lombardia 【 COVID19 / 2019nCoV / SARSCoV2 】 shows a fatality rate compatible with SARS-MERS. Why?? MAR.2020. --
🟨Link between the start of pandemic SARS-CoV/2 (COVID19) and the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan (Hubei: China): the furin cleavage site of spike protein. FEB.2022. --
Relevant answer
The model is in progress ... ..... Disease Outbreak News. Influenza A(H5N1) in cats – Poland. 16 July 2023. WHO.
On 27 June 2023, the IHR National Focal Point of Poland notified WHO of unusual deaths in cats across the country. As of 11 July, 47 samples have been tested from 46 cats and one captive caracal, of which 29 were found to be positive for influenza A (H5N1). Fourteen cats are reported to have been euthanized, and a further 11 died, with the last death reported on 30 June. The source of the exposure of cats to the virus is currently unknown and epizootic investigations are ongoing.
Sporadic infection of cats with A(H5N1) has previously been reported, but this is the first report of a high numbers of infected cats over a wide geographical area within a country.
As of 12 July, no human contacts of A(H5N1) positive cats have reported symptoms, and the surveillance period for all contacts is now complete.
The risk of human infections following exposure to infected cats at the national level is assessed as low for the general population, and low to moderate for cat owners and those occupationally exposed to H5N1-infected cats (such as veterinarians) without the use of appropriate personal protective equipment.
WHO continues to monitor the situation and work in close collaboration with the animal and public health sectors, regional agencies, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), and other partner agencies in Poland.
Description of situation
On 27 June 2023, the IHR National Focal Point of Poland notified WHO of unusual deaths in cats across the country. As of 11 July 2023, a total of 47 samples have been tested from 46 cats and one caracal (Caracal caracal). Of these 47 samples, 29 (62%) were positive for influenza A(H5N1). Positive samples were reported from 13 geographical areas within the country.
Some cats developed severe symptoms including difficulty in breathing, bloody diarrhoea, and neurological signs, with rapid deterioration and death in some cases. In total, 20 cats had neurological signs, 19 had respiratory signs, and 17 had both neurological and respiratory signs.
Fourteen cats are reported to have been euthanized, and a further 11 died. Post-mortem exams on a small number of cats are suggestive of pneumonia. According to the information available, the last known death among cats was reported on 30 June .
Genomic analysis of 19 viruses sequenced from this outbreak showed that they all belonged to the H5 clade and were highly related to each other. Also, the viruses are similar to influenza A(H5N1) clade viruses which have been circulating in wild birds and which caused outbreaks in poultry recently in Poland.
The source of exposure of cats to the virus is currently unknown and epizootic investigations are ongoing. There are several possibilities for the source of infection, among which the cats could have had direct or indirect contact with infected birds or their environments, ate infected birds, or ate food contaminated with the virus. Authorities are investigating all potential sources and to date have not ruled out any. Of the 25 cats for which the information is available, two were outdoor cats, 18 were indoor with access to a balcony, terrace, or backyard, and five were indoor cats with no access to the outside environment. Seven cats are reported to have had the opportunity for contact with wild birds.
This is the first report of high numbers of cats infected with avian influenza A(H5N1) spread over a wide geographical area within any country. Sporadic infections in domestic cats with A(H5N1) viruses, including A(H5N1) H5 clade viruses, have been reported previously, following close contact of the cats with infected birds or from ingesting meat of infected birds.
Epidemiology of H5N1
Since the end of 2021, an unprecedented number of H5N1 outbreaks among poultry and wild birds has been reported worldwide. As of June 2023, the clade viruses have become dominant in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. Alongside wild bird and domestic poultry infections, there have been increased detections in non-avian species, including wild terrestrial (often scavenging) and marine mammals and occasionally in farmed or captive mammalian species, likely through contact with infected live or dead birds or their environments.
Since 2020, 12 human cases of avian influenza A(H5N1) clade virus detections have been reported to WHO, four of which were severe cases and eight were mild or asymptomatic. It is unclear if the detection of the virus in these mild or asymptomatic cases resulted from infection or temporary contamination of the nasal passages. Most humans infected with A(H5N1) viruses have resulted from direct or indirect contact with infected live or dead poultry. Human infection with influenza A(H5N1) viruses can cause severe disease and is fatal in some cases.
Public health response
Response measures have been implemented by the national authorities in Poland. These include:
Under the guidance of the public health authorities in Poland, all owners of infected cats are provided with a health self-assessment questionnaire and requested to self-monitor for symptoms of influenza-like illness (ILI) or acute respiratory illness (ARI) for 10 days since last contact with infected cat. As of 12 July, 70 individuals who had been in contact with confirmed cats have completed self-monitoring and none reported symptoms.
Providing regular updates on the situation and sharing information and updates with partners, including international organizations.
Epizootic investigations are underway to understand the epidemiological situation in cats and the likely source of exposure of cats to the virus.
Preventive measures have been taken to prevent the occurrence of disease in humans by issuing publicly available general precautions for cat owners and individuals who have contact with sick animals suspected of avian influenza infection.
WHO continues to monitor the situation and work in close collaboration with the animal and public health sectors, regional agencies, FAO, WOAH, and other partner agencies in Poland and globally.
WHO is evaluating the existing candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) of A(H5N1) through the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) to ensure valid CVVs are developed and available for pandemic preparedness purposes.
WHO risk assessment
To date, human A(H5N1) infections following contact with an infected cat have not been documented. Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus detections in humans remain unusual, and sustained human-to-human transmission has not been documented.
To date, no symptomatic human contact of infected cats has been reported in Poland despite potentially close contact between cats and owners, and the capacity to detect a human case in contact with an infected cat is adequate in the country.
Therefore, based on current information, the risk of human infections following exposure to infected cats at the national level is assessed as low for the general population, and low to moderate for cat owners and those occupationally exposed to A(H5N1)-infected cats (such as veterinarians) without the use of appropriate personal protective equipment.
Based on the current information, the risk for humans at the regional level is assessed as low, due to: i) avian influenza surveillance activities in animals in Europe being strengthened since September 2022, when the unprecedented geographical extent (37 European countries affected) resulted in 50 million poultry being culled in affected establishments; and (ii) Currently, there are no reported instances of human infection with the A(H5N1) virus acquired from cats, although A(H5N1) infection in domestic cats has been confirmed in Poland.
Due to the uncertainties related to this event, including the source of infection, the risk assessment may change.
WHO advice
The reports of these events do not change the current WHO recommendations on public health measures and surveillance of influenza.
Due to the constantly evolving nature of influenza viruses, WHO continues to stress the importance of global surveillance to detect and monitor virological, epidemiological and clinical changes associated with emerging or circulating influenza viruses that may affect human (or animal) health and timely virus-sharing for risk assessment.
All individuals exposed to animal influenza viruses, and all contacts of confirmed human cases, should monitor their health for the duration of the known exposure period with additional seven days at a minimum.
All those exposed to known infected poultry, wild birds or other animals, or to farms under suspicion, should be registered and placed under close monitoring by local health authorities. This will facilitate the early detection of illness and timely clinical case management. If a person is suspected of having zoonotic influenza, the health authorities must be notified, and appropriate clinical case management should be provided.
Public health and animal health authorities should collaborate closely in the areas of information sharing, joint risk assessment, and response to outbreaks of zoonotic influenza at the human-animal interface, adhering to the One Health approach.
FAO, WHO and WOAH have issued a joint situation analysis and advice to countries in relation to ongoing avian influenza outbreaks in animals and the risk posed to human health. FAO, WHO and WOAH continue to review the situation, monitoring the rapidly evolving nature of the virus, and updating recommendations for curbing its spread, in addition to working with countries in preparedness and response, and facilitating collaboration across countries and sectors. The spread of the virus to five continents speaks to the need for global cooperation and alertness to protect animals, people, and economies.
WHO does not recommend any restrictions on travel and/or trade with Poland based on available information on this event.
Further information
Influenza at the human-animal interface summary and assessment, 31 May 2023.
WHO Global influenza programme, human-animal interface:
WHO Monthly Risk Assessment Summary: Influenza at the human-animal interface:
Cumulative number of confirmed human cases for avian influenza A(H5N1) reported to WHO, 2003-2022, 31 May 2023.
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bird flu in pets and other animals
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) , Investigation into the risk to human health of avian influenza (influenza A H5N1) in England: technical briefing 5
WOAH. WAHIS report for Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (H5N1) in Poland.
Case definitions for the four diseases requiring notification in all circumstances under the International Health Regulations (2005):
Government of Poland. Chief Veterinary Inspectorate communication. 26 June 2023.
Government of Poland. Chief Veterinary Inspectorate communication. 28 June 2023. Komunikat IV GLW w sprawie choroby kotów | Główny Inspektorat Weterynarii (
WOAH Statement on avian influenza and mammals:
OFFLU. First statement on infections with Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus in cats in Poland. 28 June 2023.
Chief Sanitary inspectorate of Poland Announcement regarding the detection of cases of infection among domestic cats caused by the influenza A/H5N1 virus/
FAO - Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus infections detected in cats in Poland
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
My research paper aims to address three key research questions that focus on exploring the specific legal implications of COVID-19 on the international sale of goods and understanding how international trade laws and agreements have adapted to the challenges brought about by the pandemic.
1. What are the specific legal implications of COVID-19 on the international sale of goods?
2. How have international trade laws and agreements adapted to the challenges posed by the pandemic?
3. What are the implications for contract formation, performance, and remedies in international sales contracts due to COVID-19?
Relevant answer
Law and journalism I have read but it is not my research subject s.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Prevailing sustainable challenges for the indsutries, innovation and application of frugality in innovation is required. What extent diffusion workout among different scale of busienss, different age of entrepreneurs and among different nature of businesses?
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Yes, it is applicable, as many other models.
I invite you to read this paper:
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
To date, the SDGs have failed to reduce socioeconomic inequality within and between countries in the post-covid pandemic World. How can governments, civil society, and other stakeholders regain the momentum lost, to "leave no one behind?
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You are right, the momentum had for achieving SDGs prior to Covid19 was diminished with new normal that enterprises to individual looking for survival than achieving greater goals. In fact, we need think about what actually has happened during the driven us for more sustainable way of living, reducing our carbon footprint....converting our way of living to reduce carbon emission etc. So, I believe we need pitch on this and convince the public on the benefits of that...We need to prioritise sustainability across the board.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Dear Researchers,
The COVID -19 pandemic caused by SARS CoV-2 is taking away many lives. Till now there is no approved vaccine to tackle this. Literatures and media are giving us information that it will take around 6 to 8 months more to get the vaccine. Besides, alternative medicines are getting attention to treat COVID-19. Will plant metabolites be the hope to get the therapeutics before other drugs or vaccines. How it is possible? Share your thinking, please.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
In your country's higher education system, which do you think is more important for the effectiveness of using mobile technologies to improve learning outcomes: student readiness and motivation, or appropriate content and instructional design?
Why and how can these factors be optimized to enhance the potential benefits of mobile learning for students?
Relevant answer
I agree that instructors should consider students' needs and interests when designing course content. Each student is unique and may have different learning styles, so it's important for instructors to take the time to understand what motivates them. By doing so, instructors can create effective and engaging content that promotes student success.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Did the Covid 19 pandemic put the theory of international relations in a crisis of interpretation, or did it put it in front of the criteria of justification? Was Concy Wright right in his words about the total theory in international relations?
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Please find attached document
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
Post pandemic, most of the teaching and research activities are happening in campus. This is likely to have positive impact on teaching and research activities. What is your assessment of teaching and research activities contribution post pandemic vis-a-vis during pandemic?
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Thanks a lot Dr Shafagat Mahmudova and Ameneh Safarzadeh for your contribution.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
I recently read you thesis, The Concept of the Ascent of Prayer by Sixteenth-century
Jerusalem Kabbalist, R. Joseph ibn Zayyah. Question: Does Zayyah discuss in his Perush le-Tefilah the meaning of the six Mahs [Who are we? What is our Life, etc] in the prayer Ribbon Ha'Olamim located before the first Shema? Are you familiar with additional explanations of the six Mahs?
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic libraries are closed and I cannot travel due to recent cardiac surgery and my age. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Michael Alter
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At the presentation '' Who are we''it depends on individual existence ,development ,with every individual are receiving the creation of his identity & presentation . This may offer the creative justice for himself .With this for individual life some years back I have expressed my views in my presentation which I submit herewith for your perusal
''It is not pessimistic view. Otherwise it has also been said we are architect of our own fortune. We know we our life & as such we are creator of our own life & in his line our life not in our hand appears to be contradictory .
This is my personal opinion
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
I am looking for a statistician who can help me analyze data from two surveys: student & teacher answers regarding self-efficiency during the pandemic. S/he will become the fourth author of a manuscript.
Please contact me through Research Gate if interested in the topic.
Thank you and good luck with your own research, too!
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Hi Ma'Mon, thank you for your reply. The study is already executed, data collected (IRB approval, etc.). I just need a statistician who can work on the two sets of data (teachers' survey & students' survey).
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
What child social development support programmes, child psychological support programmes are being developed in relation to the increasing scale of psychological problems in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic?
At the beginning of May 2023, the World Health Organisation lifted the state of global epidemiological emergency associated with Covid-19. In Poland, the state of heightened epidemiological emergency associated with Covid-19 is not due to be lifted until the end of June 2023. This is likely to increase the scale of ongoing research into the various secondary effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, both the post-pandemic, post-vaccine health effects, then also the social and economic effects, including, for example, on the issue of rising inflation from 2021 generated by the introduction of a large amount of additional money into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was mainly intended to limit the scale of the increase in unemployment caused by the introduced lockdowns. In Poland, the PIS government is mainly responsible for the deterioration of children's mental state, which unreflectively and without applied research and public consultation introduced large-scale lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc. ... and even a ban on entering forests during part of the period of wave 1 of the pandemic.
From mid-2022 onwards, more and more comparative studies began to appear, which compared internationally the question of the correlation between the rate of development of the pandemic, the number of deaths categorised as caused by the severe Covid-19 disease state and the occurrence of co-morbidities, usually in more than 90 per cent of cases, and the so-called 'anti-pandemic safety instruments' introduced to varying degrees in individual countries. The results of the study did not confirm the findings of the study, which was based on the results of the research carried out by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The results of the research carried out did not support the thesis regarding the validity of the
of the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic as an instrument to significantly reduce the level of mortality caused solely by the severe Covid-19 condition, exclusively, i.e. by subtracting the factor of co-morbidities. In some countries, the generating factors of specific comorbidities were key influential determinants shaping mortality levels. For example, in Poland, where, due to the government's neglect and deliberate slowing down and blocking of the development of renewable energy sources in recent years, more than three quarters of energy is still produced by the technologically backward dirty power industry based on burning hard coal and lignite, which generates the worst air quality in cities during heating periods compared to Europe and the world. This poor air quality, determined by high levels of particulate matter (PM 2.5, PM 10, etc.), is the source of premature deaths, estimated at around 50 000 people, i.e. deaths caused by respiratory and other diseases resulting from high levels of air pollution. Such diseases are examples of diseases coexisting with Covid-19, which were compounding factors in the level of mortality qualified as caused by these diseases in combination with Covid-19 during the pandemic. In the government-led pandemic risk management process, different structures were adopted to prioritise safety on the one hand for health and on the other hand also for socio-economic safety. Different solutions were adopted in the countries in terms of the applied anti-pandemic safety and anti-crisis instruments with regard to the economy. Consequently, the effects of these measures were also not the same. The economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and the applied anti-pandemic instruments also varied significantly between the various different industries and sectors of the economy.
These systemic anti-pandemic measures mainly benefited the technology sectors, companies operating on the Internet, businesses developing e-commerce, courier companies, state-owned companies receiving additional government contracts for the production of anti-pandemic assortments, e.g. hand disinfectant fluids, production of protective masks, etc. On the other hand, there were many more companies and enterprises, mainly operating in the service sectors, which were subject to lockdowns and suffered severe financial losses, some going out of business because of them, which in macroeconomic terms generated a deep recession of the economy during the 1st wave of the pandemic. However, as it later turned out, there were many more problems caused by such anti-pandemic socio-economic policies. Among these various secondary effects of the negative and particularly socially significant problems generated by the misguided antipandemic socio-economic policy, one stands out the increasing scale of psychological problems in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., and have been exacerbated by the controversial pseudo-reforms applied to the education system over the past few years. In Poland, this problem is very serious. This is confirmed, inter alia, by the data on the growing scale of child suicides in the period from 2020 to 2022. Lockdowns, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., introduced and applied on a large scale during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in Poland, have caused disorders in the social development of children and adolescents. In view of this, it is essential to create and develop programmes to support the social development of children, programmes of psychological assistance for children, which should prevent the growing scale of psychological problems in children.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the Honourable Community of scientists and researchers:
What programmes of support for children's social development, programmes of psychological assistance for children are being developed in connection with the increasing scale of problems of a psychological nature in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc.?
What child development support programmes, child welfare programmes are being developed in relation to the increasing scale of mental health problems in children?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Knowing and doings are different things far from each other.
Parenting is very challenging, and regret is very painful. The system fails, and force fail innocent and knowledgeable ones.
After tremendous endurance, Wake up and realised, failure enforced upon me, despite hardest, full effort dedication and attentions... Love fails.. love is weak and only to walk ., Delicate..
Sincerely with pain,
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
What were the various investment objectives financed by the additional off-budget money introduced into the economy since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic?
What were the key priorities and effects of the application of public financial aid programs financed with additional extra-budgetary money introduced into the economy?
What were the key priorities and effects of using state financial aid programs under the so-called anti-crisis interventionist activities financed with additional extra-budgetary money introduced into the economy through covid programs and earmarked funds?
What were the different purposes of financing specific anti-crisis measures that were identified as priorities during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic?
What anti-crisis economic processes were activated by the extra-budgetary introduction of a large amount of additional money into the economy, which resulted, among others, in a significant increase in inflation (from 2021) and an increase in the hidden debt of the state's public finance system (from 2020)? What are the economic effects if the extra money finances mainly an increase in consumption compared to an increase in investment?
He hereby proposes a discussion on the issue of extra-budgetary introduction of additional money into the economy as part of government covid programs and funds, financing specific goals recognized as priorities of anti-crisis measures and the level of debt of the state's public finance system. In the country where I operate under the so-called covid funds, well over PLN 200 billion of additional money was introduced into the economy off-budget, which did not have parity in the goods and services produced. This was no exception to the anti-crisis measures of economic state interventionism used during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic. As part of these anti-crisis measures of economic state interventionism, various financial support programs were used in individual countries, differing in their functionality and impact on the macroeconomics of the national economy. In some countries, such as Poland, the effects were mainly pro-inflationary and generated mainly by an increase in consumption. In Poland, the simplest solutions of this kind have generated a particularly high level of core inflation and a high level of loss of purchasing power of money that citizens receive in salaries, even taking into account the wage increases for employed employees applied by entrepreneurs. The anti-crisis measures of state economic interventionism implemented in Poland during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic in the formula of mainly government programs, the so-called Anti-Crisis Shields consisting mainly in the transfer of public financial aid to commercially operating business entities, under which the largest amount of money from the public finance system was allocated by the government to non-repayable subsidies transferred to companies and enterprises in the form of subsidies to employees' salaries and refinancing fixed costs of business activity. The purpose of this type of the simplest and most primitive anti-crisis solution was to limit the scale of employment reduction and the scale of bankruptcy of business entities caused by scientifically unjustified, large-scale lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy and the so-called. national quarantines. Unfortunately, the real level of unemployment was still growing during the pandemic, despite the fact that the statistics of the Central Statistical Office did not show it, because a significant part of entrepreneurs, in order to receive the aforementioned non-repayable subsidies, reduced the employment of employees from e.g. full-time to part-time. In addition, this type of anti-crisis measures of economic state intervention, applied in the simplest and most primitive formula, did not motivate companies and enterprises to implement pro-development investments. However, in some other countries, the mechanism of the applied anti-crisis actions of state economic interventionism was much more investment and pro-development, and even pro-climate and pro-environmental. For example, in the most economically and technologically developed countries of Europe, such as in Germany, the anti-crisis measures of economic state interventionism used during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic had to a large extent precisely this type of investment, pro-development, pro-climate and pro-environmental character . In Poland, this extra money was only unproductively consumed and generated a restoration of consumption to pre-coronavirus levels and an increase in inflation from 2021. In Germany, additional money was allocated to investments, in addition to green investments, i.e. the implementation of the key anti-crisis assumption, Keynesian state interventionism, taking into account the issue of achieving sustainable development goals, accelerating the processes of green transformation of the economy, i.e. pragmatic, pro-social and at the same time pro-climate and pro-environmental measures were applied approach in the field of anti-crisis and pro-development activities. In Poland, however, the additional, printed, anti-crisis money introduced into the economy as part of off-budget Covid funds was consumed, generated another wave of economic downturn resulting from growing inflation, and contributed to an increase in the real debt of the public finance system, although hidden from the above-mentioned prudential indicators. In addition, due to the government slowing down the process of green transformation of the energy sector in recent years, more than 3/4 of electricity and heat in Poland is still generated from dirty combustion power generation based on the combustion of hard coal and lignite, which resulted in a crisis that was particularly costly for Polish citizens energy in 2022. Therefore, the anti-crisis socio-economic policy programs applied in individual countries during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic were significantly diversified in many respects, including issues recognized by governments as priorities and key investment objectives financed with additional anti-crisis extra-budgetary money introduced into economy. In some countries, it was noticed that during the pandemic there is a possibility of accelerating the processes of pro-environmental, pro-climate, green transformation of the economy and this opportunity was taken advantage of. On the other hand, unfortunately, there are still countries, including EU Member States, such as Poland, in which the priorities of the anti-crisis, monetarist, historically large-scale economic state interventionism completely ignored the issue of emerging opportunities, including the financial possibilities of accelerating the processes pro-environmental, pro-climate, green transformation of the economy.
In view of the above, I am addressing the Honorable Community of scientists and researchers with the following question: What were the different purposes of financing specific anti-crisis measures that were identified as priorities during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic? What anti-crisis economic processes were activated by the extra-budgetary introduction of a large amount of additional money into the economy, which resulted, among others, in a significant increase in inflation (from 2021) and an increase in the hidden debt of the state's public finance system (from 2020)? What are the economic effects if the extra money finances mainly an increase in consumption compared to an increase in investment? What were the key priorities and effects of applying public financial aid programs under the so-called anti-crisis interventionist activities financed with additional extra-budgetary money introduced into the economy through covid programs and earmarked funds? What were the various investment objectives financed by the additional off-budget money introduced into the economy since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please reply,
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
The above text is fully my original work written by me on the basis of my research. In writing this text, I did not use any other sources or automatic text generation systems, such as ChatGPT. Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
9 answers
What is the likelihood of another pandemic in the future as estimated by the predictive analyses carried out, based on computerised, multi-faceted, big data mathematical modelling?
To what extent does climate change, progressive global warming, climate change across continents, increased environmental pollution and the impact of toxic waste pollution on human health, etc. increase the likelihood of another pandemic in the future as estimated by the predictive analyses carried out, based on computerised, multi-faceted, big data mathematical modelling?
On 4 May 2023, the World Health Organisation lifted the state of global epidemiological emergency associated with Covid-19. The WHO declared that Covid-19 no longer posed a public health, human health threat on a global scale. The WHO introduced the state on 30 January 2020, and after more than three years, the state was lifted. But the key point is that it was lifted as an epidemiological risk 'only' on a global scale and not as a direct recommendation for individual countries. Well, in individual countries, the levels of infection and mortality, although significantly lower than in 2020, are still occurring as part of local, successive, seasonal increases in infection with specific types of relentlessly emerging successive virus strains, and are significantly different in terms of the comparative analyses carried out. Globally, almost 7 million people have died according to Covid-19 death statistics and in more than 90 per cent of cases in combination with the presence of various co-morbidities. In Poland, these deaths were 120 000 with 5.5 million diagnosed infections and more than 250 000 excess deaths. In Poland, the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency is due to be lifted at the end of June 2023. In relation to this, is there still research being conducted by the WHO on the secondary effects of the Covid-19 pandemic? The 2018 Spanish flu was an avian flu that passed to humans. This was not the only such case in which a virus that causes disease in specific animal species started to infect and cause specific diseases in humans as well. It may have been similar with the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus, because before it started infecting humans it had previously developed in certain bat species, among others. It is likely that this virus acquired new features after the modification of its genome applied in laboratories, its effect was enhanced, it escaped from the laboratory and also started infecting humans. According to mathematical models of forecasting, which take into account population growth, increased population density in urban areas, low levels of sanitation in many parts of the world, low levels of availability of clean water in many economically poorer countries, the rate of creation of new strains of influenza viruses, coronaviruses, RSV, etc., which attack humans and certain animal species, the progressive process of global warming, climate change on different continents, increased environmental pollution and the impact of toxic waste pollution on human health, etc., it is likely that the virus will become more widespread in the future.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
To what extent does climate change, the progressive process of global warming, climate change across continents, the increase in environmental pollution and the impact of toxic waste pollution on human health, etc., increase the probability of the appearance of another pandemic in the future as estimated by the predictive analyses carried out based on computerised, multifaceted, data-intensive mathematical modelling?
What is the likelihood of another future pandemic estimated from ongoing predictive analytical work based on computerised multi-faceted mathematical modelling with big data?
What is the likelihood of another pandemic occurring in the future?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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With nature being exploited, global warming, threat of bioterrorism, Such Pandemics is not far from reality, one health approach is the solution. the article is attached
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
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The essay has a total word requirement of 2500 (+/- 5%) words. It should demonstrate proper use of tables and diagrams and graphs where necessary and should also demonstrate in-depth research skills including use of a wide variety of information sources, proper citations and referencing formatting, and proper paraphrasing of borrowed ideas and information
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Papua New Guinea's economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic due to weaker demand and less favorable terms of trade. Pandemic-related global and national movement restrictions have weakened external and domestic demand and affected commodity prices, which has led to an economic contraction, wider financing gaps in the external and fiscal accounts, and higher unemployment and poverty ¹. The tourism industry in Papua New Guinea has also been severely impacted as a result of COVID-19 and the travel restrictions imposed to contain its spread ⁴.
(2) Tourism Business Impact Survey Released | Papua New Guinea.
(3) COVID-19 pandemic in Papua New Guinea - Wikipedia.
(4) The impact of COVID-19 and policy measures undertaken in Papua New Guinea.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
I am conducting qualitative research on teachers' perceptions about the impact of covid-19 pandemic on their performance.
How do draft the survey questionnaires to collect the data.
I need help with the sampling questions.
Thank you.
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Adeyo Samuels has a lot of great ideas. Define your population, sample, and size. Bigger is not always better. Fewer, more indepth questions and a follow up is better.
All unstructured/semistructured interviews or first focus groups? Decide on what you want to know. All these issues go back to your aims and methodology (e.g., a grounded theory study will be vastly different than a phenomenology study, etc.)
By perceptions, what do you want to know? Look both at the COVID-education literature and the broader field.
Pilot your interview questions after carefully crafting them [can include initial analysis of the practice interview to see if you get the information you want and if questions are clear]. Consider techniques to improve the questions, such as the Delphi technique, interviewing/reviewers of outside experts, etc. Chenille has other ideas. I will review your guide if you asked.
Here could be the simple way to start. "Tell me about teaching during COVID." Then ask probing questions and inquire about best/worst experiences and "tell me more." Avoid why questions!
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Due to this pandemic severe crisis occurred throughout the world. Human hunger indexed has been increased due to this pandemic.
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It is likely that the Covid-19 pandemic will have a long-term impact on food consumption. Here are some reasons why this could happen:
1. Health Concerns: The pandemic has highlighted the importance of good health and disease prevention. People might be more mindful of their diet and prefer healthier foods to boost their immune system.
2. Changes in shopping habits: The pandemic has also changed the way people buy their food. Online shopping and home deliveries have increased dramatically, which could change the way food companies sell and distribute their products.
3. Concern for sustainability: The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of sustainability and food security. Consumers may be more concerned about where food comes from and how it is produced.
4. Changes in food preferences: Finally, the pandemic could change people's food preferences. People might be less likely to eat foods that have been linked to transmission of the virus, such as raw foods or self-serve buffets.
However, it is important to note that the long-term impacts of the pandemic on food consumption will depend on many factors, including the evolution of the pandemic itself, government policies, technological innovations and consumer preferences.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
I am doing qualitative studies; can anyone help me with how to draft a questionnaire to collect information about the impact of covid-19 on teachers' performance.
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I support the views of Prof.Dr.Charles.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
corona pandemic is worldwide issue and during the lockdown period people are getting depressed. so let all discuss their way of handling stress
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Worries & anxiety remain the problem for well many human beings to come in the mode of progressive development for the individual . Worries all the time start with anxiety which remain the disturbing phase for certain individual .
Worries remain in mental attitude for our thinking phase & for every human beings one can certainly get rid worries for their action of life . For Corona or any serious problem even of our health which we have to keep our mind in silent mode to find the solution of the same peacefully .With this you have to understand that any disturbing phase of our life may also come out as a part of our destiny . With this also not in our hand .
This is my personal opinion
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
As with SARS Cov, could we expectate some CV sequelae of the current pandemic? Is there any current predictor that could determine the long terme cardiovascular prognosis in long term covid19 survivors?
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Is there an effect of the Corona pandemic on the scientific level of students, two years after the Corona pandemic?
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Yes, It is possible that the Corona pandemic had an effect on pupils' scientific level two years after the epidemic. The pandemic's disruptions to education systems around the world, such as school closures, remote learning, and changes to test formats, may have harmed students' learning outcomes.
However, without precise data and studies, it is difficult to make broad statements regarding the pandemic's impact on pupils' scientific levels. The consequences will differ depending on the country, location, school, and individual children. Consider the steps made by educational institutions to handle the pandemic's disruptions, including as expanded support for remote learning and alternative evaluation methods.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
Hot off the press: an analysis of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on students' learning at the Institute of Tourism Studies (Malta). ITS is a VET higher education institution focusing on travel, tourism, hospitality and heritage studies. The impact of the pandemic was clear and students have given a clear direction: blended learning (on campus and online together) is a way forward post-pandemic. The pandemic turned face-to-face learning into e-learning overnight in March 2020. As the pandemic scare, subsided, educational institutions started to request faculty and students to come back on campus as if Covid-19 had not happened. But students and faculty are saying that there is no turning back time. A blend that exploits the affordances of both face-to-face and e-learning is clearly a balanced way forward for ITS students and faculty.
Do you agree? Is this similar or different from your experience at your institution? Comments welcome.
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Dear Dr. Debattista!
You made an excellent point! I agree also with Prof. Emeritus Dr. Edwards:
1) Howard, S.K., Tondeur, J. Higher education teachers' digital competencies for a blended future. Education Tech Research Dev 71, 1–6 (2023). https ://, Open access:
2) Evenhouse, D., Lee, Y., Berger, E. et al. Engineering student experience and self-direction in implementations of blended learning: a cross-institutional analysis. IJ STEM Ed 10, 19 (2023)., Open access:
3) Class Technologies (2023). Building engagement in Europe and the Middle East through hybrid learning, A case-study webinar by The Times Higher Education, 13 March 2023, Available at:
4) Nungu L, Mukama E, Nsabayezu E. Online collaborative learning and cognitive presence in mathematics and science education. Case study of university of Rwanda, college of education. Educ Inf Technol (Dordr). 2023 Feb 8:1-20. doi: 10.1007/s10639-023-11607-w. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36779197; PMCID: PMC9905761. Free access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
I am looking for participants age 60+ to take part in my doctoral research project exploring long term associations between the covid-19 pandemic and wellbeing – the deadline for participation is 31th May 2023.
Many people continue to suffer direct and indirect consequences of the covid-19 pandemic, whilst other people have coped remarkably well. This research investigates the factors responsible for different wellbeing outcomes in the context of the later stages of the covid-19 pandemic.
In order to do this, participants are asked to speak to a friendly university researcher over the phone about their wellbeing, using established questionnaires. All calls are completely anonymous and confidential.
Every participant who takes part is entered into a prize draw to win one of four £50 Vouchers (choice of Amazon or Marks and Spencer). In addition, participants often report a sense of empowerment and purpose through taking part in scientific research.
I would really appreciate your help in spreading the word about this research project to people you know who are age over 60 and inviting them to take part in the study.
If would like more information, or know someone who may like to take part, please fill in the contact form below or contact me via mobile 07778 619 030 or email [email protected]. Alternatively, feel free to forward the following link, so potential participants can register their interest and I can contact them directly:
Thank you for reading this, please pass along my details to anyone over age 60 you know!
Effie Assan (She/ Her/ Hers)
UTREC Ethical approval – PS15913
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:) sure there are - me p.e.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
March 2023
Dear colleagues/friends around the world,
People around the world are still deeply concerned about the heightened and real international tensions around the world in post Covid-19 pandemic world.
Evident anxiety and fear are a reality everywhere, as the world is in an active state of transformational changes,
The recent book “Transforming Nations after the Covid-19 Pandemic; A Humanitarian and Planetary Systems Perspective” (Springer) directly speaks to these concerns. This book is readily available in hard copy, soft copy, or as an e-book or Kindle edition (ISBN 978-3-030-61809-4 ) through Amazon or your international bookstores and libraries.
It calls for international leadership of a high- order with a planetary systems perspective of the issues and challenges faced globally. This perspective is driven and informed by deep caring, empathy, hope, and positive values.
I invite today’s youth and emerging leaders to consider reading this important and eye-opening work. It provides with a perspective that goes beyond the news media outlets that are often anchored in fear and driven by current political agenda and interests.
You are also invited to link-up and communicate its author at any time through Linked in or directly at [email protected]
Dr. Denis Caro
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Dear Pr Emeritus Dr. Caro!
I found interesting papers that is related to your book:
1) Kortunov, A. Restoration, reformation, or revolution? Blueprints for the world order after the Russia–Ukraine conflict. China Int Strategy Rev. 4, 183–208 (2022), Free access:
2) Geis, A., Schröder, U. Global consequences of the war in Ukraine: the last straw for (liberal) interventionism?. Z Friedens und Konflforsch (2023)., Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
Developing countries adopted online learning just because of pandemic and most probably those nations opt-out from online learning and teaching after the situation settled down. So, what kind of variables could be studied to know about what kept online classes still alive in developing countries?
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As an online (OL) teacher with DiploFoundation for 22 years, may I respond?
1. A growth in OL pre-dates the pandemic. When MFA personnel are deployed around the world (typically half or more of diplomats), OL methods are superior to bringing all of them to one place for on-site training. 2. If OL classes bring in participants from different countries (as at Diplo), there is additional gain via mutual learning within the class. 3. Given that OL teaching is a slower process (at Diplo, each lecture text is chewed over for a week; all our courses are part-time, a time commitment of 8 hours per week). That embeds the learning much better than onsite training for a few days.
We do need an objective comparative study to bring out all the OL benefits.
Thanks and good wishes,
Kishan S Rana
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
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The production, processing, and import/export of food items has been reducing significantly, which may result in food security issues in future, if not managed now.
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If the country promotes the domestic farming system and they are not really to imports so defenitly No
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
During the thawing of the subpolar permafrost, triggered by accelerating global warming, could viruses and bacteria from many thousands of years ago, which are dangerous to humans, emerge and cause another pandemic?
The thawing of permafrost, which has been present for thousands and millions of years in areas near the Arctic Circle, mainly in the Arctic, caused by the accelerating process of global warming, will result in the release into the atmosphere of thousands and possibly millions of tonnes of hitherto frozen methane, a gas that is many times more greenhouse-generating than CO2, which will result in a significant acceleration of the already rapid process of global warming. However, this is not the only very dangerous effect for human civilisation and for the state of the planet's biosphere of the progressing process of global warming, a process which has been taking place since the first industrial revolution, i.e. since the 18th century. Among the significant negative consequences of the increasingly rapid global warming process triggered by the industrial revolution based on the dirty energy of burning fossil fuels is the increase in the risk of a future pandemic caused by viruses emerging from the thawing of the permafrost in areas near the planet's Arctic Circle. These viruses emerged and were frozen many thousands and perhaps millions of years ago, i.e. when there was not yet a modern species of homo sapiens on planet Earth. Therefore, humans may not be immune at all to these strains of different types of viruses that functioned on the planet many thousands of years ago. In addition, the existence of many species of both wild animals and farmed livestock may also be threatened if thawing viruses from many thousands of years ago prove to be completely unfamiliar to the immune systems of said animals. According to CNN media reports, there are virological research laboratories currently working on revived viruses taken from thawing permafrost. These revived viruses are referred to in the media as "zombie viruses". In addition, high summer temperatures have thawed the corpses of people who died and were buried in cemeteries many years ago, as well as animals, from whose thawing bodies pathogenic strains of viruses and bacteria have emerged. The thawing of the permafrost in recent years, for example, has been identified as a major source factor in the occurrence of the anthrax epidemic in Siberia, because the high temperatures experienced in Siberia for the first time in many thousands of years allow viruses and bacteria to be released from human cemeteries and animal corpses, i.e. micro-organisms that functioned thousands of years ago and which may be particularly dangerous to humans and animals living on the planet today.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In the course of the rapid thawing of the sub-polar permafrost, caused by the progressive process of global warming, could viruses and bacteria from many thousands of years ago, which are dangerous to humans, come to light and cause another pandemic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dariusz Prokopowicz There are many recent works published for this subject. The risk was always present, but now it will be more significant.
Wu, Ruonan, Gareth Trubl, Neslihan Taş, and Janet K. Jansson. "Permafrost as a potential pathogen reservoir." One Earth 5, no. 4 (2022): 351-360.
Alempic, J.M., Lartigue, A., Goncharov, A.E., Grosse, G., Strauss, J., Tikhonov, A.N., Fedorov, A.N., Poirot, O., Legendre, M., Santini, S. and Abergel, C., 2023. An Update on Eukaryotic Viruses Revived from Ancient Permafrost. Viruses, 15(2), p.564.
Christie, Alec. "Blast from the Past: Pathogen Release from Thawing Permafrost could lead to Future Pandemics." (2021).
Hueffer, K., Drown, D., Romanovsky, V., & Hennessy, T. (2020). Factors contributing to anthrax outbreaks in the circumpolar north. EcoHealth, 17, 174-180.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
Where can I find sources or sites on Pandemics and Gender in SADC countries, ie. in Southern Africa?
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  • asked a question related to Pandemics
5 answers
The world is still suffering from the consequences of the pandemic. The problem of bursting deficits and growing public debt is one of the problems that existed and has worsened further as economies are exposed to the pandemic, resulting in closures and deficits, and Governments are pumping liquidity to avoid devastating downturns. And it is no secret that the source of this liquidity was the excessive purchases of government bonds by central banks, With the beginning of the recovery and the opening of economies, production, trade and investment conditions are expected to improve, but the astronomical level of public debt remains a major concern for all. and possible problems that require extraordinary action that may negatively affect productive investment.
In these circumstances, can the same criteria of public debt continue to apply? The economic situation at the time of the outbreak of the pandemic was characterized by decline and deterioration, not only because of a war or a decline in demand, but also because of the epidemiological situation that prompted governments to close, and so there was a halt in the flow of raw materials, goods and funds not only between countries but also within the economy.
This question was previously asked on September 1, 2019, before the outbreak of the epidemic and before the outbreak of war in Eastern Europe.
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Question is what is the government doing with the money? If it is spending on investments in infrastructure or education, it might be quite good.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
A large percent of of crude oil is consumed by transportation sector globally .
By referring to previous years statistics , more than 60 percent of worldwide oil consumption
belonged to transportation sector .
Corona virus pandemic mainly struck the travel and public transportation industry
in short term , that are part of transportation sector .
So the question may ensue the following questions :
- How many percent of oil consumption belonged to travel and public transportation industry ?
- How many percent the travel and public transportation industry is struck by pandemic in monetary term ?
- And how many percent of travel and public transportation industry costs is allocated to fuel (mostly crude oil products) consumption .
Can anyone introduce some references ?
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The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on crude oil consumption has been significant, particularly in the short term. Here are some insights and references to help answer your questions:
  1. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), transportation accounts for about 60% of global oil consumption. Of that, around 25% is used for passenger cars and light-duty vehicles, while the remaining 35% is used for heavy-duty vehicles, aviation, and marine transport.
  2. The travel and public transportation industry has been severely impacted by the pandemic, with significant declines in both passenger traffic and revenue. According to the World Bank, the global tourism industry is expected to contract by 70% in 2020 compared to the previous year. The aviation industry has also been hit hard, with a decline in passenger traffic of around 60% in 2020 compared to 2019.
  3. The share of travel and public transportation industry costs that is allocated to fuel consumption varies depending on the mode of transportation and the location. In general, however, fuel costs can represent a significant share of total operating costs. For example, in the United States, fuel costs can represent up to 30% of total operating costs for the trucking industry.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). "Global Oil Demand to Decline in 2020 as Coronavirus Weighs Heavily on Markets." April 2020.
  • World Bank. "COVID-19 to Plunge Global Economy into Worst Recession since World War II." June 2020.
  • International Air Transport Association (IATA). "COVID-19: Impact on the Airline Industry." March 2020.
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). "Factors Affecting Gasoline Prices." May 2020.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
What emotional sensations do you have caused by changes in Nature associated with global warming, the growth of natural disasters, the emergence and spread of new pandemics in recent years?
This short questionnaire will take you no more than a couple of minutes. Your reward will be to find out what other respondents think about this problem. The results of the questionnaire will be open to all respondents.
With respect,
Roman Mylostyvyi
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Is there any doubt that the situation on the planet is rapidly deteriorating? This week alone, there has been incredible seismic activity. Why don't climate scientists sound the alarm? Why don't scientists recognize their powerlessness to find effective ways to remedy the situation? If scientists don't know what to do, why don't they ask those who can give them the answer?
Turkey, my sincere condolences to you...
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals have been at the forefront of the crisis and have faced a number of risks. Some of the main risks include:
Overcrowding: Hospitals have been overwhelmed with patients, leading to overcrowding in emergency departments and intensive care units.
Staff shortages: Many healthcare workers have become ill or have had to quarantine, leading to shortages in staff.
PPE shortages: Personal protective equipment (PPE) has been in high demand, leading to shortages and rationing in some areas.
Financial strain: The pandemic has put a strain on hospitals' finances, as elective procedures have been postponed and revenues have decreased.
Mental health: The pandemic has also taken a toll on the mental health of healthcare workers, who have been under tremendous stress and are at risk of burnout.
Spread of infection: Hospitals are also at risk of becoming major transmission sites for COVID-19, as patients and staff can easily spread the virus to others.
Limited capacity of ICUs and ventilator: Hospitals have to prioritize the care of COVID-19 patients which may limit their ability to provide care for other illnesses.
Virtual care and telemedicine: Hospitals had to adopt virtual care and telemedicine as a way to continue care for patients while limiting the exposure to COVID-19.
Mitigating the risks
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can play a crucial role in mitigating some of the risks faced by hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few examples:
Telemedicine: ICT can be used to provide virtual care to patients, allowing them to receive medical consultations and treatment without having to visit a hospital in person. This can help reduce the risk of infection and overcrowding in hospitals.
Remote monitoring: ICT can be used to remotely monitor patients' vital signs and symptoms, reducing the need for in-person visits and the risk of infection.
Electronic health records (EHRs): ICT can be used to store and share patient information electronically, improving communication and coordination among healthcare providers and reducing the risk of medical errors.
Robotic technology: ICT can be used to deploy robots to perform tasks such as disinfecting hospital rooms, reducing the risk of infection.
Data analytics: ICT can be used to analyze large amounts of data, such as patient records and test results, to identify trends and patterns that can help healthcare providers make more informed decisions and respond more quickly to the pandemic.
Supply chain management: ICT can be used to track and manage the inventory of PPE, helping hospitals to ensure they have the supplies they need to protect staff and patients.
Contact tracing: ICT can be used to quickly identify and trace contacts of people who have tested positive for COVID-19, helping to slow the spread of the virus.
Overall, ICT can help hospitals improve communication, coordination, and data analysis, while reducing the risk of infection and other problems.
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Dear Dr. Velibor Božić I think you covered the topic very well in the introduction, and you have already mentioned most of the risks that faced hospitals and health centers during the pandemic period...Although all life facilities have suffered from many obstacles, but the health aspect had the largest share In that...My sincere gratitude to all.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
25 answers
Because of extensive lock up during the pandemic in many countries of the world, notably Europe, USA, Brazil, China and India, there was reduced use of hydrocarbons, especially due to much reduced use of transport. Activities dimmed down the production sector and big companies; schools, markets and even prayer places remained closed. There have been reports that the quantity of GHG in the atmosphere showed reduction because of the lock up. Is it correct? If yes, has it been quantitatively evaluated and has its impact on global temperature for the eight months period assessed?
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Uh oh! , COVID-19 is a "One Thousand and One Nights" story. It seems that we are at the beginning!
Has this epidemic become a point to chronicle date like the One Thousand and One Nights stories? هل أصبح هذا الوباء نقطة تأريخ مثل حكايات ألف ليلة وليلة؟
Let me ask the following three questions:
  • Is there a lack of interpretability and transparency related to this virus?
  • Did we reach a state with this pandemic that is hard to control and monitor?
  • Is COVID-19 one of nature's secretions or it has been fabricated in the laboratories of one or more countries?
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
7 answers
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of the world and transformed our lives forever. Technology has not failed in the face of this transformation.
The pandemic has stimulated technological innovation and we have witnessed the production of an anthology of effective technical solutions deployed to deal with the pandemic.
Can we say that the COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the development and stimulation of technological innovations, particularly those relating to the fight against COVID 19?
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Although COVID-19 has been a greater threat to the globe. However, its unintended consequences that are beneficial to the world cannot be overlooked. I am of the opinion that COVID-19 had a positive impact on the development and stimulation of technological innovations.
Citing a few examples:
Telehealth as a response to no hospital beds, congestion, and long waiting time at the hospital due to high admitted COVID-cases
Robot deliveries like Zipline medical drones collecting and distributing blood samples to enhance covid 19 testing capacity. Other robots too delivered food and toiletries to patients.
Online meeting apps like zoom, google meet, and the like, as a response to limited physical gatherings to control the disease spread.
Voting by mail which took place in the US
Embedded financial technology that was used by banks, restaurants, transport companies, and insurance companies
Digital wallet was on a rise, especially in developing countries
Mental fitness apps
streaming services
Lastly, cybersecurity gained prominence in response to addressing security measures of COVID-19-related technology development and innovations.
COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the development and stimulation of technological innovations
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
11 answers
According to the European Digital Strategy "The future of finance is digital: consumers and businesses are increasingly using digital financial services, innovative market participants are implementing new technologies, and existing business models are changing. Digital finance has helped citizens and businesses cope with the unprecedented situation created by the COVID19 pandemic. For example, online identity verification has enabled consumers to open accounts and use many financial services remotely. An increasing proportion of in-store payments are now digital and contactless, and online purchases (e-commerce) have grown significantly. FinTech solutions have helped expand and accelerate access to loans, including government-backed loans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ensuring the safe and reliable operation of digital infrastructures has also become more important as the number of people using online financial services has increased and financial sector employees are themselves working remotely." Moreover, in the context of the European Green Agreement 2050 and the green transition, an essential role is played by innovative financial instruments supporting both the business environment and the final beneficiaries as individual consumers.
Therefore, from a personal point of view, digital finance, open finance, entrepreneurial finance and green finance are pillars of sustainable societal development at the local and global level.
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Indeed Digital finance and Fintech has helped citizens and businesses cope with the unprecedented situation created by the COVID19 pandemic. Digital finance , Fintech and Regtech are here to support the future financial needs of the citizens.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
61 answers
Have you returned to the previous teaching/learning method? Or was there a mixture between the two (online and attendance)? Has that impacted you?
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Very understandable... But we have to adapt to that and return to the previous methods with the help of modern methods... They cannot be separated.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
The outbreak of COVID19 pandemic may have some other impacts such as Environmental, Social, Psychological, Ethical, Moral, Physical, Natural resources, Ecosystem, Energy, Professional etc. The eminent experts from these fields kindly share your views with particular positive or negative impact of COVID19 pandemic.
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The use of disinfectants and hand sanitizers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the environment.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
7 answers
The effect of digital technology on market innovation strategies and user digital technology experience of firms during the global health crisis of COVID-19: An empirical analysis of Nigerian SME’s and Startups.
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The journals that I thought of immediately when I saw you topic are:
- Small Business Economics
- Journal of Small Business Management
- International Small Business Journal
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
We must conduct comprehensive research on people's home experiences during the pandemic. Collaboration, experience sharing, and utilization are critical for advancing studies in this field.
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You may look at :
- Aristovnik, A., Keržič, D., Ravšelj, D., Tomaževič, N., & Umek, L. (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life of higher education students: A global perspective. Sustainability, 12(20), 8438.
- Pownall, M., Harris, R., & Blundell-Birtill, P. (2022). Supporting students during the transition to university in COVID-19: Five key considerations and recommendations for educators. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 21(1), 3-18.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
Hi! I hope everyone is well. I'm in need for some more participants for my study and I would really appreciate it if you could take as little as 10 minutes out of your day to complete it. All responses are of course anonymous and you wouldn't be sharing any identifiable and personal information.
For my MSc dissertation, I’m looking at the impact of personality on preferences for different communicative modalities in the COVID-19 pandemic.
I’m inviting anyone over the age of 18 years old to participate in my study. Your responses are completely anonymous and taking part will only take roughly 15 minutes of your time.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider taking part in my study. All of the relevant information is detailed in the information sheets in the survey. Thank you in advance!
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Sorry! We were unable to find this survey.
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Dear Colleagues,
I want to get some advice from you. Education, Teacher Training etc. Could you please suggest a journal themed, scanned in Q1 index, high impac factor, fast turnaround, free of charge from the author?
Keywords of the article are as follows: Turkish education, COVID-19 pandemic, Machine learning, Formal education, Distance education, OCSVM.
Thank you very much!
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
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From November (6–18), in Egypt’s resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, the world's leaders will gather for their fifth time on the same continent, Africa, that is vulnerable to climate change. We all know that this is the 27th meeting where world leaders and experts gather to plan how to attempt a global pandemic that has stayed in the public discourse for two and a half decades since COP1 in (Berlin, Germany, 1995). Climate change is an issue that is complicated to dissect by both the so-called experts and the states and institutions, just like it is for a local man who is merely represented in these discussions. The media has complicated it a little more. However, it has managed to bring the issue to the most local communities and people in countries that are vulnerable to this whole global pandemic. What does that "last man", the news listener or viewer, back in the rural community in the global south think about this whole issue that is being discussed on his or her behalf?
You are very welcome to give your views.
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Farmer usually observe all the climatic variability which generally we consider the effect of climatic change. They don't know much about this term but they know global warming and in true sense they know uncertainty related to agriculture crop. In my region (Uttarakhand, India), farmer usually tell about their past agriculture production, and now they observe the uncertainty in rainfall, dryness, etc.
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We would like to answer this and other questions in the next special issue of the journal Societies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated many social transformations in industry, especially presenting a major challenge to the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry has taken on many challenges from which we can learn. The pandemic, among many other factors, has led to different organizational models, changes in innovation strategies, changes in production models, and transformations in occupational risk prevention. The healthcare industry has had to respond quickly to all this, with the development of vaccines, conversion of non-healthcare companies into healthcare-related companies, etc.
For this reason, the aim of this Special Issue is to understand how the biosocial transformations generated by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have affected this industrial sector. We are interested in knowing if innovations have been generated, if the pandemic has meant changes for companies, what challenges this sector has had to face, what consequences the pandemic has generated at an organizational level or even if it has implied transformations in communication or in the culture of healthcare companies. In this Special Issue, we want to bring together quality research from different perspectives: sociology, psychology, economics, marketing, business organization, business ethics, and so on, all from a healthcare perspective.
We expect to publish theoretical, qualitative inquiries, quantitative papers, and case studies on topics similar to the following and within the scope of the Special Issue:
  • Occupational risk prevention;
  • Relations between society and industry;
  • Internal changes in companies;
  • Analysis of economic transformations;
  • New internal and external communication strategies;
  • Changes in company culture;
  • Business ethics and COVID-19;
  • Future challenges of industry;
  • Sociology of the healthcare industry.
  • New needs of heathcare companies.
In this Special Issue, contributions should address the topic of the Special Issue and be an article, conceptual paper, or review.
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Dear Prof. Coca!
There is an ongoing international research project which might be of interest to YOU (coordinator: Prof. Gyöngyi Kovacs - the HUMLOG Institute, started in: 2020- till 2023):
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
How did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic increase the level of digitization and Internetization of economic processes, increase the scale of remote communication carried out between business entities and public institutions, increase the level of digitization of the economy?
During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, the government, with the aim of slowing the development of coronavirus transmission and increasing the period of preparation time of health system institutions for the development of the epidemic nationwide, introduced mandatory national quarantines imposed on the public and lockdowns imposed on selected, mainly service sectors of the economy. Companies and businesses on which lockdowns were imposed were not allowed to conduct business under standard conditions and could only provide their services remotely via the Internet during lockdown periods. This issue affected many companies operating, among others, in the sectors of tourist services, hotels, catering, gyms and fitness clubs, physical stores and shopping centers, cultural services provided by museums, galleries, philharmonics, theaters, operas, cinemas, etc. In addition to this, restrictions on the scope of services provided also applied to certain segments of transportation services, domestic and international air transportation, the public transportation system and many other services. The ability to move business operations and services provided to the Internet proved to be a viable option for many companies to survive the recession and economic crisis caused by the quarantines and lockdowns introduced in 2020. Since April 2020, sales of various products and services carried out via the Internet have increased rapidly. A significant number of citizens who, prior to the pandemic, did not make purchases via the Internet were suddenly forced to do so, as it were, by the pandemic situation and through government-imposed restrictions. In some product ranges, such as electronics, consumer electronics and household appliances, sales made via the Internet increased turnover several times during the pandemic. Consequently, in some product ranges, the pandemic not only changed customers' buying habits but also significantly increased the profits of stores that switched to online sales and manufacturers of certain types of products, for which demand increased significantly during the pandemic. During the pandemic, many companies, especially in the SME sector, increased the scale of digitization and Internetization of business processes. The government, as part of various anti-crisis, anti-decession measures, offered targeted subsidies to SME companies to increase the level of business digitization and adapt to the new realities of business development with greater use of the Internet. The result was an increase in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy. The scale of development of e-commerce, e-business, e-banking, online and mobile banking, e-logistics, e-learning, e-government, remote work, online payments and settlements, etc. has increased. I described the processes and key determinants of the increase in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy in articles of my co-authorship, which I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal after publication:
For those who are interested in this issue, please read the issues, determinants, factors of growth in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy, which I have described in my articles. I am currently writing a monograph on this topic and invite researchers and scientists who consider this issue of interest to join me in scientific cooperation. I ask for your comments and suggestions on other determinants and factors of growth in the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy, which have not been covered above. I also ask for your conclusions, results of reflections, considerations on the current and prospective effects of the progressive process of digitization and Internetization of the economy. Important questions that can inspire reflection on this issue are the following:
- To what extent can the increasing scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy go in the next few years, and what will be the consequences?
- What positive and negative effects can be distinguished from the continuation of the process of increasing the scale of digitization and Internetization of the economy in the coming years?
- How did the pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Covid-19) increase the level of digitization and Internetization of economic processes, increase the scale of remote communication carried out between business entities and public institutions, increase the level of digitization of the economy?
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Stephen I. Ternyik
"Disturbed social growth process", yes, and will be more of the case, reversing back I can envisage.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
In Mexico, as in other latitudes, the measures against COVID-19 have decreased and the governments and health entities of each country have applied their own criteria as a result of what they know and that their population tends to respond epidemiologically speaking. Do you think that the WHO should make the declaration that the pandemic has ended?
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The coronavirus situation is still easing worldwide with a weekly 18% cases and 23% deaths drop, though Asia is experiencing a surge in infections, especially in Japan and South Korea, amid two new Omicron subvariants.
Thus it will be too early to say Pandemic is ended.
Worldwide COVID-19 cases decline by 18% | Al Bawaba
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
6 answers
What was the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on globalisation processes?
Increase in the scale of international scientific cooperation on SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus research and analysis of Covid-19 disease development; use of analogous anti-pandemic security instruments; disrupted chains of international supply and supply logistics; analogous changes in trends in financial markets, including raw materials markets, other types of production factors and stock exchanges; increase in the scale of digitisation of remote communication and business processes; increase in the scale of digitisation of public offices and institutions; increase in the scale of e-commerce, e-banking, e-payments carried out via the Internet, e-logistics, remote working, e-learning, e-government, development of online and mobile banking; negative social and economic impacts; a decrease in demand for energy and other raw materials in 2020 and an increase in demand for raw materials from 2021 onwards; a decrease in economic activity in the service sectors affected by the lockdowns; the analogous use of soft monetary and fiscal policy instruments; the emergence of inflationary pressures; an increase in inflation; the emergence of opportunities to accelerate the processes of pro-climate transformation of the energy sector, but these opportunities have been used to varying degrees in different countries, resulting in different levels of energy and environmental security in different countries, etc. These are just some of the effects of the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus on globalisation processes. I am conducting research on this issue. I have described the results of my research and key aspects of this problematic in an article which, when published, I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal:
If you are conducting research in this area, or have a research interest in this area, I invite you to join me in a research collaboration.
Encouraging joint discussion on this issue, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What was the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on globalisation processes?
What do you think?
What is your opinion on the subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Global logistics is being reorganized by more resilient models of supply chain management. Increased online education programs offer the possibility to study with famous global institutions from home, with limited physical residency. Tourism and travel have seen a clear reduction, in global numbers. Information and communication technology are now used to think in alternative models of globalization, e.g. glocalization.
The Dialectics of Modernity-
Recognizing Globalization
Globalisation has made us more vulnerable. It creates a world without borders, and makes us painfully aware of the limitations of our present instruments, and of politics, to meet its challenges.
Anna Lindh
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
5 answers
Did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic potentially increase opportunities to accelerate processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, but unfortunately these opportunities were not taken advantage of?
During the 1st wave of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, the stock markets crashed. Energy and industrial commodities fell sharply on the commodity exchanges. A stock market crash also occurred on the stock markets. The main factor in the panic on the capital markets was the declaration of a global coronavirus epidemic, or pandemic state, by the World Health Organisation on 8 March 2020. This new term 'pandemic' itself created fear and uncertainty in the context of financial markets and economic processes. During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, there were also disruptions to international supply and supply logistics chains, government imposed quarantines and lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy which increased the scale of the 2020 recession. As a result of these mainly interventionist actions by central institutions, a deep economic crisis emerged in 2020, the economy declined in many sectors of the economy, and economic process activity declined. The result of the decline in economic activity was a decrease in demand for raw materials, including energy raw materials. Due to the increase in remote working by employees of many companies from home, the use of cars, especially combustion cars, decreased. As a result, air quality and the state of the environment noticeably improved in 2020. In addition, opportunities have arisen to accelerate pro-climate transformation processes in the economy. Unfortunately, in many countries these opportunities have not been seized. For example, in the country where I operate during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), the government used printed money to provide financial public assistance to companies and enterprises operating in a wide variety of industries and sectors, not just those in lockdowns, on a historically record scale. Many companies and enterprises that were in good financial standing also benefited from these programmes of non-refundable financial subsidies, employee wage subsidies, tax relief, deferrals of contributions to the social security system and so on. The scale of the granted non-refundable public aid realised on the basis of printed money introduced extra-budgetarily by government funds created especially for this purpose was so large that inflation began to rise in Poland almost from the beginning of 2021. Citizens invested the extra, free money in shares and flats, which caused an increase in the prices of these assets. On the other hand, opportunities to accelerate the processes of pro-climate transformation of the economy were missed by the government. Subsidies for the development of renewable energy sources were not increased and were even reduced on some issues. Since April 2022, the government has reduced subsidies and worsened the economic conditions for the installation of photovoltaic panels by citizens on the roofs of their houses. There is a lack of subsidies for insulating the facades of buildings and single-family houses, installing photovoltaics, installing heat pumps and other renewable energy solutions. Poland has still not met the European Union guidelines for receiving EU subsidies to finance projects that could be implemented under the National Reconstruction Programme. As a result, the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources has slowed down instead of accelerating as it could have done during the pandemic. Unfortunately, still the process of pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the energy sector is progressing much slower than it could if the issue of green transformation of the economy was not ignored in the political and business spheres in Poland. The result of these omissions, neglect and ignorance is the current low level of energy independence and security in Poland in the context of the currently developing energy crisis. The result of this neglect is also the poor air quality in Poland. Poland has one of the worst air quality in the world. Poland is one of the 3 countries in Europe with the highest mortality rate caused by poor air quality polluted with various toxins resulting mainly from the dominant dirty energy industry based on burning fossil fuels. In addition, even more negative consequences of these omissions, negligence and ignorance appear in the future, when the process of global warming will significantly accelerate in the next decades and lead to a worsening of the climate crisis and to a climate catastrophe, which may already occur at the end of this 21st century.
The potential for accelerating the processes of pro-climate transformation of the economy that occurred during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic was described in my publications, which I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal after publication:
What does it look like in your country?
Did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic potentially increase opportunities to accelerate processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, but unfortunately these opportunities were not used?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
В России очень похожая ситуация на ту, что Вы описали применительно к Польше. Улучшение состояния воздуха было временным и только в период локдауна. Интересно, как обстоят дела в Китае.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
2 answers
This pandemic has led to a great lack of resources in terms of knowledge in various fields of rehabilitation. What should we prioritize from now on?
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Dear Mr. Galllegos-Berrios!
You spotted a very important topic. I am certain LONG-COVID - cases are a top priority as LONG -COVID cases have not been scrutinized well in-depth overall until now:
1) Feldman, D.E., Boudrias, MH. & Mazer, B. Long COVID symptoms in a population-based sample of persons discharged home from hospital. Can J Public Health (2022)., Free access:
2) Rolin, S., Chakales, A. & Verduzco-Gutierrez, M. Rehabilitation Strategies for Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of COVID-19. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep 10, 182–187 (2022)., Free access:
3) Wolf, S., Zechmeister-Koss, I. & Erdös, J. Possible long COVID healthcare pathways: a scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res 22, 1076 (2022)., Open access:
I am worried about people at risk (for example with Cerebral Palsy disability) within warzones in Ukraine and Russia. New more deadly variants of COVID-19 might cause novel complications that remain hidden in regions where chaos enfolds...
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
Some longitudinal research may want to compare the changes of some psychological variables (e.g., anxiety, problematic social media use) before (T1) and after (T2) the outbreak of COVID-19. As some researchers have noted, however, due to the nature of this global pandemic, it is not possible to have a control group. Thus, it is possible that the results could, in part, reflect normative increases in variables with age.
So when we only have two waves of data (before and after the COVID-19), is there some solutions that may fix this issue?
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Dear Qing Yang,
The key issue is what we consider to be the base, the starting point. In most of this kind of research on the development of an issue, the impact of some factor on the development of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic or the impact of the pandemic on the development of a specific observed, studied variable, it is comparing what was there before the pandemic (up to 2019) with how this something has developed during the pandemic (2020 and possibly 2021) and how it possibly changes, modifies, expires etc. as the significance and magnitude of the negative effects derived from the pandemic decreases (from 2021 or 2022 onwards). In most such comparative studies, the pre-pandemic state is taken as a baseline and then the changes that have occurred during the pandemic and up to the present are analysed. Sometimes changes in the level of the pandemic are taken into account, changes in the paradigm of the negative effects of the pandemic, when, for example, thanks to the developed vaccines for the coronavirus, the level of risk and the scale of the proportion of people seriously ill with Covid-19 is rapidly decreasing, and when in 2022 in many countries completely different problems have already become more of a priority (e.g. energy crisis, food crisis, economic recession, and more prospectively also the developing climate crisis) than the pandemic.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
Hello Peers,
I am deciding to change my research interest area to operations management. Based on your research and knowledge, what are the hottest topics and areas in OM (sustainability and supply chain management) that are being investigated these days (no pandemic, please)?
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Dear Mahshad Ghazali,
Taking into account your research interests in operational management, including the issues of sustainable development and supply chain management, I propose the following research topic: Improving sustainable supply chain management, including the analysis of the determinants of operational (business continuity) and strategic (development, investment) management and operational risk factors by implementing new information technologies, ICT and Industry 4.0. As part of this issue, it is also possible to include the analysis of the possibilities of applying new green energy technologies and eco-innovations in order to improve the sustainable management of the supply chain, including increasing the scale of energy savings and switching to renewable and zero-emission energy sources. This issue is important in the context of the currently developing energy crisis and the prospective climate crisis, which is likely to deepen in the coming decades.
Kind regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
3 answers
I am trying to get historical AQI data for cities across the world. Air Quality Open Data Platform ( has extensive data, but 2015-2018 data is available only for the first 6 months (H1). Does anyone know of other AQI databases where I could find yearly global AQI data?
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1. For monitoring Data-
2. Official data at can be accessed at, One way is to search by city name You can change the name of the city you want and use the link to download the data file.
3. (click on real time, to access the global csv files)
You can download the global csv data files here.
4. For detailed instructional video, watch this.
Hope it helps...!
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
20 answers
The Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis with symptoms similar to those seen in the past in smallpox patients. According to WHO Monkeypox is usually a self-limited disease with the symptoms lasting from 2 to 4 weeks, but severe cases can occur. Recently, the case fatality ratio has been around 3–6%. The association with transmission is more limited to cases related to homosexual patients, can it be a more limited spectrum indication? In this way, the public health advice for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men is the main point to be addressed? Or should we learn more from other Monkeybox outbreaks? Should the care applied to the COVID-19 pandemic be useful in this case, for example? It's something new (at least for the current variant) and one that has caused great distress especially after the traumatic worst phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO recommendations have been assertive and very coherent, therefore, in the progress of current studies we should have more answers, but the question for simple discussion remains in the air: Is Monkeypox outbreak that dangerous or is there not enough data yet?
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No, Monkeypox outbreak is not dangerous
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
Clinically how to do the delivery and follow up of Twin block appliance in a pandemic phase.
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During covid 19 pandemic,there was restrictions towards non-emergency dental treatment procedures,but there were patient demands such as procedures like orthodontics consultation eg class 2 growing patient in growth spurt.It was important to take into consideration,the growth modification treatment as it had to be started during the pandemic phase.
During the pandemic phase most dental clinicians and nursing staff were posted in covid wards.Many patients those in pubertal phase needed treatment during that time.In the department there were only few clinicians posted.Head of department and also staff alloted appliances to me (technician) such as myofunctional appliances like Twin block.Twin block was developed by William J. Clark whose purpose is to lengthen the lower jaw by posturing it forward.
During the period 2020-2021,50 twin blocks were delivered.Around 30 cases became successful,10 cases required repetition, because patients compliance was not good and 10 cases did not report back.In the 30 cases, result was positive with good profile improvement with saggital growth. Twin block appliance fabricated during those times was long span Adam in both the arches
Procedure:-click on the link below
The long span Adam's clasp with interproximal arrow head is an effective design that is easy to fabricate with basic wire bending instruments.
I would like to sincerely thank Head of the Department and the staff and my colleagues.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
1 answer
In Icarus; or, The future of science, by Bertrand Russell, E.P. Dutton & Co., first printing 1924 at page 63 - 64, he wrote:
“Science has not given men more self-control, more kindliness, or more power of discounting their passions in deciding upon a course of action. .... That is why science threatens to cause the destruction of our civilization.”
Has the quoted passage been connected to gain of function research? If so, can you supply the cites?
Is Russell right in general, and does his observation apply to gain of function research? What do you think? What are relevant references?
Of related interest is: Selgelid, M. J. Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis Sci Eng Ethics, 2016, 22(4), 923-964.
There are many other articles considering the issue.
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If seems that if a population had genetic characteristics that gave it immunity to a certain virus, that virus could be engineered to gain the function of counteracting those characteristics. Conversely, the fruits of gain of function research that provide immunity could be withheld from certain populations.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
The decline in the number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia continues to occur. Activities such as school, work, and travel seem to be returning to normal. Is this a sign of the end of Covid-19 in Indonesia?
Please kindly leave your opinion in this forum :)
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  • asked a question related to Pandemics
4 answers
What research topics for a medical laboratory sciences students are feasible during this pandemic? That can be conducted with a limited access of laboratory and as much as possible is an experimental research?
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To check for a good research topic, I suggest you do the following:
1. Choose a number of peer-reviewed research papers related to, say, medical laboratory sciences, from Google Scholar or similar websites, not from any other source such as Google, etc.
2. Read these research papers and check for the research gaps from within such research. You may find these gaps under the subtitle, Future Research or similar subtitles.
3. Ensure that such gaps are not covered by recent research. That is, for the gap that you want to cover, read to the last current research in this regard to make sure that no other author(s) already conducted such research.
4. Then, go ahead and start preparing for your research, preferably using the Literature Review Matrix where you put a table showing authors, title, objectives, problem statement, variables, methodologies used, findings, etc. for each research paper selected. By the way, you may want to keep such relevant research papers to use them as references in your research.
  • asked a question related to Pandemics
8 answers
The SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic has, in some respects, through interrupted chains of international supply and supply logistics, reduced the scale of economic globalisation processes. On the other hand, the need for the development of remote Internet communication has increased due to the introduction of home quarantine periods and lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy in 2020. Consequently, the scale of internetisation and digitalisation of various aspects of business conducted by companies and enterprises has increased. As a result of the growth of the Internet, the importance of information globalisation has increased in terms of remote Internet-based communication. In a multi-year perspective, the importance of environmental and pro-climate globalisation may increase in the future. In view of the above, how else will globalisation processes change in this decade of the 21st century? Will the current energy crisis, the unfolding food crisis, the migration crisis
What is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Over the past decades, a number of sources of globalization have emerged. One of them is technological progress, which has led to a sharp reduction in transport and communication costs, a significant reduction the costs of processing, storing and using information.
The second source of globalization is trade liberalization and other forms of economic liberalization that have curtailed protectionist policies and made world trade freer. As a result there were tariffs have been substantially reduced, and many other barriers to trade in goods and services have been removed. Other liberalization measures have led to an increase in the movement of capital and other factors of production.
The third source of globalization can be considered a significant expansion of the scope of organizations, which became possible both as a result of technological progress and wider horizons of management on basis of new means of communication. Thus, many companies that previously focused only on local markets have expanded their production and marketing capabilities, reaching the national, multinational, international and even global level.
Globalization brings not only benefits, it is fraught with negative consequences or potential problems, which some of its critics see as a great danger.
One of the main problems is related to the question: who benefits from globalization? In fact, most of the benefits are rich countries or individuals. The unfair distribution of the benefits of globalization gives rise to the threat of conflicts at the regional, national and international levels.
The second problem is related to potential regional or global instability due to the interdependence of national economies at the global level. Local economic fluctuations or crises in one country may have regional or even global implications.
The third set of problems posed by globalization is caused by the fear that control over the economies of individual countries may shift from sovereign governments to other hands, including the most powerful states, multinational or global corporations and international organizations.
Because of this, some see globalization as an attempt to undermine national sovereignty. For this reason, globalization can make national leaders feel helpless before its forces, and the electorate - antipathy towards her. Such sentiments can easily turn into extreme nationalism and xenophobia with calls for protectionism, lead to the growth of extremist political movements, which is potentially fraught with serious conflicts.
The problem generated by globalization - the infringement of national sovereignty and the independence of political leaders - can also be largely resolved on the basis of international cooperation, for example, by a clear delineation of the powers of the parties, i.e. national governments and their leaders, on the one hand, and international organizations and multinational or global corporations, on the other. The very involvement of political leaders in building the necessary institutions to deal with these and other globalization-related issues will help them regain the sense that they are in control of their future and in control of their positions in the world.
Globalized world. In the meantime, unfortunately, the world is moving in the opposite direction, along the path of political and military dictate of a strong
weak, that in the context of globalization of all aspects of the life of the world community, it is fraught with a global confrontation.
The current crisis of the Western economy is not a recession because it is not cyclical and is not limited to 12-16 months. What is happening in the US and Europe today is a structural crisis, a process that began in the fourth quarter of 2021 and will continue for at least five years without interruption. However, the West does not understand the causes and essence of the crisis, because they do not have theories describing it. That is why, according to the economist, the American and European authorities are doing stupid things instead of effective measures to resolve problems.
It was impossible to avoid this crisis, because they went too far. They have expanded private consumption so much that they can no longer keep it. You need to name the main number. There is an indicator in the United States that they do not disclose in public discussion: this is the level of price growth for all industrial goods, not only for final goods entering the wholesale trade, but in general for everything, from raw materials to the final product. For the first time, the rise in prices for manufactured goods exceeded the level of the late 1970s. The previous peak was at the end of 1947. There are 23 with something percent.
The entire system of socio-political management in the West, both in the USA and in Europe, is built through representatives of the middle class, qualified consumers. Today this instrument is being destroyed. Instead of the middle class, new poor people appear, who have a middle-class attitude, but they have no money.
The sanctions pressure on Russia has exacerbated the economic problems of the West. European financiers note that EU politicians are afraid to take responsibility for decisions taken under the slogans of transatlantic solidarity and assistance to Ukraine.
In fact, this whole situation with global confrontation and the breakdown of the dollar system is disastrous for the United States not by economic factors, but by intellectual ones. Roughly speaking, Washington will undoubtedly lose to Moscow only because the US does not even have a concept of a plan to solve the colossal economic problems and save the dollar system.
Intellectual life in the US and Russia goes in opposite directions. The US has nothing left for a long time. There, no one can imagine even a weak positive scenario. The complete absence of any thought, not to mention the concept.
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6 answers
Has anybody done research on the comparison of in-class teaching vs online-teaching (during covid 19 pandemic):
e.g. effects on learning progress, student satisfaction, sucess in exams, ....
Thank you for any hints.
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Dear Prof. Günther!
I have personal experience in using Moodle in the near "pre-COVID" era and now the "late-COVID era: I attended a professional football training course set for coaches. I am coaching children with disabilities (aged 6-13) at the Helsinki HJK Football Club. The training -sessions included only online sessions during the first half of 2020 (February -June 2020). The course was carried out by the Finnish Football Association. My observations are similar to that of Mr. Ternyik: I fully agree with his comments! During March - June 2020 over half of the attendees interrupted the course, including me. I decided to start over in 2022....
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely