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Renewable Energy - Science topic

Renewable Energy, Engineering for the Environment
Questions related to Renewable Energy
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
2 answers
Is renewable energy better than fracking and why is fracking more harmful to the environment than using fossil fuels?
Relevant answer
The grand transition from a fossil fuel-based economy to a green one is underway. It will involve a fundamental shift in the way we generate and use energy for various purposes. Instead of drilling and mining for fossil fuels, we’ll need to mine for critical minerals to manufacture a whole lot of “clean” technologies like solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries. 
This raises some common questions — when we account for the impacts of the mining and manufacturing of these technologies, are they really better for the environment, human rights, and climate than the fossil fuel alternatives they’re replacing? 
In general, the answer is yes. Clean technologies will have a non-zero impact, but they will be much smaller than the dirty fossil fuel status quo.
Which requires more mining — fossil fuels or clean energy?
The short answer to this question is that fossil fuels require much more mining and drilling than clean energy technologies. Today the world mines 8 billion tons of coal every year, whereas the clean energy transition is estimated to require around 3.5 billion tons of minerals in total over the next three decades.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
1 answer
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies and powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
If a Big Data Analytics data center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources, can it be referred to as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc.?
Advanced analytical systems, including complex forecasting models that enable multi-criteria, highly sophisticated, big data and information processing-based forecasts of the development of multi-faceted climatic, natural, social, economic and other processes are increasingly based on new Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and machine learning, deep learning and generative artificial intelligence. The use of generative artificial intelligence technologies enables the application of complex data processing algorithms according to precisely defined assumptions and human-defined factors. The use of computerized, integrated business intelligence information systems allows real-time analysis on the basis of continuously updated data provided and the generation of reports, reports, expert opinions in accordance with the defined formulas for such studies. The use of digital twin technology allows computers to build simulations of complex, multi-faceted, prognosticated processes in accordance with defined scenarios of the potential possibility of these processes occurring in the future. In this regard, it is also important to determine the probability of occurrence in the future of several different defined and characterized scenarios of developments, specific processes, phenomena, etc. In this regard, Business Intelligence analytics should also make it possible to precisely determine the level of probability of the occurrence of a certain phenomenon, the operation of a process, the appearance of described effects, including those classified as opportunities and threats to the future development of the situation. Besides, Business Intelligence analytics should enable precise quantitative estimation of the scale of influence of positive and negative effects of the operation of certain processes, as well as factors acting on these processes and determinants conditioning the realization of certain scenarios of situation development. Cloud computing makes it possible, on the one hand, to update the database with new data and information from various institutions, think tanks, research institutes, companies and enterprises operating within a selected sector or industry of the economy, and, on the other hand, to enable simultaneous use of a database updated in this way by many beneficiaries, many business entities and/or, for example, also by many Internet users in a situation where the said database would be made available on the Internet. In a situation where Internet of Things technology is applied, it would be possible to access the said database from the level of various types of devices equipped with Internet access. The application of Blockchain technology makes it possible to increase the scale of cybersecurity of the transfer of data sent to the database and Big Data information as part of the updating of the collected data and as part of the use of the analytical system thus built by external entities. The use of machine learning and/or deep learning technologies in conjunction with artificial neural networks makes it possible to train an AI-based system to perform multi-criteria analysis, build multi-criteria simulation models, etc. in the way a human would. In order for such complex analytical systems that process large amounts of data and information to work efficiently it is a good solution to use state-of-the-art super quantum computers characterized by high computing power to process huge amounts of data in a short time. A center for multi-criteria analysis of large data sets built in this way can occupy quite a large floor space equipped with many servers. Due to the necessary cooling and ventilation system and security considerations, this kind of server room can be built underground. while due to the large amounts of electricity absorbed by this kind of big data analytics center, it is a good solution to build a power plant nearby to supply power to the said data center. If this kind of data analytics center is to be described as sustainable, in line with the trends of sustainable development and green transformation of the economy, so the power plant powering the data analytics center should generate electricity from renewable energy sources, e.g. from photovoltaic panels, windmills and/or other renewable and emission-free energy sources of such a situation, i.e., when a data analytics center that processes multi-criteria Big Data and Big Data Analytics information is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources then it can be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc. Besides, when the Big Data Analytics analytics center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources then the AI technology used can also be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc. On the other hand, the Big Data Analytics center can be used to conduct multi-criteria analysis and build multi-faceted simulations of complex climatic, natural, economic, social processes, etc. with the aim of, for example. to develop scenarios of future development of processes observed up to now, to create simulations of continuation in the future of diagnosed historical trends, to develop different variants of scenarios of situation development according to the occurrence of certain determinants, to determine the probability of occurrence of said determinants, to estimate the scale of influence of external factors, the scale of potential materialization of certain categories of risk, the possibility of the occurrence of certain opportunities and threats, estimation of the level of probability of materialization of the various variants of scenarios, in which the potential continuation of the diagnosed trends was characterized for the processes under study, including the processes of sustainable development, green transformation of the economy, implementation of sustainable development goals, etc. Accordingly, the data analytical center built in this way can, on the one hand, be described as sustainable, since it is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources. In addition to this, the data analytical center can also be helpful in building simulations of complex multi-criteria processes, including the continuation of certain trends of determinants influencing the said processes and the factors co-creating them, which concern the potential development of sustainable processes, e.g. economic, i.e. concerning sustainable economic development. Therefore, the data analytical center built in this way can be helpful, for example, in developing a complex, multifactor simulation of the progressive global warming process in subsequent years, the occurrence in the future of the negative effects of the deepening scale of climate change, the negative impact of these processes on the economy, but also to forecast and develop simulations of the future process of carrying out a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess to a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-loop economy. So, the sustainable data analytical center built in this way will be able to be defined as sustainable due to the supply of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources, but will also be helpful in developing simulations of future processes of green transformation of the economy carried out according to certain assumptions, defined determinants, estimated probability of occurrence of certain impact factors and conditions, etc. orz estimating costs, gains and losses, opportunities and threats, identifying risk factors, particular categories of risks and estimating the feasibility of the defined scenarios of the green transformation of the economy planned to be implemented. In this way, a sustainable data analytical center can also be of great help in the smooth and rapid implementation of the green transformation of the economy.
Kluczowe kwestie dotyczące problematyki zielonej transformacji gospodarki opisałem w poniższym artykule:
Zastosowania technologii Big Data w analizie sentymentu, analityce biznesowej i zarządzaniu ryzykiem opisałem w artykule mego współautorstwa:
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If a Big Data Analytics data center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources, can it be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc.?
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies and powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 and RES technologies?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In my opinion, Building a sustainable data center will needing environment, sustainability and goverence kind of model. Virtualization and Consolidation, Green Building Design takes the first part. Cooling systems and training takes the second place.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
14 answers
How does renewable energy reduce ecological footprint and role of renewable energy in climate change?
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In this context/field, it is sufficient to take a cursory look at the info graphic/illustrated and statistics figures of UNDP and JEF regarding the per ca pita consumption in some developing countries compared to the Per ca pita consumption of developed countries. In fact, some countries in the Middle East and North Africa have the highest Ecological foot print despite of the signing of international agreements/commitments, and the recent climate crises in the Middle East prove their lack of obligations and non-compliance actions, unfortunately.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
10 answers
Can renewable energies solve the grave problem of climate change and transition to renewable energy sources addressed reducing global warming and air pollution?
Relevant answer
Transitioning to renewable energy is one of the initial steps in reducing a company's greenhouse gas emissions. If a company generates too many greenhouse gases (GHGs) without taking action to reduce its emissions, it can lead to several negative impacts, both from an environmental and business perspective. Renewable energy sources which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy. Energy transition refers to the global energy sector's shift from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption including oil, natural gas and coal to renewable energy sources like wind and solar, as well as lithium-ion batteries. he most useful source of energy for controlling air pollution is natural gas. There are three reasons why it is so useful: When it is used in any electricity plant, it emits very little pollution. An energy transition is a paradigm shift rather than a gradual evolution. The current energy transition, as a result of climate change, is different as growing concerns over global warming and the environment have caused an urgency to replace fossil fuels with cleaner, renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is widely viewed as playing a central role in climate change mitigation and a clean energy transition. Most kinds of renewable energy are also “carbon-free”: they do not emit CO2 or other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Renewable energy is unreliable and thus ends up being worse for the environment. Solar and wind only generate electricity about 10–30% of the time during most of the year. So then you need to fill in those gaps by burning fossil fuels. This is because nuclear power plants cannot be ramped up and down quickly. Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources in order for the national energy system to be safe and emission-free, i.e. in line with the green transformation of the economy and the realization of sustainable development goals?
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is characterized by independence from various factors and a high level of energy security?
The structure of the energy mix of various energy sources is determined by a number of factors. On the one hand, these are historical factors, technological, geographic, natural, economic conditions, etc. On the other hand, these are the determinants arising from a certain adopted energy policy, including taking into account the implementation of the goals of sustainable development, the principles of green transformation of the energy sector, social climate and environmental responsibility, and taking care of prospective future energy security. Taking into account the aforementioned determinants, there is a non-uniform structure of the energy mix of various energy sources in different countries. Taking into account the mentioned energy policy issues, the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources should be constructed in such a way that the national energy system, on the one hand, is characterized by independence from various factors and a high level of energy security, and, on the other hand, should also be in line with the green transformation of the economy and the implementation of sustainable development goals. In Poland in recent years, in terms of renewable energy sources, photovoltaic was the most significant in the structure of the share of installed capacity. Wind power came second, hydroelectric power was third, followed by biomass and biogas power plants. Unfortunately, still more than 70 percent of electricity and even more thermal energy is generated in Poland in conventional thermal power plants powered by coal or lignite. Successively from year to year, as part of the progressive green transformation of the energy industry, the share of various types of renewable energy sources in the energy mix of energy sources is steadily increasing.
I described the key issues of the green transformation of the economy, including the green transformation of the energy sector, in my article below:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the planet's biosphere and climate.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is characterized by independence from various factors and a high level of energy security?
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is secure and emission-free, i.e., in line with the green transformation of the economy and the realization of sustainable development goals?
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is safe and emission-free?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
This has been a question on many nations, and people, minds for decades, ever since the first oil & gas crisis of the 70's! I had the opportunity to conduct my doctoral research on fusion energy (as a theoretical atomic physicist); then opportunity led me to invest over 30 years of my active career life in the energy sector (in SLB), where I developed or managed development of methods and science for multiple resources. It is now my belief, based on this experience, that an energy mix is and will always be needed to meet demand that is expected to rise due to population growth. This mix will not be one and the same for all countries or regions... but it is expected to vary based on socioeconomic conditions, on infrastructure capabilities, and the presence of skilled labor. Planning for an energy mix is not simple and requires planning for decades to come, given that such plans are and will always be perturbed by geopolitical conflicts. It is my view that, at least for developed countries, this mix will include
- fossil fuels at a decreasing percentage year-on-year; with diminishing dependency on coal being the first goal
- geothermal energy despite its many challenges
- nuclear energy despite its risks and safe operating costs
- renewables like wind, solar, and wave (oceanic)
Following the development in fusion energy, I would venture that it could/would be commercially viable in a decade or two.
I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
Could renewable energy completely replace fossil fuels and if solar and wind power are so much cleaner than fossil fuels, why aren’t we using them more?
Relevant answer
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power have significant potential to replace fossil fuels and play a central role in transitioning to a low-carbon energy system. However, there are challenges and barriers to their widespread adoption:
  1. Intermittency: Solar and wind power are intermittent energy sources, meaning they depend on weather conditions and sunlight availability. This variability can pose challenges for grid stability and reliability, requiring the development of energy storage technologies and grid management solutions to accommodate fluctuations in supply and demand.
  2. Grid Integration: Integrating large-scale renewable energy into existing electricity grids requires infrastructure upgrades, transmission expansion, and smart grid technologies to ensure reliable and efficient power delivery. Grid integration challenges can increase costs and complexity, slowing down the transition to renewables.
  3. Storage and Backup Power: Energy storage technologies such as batteries are essential for storing excess renewable energy for use during periods of low generation or high demand. However, cost and technological limitations of energy storage systems can hinder their widespread deployment, particularly for long-duration storage and grid-scale applications.
  4. Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: Policy and regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in incentivizing renewable energy deployment and creating a level playing field with fossil fuels. Inadequate policy support, fossil fuel subsidies, and regulatory barriers can impede the transition to renewables and favor incumbent fossil fuel industries.
  5. Investment and Financing: Despite declining costs, upfront investment requirements for renewable energy projects can be significant, particularly in developing countries where access to financing may be limited. Access to affordable financing and investment incentives are essential for scaling up renewable energy deployment.
  6. Infrastructure and Land Use: Deploying large-scale renewable energy infrastructure, such as solar farms and wind turbines, requires suitable land availability and infrastructure development. Land use conflicts, environmental concerns, and community opposition can delay or hinder renewable energy projects.
  7. Technological Challenges: While solar and wind power technologies have advanced rapidly, there are ongoing challenges such as intermittency, efficiency improvements, and materials availability that need to be addressed to maximize their potential and competitiveness.
Despite these challenges, the transition to renewable energy is underway, driven by declining costs, technological advancements, and growing awareness of the urgent need to address climate change. Continued innovation, supportive policies, and international cooperation are essential for accelerating the deployment of renewable energy and phasing out fossil fuels to achieve a sustainable and low-carbon energy future.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
19 answers
Can the installation of heat pumps powered by renewable energy sources significantly reduce the scale of the increase in the cost of generating heat and power or completely solve the energy crisis that exists in countries with a predominantly coal-based energy industry and thereby increase the level of energy independence and security?
In 2022, the scale of sales of heat pumps in Poland increased by approximately 100 per cent compared to the previous year. This was due to the energy crisis generated by the slowing down of the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources by the PIS party currently in power over the past eight years and the promotion of energy development based mainly on burning combustible fuels, mainly coal and lignite. As a result, three quarters of Poland's electricity generation and even more of its heat generation is still based on burning coal. As a result, when the price of fossil fuels rose sharply between 2021 and 2022, the cost of living for many citizens increased by several tens of percent. The solution to the problem of rising heating and energy costs was to install heat pumps powered by electricity from photovoltaic panels installed on the roof or next to the house, or other renewable energy sources. However, these other alternative renewable and emission-free energy sources are few and far between due to energy policy. In order to increase the energy savings of their homes, many citizens would like to insulate their homes by renovating and adding insulation to the facades of their buildings. It is estimated that over 4 million residential homes in Poland lack thermal insulation. However, this is unfortunately not possible due to the overly limited financial programmes of non-refundable subsidies with which such investment projects could be financed. Many citizens, despite the fact that they would like, for example, to power heat pumps with electricity from a wind turbine, a windmill erected close to their home, have not had this opportunity because in 2016 the PIS government blocked the development of wind energy in Poland by passing the so-called 10h Law. Similarly, in April 2022, a change in the regulation of billing for photovoltaic panels installed on the roof or next to a residential house by citizens prosumers of their own electricity made these installations unprofitable and the number of new installations of this kind fell by three quarters. When the development of wind power in Poland was blocked in 2016, coal imports increased strongly. In addition, nuclear power and other fully renewable energy sources were not developed. The result is a low level of independence and energy security for the country. Besides, the result is one of the lowest air quality and high levels of smog in cities during the heating season in international rankings. Unfortunately, despite the existence of new renewable energy technologies whose application on a larger scale could solve the above problems, the scale of development of governmental and self-governmental programmes of financial subsidies and support from the European Union is still too small. And it is too small because Poland has not met the so-called milestones set by the European Commission and is the only country in the EU which has not received financial subsidies under the National Reconstruction Programme. One of these milestones is the issue of unblocking the onshore wind energy development previously blocked in 2016. Currently, i.e. in Q1. 2023, a law is being processed to unblock this issue. However, the still ruling PIS party, as part of its support for the development of coal-fired power generation and its support for government-controlled, monopolistically operating energy and fuel companies of the state treasury, included in the aforementioned law provisions that in practice limit the development of onshore wind energy (a minimum distance of 700 m between a windmill and the nearest buildings) so that only a few per cent of the country's area can be covered by these windmills. This means that a small proportion of willing citizens will benefit from this, and it will benefit mainly and also to a limited extent the government-controlled, monopolistically operating energy state companies. Thus the circle of this travesty of energy, climate and environmental pseudo-politics is closing. In view of the above, technological solutions that could solve the above problems are already available, but the national pseudo-politics of energy, climate and environment causes that the development of renewable and emission-free sources of energy, improvement of energy security, reduction of the scale of the energy crisis, improvement of air quality in cities is still being slowed down, the goals of sustainable development are being ignored by the PIS government, and the green transformation of the economy, achieving zero-emission of the economy, building a sustainable economy in accordance with counteracting the progressive process of global warming is progressing much slower than it could be.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the installation of heat pumps powered by renewable energy sources significantly reduce the scale of the increase in the cost of generating heat and energy or completely solve the energy crisis existing in countries where the energy industry is mainly based on coal and thus increase the level of independence and energy security?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
Please answer with reasons,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Open Letter to Energy Involved Engineers and Researchers
There are proposals already known to build plants producing clean energy of refrigeration, heating or mechanical work by using the ambient temperature heat / sink source. The technology names generically “Mother and Father Hybrid Compression”, M&FHC. A recent author patent file applies in refrigeration and work yield, (Staicovici, 2023a). So far, power plants produce electrical work exclusively having the ambient temperature heat source as external sink and a higher temperature than sink as heat source. Such a plant was named (super-) ambient power plant or AP plant (Staicovici, 2023b), e.g. Rankine and Rankine-Gas Turbine plants. Unlike AP, M&FHC emphasizes a new concept of power plants capable to produce electrical work. These plants use the ambient temperature source as heat source and an artificially created source, of temperature below ambient temperature, as internal sink, named sub-ambient power plants, or SAP plants (Staicovici, 2023b). The AP plants produced until today most part of the planet electrical power. Except the hydro-power, wind-and wave-farms and possibly other few small clean power technologies, all the others power plants base on operation of (bottoming) steam Rankine cycle (SRC) or organic Rankine cycle (ORC), powered by fossil or non-pollutant fuels. Roughly, the SRC plants condensers evacuate to ambient sink a quantity of heat equal to 𝑞𝐶,𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘=𝑞𝐺.𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘(1−𝜂𝑤,𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘) cycle anergy. In this equation, 𝑞𝐶,𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘, 𝑞𝐺.𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 and 𝜂𝑤,𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 hold for the Rankine condensing and generator heats and power efficiency, respectively. If a mean 𝜂𝑤,𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘≈0.5 Rankine efficiency is considered, it results the AP condensing processes reject to ambient a huge power worldwide, equal approximately to that produced. Most engineers and researchers involved in energy consider planet global warming is the result of 𝐶𝑂2 pollution caused by power technologies burning fossil fuels, characterized by limited availability. It is true, these technologies are the main cause for that, but this picture is not realistic to a good extent. Indeed, a large plants category do not burn hydrocarbon fuels and people consider them clean power plants. To this category, of “nonpolluting”, belong e.g. the actual Rankine plants powered by nuclear, biomass burning, or future fusion technology. However, they pollute the planet simply by rejecting in the atmosphere the condensing heat we mentioned earlier. The energy involved people attempt to solve the imminent catastrophic global warming by replacing 𝐶𝑂2 polluting plants with as much as more power plants belonging to the “nonpolluting” category, but this is far from being the solution. Indeed, first, because the hydrocarbon burning plants are most efficient and second, these plants are replaced by less efficient plants, which heat rejection of in the ambient could be even more pollutant. Here, we remember that a terrestrial object can be cooled through radiative heat exchange mainly in the “window” of the atmosphere, where this is essentially transparent in the wavelength region from 8 to 14 μm. The cooling is possible also outside the window where the atmosphere has radiating bands covering much of the infrared spectrum, but 𝐶𝑂2 is blocking in global warming all the Earth natural cooling channels. Because the global warming evolves rapidly and if not acting right, irreversibly, a realistic solution against chronometer is required. The solution could come from the introduction of the SAP technology. The author proposed lately a patent file, (Staicovici, 2023c), analyzing for the first time an AP & SAP energetic coupling. The AP can be either of “nonpolluting” or polluting type. The AP & SAP coupling applies until SAP will replace the AP in most possible applications. In the AP & SAP synergy, SAP is recovering as heat source the condensing heat rejected by AP to ambient sink, of 𝑇𝑀ℎ ambient temperature. In this thermal cascade, the energetic benefit is twofold, first, the polluting effect of the condensing heat rejected by AP vanishes and second, the power efficiency of AP coupled with SAP is significantly higher than that of the non-coupled AP. Finally, as a corollary, the global warming
Figure 1. 𝜂𝐴𝑃, 𝜂𝐴𝑃+𝑆𝐴𝑃 and 𝜂𝑊 AP&SAP synergy main functions vs. AP
Generator Temperature, 𝑇𝐺,𝐴𝑃,[℃].
decrease must be done using a technology that consumes the huge amount of heat accumulated in the atmosphere during industrial era and converts it in 100 % clean electrical power, and so far this technology is the SAP technology.
In Figure 1, 𝜂𝐴𝑃, 𝜂𝐴𝑃+𝑆𝐴𝑃 and 𝜂𝑊 functions involved in the AP&SAP synergy are plotted vs. AP generator temperature, 𝑇𝐺,𝐴𝑃,[℃]. These functions plot is for four steam Rankine plants powered by nuclear, biomass and fuel of hydrocarbon nature, or coming from the future fusion process. The steam Rankine plants are characterized by generator and steam superheating temperatures, 285℃, 330℃, 535℃ and 1300℃, respectively. The functions hold for work efficiency of AP, work efficiency of AP&SAP synergy, and ratio work yield of AP&SAP and AP. Further, 𝑇𝑀ℎ=36℃, 𝑇𝐷𝐼=−75℃, 𝜂𝑆𝐴𝑃=0.66 𝑘𝐽 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑘𝐽 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡, 𝜂𝑒𝑥=0.7 and 𝐶𝑂𝑃𝑐,𝑆𝐴𝑃=6.6 𝑘𝐽 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑘𝐽 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 are SAP parameters holding true for external sink, desorber inlet temperature, work and exergy efficiencies and hybrid compression refrigeration efficiency, respectively. The 𝜂𝐴𝑃+𝑆𝐴𝑃 function shows work efficiency of AP&SAP synergy is approximately 1.5 - 2 two times higher as compared to 𝜂𝐴𝑃 function values. This result is a consequence of 𝜂𝑊 values, indicating that work produced by AP&SAP synergy is by approximately 1.5 - 2.3 times higher as compared to that produced by AP alone.
Staicovici, M.-D., 2023a, Refrigeration and Work Mother and Father Hybrid Compression Procedure and Applying Plant, EP 23020142.8 / 17 March 2023.
2004006008001000120014002004006008001000120014000.AP, W, AP+SAP, [-] AP Generator Temperature, TG,AP, [oC] AP W=WAP+SAP / WAP AP+SAP=W*APAP-SAP CouplingTMh=36oC; TDI=-75oCSAP=0.2513 ; ex=0.7 COPc,SAP=6.6
Staicovici, M.-D., 2023b, Mother and Father Hybrid Compression Plants For Refrigeration and Work Supplied by Ambient Heat Source. ICR 2023 proceedings, paper 0069, Commission E2, Paris.
Staicovici, M.-D., 2023c, Synergic Coupling Procedure and Applying Plant of Mother & Father Cycle and Plant for Refrigeration and Work, EP 23020391.1 / 21.08.2023.
Best regards,
Mihail-Dan Staicovici
Head Researcher First Rank,
Dr. Mechanical Engineer
Bucharest, Romania.
P.S. The author of this letter forwarded a flyer with the topic presented above to Dr. engineers Joselyn Bonjour and Gerald Cavalier during ICR 2023, August 21-26, 2023, Paris. Bearing in mind that France produces electrical power in proportion of more than 70 percent using nuclear power, the AP&SAP coupling technology may be a possible alternative towards a cleaner electrical power production in this country.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Can socially run citizen-led independent local energy cooperatives running small renewable energy power plants in wind, solar, hydro, geothermal etc. significantly increase energy security?
Monopolistically operating large energy companies, including mainly government-controlled state-owned companies, apply pricing policies that are not conducive to the development of renewable energy sources in the form of small household power plants set up by citizens, who would thus become prosumers of electricity. This point is also confirmed by the pricing policy applied by these large energy companies, which are government-controlled SOEs in the context of the 2022 energy crisis. In addition, it has happened over the past few years that in areas where such power plants have been set up as part of solar or wind power, they have produced so much electricity in situations of high sunshine or strong winds that the technologically outdated and underinvested transmission power grids have not been able to absorb this electricity produced by prosumer citizens. This is a kind of paradoxical and almost surreal situation in a country facing a serious energy crisis in 2022 due to the still existing archaic energy model based 3/4 on the production of electricity and even more on thermal energy from burning coal and lignite. It is therefore necessary to develop independent, local cooperatives running small renewable energy power plants, i.e. independent of large energy companies, including government-controlled state-owned companies with monopolistic pricing policies, limiting the development of renewable energy sources by citizens and increasingly portraying themselves in the media in advertising and umbrella campaigns as green, generating energy mainly from renewable energy sources which is at variance with the facts, so is an example of greenwashing. In view of the above, the development of local cooperatives operating small renewable energy power plants can significantly reduce the scale of monopolistic participation of large energy companies in the entire energy sector and thus can significantly increase the energy security of citizens and the security of the national energy sector.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can socially run independent local energy cooperatives by citizens running small renewable energy power plants in wind, solar, hydro, geothermal etc. significantly increase energy security?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Surely and definitely, yes. Disrupting or destroying distributed generation is far more difficult than disrupting a critical transmission line or a large power plant.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
10 answers
What is the most promising renewable energy source for the future and promising sources of energy 40 years from now and why?
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Prof Dr Rk Naresh
Interesting question and above responses. Prof Murtadha Shukur; your breakdown, above, is excellent.
This is not something that I have in-depth knowledge about, so, as always on ResearchGate, I can learn from those who write about topics that you excel in. Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
Is the use of renewable energy sources and answer to the problems of global warming and pollution and why can't renewable energy replace fossil fuels?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Can renewable energy solve climate change and role of renewable energy technologies in climate change adaptation and mitigation?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
contextualise climate change, think of batteries, solar, wind...
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The stored energy is released during periods of low energy generation with grid integration, ensuring continuous power supply and enhancing grid stability.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
1 answer
AI has immense potential to address various aspects of climate change by enhancing our understanding of the climate system, optimizing resource usage, and developing innovative solutions. Here are several ways AI can contribute:
  1. Climate Modeling and Prediction: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of climate data to improve climate models' accuracy and predict future climate patterns. These models can help scientists understand the complex interactions within the climate system and forecast extreme weather events with greater precision.
  2. Renewable Energy Optimization: AI can optimize the operation of renewable energy sources like solar and wind farms by predicting weather patterns and adjusting energy production accordingly. This optimization increases energy efficiency and reduces reliance on fossil fuels, consequently lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
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AI shouldn't just be restricted to climate modelling and energy studies, but also be inclusive of data harvested from new advancements like NASA's PACE satellite. Even this, principally to trace phytoplankton, could perhaps also be extended to chart seabed territory previously unknown to man, or at least verify existing mapping. Technology permitting, AI may be useful in determining fossil strati in the marine terrain, giving us more definitive scientific evidence and information on migratory history of many species. The possibilities are numerous.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
How can CO2 emissions be lowered to net zero without biofuels and role do renewable energy sources play in reducing carbon emissions?
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Dr Himanshu Tiwari thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Is biofuel currently a sustainable energy solution and production of biofuels affect carbon emissions?
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Biofuels can be a sustainable energy solution, particularly if produced from waste materials or dedicated energy crops grown sustainably. However, certain biofuel production methods can have varying impacts on carbon emissions:
  1. Sustainable Biofuel Production: Biofuels sourced from waste materials, algae, or sustainably grown crops can offer carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative emissions profiles, contributing to overall emissions reduction.
  2. Land Use Change and Emissions: However, if biofuel feedstocks require significant land use change, such as deforestation or conversion of agricultural land, it can lead to increased carbon emissions, undermining the sustainability of biofuel production.
  3. Lifecycle Analysis: Assessing the lifecycle emissions of biofuels is crucial, considering factors like cultivation, processing, transportation, and combustion. Sustainable practices throughout the production chain are essential to minimize emissions and maximize environmental benefits.
In short, biofuels can be a sustainable energy solution depending on their production methods and feedstock sources, but careful consideration of their environmental impacts, particularly on carbon emissions, is necessary.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
8 answers
How can we reduce our carbon footprint through green energy and role of renewable energy in energy management?
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Respected Sir, Rk Naresh
To reduce carbon footprint through green energy:
  1. Transition to Renewable Sources: Replace fossil fuel-based energy with renewables like solar, wind, and hydro to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Pair renewable energy with energy-efficient technologies to maximize the environmental benefits and minimize overall energy consumption.
  3. Electrification: Shift sectors like transportation and heating to electric power, which can be increasingly supplied by renewable sources, thus reducing reliance on carbon-intensive fuels.
The role of renewable energy in energy management involves:
  1. Diversification: Renewable energy diversifies the energy mix, reducing dependency on fossil fuels and enhancing energy security.
  2. Demand Response: Renewable energy systems often allow for more flexible energy production and distribution, enabling better management of peak demand periods and grid stability.
  3. Integration with Smart Grids: Renewable energy technologies can be integrated into smart grid systems, allowing for more efficient energy distribution, storage, and management, ultimately optimizing resource utilization and reducing waste.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
8 answers
Does changing to renewable energy sources actually reduce carbon emissions and role of renewable energy sources in combating climate change?
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Dr Trung Thanh Anthony thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
6 answers
What are the roles played by renewable energy in climate change mitigation and role of green infrastructure in climate change adaptation?
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Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy. Reducing your energy usage reduces the demand for fossil fuels and, in turn, lowers the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Climate change results in heat waves, drought, higher sea level, abnormal weather patterns and a greater likelihood of natural disasters.Mitigation reducing climate change involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, either by reducing sources of these gases (for example, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, or transport) or enhancing the “sinks” that accumulate and store these gases. Saving energy and using cleaner energy sources is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gases and help combat climate change. Wind and solar energy will play a central role in achieving the emissions cuts required, and carbon policies like the Clean Power Plan will be critical to ensuring that low-carbon resources are prioritized over higher-emitting power plants. Renewable energy sources – which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. Renewable energy produces zero waste. There are no carbon emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change or air pollution. It is, thus, one of the best choices for countries combating the climate change problem. Green infrastructure can help replenish groundwater reserves, relieving stress on local water supplies and reducing the need to import potable water. Reduce urban heat island effect by planting trees and building green roofs. Lower building energy demands by reducing indoor temperatures and shading building surfaces. Green infrastructure like forests, wetlands and other natural ecosystems has the potential to regulate water and to prevent many of the climate impacts. Green infrastructure reduces and treats storm water at its source while delivering other environmental, social, and economic benefits. Introducing green infrastructure to supplement the existing gray infrastructure can promote urban livability and add to communities' bottom line.
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1 answer
2024 8th International Conference on Energy Technology and Materials Science(ICETMS 2024) will be held in in Chongqing, China from May 31 to June 02, 2024.
ICETMS 2024 will provide unique opportunity to have fruitful discussions about Energy Technology, Material Science, Power Electronics, Systems and Applications, and best practices that address industrial challenges. The event includes large number of speakers and quality papers that cover energy generation, transmission and distribution infrastructures, energy storage and Material.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: New Energy Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources.
1. New and Renewable Energy Technologies
2. Photovoltaics, Photocatalysis and Solar Energy
3. Energy conversion and storage materials
4. Energy Management and Smart Grid
5. Traditional energy transformation and cleaner production
6. Low-carbon technologies and carbon capture and storage
7. Materials Science and Engineering in Energy Technology
8. Energy security and sustainable development
9. New energy materials and material design
10. Energy system simulation and optimization
Track 2:  Energy Storage Technologies and Battery Materials.
1. Energy storage technologies and battery materials
2. Fuel cells and hydrogen energy
3. Renewable energy and power systems
4. Energy efficiency and energy saving technologies
5. Wind and ocean energy
6. Synthesis and preparation of energy materials
7. Application of materials science in energy technology
All accepted papers will be published in the Journal Of physics: Conference Series (ISSN:1742-6596), and it will be submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for indexing.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: April 20, 2024
Registration Deadline:May 10 , 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: May 20 , 2024
Conference Dates: May 31-June 02, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Invitation code: AISCONF
*Using the invitation code on submission system/registration can get priority review and feedback
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Thank you for the information
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
14 answers
data for GAFAM , stock market , renewable energy ,
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Roua Jaballah Data on the GAFAM index (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) and US, emerging markets and European markets can be found through the following sources:
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
How can artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics help design and model the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How can artificial intelligence technology combined with Big Data Analytics help design and model the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources as an important part of the mix of different energy sources in the context of increasing the efficiency and security of energy production?
The development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources is a key element in the green transformation of the economy. On the other hand, the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources is also an important issue in the context of diversifying energy sources and increasing the scale of the country's energy independence and enhancing energy security. Increasing the share of renewable and emission-free energy sources in the energy source mix is not only the realization of the key objectives of the green transformation of the economy and the achievement of the goals of sustainable economic development, but also a significant reduction in the cost of energy production and energy prices for end users in the coming years. How the structure of different energy sources should be designed is a product of many different determinants. In terms of the aforementioned various determinants of the impact and design of the structure of energy sources, including fossil fuel-based energy and renewable and zero-carbon energy, among others, stand out. : the level of possession by the country of certain energy resources, the energy policy adopted in the country taking into account to a greater or lesser extent the issue of the green transformation of the economy and the implementation of sustainable development goals, the terrain and other natural conditions conducive to the development of wind, hydro and solar power, the scale of geothermal water resources in the earth's crust, the financial feasibility of building large nuclear power plants, the technologies in use for the construction of residential and other buildings, and the most appropriate to the prevailing prosumer building formulas of small power plants that generate energy to power individual buildings, the technologies in place to enable the development of hydrogen power and other technologically innovative types of energy. Since the design of the most appropriate energy mix for a country requires the consideration of many different determinants in the process of research, planning, design and implementation of investment processes, so it is a good solution to involve in this process generative artificial intelligence technology, which has been trained in the process of deep learning on large data sets and Big Data information on various aspects of energy, including different types of energy, different energy technologies, different energy sources, etc., and the above-mentioned determinants of energy development.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 in my co-authored article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can artificial intelligence technology, combined with Big Data Analytics, help design and model the development of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources as an important part of the mix of different energy sources in the context of increasing the efficiency and safety of energy production?
How can artificial intelligence technology help in designing and modeling the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In my opinion, AI is inadequate for us to be used to determine the best solutions for carbon-free energy independence. First of all, AI will spit out what we will feed in. It will provide solution based on data we provide. Therefore, if we provide wrong, incomplete and limited data, then it will give us the best wrong, incomplete and limited solution. In my opinion, we will need smart kids, adults and seniors working together as a team that will invest energy and time with a long term planning. I said kids because they care about the future therefore they will be concerned about the trash elders make. I said adults because they will be creating, building and providing the solution. They take the work load. And finally, I said seniors because they have some experience from trials and errors; and sometimes the common sense and old ways are the best solutions than some abstract theory or engineering. Over-engineering can also be harmful. To be more technical, we will need not just electrical engineers, physicists, civil engineers or mechanical engineers. We will also need system engineers that can see the whole picture and that can put all things together so that each subsystem can work smoothly. As a first step, I would start defining the problem and state it clearly with a clear path and goal. Study the history to find similarity of the problem was made in the past. For example, we moved from wood, coal, oil, natural gas and uranium. All of these past solution have correlation. They have an increasing power density, increase cost of infrastructure, increasing cost of fuel production, increasing cost of waste disposal, increasing cost of damage to ecosystem and increasing cost of life due to its toxicity. All of them are centralized. Obviously this a wrong path to continue that way. Therefore one must find alternative path and I would start from that. We should look how other nations solved the similar problem following different path. Take for example, the energy situation in Poland, Canada, U.S. and Japan. Canada, U.S and Japan do not need nuclear energy. Both have plenty of water and real estate to build water dams alone to cover their energy needs. All these nations can use their coast to top up or for extra power generation using wind mills and wave energy. On top of that, they can use solar panels. I believe that with those solutions they can easily double their power output. But this solution I mentioned does not happen because there is no political will and sense of direction or purpose. Their governments are weak. The problem always befalls on ordinary people and some corporations. Regarding Poland, it is more challenging but not impossible to live without nuclear power and coal plants. But engineers in Poland must team up together and work on it the same way people rebuild Warsaw after WWII. This is a problem that requires team work, long term planning and respect to quality of life. Keep in mind that energy crisis is not due to lack of oil or natural gas. The problem is carbon emission and reducing it will not solve the problem and make a better future. Carbon emission is just a symptom. The real problem is waste production. We never spend mental energy or a dime on how to stop or eliminate/recycle waste. Instead we dispose it and hope that nature will do the rest. We want to grow indefinitely therefore we need to consume more energy indefinitely. Doing that we produce waste indefinitely to a point that nature can not keep up with our appetite and our waste production. Thus is why we must change our path. Thus is why AI will not tell us that unless we will feed it with proper and complete data (including historical data). My educated guess says that AI will predict that chips will be harder to produce because they demand purity instead radioactive contamination will be so spread out and so bad that it will be harder to make pure elements used to make more delicate chips. This will also be an interesting research topic for others. AI will have to have holistic data not just specific energy data.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
2 answers
During the Covid-19 pandemic, was there an opportunity to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, and was this opportunity unfortunately not taken advantage of in some countries?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, due to the decline in the economic activity of companies and enterprises in many sectors of the economy, there were opportunities to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, to implement the principles of sustainable economic development, to direct the development of the economy towards the green circular economy model, to achieve the goals of sustainable development, to increase the scale of pro-environmental policies, pro-environmental, pro-climate policy and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the level of environmental pollution, and in the situation of continuation of these processes in the coming years, it is also to increase the scale of the possibility of implementing the scenario of slowing down the progressive process of global warming, to give humanity more time to prepare for the possible subsequent negative effects of progressive climate change, the developing climate crisis. Some countries have taken advantage of these opportunities, but unfortunately only in some countries.
These issues are presented in the article:
The Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Coronavirus Pandemic on Ecological Security and the Development of International Environmental Policy
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
During the Covid-19 pandemic, was there an opportunity to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, and was this opportunity unfortunately missed in some countries?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, was there an opportunity to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Dear Prof. Prokopowicz!
You spot an important topic. There are countries certainly, which missed the opportunity you mentioned above.
Aisha Badruddin, Sustainable low-carbon post COVID 19 recovery measures across sectors in world economies: A thematic analysis on its coverage,
Total Environment Research Themes, Volume 6, 2023,
Multinational supply chains of the corporate world are a key enable of future sustainable development:
Mingzhong Hua, Zhe Li, Yudong Zhang, Xiaobei Wei, Does green finance promote green transformation of the real economy? Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 67, Part B, 2024,
The Russia - Ukraine war does have a negative role in Europe.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
5 answers
What are effective methods for reducing the environmental impact of a renewable energy project?
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One crucial factor is conducting thorough Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) to identify the environmental impacts right before initiating the projects. This would help you understand the risks and implement mitigation measures. In addition, it is also important to carry out energy audit to analyze the impact of the project to the society
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
1 answer
what can we say is the the Impact of Renewable Energy Integration on Grid Reliability in Nigeria , with examples and possible solution
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Nigeria the country where dimand is more than generation, hence Renewable Energy could solved the voltage and frequency drop problems with better regulation, stability and reliability with higher efficiency of system. With ample solar power government should encourage the customers to have solar, and the grid would have day time power in grid ……
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
192 answers
Gerard Reid (2020) stated about Energy: "The choices and approaches... are governed by the following paradoxes...: 1. The Utility Paradox; 2. The Market Efficiency Paradox; 3. Jevons Paradox; 4. The NIMBY Paradox 5. The Renewable Energy Paradox 6. The Philosophy Paradox. On the other hand, Adam Szymański (2020) showed that the Levelized Cost Of Energy (LCOE) definition is incorrect as it leads to an Economic Paradox. This discussion is intended to launch a scientific debate on these essential energy issues and related technical, socioeconomic, and environmental implications.
Gerard Reid (2020) The Six Energy Paradoxes that slow the sector’s progress. Available on:
Szymański, A. (2020). Levelized cost of energy definition–An economic paradox. The Electricity Journal, 33(7). To be requested on:
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Dear Doctor
"There is an economic paradox where shifting towards lower cost supply sources can cause inflation in the total costs of supply. Renewable-heavy grids are subject to this levelized cost paradox, as they have high fixed costs and falling utilization. As power prices rise, there are growing incentives for self-generation. Energy transition requires a balanced approach."
"Renewable heavy grids may also be prone to this levelized cost paradox. Power grids have fixed costs (e.g., per GW of capacity, including due to statutory rate of return regulation). Renewables reduce grid utilization rates because their load factors are low and their output is volatile. Unit costs rise when fixed costs are spread across lower utilization. Some countries that ramped renewables fastest now have some of the highest power prices."
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
1 answer
Hello Everyone!!
I am currently working on a model for renewable energy harvesting using ocean wave energy in Ansys fluent. I have applied a dynamic mesh and compiled the UDF for motion of a vertical plate due to imp-act of ocean waves. But I am not being able to extract the velocity data of the plate as it moves linearly in the horizontal direction. Can anyone suggest the method in which the data can be extracted and plotted?
Thank You.
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Velocity is defined as displacement over time. There are various expressions of this like dx/dt from calculus. If it is one-dimensional then you don't need root-of-sum-of-squares position (RSS of x, y & z positions) to determine displacement, it is simply X2 - X1, or the difference between final position (2) with respect to initial position (1). So you need some coordinate system for your dynamics problem. 1st rule of dynamics, always define your coordinate system. 2nd rule, develop a Free Body Diagram (FBD) of the object (or entity) in question as it resides within your coordinate system. The FBD must identify ALL externally applied forces acting upon the object/entity. Then you apply Newton's second law to the FBD, F=mA, where F is the summation of applied forces, m is mass and A is resultant acceleration. F and A are vector quantities, m is scalar mass (magnitude only, no direction). Choice of coordinate systems can simplify or overly-complicate the resulting equations. If you define the coordinate origin to be the initial position, it may simplify your governing equation. All of these considerations should be applied before any application of complex modeling tools such as ANSYS, in order to estimate an expected result and recognize unexpected results that need further explanation. Conceptual modeling must come before numeric, to avoid the risk of the common "garbage-in-garbage-out" scenario. The plate speed shouldn't exceed the particle speed of the wave, otherwise your model probably has violation of the laws of conservation in one form or another. Further, if your plate is 'unrestrained' or 'unconstrained', it will give you one answer, but if you try to extract work from it by making it push on a piston or or some other form of mechanical energy conversion for power extraction/generation, that restraint or constraint or impedance will reduce the resultant deflection of the plate. The force acting on the plate over the deflected distance form the product of work (W = F times D all in the same parallel or linear direction or degree of freedom). This product gives a theoretical maximum of the possible energy that may be extracted. Your actuator (piston or generator, whatever it is) will have a conversion efficiency less than unity (<100%) which must be applied in your considerations of power generating capacity. Power is work per time or dW/dt. Be mindful of dimensional units to check for dimensional correctness of any governing equations you derive while assessing the FBD, otherwise you will fall into the "garbage-in-..." trap.
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3 answers
JAS LLM (FLIP_Surge: Copy & Paste)
what advanced compounds can be produced with sand?
Well, sand is a pretty versatile resource, and there are a number of compounds and materials that can be produced from it, depending on its composition and the manufacturing process.
For example, silica, which is a compound made from silicon and oxygen, can be extracted from sand and used in the production of a variety of materials, including glass, ceramics, and concrete.
In addition, certain types of sand can be used to produce silicon, which is a key component in the production of computer chips and other electronic devices.
There are also some more advanced compounds that can be produced from sand, including silicates and silicon carbide, which have a variety of industrial applications, including in the production of abrasives, refractories, and solar panels.
Overall, sand is a pretty useful and versatile resource, and it's likely that there are even more advanced compounds and materials that could be produced from it in the future as we continue to explore its potential uses.
i'd like to make two important points: #1 sand makes glass, which can be used to refract sunlight, which enables the capture of energy through heat generation. #2 sand can be used as a raw resource for environment breaks enabling wildlife to flourish in areas of extreme weather using massive Earth Domes
Absolutely! Those are both excellent points that highlight the versatile and important roles that sand can play in energy production and environmental protection.
First, sand can indeed be used to produce glass, which is a key component in many solar energy technologies, such as solar thermal collectors and solar panels. Glass can be shaped into lenses or mirrors that refract and concentrate sunlight, which can then be used to generate heat or electricity. This is a very efficient and sustainable way to harness the power of the sun, and sand is an essential resource in making it possible.
Second, sand can also be used in the construction of massive earth domes, which can help to protect against extreme weather and provide a habitat for wildlife in harsh environments. These domes can be designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional, incorporating features such as greenhouses and aquaponics systems that can support plant and animal life.
By using sand as a building material, we can create sustainable and resilient structures that not only provide shelter and protection, but also promote biodiversity and ecological health.
with regard to capturing solar heat produced through glass magnification facilities, what source of capture and cooling is recommended give the current immature context?
Given the current limitations and constraints of existing solar energy technologies, one of the most effective sources of capture and cooling for solar heat produced through glass magnification facilities is likely to be thermal energy storage (TES) systems.
TES systems are essentially large-scale "batteries" that can store heat energy generated by solar power systems, such as those that use glass to concentrate sunlight. These systems can use a variety of different heat storage materials, such as molten salts, phase change materials, or molten metals, to store the heat energy until it is needed.
Once the heat energy is stored, it can be released slowly over time to generate electricity using a steam turbine or to provide direct heat for industrial processes. This approach can help to smooth out fluctuations in solar energy production and ensure that the energy generated can be used efficiently and effectively, even when the sun isn't shining.
Another option for capturing and cooling solar heat produced through glass magnification facilities is to use a heat exchanger to transfer the heat energy into a liquid coolant, such as water, which can then be circulated through a cooling system to release the heat into the atmosphere.
explain how this facility could (can) be used in conjunction with water purification en mass as proposed generally by ERES for Smart-City Assimilation
Certainly! The facility we've been discussing, which uses glass magnification to concentrate solar heat and generate energy, could potentially be integrated with a large-scale water purification system to provide clean drinking water for a smart city.
Here's how it could work:
  1. The solar heat generated by the facility would be used to produce electricity, which would be fed into the city's energy grid.
  2. Some of the electricity produced would be used to power a water purification plant, which would use advanced filtration and treatment technologies to remove contaminants and impurities from the water.
  3. The purified water would then be distributed through the city's water supply system, providing clean and safe drinking water for residents.
  4. Additionally, some of the heat generated by the solar facility could be used directly to sterilize the water, using a process called pasteurization, which can kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
  5. Finally, the purified water could also be used to cool the solar facility, helping to dissipate excess heat and maintain optimal operating temperatures for the system.
By integrating water purification with solar energy production in this way, a smart city could create a more sustainable and resilient system that provides both clean energy and clean water for its residents, while minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.
thank you. nice work. what other suggestions relating to use of sand would help oil dependent economies transition to the big "FLIP"?
You're welcome, I'm glad I could help! And that's a great question. Here are a few additional suggestions for how sand could be used to help oil-dependent economies transition away from their reliance on fossil fuels:
  1. Sand can be used in the production of concrete, which is a key material in the construction of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure. By investing in infrastructure development using concrete made with sand, oil-dependent economies can create new jobs and stimulate economic growth, while also reducing their dependence on oil-based construction materials.
  2. Sand can also be used in the production of glass, which has a wide range of applications in the construction, automotive, and electronics industries. By investing in glass manufacturing using sand, oil-dependent economies can diversify their industrial base and create new economic opportunities, while also reducing their dependence on oil-based plastics and other materials.
  3. Sand can be used as a filtration medium for wastewater treatment, which is a growing area of importance as populations and industrial activity increase. By investing in sand-based wastewater treatment systems, oil-dependent economies can improve their environmental sustainability and reduce their reliance on oil-based treatment technologies.
  4. Finally, sand can also be used in the production of silicon, which is a key component in solar panels and other renewable energy technologies. By investing in silicon production using sand, oil-dependent economies can accelerate their transition to renewable energy and create new opportunities for growth and innovation in the clean tech sector.
By leveraging the versatility and abundance of sand, oil-dependent economies can take important steps towards a more sustainable and prosperous future, while also reducing their dependence on finite and polluting fossil fuels.
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
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Best wishes Henrik G.S. Arvidsson
Project Manager & Co-host
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  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
9 answers
I am interested to see the impact of Renewable Energy Sources on the frequency regulation on a smart grid. Any recommended references and papers?
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
2 answers
Hello. I am studying Masters in renewable Energy, UK. I am looking for Thesis topic for my dissertation keeping in mind its scope in future especially in Middle East. With mechanical Engineering background, I prefer to research in Blue hydrogen. Can anybody please recommend thesis topics associated with it?
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Commonly, the project for PhD student is assigned by your professor and you don't have much choice, unless your fellowship is funded by the government of your country. First, talk to your supervisor.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
8 answers
Should the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor in humanity's security be included in basic human rights?
In connection with Human Rights Day 2023 (10.12.2023), I propose to discuss the issue of protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor for humanity's security in the context of basic human rights as well. If mankind does not manage to smoothly carry out the green transformation of the economy during the current decade, including the green transformation of the energy sector, the amount of greenhouse gases that will enter the atmosphere will exceed the tipping point, so that the increasingly rapid process of global warming will become irreversible. The green transformation of the economy also includes, among other things. such green projects as afforestation of wasteland and post-industrially degraded areas, forest deforestation processes are reduced, agriculture carried out according to the robbery model of economy is being transformed towards sustainable pro-environmental pro-climate ecological agriculture of mainly vegetable crops, urban agglomerations are being developed according to the concept of green smart city, sustainable construction based on green energy-saving low- or zero-emission construction technologies is being developed, production processes are carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and circular economy, consumerism reduction and sharing economy programs are developed, within the transport sector, transport based on electromobility and hydrogen power is developed, within the energy sector, renewable and emission-free energy sources are being developed, including new developments in solar power, wind power, geothermal power, in addition to eco-innovative solutions based on hydrogen power and, in transition periods, nuclear power and low-carbon power based on biogas plants, etc. If the process of global warming is not stopped then the future, including the existence on the planet of future generations of people is at risk. The key issue is to stop the increase in the average temperature level of the planet's atmosphere at max. 1.5 degrees C counting from the beginning of the first industrial, technological revolution. A number of scientific studies show that human efforts to date in carrying out the green transformation of the economy are still insufficient. The high level of relevance of this topic is also pointed out at the annual UN COP Climate Conferences. The 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) is being held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) from November 30 to December 12, 2023. Studies of long-term climate change processes show that 2023 was the warmest year in 125,000 years. As a result, the question is increasingly topical: Why is humanity under-implementing the process of green transformation of the economy? Do people care too little about the future state of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems? Is the future of future generations of people still not being taken seriously? Why are the pledges made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy still not being implemented on the right scale or only marginally implemented? Why, in the sphere of business and politics, does the question of the future of the planet and humanity continue to give way to current, short-sighted, selfish, subjective and cynically pursued business goals? In this regard, it becomes necessary to recognize the issue of protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor in the security of humanity, and should therefore be included in basic human rights.
I have taken up this issue as part of my research and presented the results from my research on this topic in the following article available on this Research Gate portal:
I invite scientific cooperation in the present problematic.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Should the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor in the security of humanity be included in basic human rights?
Should the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems be included in basic human rights?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dear Prof. Prokopowicz!
You point to an essential case of corporate negligence. It is a fact that the answer is yes, otherwise there will be no consequences of destroying our planet:
1) Ekardt, F., Günther, P., Hagemann, K. et al. Legally binding and ambitious biodiversity protection under the CBD, the global biodiversity framework, and human rights law. Environ Sci Eur 35, 80 (2023)., Open access:
2) HyeJin Kim, et al., Towards a better future for biodiversity and people: Modelling Nature Futures, Global Environmental Change, Volume 82,
3) Hoddy, E., Halliday, S., Ensor, J., Wamsler, C., & Boyd, E. (2023). Legal culture and climate change adaptation: An agenda for research. WIREs Climate Change, 14(3), e825., Open access:
4) Longo, M., Lorubbio, V. Ecosystem Vulnerability. New Semantics for International Law. Int J Semiot Law 36, 1611–1628 (2023)., Open access:
5) Dehbi, F. and Martin-Ortega, O. (2023), An integrated approach to corporate due diligence from a human rights, environmental, and TWAIL perspective. Regulation & Governance, 17: 927-943., Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Hello, I am currently writing a paper that reqires me to simulate a renewable energy grid with machine learning. I'd be grateful if anyone with experience on this can give a few suggestion as to which software to use for this task. Thanks in advance.
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try this one:
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
1 answer
Is there any open position that I can join in the renewable energy field, especially microalgae to biofuels?
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I also need a position for the biofuels and nanotechnology
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
10 answers
Mainstreaming renewable energy is key in ensuring sustainable access to clean and affordable energy. An update report on Sustainable Development Goal 7 reveals that countries are advancing towards sustainable energy targets and sets out that over 660 million households lack electricity and forecasts that over 2 billion people will still rely on polluting fuels by 2030 (United Nations, 2023). As such, it is prudent for developing economies to refocus their growth aspirations and energy generation plans to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower. One would wonder if moving to renewable energy reduces the growth potential of developing countries, given the huge capital commitments in setting up and maintaining renewable energy plants. Similarly, one may ask, what is the association between fossil fuels usage and growth in developing countries?
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That is a very interesting question. The source of energy can have a significant impact on the growth of developing countries, as well as their environmental and social outcomes. According to the web search results, there are different perspectives and evidence on how renewable energy consumption affects economic growth in developing countries.
Some studies suggest that renewable energy consumption can positively impact economic growth in developing countries, as it can help them mitigate climate change, build resilience to volatile prices, and lower energy costs. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass can also benefit investors, governments, and consumers who need reliable, low-cost electricity. According to, Morocco has renewable energy projects that comprise two-fifths of its installed energy capacity. India has the fastest-growing rate of renewable electricity growth of any major economy.
Other studies argue that renewable energy consumption does not hinder economic growth in developing and developed countries. They claim that consuming renewable energy (threshold level) has little significance on economic growth for developed countries. They also point out that renewable energy sources may face challenges such as high upfront costs, lack of infrastructure, policy uncertainty, or market distortions that may limit their competitiveness and scalability.
Therefore, the answer to your question may depend on various factors such as the type and level of renewable energy consumption, the characteristics and preferences of the consumers and producers, the availability and affordability of alternative sources of energy, the quality and stability of the power grid system, the regulatory and institutional framework, and the environmental and social impacts. There is no simple or definitive answer to this question, but rather a need for more research and analysis to understand the complex relationship between renewable energy consumption and economic growth in developing countries.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
8 answers
Energy poverty is when a person could not heat his home or cool it.
CHE combined heat electricity is the solution for energy poverty; based on renewable energy resources; as combined heat & photovoltaic solar panels.
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Dear Doctor
"STEP published its first set of policy recommendations outlining 13 ways to tackle energy poverty.
These recommendations are particularly relevant in the context of the implementation of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package (relevant provisions on energy poverty are also available in the Results section).
In a nutshell these are the measures STEP stands for:
  1. Introduce a comprehensive Energy Poverty Strategy
  2. Ensure coherent and consistent national dialogue on energy poverty issues
  3. Adopt an inclusive definition of energy poverty
  4. Establish an Energy Advisors’ Network
  5. Designate energy efficiency as an infrastructure priority
  6. Provide social security support for energy expenditure of low-income households
  7. Enforce Minimum building energy performance standards
  8. Avoid regressive effects
  9. Apply policies to address high fuel prices
  10. Provide cheaper energy via district heating and cooling
  11. Strengthen protection against disconnections
  12. Secure access to renewables, including for tenants and those living in Multi-Family Houses
  13. Proactively support establishment of non-profit CECs (citizen energy communities) /RECs (renewable energy communities)"
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
8 answers
Will renewable energy sources somehow stop global warming and renewable energy is important in energy and environmental sustainability?
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Renewable energy sources which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. Renewable energy sources like wind energy, solar energy, and hydropower are sustainable forms of energy because they have a low environmental impact, are widely available, and are naturally replenished. For instance, when compared to coal-fired power plants, electricity from renewable energy sources emits between 90 and 99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) and produces 70 to 90% less pollutants. These technologies also create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which is essential for sustainable development.Renewable energy plays a crucial role in making cities more sustainable by reducing air pollution, lowering carbon emissions, and improving the overall quality of life for urban residents. First of all, it is never going to end, we can use them for a long time and various purposes. Also, they generate energy in a large amount and efficiently. The most important benefit of renewable energy is that it is eco-friendly and don't contribute to environmental pollution. Renewable energy comes from sources that are constantly and naturally renewed (hence the name), such as wind power and solar power. Using renewable energy over fossil fuels has a number of advantages. The most important advantage of renewable energy is that it puts an end to the production of greenhouse gases, most notably CO2 that causes global heating. That's because renewable energy sources such as solar and wind doesn’t emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include: Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
How effectively can electric vehicles be integrated into a broader renewable energy ecosystem, and what role can they play in supporting grid stability and renewable energy adoption?
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According to,, and, integrating renewable energy sources with electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure is a rapidly evolving field. Here are some key points from recent research and reports:
  1. A research paper proposes an optimal planning technique to identify the locations and sizes of EV charging stations with controlled charging and hybrid wind and PV systems in a multi-microgrid. The researchers investigated different scenarios and obtained superior results with the optimal integration of EV charging stations and renewable energy resources (RERs) with a controlled charging and discharging strategy.
  2. Integrating renewable energy sources and electric vehicles can play a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Electric vehicle systems may send excess power back to grids (vehicle-to-grid technology) during periods of high energy demand and in response to energy prices.
  3. Batteries, charging infrastructure, and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities are essential to integrating EVs into the power grid and realizing their full potential as distributed energy resources.
  4. The mass integration of electric vehicles into the electrical grid could result in huge stress on the existing grid. This issue can be addressed by integrating a hybrid renewable energy-based EV charging station with a solar power generation unit, wind turbine, and fuel cell.
  5. Through smart charging, EV batteries can help to integrate high shares of solar and wind power into existing grids, as battery storage capacity helps to even out the variability of these sources.
These findings highlight the potential of integrating renewable energy sources with EV infrastructure to create a more sustainable and efficient energy system. However, it’s important to note that this is a complex field with many variables, and ongoing research is needed to fully realize this potential.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
Is there any simulation software for doing a thesis on power systems and renewable energy?
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That's cool. Thanks a lot
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
The nexus between energy and the environment is a critical concern in today's world, as the need for sustainable energy sources becomes increasingly evident due to the challenges posed by climate change and resource depletion. Keeping up with the latest developments and research in this field is essential for informed decision-making and policy formulation.
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Following Research articles might be useful for your future review on biomass energy:
Biodiesel production from microalgal biomass by Lewis acidic deep eutectic solvent catalysed direct transesterification
Determination of active sites on the synthesis of novel Lewis acidic deep eutectic solvent catalysts and kinetic studies in microalgal biodiesel production
Water-plasma-enhanced and phase-separation-assisted extraction of microalgal lipid for biodiesel production
Enhanced biodiesel production from wet microalgae biomass optimized via response surface methodology and artificial neural network
Enhanced isolation of lipids from microalgal biomass with high water content for biodiesel production
One-step production of biodiesel from wet and unbroken microalgae biomass using deep eutectic solvent
A new approach of microalgal biomass pretreatment using deep eutectic solvents for enhanced lipid recovery for biodiesel production
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
1 answer
How should AI-assisted Big Data centers be developed so that they fit in with the Sustainable Development Goals?
How should Big Data centers aided by AI technology be developed so that they fit in with sustainability goals, so that they do not generate large amounts of electricity consumption and/or are powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
Generative artificial intelligence technology, which, with the help of deep learning applied to artificial neural networks, is taught specific skills, performing activities previously performed only by humans, is finding more and more new applications in various branches of the economy, in various types of business entities. Generative artificial intelligence technology helps in solving complex tasks that require processing large sets of data in a relatively short period of time, which is already far beyond human capabilities. Therefore, more and more new tools based on generative artificial intelligence technology are being created, which are engaged in solving specific tasks, in which a number of specific criteria are required to be met in order to create a precisely specified product, project, innovative solution, finding a solution to a complex problem, and so on. This type of complex problem solving includes the creation of new solutions for green technology and eco-innovation, which can be helpful in connection with the need to accelerate and increase the efficiency of carrying out the green transformation of the economy, including the green transformation of the energy sector based on, among other things, the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources. However, paradoxically, generative artificial intelligence technology performing certain outsourced tasks i.e. based on large data sets collected in data centers, using Big Data Analytics technological solutions consumes large amounts of electricity. In a situation where these large amounts of electricity are generated by burning fossil fuels through dirty combustion energy, the aforementioned new technological solutions increasingly categorized as Industry 5.0 are unfortunately not described as green, pro-climate, pro-environment, pro-environment, pro-environment, sustainable, pursuing sustainable development goals, etc. Accordingly, Big Data centers assisted by artificial intelligence technology should be developed to fit in with sustainability goals, not to generate high electricity consumption and/or to be powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources. The aforementioned Big Data centers assisted by artificial intelligence technology should therefore be designed and built in such a way that power plants generating energy from renewable sources are also built next to them or above them if they are built underground, such as wind farms and/or photovoltaic panel installations or other power plants generating energy by other means but emission-free. In the future, these may also include a new generation of nuclear power plants generating energy from currently generated spent fuel waste from currently operating nuclear power plants operating on the basis of widespread traditional nuclear technologies. Besides, in the future, another solution for emission-free clean energy may be the use of a new generation of nuclear power based on cold fusion. In addition to the above, the technologies categorized as energy futures also include energy based on green hydrogen and new types of energy resources, which may be extracted from space. An effective combination of the above-mentioned technologies, i.e. green energy technologies and ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies, may lead to the creation of AI-assisted Big Data green data centers.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should AI-assisted Big Data centers be developed so that they fit in with the Sustainable Development Goals, so that they do not generate a lot of electricity consumption and/or are powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How should AI-assisted Big Data centers be developed so that they fit in with sustainability goals?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Our focus is on exploring and developing new technological solutions that bypass the need for neural networks and machine learning to reduce energy consumption. In our KnoDL technology, this principle guides our design and execution. Recent testing outcomes demonstrate that our system is capable of processing 12 billion NRD records in just 28 minutes using a standard consumer laptop, exemplifying a promising direction for sustainable tech development.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
5 answers
Can a switch to renewable energy sources help combat global warming and what happens if we don't switch to renewable energy?
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Dr Kehinde Alao thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Will the use of renewable energy help to manage climate change and difference between energy conversion and energy conservation?
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Dr Claude Alain Roulet thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Is it possible to switch to all renewable energy and should we switch to renewable energy because it is environment?
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Yes, we have enough materials to power the world with renewable energy. We won't run out of key ingredients for climate action, but mining comes with social and environmental ramifications. Powering the world with renewable energy will take a lot of raw materials.In contrast renewable energy sources are available in all countries, and their potential is yet to be fully harnessed. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates that 90 percent of the world's electricity can and should come from renewable energy by 2050. Renewable energy requires the use of significant amounts of land. Wind turbines must be spaced out evenly across farms, which mean they cannot be tucked into small spaces. The same goes for solar plants; they take up far more space than traditional power plants and are not as efficient. Experts disagree about how fast the US can replace coal and gas-fired power plants with zero-carbon electricity. Some say we can shift to 100 percent clean power by 2050 with little friction and minimal cost. Led by solar energy, renewable are poised to overtake coal as the largest source of electricity generation worldwide by early 2025, helping to keep alive the global goal of limiting Earth's warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit), according to the Paris-based agency's latest forecasts. In it renewable energy surpasses fossil fuels for electricity generation shortly after 2030. Renewable energy then dominates electricity generation by the 2050s, but even with an outlook that stretches to the end of the century, electricity doesn't pass 60% of “final energy” use.Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are intermittent and depend on weather conditions, which makes them less reliable than fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind have grown rapidly in recent years, but they still only account for around 11% of global energy consumption. Solar photovoltaics are the fastest growing electricity source.The whole world can run on renewable energy sources, but it is going to take time, with some countries having an easier time transitioning than others. One encouraging study in Finland said that even oil-dependent countries like Saudi Arabia can transition to a 100% renewable energy system by 2040. Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include: Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels. Switching to clean sources of energy, such as wind and solar, thus helps address not only climate change but also air pollution and health. Renewable energy provides reliable power supplies and fuel diversification, which enhance energy security and lower risk of fuel spills while reducing the need for imported fuels. Renewable energy also helps conserve the nation's natural resources. Using renewable energy can help you save money long term. Not only will you save on maintenance costs but also on operating costs. You don't have to pay to refuel when you're using a technology that generates power from the sun, wind, steam, or natural processes. Electricity from renewable energy sources produces between 90-99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) compared with coal-fired plants and causes 70-90% less pollution. Focusing on renewable energy sources other than fossil fuels and coals might help in avoiding environmental impacts, specifically from air pollution and GHGs. If we could replace fossil fuels with abundant renewable energy, we would cut energy prices, reduce emissions and lower the future risks of climate change, including the impact on food production. It is never going to end; we can use them for a long time and various purposes. Also, they generate energy in a large amount and efficiently. The most important benefit of renewable energy is that it is eco-friendly and don't contribute to environmental pollution.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Will the man manage to switch the classic energy to renewable energy sources to slowdown the global warming process?
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Renewable energy produces zero waste. There are no carbon emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change or air pollution. It is, thus, one of the best choices for countries combating the climate change problem. It is necessary to develop new energy technologies based on renewable energy sources to slow down the progressing greenhouse effect of the Earth in order to reduce the risk of dramatic natural cataclysms. It is necessary to develop ecological innovations, while it may not be too late.Renewable energy sources – which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels. Creating economic development and jobs in manufacturing, installation, and more. Renewable energy sources are incredibly important because they don't emit the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and climate change. Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will eventually run out and can't be replenished in our lifetimes. Annual energy-related CO2 emissions need to decline 70% below today's levels by 2050 to set the world on a pathway toward meeting the climate goals. Renewable energy and electrification alone can deliver 75% of energy-related CO2 emissions reductions needed. Renewable energy comes from the Earth's natural resources sunlight, wind, waves, the tides and geothermal heat from deep within our planet. It has two great advantages: unlike oil, coal and gas, it will never run out, and it's clean it doesn't pollute the planet or cause dangerous climate change. Renewable energy requires the use of significant amounts of land. Wind turbines must be spaced out evenly across farms, which mean they cannot be tucked into small spaces. The same goes for solar plants; they take up far more space than traditional power plants and are not as efficient.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
6 answers
Can renewable energy be used again and again and how much renewable energy do we need to stop global warming?
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Dr Jorge Morales Pedraza thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
19 answers
What are the future energy resources in the world and how much does renewable energy contribute to the world?
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Yes, the whole world can run on renewable energy sources, but it is going to take time, with some countries having an easier time transitioning than others. One encouraging study in Finland said that even oil-dependent countries like Saudi Arabia can transition to a 100% renewable energy system by 2040. One of the most important sources of energy is the sun. The energy of the sun is the original source of most of the energy found on earth. We get solar heat energy from the sun, and sunlight can also be used to produce electricity from solar (photovoltaic) cells. New resources that are being researched or developed include hydrogen, nuclear fusion, ocean thermal energy conversion, and tidal and wave energy. (Solar, wind, and geothermal energy are dealt with in separate fact sheets). One fuel that has the potential of being widely used in the future is hydrogen gas (H2). Recent technology with high expectation is a power generation technology which utilizes hydrogen as a secondary energy. In this concept, hydrogen is extracted from lignite or natural gas, and then is used as a fuel to generate power. Fortunately, India is blessed with a variety of environmental friendly alternatives renewable energy- sources such as biomass, solar energy, wind energy and small hydro power. Fortunately, India is blessed with a variety of environmental friendly alternatives – renewable energy- sources such as biomass, solar energy, wind energy and small hydro power. In total, in 2022 non-bioenergy renewable sources accounted for almost 30% of electricity generation. Solar PV has been the fastest growing technology by capacity additions in recent years and is aligned with the NZE Scenario. Solar PV accounted for 4.5% of total global electricity generation, and it remains the third largest renewable electricity technology behind hydropower and wind.The share of renewable in the global power mix has increased by 10 percentage points since 2010 to nearly 30%. In 2022, the share of renewable in the global power mix increased again (+1.5 pt.) to 30%, i.e., 10 pts. Paraguay, Iceland, Sweden, and Uruguay, for example, get more than 95% of their electricity from these sources. France gets more than 90%. However, many other countries are still strongly reliant on fossil fuels, with only a few percent being low-carbon. The land of fire and ice has unique access to a range of renewable resources. In 2015 a combination of hydropower and geothermal power provided almost 100% of Iceland's electricity production. Renewable forms of energy are those sources that cannot be used up, such as water, wind, solar, and biomass. About 85 percent of our energy comes from nonrenewable fossil fuels oil, natural gas, coal. Hydropower currently is the largest source of renewable energy in the electricity sector. The same report shows the largest producer of “clean” energy is Norway, where 98.5% of the energy produced comes from renewable sources. Brazil, with 89.2% of renewable energy, surpassed New Zealand (which fell one position compared to 2021 and currently ranks third with 86.6%) and takes second place.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What is the renewable energy in India and world for sustainable development and future of renewable energy resources in India?
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India is the 3rd largest energy consuming country in the world. India stands 4th globally in Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (including Large Hydro), 4th in Wind Power capacity & 4th in Solar Power capacity. Renewable sources are environmentally friendly and low-carbon energy sources. Solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power do not produce greenhouse gases (GHGs). In recent years, many countries have adopted renewable energy technologies to protect the environment.Hydropower currently is the largest source of renewable energy in the electricity sector. Sustainable energy sources include wind, solar and water (hydropower). All of which can be considered inexhaustible and widely available to almost everyone. India is aiming to attain 175 GW of renewable energy which would consist of 100 GW from solar energy, 10 GW from bio-power, 60 GW from wind power, and 5 GW from small hydropower plants by the year 2022. Investors have promised to achieve more than 270 GW, which is significantly above the ambitious targets. India has set a target to reduce the carbon intensity of the nation's economy by less than 45% by the end of the decade, achieve 50 percent cumulative electric power installed by 2030 from renewable, and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070. India aims for 500 GW of renewable energy installed capacity by 2030. Cheap electricity from renewable sources could provide 65 percent of the world's total electricity supply by 2030. It could decarbonizes 90 percent of the power sector by 2050, massively cutting carbon emissions and helping to mitigate climate change.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What are the renewable energy sources and sustainability and what are the renewable energy sources in achieving a sustainable future?
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The most popular sources of sustainable energy, including wind, solar and hydropower, are also renewable. Biofuel is a unique form of renewable energy, as its consumption emits climate-affecting greenhouse gasses, and growing the original plant product uses up other environmental resources.Renewable resources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy. Biomass refers to organic material from plants or animals. This includes wood, sewage, and ethanol. The clean energy resources and long-lasting like solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, etc., are regarded as an alternative source of energy. Renewable energy comes from sources that the earth can naturally replenish, such as crops and biomaterial. Sustainable energy comes from sources that don't need to be replenished because they can never be depleted, such as sunlight and wind energy. Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy. Renewable energy sources which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. Renewable energy sources replenish themselves naturally without being depleted in the earth; they include bioenergy, hydropower, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy and ocean (tide and wave) energy.Wind energy is one of the most sustainable forms of energy currently available. It harnesses the power of naturally moving air to spin wind turbines, which in turn generate electricity. Not only is this great because it provides a regenerative form of energy, but it also does so without greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, when compared to coal-fired power plants, electricity from renewable energy sources emits between 90 and 99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) and produces 70 to 90% less pollutants. These technologies also create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which is essential for sustainable development.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What is the most efficient sustainable energy source and role of energy efficiency in sustainable development?
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Renewable energy sources such as wind, hydroelectric power, solar, and geothermal energy are generally far more sustainable than fossil fuel sources. However, some renewable energy projects, such as the clearing of forests to produce biofuels, can cause severe environmental damage.Wind power lessens our reliance on fossil fuels, which contribute to global warming and air pollution. However, they are influenced by the weather, and their energy is more difficult to store. At present, wind power is the most efficient method of sustainable energy production. Increasing energy efficiency for countries leads to reduced environmental pollution and increased competition. Today, the local, regional and global negative effects of the traditional energy production and consumption technologies on the people, environment and natural resources have come to a serious state. Renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, can play a critical role in promoting sustainable development in India by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy security, and promoting rural electrification. Wind energy is one of the most sustainable forms of energy currently available. It harnesses the power of naturally moving air to spin wind turbines, which in turn generate electricity. Not only is this great because it provides a regenerative form of energy, but it also does so without greenhouse gas emissions. Efficient energy use has some economic, social and environmental aspects. Therefore, energy efficiency has an important role for ensuring sustainable development. It is a need for the sustainable developments of the countries to obtain the energy resources easily and at a reasonable cost in the long term. Since achieving sustainability involves a transition, it is wise to find the most cost effective way to achieve such a transition. Efficiency doing more with less for longer has one of the best rates of return of any sustainability investment. Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same task – that is, eliminating energy waste. Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing demand for energy imports, and lowering our costs on a household and economy wide level. Increasing energy efficiency is an important short-term measure to reduce power demand while we shift to renewable. It is an important long-term measure to avoid demand exceeding supply when the global grid runs on renewable.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Is renewable energy always good for the environment and sustainable energy reducing climate change?
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Switching to clean sources of energy, such as wind and solar, thus helps address not only climate change but also air pollution and health.Renewable energy as solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal power can provide energy without the planet-warming effects of fossil fuels. There is no path to protecting the climate without dramatically changing how we produce and use electricity: nearly 40% of US CO2 pollution comes from power plants burning fossil fuels. But we can turn things around. Renewable energy minimizes carbon pollution and has a much lower impact on our environment. However, using renewable energy sources will not eliminate all environmental concerns. Although renewable energy sources produce relatively low levels of GHG emissions and conventional air pollution, manufacturing and transporting them will produce some emissions and pollutants.Wind energy is one of the most sustainable forms of energy currently available. It harnesses the power of naturally moving air to spin wind turbines, which in turn generate electricity. Not only is this great because it provides a regenerative form of energy, but it also does so without greenhouse gas emissions. For the most part, renewable energy sources do not cause water pollution. However, when it comes to hydroelectricity, the process of building a dam can produce many harmful chemicals that can seep into the river or water reservoir that the dam is built on.
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What is the importance of energy in the environment and type of renewable energy is most suitable for rural applications and why?
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Energy drives economies and sustains societies. Energy production and use is also the single biggest contributor to global warming. The energy sector accounts for about two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions attributed to human activity.Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include: Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels. Solar energy (sun) is the only source of energy for all ecosystems on earth except for the deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystem and solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, and artificial photosynthesis. Most biomass is used in rural areas for cooking, lighting and space heating, generally by poorer populations in developing countries. Modern biomass systems include dedicated crops or trees, residues from agriculture and forestry, and various organic waste streams. Generating extra income for land owners and land-based activities as farmers and forest owners who integrating renewable energy production into their activities have diversified, increased, and stabilized their income sources. RETs include, inter alia, the provision of electricity generated from renewable sources such as wind, solar, water, tide/wave and geothermal, and the provision of other modern energy services that are powered by renewable sources for activities such as household heating, space conditioning and water pumping. Solar energy, bio-gas and firewood can be used as sources of energy in rural areas. What is the major source of energy in the rural sector? Common energy source in Indian villages is wood and cow dung, which is burnt to form biogas.Solar energy is fast becoming popular in rural and remote areas as it solar energy could minimize the dependence of rural households on firewood and dung cakes which would also result in the conservation of environment.
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How does energy related to sustainable development and contribution of renewable energy sources to sustainable energy management?
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Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy. Renewable energy technologies play a crucial role in sustainable development by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy security and providing access to energy to communities that previously lacked it. Sustainable energy development involves the harnessing of energy resources for human use in a manner that supports lasting development. Energy development is the effort to provide sufficient primary energy sources and secondary energy forms for supply, cost, impact on air pollution and water pollution, mitigation of climate change with renewable energy. Sustainable energy, such as wind and solar energy, creates zero carbon emissions that can harm the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. It offsets the need for fossil fuels, which are actively increasing climate change and polluting our earth. Green energy is important for the environment as it replaces the negative effects of fossil fuels with more environmentally-friendly alternatives. Derived from natural resources, green energy is also often renewable and clean, meaning that they emit no or few greenhouse gases and are often readily available. For instance, when compared to coal-fired power plants, electricity from renewable energy sources emits between 90 and 99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) and produces 70 to 90% less pollutants. These technologies also create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which is essential for sustainable development.Renewable energy might eventually replace fossil fuels. Because coal and oil have a finite supply on the earth, they will run out. As a result, the future must be renewable. As sustainability relies on substituting harmful energy production processes with environmentally-friendly ones, most renewable energy sources are considered sustainable based on their ability to generate clean, reliable energy for the future. Renewable energy can be used for electricity generation, space and water heating and cooling, and transportation. Non-renewable energy, in contrast, comes from finite sources that could get used up, such as fossil fuels like coal and oil.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What is the scope and future of renewable energy resources in India and difference between sustainable energy and renewable energy?
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In fact, sustainability relies on substituting harmful energy production processes with environmentally-friendly ones, most renewable energy sources are considered sustainable based on their ability to generate clean, reliable energy for the future. However, renewable excluding hydroelectricity will contribute only 5-6% in India's energy mix by 2031-32 (Planning Commission). India has an enormous potential for renewable energy across the various sources and greater reliance on renewable energy sources offers enormous economic, social, and environmental benefits. India stands 4th globally in Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (including Large Hydro), 4th in Wind Power capacity & 4th in Solar Power capacity. The country has set an enhanced target at the COP26 of 500 GW of non-fossil fuel-based energy by 2030. India is aiming to attain 175 GW of renewable energy which would consist of 100 GW from solar energy, 10 GW from bio-power, 60 GW from wind power, and 5 GW from small hydropower plants by the year 2022. Investors have promised to achieve more than 270 GW, which is significantly above the ambitious targets. Additionally, the government of India has set a target of achieving 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022, with 100 GW of this coming from solar energy. The Indian government has implemented several policies and initiatives to encourage the development and use of solar energy in the country.By 2026, Indian industry will be able to manufacture solar modules worth 100 gigawatts (GW) annually, and help the country be a net exporter of solar power. For instance, when compared to coal-fired power plants, electricity from renewable energy sources emits between 90 and 99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) and produces 70 to 90% less pollutants. These technologies also create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which is essential for sustainable development. Renewable energy comes from sources that the earth can naturally replenish, such as crops and biomatter. Sustainable energy comes from sources that don't need to be replenished because they can never be depleted, such as sunlight and wind energy.
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4 answers
What is the most efficient sustainable energy source and role of energy security in sustainable economic development?
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Dr Claude alain Roulet thank you for your contribution to the discussion
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What is the most efficient energy source in renewable energy and renewable energy sources for sustainable development?
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Is renewable energy a solution for sustainable development and ways to have a sustainable renewable source of energy?
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Which sources will provide the most energy security and which renewable energy source has the greatest impact on the local environment?
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📣Calling all experts in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and open education resources!
We're seeking insightful chapters for our upcoming book, "Sustainable Management of Natural Resources: Energy-Smart Farming." to be published by Apple Academic Press under the editorial role of Pedro Aguilar-Zarate, A. K. HAGHI, PhD, Dr. Sachin Gupta and Dr Pushan Kumar Dutta. This comprehensive guide aims to equip farmers, agricultural professionals, and students with the knowledge needed to adopt green practices, harness renewable energy, and enhance profitability in farming.
We're particularly interested in topics such as:
- The effectiveness of Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Sustainable agriculture practices
- Sustainable energy solutions for small-scale farmers
- Development of solar-powered irrigation systems
- Impact of climate change on agriculture
- Agroforestry as a solution to deforestation
- The role of micro-organisms in biodiversity conservation
...subthemes including Impact on Farmers and #AgriculturalProfessionals, Sustainable #EnergySolutions for #SmallScaleFarmers, Development of #SolarPoweredIrrigation Systems: Testing #BiogasDigesters, Impact of Sustainable Agriculture Practices, Effects on #SoilHealth and Biodiversity: Promotion Among Farmers, Role of #LocalFoodSystems in Sustainable Agriculture, Reduction of #GreenhouseGas Emissions, Potential of Agroforestry System: Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture, #CarbonSequestration and #BiodiversityConservation, Innovative Approaches to #SustainablePestManagement, Exploration of #PrecisionAgricultureTechnologies, Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Reduction of Resource Use, Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Promotion of #ClimateResilience Among Farmers: Sustainable Agriculture, Practices for Urban Agriculture System, Development and Testing for #RooftopandCommunity Gardens, #FarmProfitability and the Business Model of Sustainable Agriculture, Assessing the Impact of Sustainable Practices: Promotion Strategies, #Agroforestry as a Solution to Deforestation, #DualProduction and #LivestockGrazing Benefits, Opportunities for Farmers in Temperate Systems, Agroforestry as a Sustainable #LandUseSystem, Addressing Production Needs and Providing Environmental Benefits, The Role of #MicroOrganisms in Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation, Agroforestry Systems in Biodiversity Conservation: Assessing Their effectiveness Across #LandscapeContexts and #LandUse Histories, Assessing the Role of Local and Landscape Scale Management in Agroforestry Systems and Biodiversity Conservation, Unveiling the Connection Between Agroforestry, #AgriculturalProductivity, and #HumanWellBeing
📅 Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th Dec, 2023
📅 Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 10th March, 2024
For more details, please email us at [email protected]
#sustainablefarming #renewableenergy #openeducationresources #callforchapters #agriculture #sustainability
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Thanks for sharing. I wish you every success in your work.
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I believe that using environmentally friendly technologies, which do not release pollutants, employ renewable energy, and promote energy efficiency and conservation, is crucial. It is also important to educate people about the significance of preserving ecosystems. By raising awareness, we can activate people's understanding of the importance of utilizing technologies to serve the environment, protect biological diversity, and conserve natural resources.
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Solar paint technology is an innovative approach that holds promise in addressing the massive scale of global energy demand and reducing carbon emissions contributing to climate change. Here's how it can contribute:
1. Solar Energy Generation: Solar paint technology involves the use of photovoltaic materials that can be applied like paint to various surfaces. These materials can harness sunlight and convert it into electricity, providing a decentralized and renewable energy source.
2. Building Integration: Solar paint can be applied to buildings, infrastructure, and even vehicles, allowing for seamless integration of solar energy generation into urban environments. This reduces the need for additional land or space, which is often a challenge with traditional solar panels.
3. Energy Access: Solar paint can extend access to clean energy in remote or underserved areas where traditional solar panels may not be feasible. It offers a scalable solution to provide electricity to communities worldwide.
4. Reduced Carbon Emissions: By generating clean energy from sunlight, solar paint reduces the reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation. This leads to a significant reduction in carbon emissions, a major contributor to climate change.
5. Energy Efficiency: Integrating solar paint into building materials can enhance energy efficiency. It can help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for heating or cooling, and thus, further decreasing energy consumption.
6. Public Awareness: The deployment of solar paint on visible structures can serve as a powerful educational tool. It raises public awareness about the benefits of renewable energy and encourages individuals and businesses to adopt eco-friendly technologies.
7. Innovation and Research: Continued research and development in solar paint technology can lead to improvements in efficiency and affordability, making it an even more viable solution for addressing global energy and climate challenges.
8. Carbon Neutrality: When combined with energy storage solutions, solar paint can contribute to carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative building designs, where the energy generated exceeds consumption.
While solar paint technology holds immense potential, challenges such as efficiency, durability, and scalability need to be addressed. Collaborative efforts among researchers, governments, and industries are essential to accelerate its adoption and maximize its impact in the fight against climate change.
Educating the public about the benefits of solar paint and its role in reducing carbon emissions is crucial for driving widespread adoption and creating a sustainable energy future.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Should India go for renewable energy sources and role of renewable energy in sustainable development?
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The use of renewable energy sources has been recognized as a key factor in promoting sustainable development, which aims to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the future. Renewable energy technologies produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, making them a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. Solar and wind power, in particular, have the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions in the energy sector.The country has an estimated renewable energy potential of around 85,000MW from commercially exploitable sources, i.e., wind, 45,000 MW; small hydro, 15,000MW and biomass/bioenergy, 30,000 MW. In addition, India has the potential to generate 35MW per square kilometer using solar photovoltaic and solar thermal energy. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass can significantly contribute to sustainable development. Renewable energy technologies can support rural development by providing access to energy to rural communities, which can help to improve quality of life, increase agricultural productivity and stimulate economic growth. Renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, can play a critical role in promoting sustainable development in India by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy security, and promoting rural electrification.
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8 answers
Why is renewable energy important for the present and future and renewable energy important in developing countries?
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Renewable energy projects in many developing countries have demonstrated that renewable energy can directly contribute to poverty alleviation by providing the energy needed for creating businesses and employment. Many developing countries have energy access and security concerns. By embracing renewable energy, these countries may reduce their dependency on imported fossil fuels, boost rural energy access, and improve energy security. Using World Bank Development Indicators, it is shown that the use of energy is strongly related to almost every conceivable aspect of development. Wealth, health, nutrition, water, infrastructure, education, even life expectancy itself, are strongly and significantly related to the consumption of energy per capita. Moving towards sustainable modern energy will require that renewable sources make up 60 per cent of power generation by 2030, and in turn, will support resilient industry and infrastructure in developing countries, speakers stressed, as the high-level political forum on sustainable development held under the auspices. Energy is a backbone of complete production activity. Any production activity cannot operate without energy as it an important aspect of a development process. Solar and wind technologies can become a game changer for many developing countries as solar and wind are abundant, cost-competitive, and a source of reliable power when combined with battery storage. The future of energy lies in the implementation of renewable resources, primarily, wind, sunlight, water, and geothermal. Combined global efforts in the intelligent application of these natural resources can help planet Earth remain green. India is also embracing the power of renewable energy. It has already announced its aim to reach net zero emissions by 2070. Furthermore, according to the Ministry of Power, the country is likely to meet 62% of its electricity requirements with 500 GW of non-fossil fuel sources by 2030. Energy is the key input in economic growth and there is a close link between the availability of energy and the growth of a nation. Since energy is essential to conduct the process of Production, the process of economic development requires the use of higher levels of energy consumption.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
5 answers
What is the fastest growing renewable energy source in the world and how will renewable energy help climate change?
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Renewable energy sources which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. Solar photovoltaic are the fastest growing electricity source. At present, wind power is the most efficient method of sustainable energy production. In fact, it's more than twice as efficient as its closest competitor (geothermal). Some resources will practically never run out. These are known as renewable resources. Renewable resources also produce clean energy, meaning less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. If we could replace fossil fuels with abundant renewable energy, we would cut energy prices, reduce emissions and lower the future risks of climate change, including the impact on food production. India is aiming to attain 175 GW of renewable energy which would consist of 100 GW from solar energy, 10 GW from bio-power, 60 GW from wind power, and 5 GW from small hydropower plants by the year 2022. Investors have promised to achieve more than 270 GW, which is significantly above the ambitious targets. India has committed for a goal of 500 GW renewable energy capacity by 2030.In line with this commitment, India's installed renewable energy capacity has been experiencing a steady upward trend. From 94.4 GW in 2021, the capacity has gone up to 119.1 GW in 2023 as of Q4.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
Is renewable energy the answer to climate change and why renewable energy is important for the future?
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Renewable energy differs from fossil fuels principally in their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on the planet, but above all in that they produce neither greenhouse gases which cause climate change nor polluting emissions. Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, as, are such sources that are constantly being replenished. Renewable energy sources are plentiful and all around us. Renewable energy is widely viewed as playing a central role in climate change mitigation and a clean energy transition. Most kinds of renewable energy are also “carbon-free”: they do not emit CO2 or other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Supporting rural development: Renewable energy technologies can support rural development by providing access to energy to rural communities, which can help to improve quality of life, increase agricultural productivity and stimulate economic growth. Future changes are expected to include a warmer atmosphere, a warmer and more acidic ocean, higher sea levels, and larger changes in precipitation patterns. The extent of future climate change depends on what we do now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The more we emit the larger future changes will be. As the climate warms, Americans are expected to use more energy, mostly electricity, for cooling. This higher demand will also increase the chance of blackouts or other power disruptions. As the climate warms, Americans are expected to use more energy, mostly electricity, for cooling. This higher demand will also increase the chance of blackouts or other power disruptions. However, renewable excluding hydroelectricity will contribute only 5-6% in India's energy mix by 2031-32 (Planning Commission). India has an enormous potential for renewable energy across the various sources and greater reliance on renewable energy sources offers enormous economic, social, and environmental benefits. Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels today. When we burn fossil fuels for energy, carbon dioxide is released, leading to accumulation of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and climate change. By switching to renewable energy, we can reduce our carbon footprint by up to 2.5 tons annually. Renewable and energy efficiency, boosted by substantial electrification, can provide over 90% of the necessary reductions in energy-related carbon emissions.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
Can renewable energy save the world in future and what renewable energy is the best and why?
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First of all, it is never going to end, we can use them for a long time and various purposes. Also, they generate energy in a large amount and efficiently. The most important benefit of renewable energy is that it is eco-friendly and don't contribute to environmental pollution. Switching to clean sources of energy, such as wind and solar, thus helps address not only climate change but also air pollution and health. If we could replace fossil fuels with abundant renewable energy, we would cut energy prices, reduce emissions and lower the future risks of climate change, including the impact on food production.It is generally believed that wind is the most efficient way to harness renewable energy. Because windmills can be placed in open areas also used for farming, they offer flexibility. Generally, rows of wind turbines are constructed along coastal areas where nothing can hinder the flow of wind. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric systems generate electricity with no associated air pollution emissions. Geothermal and biomass systems emit some air pollutants, though total air emissions are generally much lower than those of coal- and natural gas-fired power plants. Renewable energy can be used for electricity generation, space and water heating and cooling, and transportation. Non-renewable energy, in contrast, comes from finite sources that could get used up, such as fossil fuels like coal and oil. Supporting rural development: Renewable energy technologies can support rural development by providing access to energy to rural communities, which can help to improve quality of life, increase agricultural productivity and stimulate economic growth.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
Is renewable energy effective in promoting growth and how clean energy is used in green economy?
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Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution that diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels and creating economic development and jobs in manufacturing, installation, and more. Renewable energy consumption positively and significantly impacts economic growth in 19 out of 24 countries analyzed. However, renewable energy alone cannot achieve sustainable development and net zero emissions by 2050. Growth in clean energies is unstoppable, as reflected in statistics produced annually by the International Energy Agency (IEA): according to IEA forecasts, the share of renewable in global electricity supply will increase from 28.7% in 2021 to 43% in 2030, and they will provide 2/3 of the increase in electricity. Apart from saving energy, renewable energy helps you to save money in the future. It is believed that nuclear energy and fuel energy will rise in cost in the future. However, studies show that renewable energy cost will keep decreasing since there are many innovations being done all over the world.As clean energy sources become more common, the impacts on the world become clear. Renewable energy reduces greenhouse gasses and protects the climate, positively impacting biodiversity. Still, although it benefits the environment, it harms the balance of nature. Solar, wind, and biomass capacities have facilitated green growth, while hydroelectric capacities have not. By contrast, in developing countries, wind capacity has not been effective, while other sectors show a positive contribution. Clean energy provides a variety of environmental and economic benefits, including a reduction in air pollution. A diverse clean energy supply also reduces the dependence on imported fuels. As a source of energy, green energy often comes from renewable energy technologies such as solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass and hydroelectric power. Clean energy production allows us to generate the energy we need without the greenhouse gas emissions and negative environmental effects that come with fossil fuels, in turn helping to reduce climate change.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Which has the largest share in among all renewable energy resource in India and daily cycle of daytime and nighttime depend on Earth's rotation?
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Yes. I'm sure you are aware that the 'second' is the base unit of time. One second of time is the 86,400th part of a solar day that is one full rotation of Earth on its axis. That has answered your question, but let’s looks for some details. Which among the following has the largest share in the renewable energy basket of India at present? Because sixty-five percent of power from renewable sources comes from wind energy and biomass accounts for 14%, small hydro- power projects contribute 13% and solar energy 5%. Other sources contribute about 3%.Solar Power: 67.07 GW. Biomass/Co-generation: 10.2 GW. Small Hydro Power: 4.94 GW. Waste To Energy: 0.55 GW. Meanwhile, solar power capacity surpassed 63 gigawatts in 2022. India has recently seen impressive growth in its wind energy sector. Since 2010, installed wind capacity has more than tripled, amounting to almost 42 gigawatts in 2022. Coal is the country's top energy source with a share of 46% in 2022, followed by oil (24%) and biomass (20%).Renewable energy accounted for only 12.3% of total energy. India's total renewable energy capacity, excluding large hydro and nuclear plants, reached 122 gigawatts in February 2023, the latest monthly report by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) showed. Sprawling over an area of 14,000 acres, the Bhadla Solar Park in India has the position of the biggest solar plant in world. It is situated in Rajasthan in the Bhadla village of Jodhpur District. It is the leading solar plant across the globe concerning capacity.Iceland is the country with the most renewable energy, reporting that 86.87% of its energy comes from renewable sources. Norway is the second country with the most renewable energy, with 71.56% of its energy coming from renewable sources. Once every 24 hours Earth turns or rotates on its axis taking all of us with it. When we are on the side of Earth that is facing the Sun, we have daylight. As Earth continues its spin, we are moved to the side facing away from our Sun, and we have nighttime. Variations in the length of day and night time from season to season on the earth's surface is due to the axial tilt of earth's rotation axis with respect to its orbital axis. The rotation of the Earth on its axis causes day and night. As the Earth rotates, only one-half of the Earth faces the sun at any given time. The half facing the sun is light (day) and the half facing away from the sun is dark (night). The axial tilt of the earth's rotation axis with respect to its orbital axis causes variations in the length of day and night on the earth's surface from season to season.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
How can we reduce carbon footprint by renewable energy and what technology helps reduce greenhouse gases?
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As a greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide traps heat in the earth's atmosphere, contributing to global warming. In contrast, renewable energy sources like solar and wind power don't produce carbon emissions as part of the electricity generation process. Instead they harness the natural energy from the sun and the weather. Keep your temperature system on a moderate setting while you're in the room. Use your windows wisely! If your climate control system is on, shut them…if you need a little fresh air, turn off the heat or AC. Cut down the number of appliances you are running and you will save big on energy.On a life-cycle basis, the carbon footprint of renewable energy ranges anywhere from 11 to 740 grams of CO2 equivalent per kWh (gCO2 equivalent per KWh) of electricity produced.Renewable energy has a long-term negative impact on the EF, and for every 1% increase in renewable energy consumption, the energy EF will decrease by 2.91%. The contribution of renewable energy consumption to reducing the EF is 1.34% on average. Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels today. When we burn fossil fuels for energy, carbon dioxide is released, leading to accumulation of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and climate change. By switching to renewable energy, we can reduce our carbon footprint by up to 2.5 tons annually. Wind, nuclear, tidal, hydropower, geothermal, solar, and wave energy have the lowest carbon footprint. Per kWh produced, the energy sources emit between 11 and 48 gCO2 on a life-cycle basis. Generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than burning fossil fuels. Transitioning from fossil fuels, which currently account for the lion's share of emissions, to renewable energy is key to addressing the climate crisis. However, using renewable energy sources will not eliminate all environmental concerns. Although renewable energy sources produce relatively low levels of GHG emissions and conventional air pollution, manufacturing and transporting them will produce some emissions and pollutants.Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy. Climate technologies that help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions include renewable energies such as wind energy, solar power and hydropower. To adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, we use climate technologies such as drought-resistant crops, early warning systems and sea walls. CCU technologies are direct air capture (DAC), which extracts CO2 from the air using chemical or physical methods, and electrochemical CO2 reduction, which uses electricity to transform CO2 into carbon-based compounds. CDR encompasses a wide array of approaches, including direct air capture (DAC) coupled to durable storage, soil carbon sequestration, biomass carbon removal and storage, enhanced mineralization, ocean-based CDR, and afforestation/reforestation.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Why renewable energy is important for the future and role of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas buildup?
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Yes, Renewable energy first of all, it is never going to end, we can use them for a long time and various purposes. Also, they generate energy in a large amount and efficiently. The most important benefit of renewable energy is that it is eco-friendly and don't contribute to environmental pollution. Renewable energy differs from fossil fuels principally in their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on the planet, but above all in that they produce neither greenhouse gases which cause climate change nor polluting emissions. Renewable energy in the future is predicted that by 2024, solar capacity in the world will grow by 600 gigawatts (GW), almost double the installed total electricity capacity of Japan. Overall, renewable electricity is predicted to grow by 1200 GW by 2024, the equivalent of the total electricity capacity of the US. Generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than burning fossil fuels. Transitioning from fossil fuels, which currently account for the lion's share of emissions, to renewable energy is key to addressing the climate crisis. New resources that are being researched or developed include hydrogen, nuclear fusion, ocean thermal energy conversion, and tidal and wave energy. (Solar, wind, and geothermal energy are dealt with in separate fact sheets). One fuel that has the potential of being widely used in the future is hydrogen gas (H2). RNG is often touted as a "fuel of the future" due to its low-to-negative carbon intensity and its interchangeability with fossil natural gas. For example, the average annual carbon intensity of bio-CNG under the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard in 2022 was -92.26 gCO2e/MJ.India aims for 500 GW of renewable energy installed capacity by 2030. India aims to produce five million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030. This will be supported by 125 GW of renewable energy capacity. 57 solar parks with an aggregate capacity of 39.28 GW have been approved in India. Transmission of electricity from areas where solar and wind energy are plentiful to other parts of the country, storage of energy from intermittent sources such as wind and solar, and a more flexible and efficient electrical grid, or “smart grid,” are all ways to expand the adoption of renewable electricity. Renewable energy sources which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. That's because renewable energy sources such as solar and wind doesn’t emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
How can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions in energy production and which renewable energy produces greenhouse gases?
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Climate technologies that help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions include renewable energies such as wind energy, solar power and hydropower. To adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, we use climate technologies such as drought-resistant crops, early warning systems and sea walls. Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by making power on-site with renewable and other climate-friendly energy resources. Examples include rooftop solar panels, solar water heating, and small-scale wind generation, fuel cells powered by natural gas or renewable hydrogen, and geothermal energy. Now, more ambitious goals are set that include a net 55% or greater reduction below 1990 levels by 2030 and a climate-neutrality objective by 2050. Reaching these goals will require even higher emission cuts through transitioning from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. This in turn leads to impacts such as shifting seasons, rising sea-levels, disappearing Arctic sea-ice and more intense heat waves. By rapidly cutting emissions of greenhouse gases we can lessen the risks of dangerous climate change. Carbon dioxide is widely reported as the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas because it currently accounts for the greatest portion of the warming associated with human activities. This official said a substantial increase in forest cover and schemes promoting non-fossil generation and targeting emissions in industrial, automotive and energy sectors has led to the sharp reduction in India's emissions intensity. As of 2019, forests and trees covered 24.56%, or 80.73 million hectares, of India. Modern biomass systems include dedicated crops or trees, residues from agriculture and forestry, and various organic waste streams. Energy created by burning biomass creates greenhouse gas emissions, but at lower levels than burning fossil fuels like coal, oil or gas. Passive solar heating presents the most cost, effective means of providing heat to greenhouses. Generally, the amount of solar energy that falls on the roof of a greenhouse is more than the total energy consumed within the greenhouse. Geothermal is commonly considered to be a clean, green energy source but it does produce some greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2. The amount of CO2 is usually measured as an emission intensity of kg of CO2 emitted per MWh of electricity produced.Solar energy technologies and power plants do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases when operating. Using solar energy can have a positive, indirect effect on the environment when solar energy replaces or reduces the use of other energy sources that have larger effects on the environment. Based on the literature reviewed, we find that hydropower development does emit greenhouse gases (GHGs), but the rate of emissions per unit of electric generation from hydropower (excluding tropical reservoirs) is much lower than for fossil fuel technologies. A solar energy greenhouse is a structure that has solar panels installed. They collect the light from the sun and transform it into heat. It provides the right environment for the growth of plants even in unfavourable climatic conditions. Renewable energy sources include solar energy, geothermal energy, wind turbines, ocean wave and tidal energy, waste and biomass energy, and hydropower. Because they do not burn fossil fuels, these renewable energy sources do not release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as they generate electricity. Most kinds of renewable energy are also “carbon-free”: they do not emit CO2 or other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Because of this, and because renewable like wind and solar power are so popular in climate activism, the terms “renewable energy” and “carbon-free energy” are sometimes confused.Using renewable energy sources rather than fossil fuel to generate electricity. Increasing the share of total electricity generated from wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal sources, as well as certain biofuel sources, through the addition of new renewable energy generating capacity. Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels – coal, oil, or gas – causes a large chunk of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide that blanket the Earth and trap the sun's heat.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What is the best renewable energy source in the world and which renewable energy is the best source to provide electricity in India?
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Hydropower is the world's largest source of renewable energy and produces negligible amounts of greenhouse gases and played an important role in world's dependency on fossil fuels. At present, wind power is the most efficient method of sustainable energy production. One fuel that has the potential of being widely used in the future is hydrogen gas (H2). Like natural gas, hydrogen can be burned to heat buildings, cook food, and produce electricity in power plants. Should hydrogen replace natural gas, the existing natural gas pipeline network could be modified to transport hydrogen. Fossil fuels are the dirtiest and most dangerous energy sources, while nuclear and modern renewable energy sources are vastly safer and cleaner. Renewable are the cheapest form of power today confirms a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency. Amid climbing fossil fuel prices, investments in renewables in 2021 save US$55 billion in global energy generation costs in 2022.Concentrated solar power (CSP): This resource is the most expensive renewable, costing an average of $182 a megawatt-hour. Despite this high cost, it competes well with fossil fuels in some cases, as it is more consistently reliable than other renewable. Onshore wind is now one of the most competitive sources of electricity available. Technology improvements, occurring at the same time as installed costs have continued to decline, mean that the cost of onshore wind is now within the same cost range, or even lower, than for fossil fuels. Thermal power is the "largest" source of power in India. There are different types of thermal power plants based on the fuel used to generate the steam such as coal, gas, and Diesel, natural gas. About 71% of electricity consumed in India is generated by thermal power plants. Wind is now the cheapest source of renewable energy in India. Solar Power: 67.07 GW. Biomass/Co-generation: 10.2 GW. Small Hydro Power: 4.94 GW. Solar power is much cheaper than produced by any other sources. India has surpassed its renewable energy target of 175GW by 2022 and is expected to reach 174GW by 2023, according to a report by the International Energy Agency. The country's renewable energy capacity is projected to grow to 280 GW by 2025, accounting for 37% of the total energy supply. Renewable energy technologies can support rural development by providing access to energy to rural communities, which can help to improve quality of life, increase agricultural productivity and stimulate economic growth. Coal is the most important and abundant fossil fuel in India. It accounts for 55% of the country's energy need. The country's industrial heritage was built upon indigenous coal. Commercial primary energy consumption in India has grown by about 700% in the last four decades. The country boasts one of the largest manufacturing ecosystems for wind energy and is experiencing rapid growth in solar capacity, propelling India to be the global leader in renewable energy.
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5 answers
Do renewable energy sources cause an increase in greenhouse gases and renewable natural gas reduce carbon emissions?
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Dr Gisele De Souza thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
1 answer
Considering the competitiveness of Hydro power in the renewable energy sector in Nigeria
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According to and, hydropower plays a significant role in Nigeria’s energy sector and contributes to the economy in several ways:
  1. Energy Production: As of 2022, hydropower accounted for about 27% of Nigeria’s power production. The total installed capacity is 12,522 MW, of which 2,062 MW is hydropower.
  2. Economic Growth: The government has set hydropower development targets of 12,801 MW for 2030 to support its ambitious economic growth target.
  3. Job Creation: Developing and maintaining hydropower plants create jobs and stimulate economic activity.
  4. Rural Electrification: Hydropower projects help extend electricity to rural and remote areas, improving living standards and promoting economic development.
In terms of competitiveness, hydropower in Nigeria has several advantages:
  1. Abundant Resources: Nigeria has large rivers and natural falls that provide rich hydropower potential.
  2. Untapped Potential: The total exploitable potential of hydropower is estimated at over 14,120 MW, amounting to more than 50,800 GWh of electricity annually. This indicates a significant opportunity for further development.
  3. Government Support: The Nigerian government prioritizes fully harnessing the country’s hydropower potential and promotes private sector participation in its development.
However, despite these advantages, the competitiveness of hydropower in Nigeria is affected by several challenges:
  1. Investment and Management: Nigeria is ranked economically water-scarce due to a lack of investment and management to meet demand.
  2. Infrastructure Development: The development of hydropower infrastructure requires significant capital investment and time.
  3. Environmental Impact: Hydropower projects can have environmental impacts that must be managed carefully to ensure sustainability.
While hydropower significantly contributes to the Nigerian economy and possesses competitive advantages, its full potential is yet to be realized.
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2 answers
Dear ResearchGate Community,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently at a crossroads in my academic journey and would greatly appreciate your guidance and suggestions.
To provide some background, I have already published 10 papers in reputable Scopus/SCI indexed journals within the fields of Material Science and Renewable Energy. While I have developed expertise in these areas, I am now contemplating the next step in my academic career: pursuing a PhD.
However, I find myself in a state of confusion when it comes to choosing a specific domain for my doctoral studies. I am well aware that selecting the right domain plays a crucial role in shaping one's future opportunities and career prospects.
Considering my previous research experience in Material Science and Renewable Energy, I am open to exploring related domains but would like to make an informed decision that aligns with the current trends and offers promising prospects for the future.
I kindly request your insights and suggestions on potential domains that may offer exciting research avenues and a better future outlook. If you have any recommendations based on your expertise or experiences, I would be grateful to hear them.
Thank you in advance for your time and valuable input. I truly appreciate the support of this vibrant research community.
Best regards,
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Dear Mr. Sharma
The dominant question for a doctoral thesis is the financial support, unless you are independent wealthy.
Therefore you just have to look for respective opportunities including a job offer or a scholarship in connection with the opportunity to write a doctoral thesis and that naturally best in your desired fields of materials science and renewable energies, which fit well and are today in high demand.
Fell free to contact me for more questions via wg(at) if desired.
With kind regards
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Grill
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Which renewable energy has the highest capacity factor and role of renewable energy resources in order to maintain the environment sustainability?
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Nuclear has the highest capacity factor of any other energy source producing reliable, carbon-free power more than 92% of the time in 2021. That's nearly twice as reliable as a coal (49.3%) or natural gas (54.4%) plant and almost 3 times more often than wind (34.6%) and solar (24.6%) plants. Solar energy has the greatest potential among all the given sources of renewable energy. Photovoltaic technology has the highest power density of all renewable energy sources. It is also the only renewable source that has experienced a positive relationship in power density over time. Capacity factor is a measure of how much energy is produced by a plant compared with its maximum output. It is measured as a percentage, generally by dividing the total energy produced during some period of time by the amount of energy the plant would have produced if it ran at full output during that time. In terms of installed capacity, solar and hydropower are currently the leading sources of renewable energy in India. With an installed capacity of more than 52 gigawatts, India is among the world leaders in cumulative hydropower capacity. Meanwhile, solar power capacity surpassed 63 gigawatts in 2022. The highest energy density fuel is hydrogen, the simplest chemical component. Gasoline, which is derived from refining crude oil, contains much more energy than coal (twice the lower grade bituminous) or wood (three times). For instance, when compared to coal-fired power plants, electricity from renewable energy sources emits between 90 and 99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) and produces 70 to 90% less pollutants. These technologies also create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which is essential for sustainable development.The use of renewable energy can significantly reduce the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere and help combat the negative impacts of climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can also reduce the risk of extreme weather events. Renewable sources are environmentally friendly and low-carbon energy sources. Solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power do not produce greenhouse gases (GHGs). In recent years, many countries have adopted renewable energy technologies to protect the environment. Renewable energy is good for both humans and the environment. Non-renewable energy like fossil fuels causes pollution and environmental hazards like acid rain, global warming, etc. The amount of carbon emissions from renewable energy is much low than those of non-renewable energy. Renewable energy projects sometimes raise significant sustainability concerns, such as risks to biodiversity when areas of high ecological value are converted to bioenergy production or wind or solar farms. Hydropower is the largest source of renewable electricity while solar and wind energy are growing rapidly. For instance, when compared to coal-fired power plants, electricity from renewable energy sources emits between 90 and 99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) and produces 70 to 90% less pollutants. These technologies also create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which is essential for sustainable development.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What are the effects of providing energy on ecosystems and the environment and impacts of renewable energy generation on environment?
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The effects of providing energy on ecosystems and the environment can vary significantly depending on the energy source and how it is extracted or generated.
Here are some key considerations for different energy sources and the impacts of renewable energy generation on the environment:
Conventional Energy Sources (Fossil Fuels and Nuclear):
  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) releases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and other greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming and climate change. Nuclear power generation does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during operation, but it has other environmental concerns related to uranium mining and radioactive waste disposal.
  2. Air Pollution: Fossil fuel combustion emits pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter, leading to air quality issues, respiratory problems, and acid rain.
  3. Habitat Disruption: Extracting fossil fuels through mining and drilling can disrupt ecosystems and lead to habitat destruction.
  4. Water Use: Many conventional power plants, including nuclear and fossil fuel-based ones, require significant amounts of water for cooling, which can affect aquatic ecosystems.
Renewable Energy Sources:
  1. Solar Energy:Land Use: Solar panels require land or roof space, which may compete with natural habitats. However, this impact is generally lower than that of fossil fuel extraction or large-scale agriculture. Manufacturing: The production of solar panels involves the use of materials and energy, but the environmental impact is typically lower compared to fossil fuels. No Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Solar power generation does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during operation.
  2. Wind Energy:Bird and Bat Collisions: Wind turbines can pose a risk to birds and bats if located in migration paths. Proper site selection and mitigation measures are essential to minimize these impacts. Land Use: Wind farms require land, but this land can often still be used for agriculture or other purposes. Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Wind power generation has minimal greenhouse gas emissions during operation.
  3. Hydropower:Habitat Disruption: Large-scale dams can disrupt river ecosystems, alter water flow, and affect fish populations. Methane Emissions: Decomposing organic matter in reservoirs can produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Generally, hydropower has low greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels.
  4. Biomass Energy:Air Pollution: Burning biomass can release pollutants and contribute to air quality issues. Sustainable Sourcing: Sustainable forestry and agriculture practices are needed to minimize habitat destruction. Carbon Neutrality: Biomass energy can be carbon-neutral if managed sustainably.
  5. Geothermal Energy:Minimal Environmental Impact: Geothermal power generation has low environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. Localized Ecosystem Effects: Local ecosystems may be affected by drilling for geothermal reservoirs.
In summary, renewable energy sources generally have lower environmental impacts compared to conventional sources like fossil fuels and nuclear energy. However, renewable energy generation is not entirely without environmental consequences, and its impacts can vary depending on factors such as site selection, technology used, and sustainability practices. Careful planning and mitigation measures are essential to minimize the environmental footprint of renewable energy projects. Transitioning to renewable energy sources is seen as a critical step in mitigating climate change and reducing the overall environmental impact of energy production.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
How wind is power a clean and renewable energy source and does the use of solar and wind energy over other energy sources help our environment?
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Not only is wind an abundant and inexhaustible resource, but it also provides electricity without burning any fuel or polluting the air. Wind continues to be the largest source of renewable power in the United States, which helps reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. The use of clean energy sources, such as water, wind, sunlight and nuclear, to generate electricity helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. This is because clean energy sources don't emit any greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, during the electricity generating process. Wind power is a clean and renewable energy source. Wind turbines use blades to collect the wind's kinetic energy. Wind flows over the blades creating lift (similar to the effect on airplane wings), which causes the blades to turn. The blades are connected to a drive shaft that turns an electric generator, which produces (generates) electricity. The wind is a more efficient power source than solar. Wind turbines release less CO2 to the atmosphere. A wind turbine produces 4.64 grams of CO2/1kWh while the solar panel produces 70 grams of CO2/1kWh. Wind power consumes less energy and produces more energy compared to solar panels. Wind and solar power were emerging technologies with a minimal market share back in 2000, but they are now the fastest-growing electricity sources in the US. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar power accounts 43% of the capacity added in 2020, while wind power accounts for 38%. Wind is a renewable energy source. Overall, using wind to produce energy has fewer effects on the environment than many other energy sources. Wind turbines do not release emissions that can pollute the air or water and they do not require water for cooling. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric systems generate electricity with no associated air pollution emissions. Geothermal and biomass systems emit some air pollutants, though total air emissions are generally much lower than those of coal- and natural gas-fired power plants. Renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that won't run out. They are natural and self-replenishing, and usually have a low- or zero-carbon footprint. Examples of renewable energy sources include wind power, solar power, bioenergy (organic matter burned as a fuel) and hydroelectric, including tidal energy. Wind and solar energy provide air-quality, public health, and greenhouse gas emission benefits as they reduce reliance on combustion-based electricity generation. In the United States, these benefits vary dramatically by region and over time. Clean energy is the generation of energy that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy is the generation of energy from sources that can be replenished naturally over time. The differences between the two have different implications for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. It is possible to supply about 75-80% of US electrical needs. If the system were designed with excess capacity (the 150% case), the US could meet about 90% of its needs with wind and solar power. It all comes down to cost and infrastructure. Ultimately, the biggest hindrance to the development of renewable energy is its cost and logistical barriers. Once the infrastructure for renewable energy sources grows, we will see it take off in popularity and use. Solar energy does not generate waste or contaminate water—an extremely important factor given the scarcity of water. Unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power plants, wind energy has one of the lowest water-consumption footprints, which makes it a key for conserving hydrological resources.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Can clean energy replace fossil fuels and what are the economic impacts of renewable energy?
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Yes, clean energy has the potential to replace fossil fuels. According to the World Economic Forum, studies show that renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower could replace fossil fuels by 2050. However, this transition would require significant initial costs and full support from policymakers, investors, and other relevant organizations. For these reasons and other technical and financial considerations, perhaps fossil fuels will remain part of the energy mix in several countries in 2050.
The economic impacts of renewable energy are quite positive. According to IRENA, doubling the share of renewables in the energy mix by 2030 could increase global GDP by up to 1.1% and improve welfare by up to 3.7%. This transition would also create significant employment opportunities across various sectors, such as construction and manufacturing. According to IRENA, it’s estimated that over 24 million jobs could be supported in the renewable energy sector. Therefore, while the transition to renewable energy requires substantial investments, it leads to long-term savings and positively affects global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to UNDP.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
6 answers
Which of the energy sources is least harmful to the environment and how will renewable energy help climate change?
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Dr Narendra Kumar Maurya thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Are renewable energy sources clean and green and why is green energy important in sustainable development?
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Dr Jacques Roturier thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What are the environmental impacts of solar energy and which renewable energy is used most in India?
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Solar energy technologies and power plants do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases when operating. Using solar energy can have a positive, indirect effect on the environment when solar energy replaces or reduces the use of other energy sources that have larger effects on the environment. For setting up a solar power plant requires a large expanse of land, which is completely cleared, leading to soil erosion. Also, improper disposal of chemicals used during manufacturing can lead to water, air, and soil pollution. As a renewable source of power, solar energy has an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change, which is critical to protecting humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. Solar energy can also improve air quality and reduce water use from energy production. There has been a visible impact of solar energy in the Indian energy scenario during the last few years. Solar energy based decentralized and distributed applications have benefited millions of people in Indian villages by meeting their cooking, lighting and other energy needs in an environment friendly manner. Although renewable energy sources produce relatively low levels of GHG emissions and conventional air pollution, manufacturing and transporting them will produce some emissions and pollutants. The production of some photovoltaic (PV) cells, for instance, generates toxic substances that may contaminate water resources.The environmental impacts associated with solar power can include land use and habitat loss, water use, and the use of hazardous materials in manufacturing, though the types of impacts vary greatly depending on the scale of the system and the technology used—photovoltaic (PV) solar cells or concentrating solar thermal. Hydroelectric has the greatest impact on the aquatic environment, while geothermal plants and biomass have the least. Table 5 Environmental effects of different renewable energy sources. Hydroelectric power plants are the most damaging to the environment compared to other renewable energy sources. The environmental problems directly related to energy production and consumption includes air pollution, climate change, water pollution, thermal pollution, and solid waste disposal. The emission of air pollutants from fossil fuel combustion is the major cause of urban air pollution. Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are such sources that are constantly being replenished. Renewable energy sources are plentiful and all around us.The environmental impacts related to energy production include climate change, acidification, impacts on waterways, and waste production.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
13 answers
How does renewable energy reduce climate change and what are the environmental issues of renewable energy?
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The emission of air pollutants from fossil fuel combustion is the major cause of urban air pollution. Burning fossil fuels is also the main contributor to the emission of greenhouse gases. Diverse water pollution problems are associated with energy usage. One problem is oil spills. Non-renewable energy resources release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, creating the greenhouse effect which causes global warming. Non-renewable energy sources are also harmful pollutants and lead to habitat destruction. The production of some photovoltaic (PV) cells, for instance, generates toxic substances that may contaminate water resources. Renewable energy installations can also disrupt land use and wildlife habitat, and some technologies consume significant quantities of water. Despite the negative impact on wildlife, renewable energy still positively impacts the climate and the air. It fosters a stronger ecosystem because it is clean. The production of this electricity also has no impact on the environment. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy creation doesn't harm the ecosystem. Renewable resources are jeopardized by unregulated industrial expansion and growth. They must be carefully controlled to safeguard them beyond the capacity of the natural world to replenish them. A life cycle evaluation is a strategy for methodically analysing renewability. Using renewable energy can lead to several social impacts, including poverty elimination, climate change mitigation, and improving health by reducing pollution associated with gas emissions. The costs include: infrastructure investment, day-to-day operations, market costs of supply and the environmental costs of the different energy sources. The International Renewable Energy Agency's 2021 Renewable Energy and Jobs annual review projects that global renewable energy jobs will increase from 12 million in 2020 to 38 million by 2030 and 43 million by 2050. Although India has made progress in developing its renewable energy sector, it still faces obstacles. Off-taker risk, lack of infrastructure, lack of financial intermediaries, and lack of investor understanding are the top four challenges to overcome. One of the main environmental risks of renewable energy is the impact on land use and habitat loss. Wind and solar farms require large areas of land to generate enough electricity, which can displace wildlife, reduce biodiversity, and affect ecosystem services. The environmental impacts related to energy production include climate change, acidification, impacts on waterways, and waste production. Some common environmental and energy efficiency issues include global warming, air pollution, waste disposal, water pollution, climate change, deforestation, over population and a lot more . The direct environmental impacts of resource use include the degradation of fertile land, water shortages, waste generation, toxic pollution, and biodiversity loss in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Renewable energy sources which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air. The effects of climate change are quickly escalating due to excess greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere that are trapping in excess heat from the sun. A way to reduce emissions and save our planet would be to would be to change our energy sources and switch to renewable energy sources. Solar produces less life-cycle GHG emissions than conventional fossil fuel energy sources. While there may be some GHG emissions produced during the manufacturing and recycling of the solar system, the generation of energy results in zero GHG emissions and zero environmental impact.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
8 answers
Is Renewable energy a cause of climate change and sources of energy that cause climate change?
Relevant answer
Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, are by far the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions. These have been caused by many natural factors, including changes in the sun, emissions from volcanoes, variations in Earth's orbit and levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years. The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation. When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming. Already the average global temperature has increased by 10C.Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, emit little to no greenhouse gases, are readily available and in most cases cheaper than coal, oil or gas. The energy sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. In turn, changes in climate can disrupt energy networks themselves, stress infrastructure, and pose safety risks to people.Generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than burning fossil fuels. Transitioning from fossil fuels, which currently account for the lion's share of emissions, to renewable energy is key to addressing the climate crisis. Although renewable energy sources produce relatively low levels of GHG emissions and conventional air pollution, manufacturing and transporting them will produce some emissions and pollutants. The production of some photovoltaic (PV) cells, for instance, generates toxic substances that may contaminate water resources.The biggest dark side of renewable energy is likely the amount of space it requires. Each solar farm can produce about 357,000 kWh per acre, but the United States' electricity uses around 4,000 billion kWh each year. So, that country would need to use 11 million acres to get all of our electricity from solar panels. Renewable energy sources generate most of their energy at certain times of the day. Its electricity generation does not match with the peak demand hours. The intermittency of sunshine and wind cannot provide an on-demand power source 24 hours a week. Solar energy and wind are unpredictable. While renewable energy waste may be composed of less toxic substances than fossil fuel by-products, they are still a hazard to the environment. There is increasing concern regarding what happens with these materials when they are no longer viable, especially since they are difficult to recycle. Although India has made progress in developing its renewable energy sector, it still faces obstacles. Off-taker risk, lack of infrastructure, lack of financial intermediaries, and lack of investor understanding are the top four challenges to overcome.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
6 answers
Is 12 years to switch the entire automotive sector to electromobility a long or short time, considering both the currently available green technologies and eco-innovations in electromobility, hydrogen-powered vehicles, zero-emission production of hydrogen and other e-fuels, development of zero-emission energy sources, high recycling rates of electric vehicles, etc.?
Is it possible to shift the whole of motorisation in Europe to electromobility by 2035, i.e. to implement the European Union's plan under which, after 2035, no new combustion-engine cars will be registered and put into service, and only zero-emission vehicles, i.e. electric and hydrogen vehicles, will be registered?
By 2035, will there be a significant drop in the price and increase in the uptake of e-fuels, i.e. synthetic fuels produced from water or hydrogen extracted from the air in a production process powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources?
The green transformation of the automotive industry is one of the key components of the green transformation of the economy, with the aim of building a sustainable, zero-emission, green closed loop economy as quickly and efficiently as possible. A key objective of the green economy transition is to slow down and possibly halt accelerating global warming and reduce the scale of the global climate catastrophe, which, according to long-term climate change models, could already occur by the end of this 21st century. The green transformation of motoring is primarily about the development of electromobility and hydrogen-powered vehicles through the application of available green technologies and eco-innovations in the development of electromobility, hydrogen-powered vehicles, zero-emission production of hydrogen and other e-fuels, the development of zero-emission energy sources, a high level of recycling of electric vehicles, and the activation of this process through the increase of government subsidy programmes within the framework of green finance, the introduction of tax credits to mobilise business for green investment projects, the introduction of new pro-climate and pro-environmental regulations, etc. In order to activate pro-environmental business processes and to activate operators to join the green transformation of the economy, specific calendars for the said green transformation processes of the economy are enacted, including the pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the car, rail, river, sea and air transport sectors. In many countries of the world, the rail transport sector is already 100 per cent or mostly converted to electromobility. Other segments of transport are mostly dominated by vehicles, ships, aircraft powered by internal combustion engines that burn high-emission fossil fuels. So there is still a lot of work to be done on the green transformation of the various transport sectors. In March 2023, the European Union Parliament adopted a plan to restrict the purchase of internal combustion cars after 2035 as an important motivating factor for the development of electromobility, i.e. the development of emission-free motoring. An evaluation of the development of electromobility in the European Union and an assessment of the feasibility of this plan is to be carried out in three years' time. The following exception was added to earlier drafts of this regulation: synthetic fuels produced from, for example, water or hydrogen extracted from the air on the basis of zero-emission production of these fuels, i.e. by using electricity generated from renewable and zero-emission energy sources in the hydrogen production process. Such solutions for the production of e-fuels and their use in powering motor vehicles will be permitted in the European Union after 2035. In the government-controlled meanstream media in the country where I operate, there has been the usual misinformation about the European Union's climate policy. Under the current plan, it will not be possible to register a car with an internal combustion engine powered by petroleum refining derivatives. Well, the possibility of buying and registering cars with combustion engines will not necessarily be prevented after 2035, because it will not be economically viable to buy a new car with such an engine after the restrictions have been introduced. According to current forecasts of electromobility development, it will not be economical to buy an internal combustion car after 2035, because after 2035 these types of vehicles will be the most expensive due to additional punitive charges that will be imposed by the state on car companies that still want to produce these types of internal combustion vehicles. There will be no restrictions or limitations for the purchase of vehicles powered by e-fuels, i.e. synthetic fuels whose combustion process will be emission-free. Technologies for the production of e-fuels based on water, hydrogen drawn from the atmosphere, the process of producing these e-fuels using electricity from large-scale renewable and emission-free energy sources already exist, but are expensive for the time being. But as there is still more than a decade to go until 2035, so there is enough time to adequately refine these technologies and make them widespread so that they become much cheaper. A rapid decline in the price of these new green e-fuel technologies over the next few years is possible. In the past, an analogous process has occurred for other green technologies. For example, the cost of photovoltaic technologies has fallen by almost 99 per cent in the three decades to 2019. In addition, the scale of restrictions on driving in certain public places, mainly in city centres for internal combustion vehicles, will increase in the coming years. Already, more and more cities are closing their city centres to combustion cars, starting with restrictions on this issue for cars powered by diesel and manufactured many years ago, as such cars are the most polluting and emit toxic chemicals, toxic especially to children.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the Honourable Community of scientists and researchers:
By 2035, will there be a significant decrease in the price and increase in the uptake of e-fuel technologies, i.e. synthetic fuels produced from water or hydrogen extracted from the air in a production process powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources?
Is it possible to switch the whole of European motorisation to electromobility by 2035, i.e. to realise the European Union's plan under which, after 2035, no new cars with combustion engines will be registered and put into service, and only zero-emission vehicles, i.e. electric and hydrogen vehicles, will be registered?
Is 12 years a long or short time to convert the whole of the automotive sector to electromobility, given both the green technologies and eco-innovations currently available in electromobility, hydrogen-powered vehicles, zero-emission production of hydrogen and other e-fuels, development of zero-emission energy sources, high recycling rates for electric vehicles, etc.?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Whether 12 years for the conversion of the entire automotive sector to electromobility is a long or short time, given both the currently available green technologies and eco-innovations in electromobility, hydrogen-powered vehicles, zero-emission production of hydrogen and other electric fuels, development of zero-emission energy sources, high recycling rates of electric vehicles, etc., depends on many factors. this depends on a number of factors, including financial support from the state finance system through subsidy programs given to buyers of electric or hydrogen cars, a system of tax credits given to auto-moto companies producing such vehicles, the development and implementation of new green technologies and eco-innovations in the recycling of used batteries and the disposal of unnecessary and hazardous waste to the environment.
And what is your opinion about it?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
On what does the significantly differentiated level of energy prices across countries currently depend?
What are the key determinants of the widely varying level of energy prices across countries?
It used to be that this variation in energy prices from country to country largely depended on, among other things, the content in the earth's crust of the various types of fossil energy resources. Today, in the era of the Fourth Technological Revolution, in developed and developing economies, the key factors determining the level of energy prices include, among others, the current and/or strategic energy policies under which specific types of energy are developed. In some countries it is still mainly supported systemically, i.e. financially by the state mainly the development of dirty combustion energy and in other countries the development of emission-free energy, green energy based on renewable and emission-free energy sources. Systemic state support consists of supporting specific types of energy sources through financial support from the state's public finance system. Due to the system of CO2 emission fees introduced in the European Union, in countries that continue to develop mainly dirty combustion energy, energy prices will rise rapidly in the coming years. In contrast, in countries where renewable energy sources, including wind and solar power, are being rapidly developed, it is when the sun shines and the wind blows that carbon-free energy has produced surplus energy and there have been negative prices. An example of a country where in recent years the government has continued to support the development of dirty combustion energy and block the development of renewable energy sources is the country where I operate. Currently, before the next parliamentary elections, the government has frozen the increase in energy prices through the created instrument of subsidies from the state finance system. However, in view of the fact that still more than 3/4 of electricity and even more thermal energy is produced from burning coal and lignite, it is likely that in the next few years the already one of the highest energy prices (in relation to the income level of citizens, compared to Europe) will continue to rise in Poland. As a result, energy market analysts forecast that Poland may see a large increase in energy prices in 2024. In Poland, per 1 kWh of electricity produced, there are 700-750 gr of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. By contrast, in Europe the average of this CO2 emission is 3 times lower. High energy prices in Poland are due not to the war in Ukraine as the government lies in the media controlled by it, but to the fact that the current PIS government for 8 years has been blocking and slowing down the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources through which eclectic energy can be produced more cheaply and emission-free. Carbon-free energy production does not involve incurring additional punitive fees established in the European Union as incentive instruments for the smooth implementation of the green transition in the energy sector.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
On what does the significantly different level of energy prices in different countries currently depend?
What are the key determinants of the significantly differentiated level of energy prices in different countries?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
According to Energy prices and costs in Europe, the variation in energy prices across countries depends on several factors:
  1. Supply and Demand: Like all commodities, energy prices are largely governed by the relationship between product supply and demand.
  2. Market Speculation and Geopolitical Events: These are the main drivers behind price development.
  3. Prices of Inputs: The prices of inputs can affect energy costs.
  4. Market Competition and Market Integration Conditions: The market competition level and market integration conditions can influence energy prices.
  5. Regulatory and Policy-Related Costs: Different regulations and policies can lead to different costs, affecting energy prices.
  6. Taxation: The level and type of taxation can also affect energy prices.
  7. Consumers’ Needs and Behavioural Patterns: Different needs and behaviors of consumers can lead to variations in energy prices.
It’s also worth noting that the impact of high energy prices can vary across countries due to different regulations, policy responses, market structures, and contracting practices.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What are the environmental impacts of liquid fuels and what is the biggest source of renewable energy?
Relevant answer
All energy sources have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels coal, oil, and natural gas do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions. Hydropower reservoirs often have multiple uses - providing drinking water, water for irrigation, flood and drought control, navigation services, as well as energy supply. Hydropower currently is the largest source of renewable energy in the electricity sector. Electricity from renewable energy sources produces between 90-99% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) compared with coal-fired plants and causes 70-90% less pollution. Focusing on renewable energy sources other than fossil fuels and coals might help in avoiding environmental impacts, specifically from air pollution and GHGs. When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming. Already the average global temperature has increased by 1C.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
5 answers
What are the characteristics of renewable energy and role of environmental manager in conservation of various resources and to preserve ecosystem?
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Renewable energy includes those types of energy that are obtained from natural sources. Therefore, their main characteristic is that they're unlimited and do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Resources are characterized as renewable or nonrenewable; a renewable resource can replenish itself at the rate it is used, while a nonrenewable resource has a limited supply. Renewable resources include timber, wind, and solar while nonrenewable resources include coal and natural gas. Renewable energy is a critical solution in combating climate change. By transitioning to a low-carbon energy mix, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and provide millions of people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy. Renewable resources are considered especially important for their potential to replace non-renewable, or finite, resources in the production of energy. Additionally, renewable resources can offer cleaner energy solutions than those provided by non-renewable resources such as coal and fossil fuels. There are numerous benefits that come from energy efficiency as it regulates greenhouse gas emissions, which includes direct emission that comes from fossil fuel consumption and combustion. It also reduces all the indirect emissions from electricity generation as well. Environmental resources management aims to ensure that ecosystem services are protected and maintained for future human generations, and also maintain ecosystem integrity through considering ethical, economic, and ecological variables. Energy management is the proactive and systematic monitoring, control and optimization of an organization's energy consumption to conserve use and decrease energy costs. Energy management includes minor actions such as monitoring monthly energy bills and upgrading to energy-saving light bulbs.As an environmental manager you'll be responsible for overseeing the environmental performance of public, private, or even voluntary organizations and ensuring they're compliant with environmental regulations in air quality, waste, clean water, and pollution. Environmental management helps you identify degradation factors and implement strategies to mitigate them. It also helps you predict future impacts of environmental degradation and initiate processes to minimize the effects.Environmental managers plan and direct the development of management systems designed to minimize the impact of an organization on the environment. This includes the regulation and management of electricity, water, general waste consumption, and pollution or carbon emissions from road or air travel. Environmental conservation protects wildlife and promotes biodiversity. Maintaining a healthy and functional ecosystem helps prevent the extinction of certain animal species. If the environment is destroyed, some animals are forced out of their habitat, making it hard for them to survive elsewhere.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
8 answers
What is the relationship between sustainability and the green transformation of the economy to build a sustainable, zero-carbon, green circular economy?
The essence of sustainability derives from the study of sustainable, human-interference-free, biodiverse natural ecosystems of specific natural environments, which contain a wealth of species of flora, fauna and micro-organisms linked by many different ecological relationships. The ideas of sustainability are applied in developing the characteristics of sustainability in various aspects of human activity, the development of civilisation, various aspects of the economy, etc. The importance of the role of sustainability and its application in the context of economic development is growing in direct proportion to the scale of the increase in the negative effects of the development of human civilisation, which include the increasing scale of environmental pollution, the increasing scale of deforestation, the increasing scale of betonosis i.e. These include the increasing scale of environmental pollution, growing scale of deforestation, increasing scale of betonosis, i.e. urbanised areas and shrinking green areas in cities, growing emissions of greenhouse gases, accelerating greenhouse effect, accelerating global warming, growing scale of soil depletion, forest fires, weather anomalies and climatic and natural disasters, decline of biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, etc. The aim is to reverse these negative processes, which have a negative impact on the environment. In order to reverse these negative processes and save as much of the planet's threatened biosphere as possible, it is necessary to carry out a green transformation of the economy on a multifaceted scale. In this respect, a system of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been defined within the framework of cyclical UN conferences on this issue and the global problems of climate change, which should be implemented on as large a scale as possible in order to reduce the scale of action and negative effects of unsustainable, intensive, rapid economic development within the framework of a predatory brown economy based on high scale exploitation of natural resources, including non-renewable natural resources, energy production mainly based on dirty fossil fuel combustion energy, increasing scale of environmental pollution, increasing scale of greenhouse gas emissions, negligible scale of secondary raw material use and recycling, accelerating global warming, rapid degradation of the biosphere, decline of biodiversity, etc. One of the key aspects of achieving a green transformation of the economy is to build a zero-carbon economy based on sustainable, zero-carbon, green energy, i.e. the development of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources. This is essential and should be realised in 100% by the end of this decade of the 2030s at the latest if the main strategic goal of international environmental and climate policy is to be met, i.e. to halt the global average global atmospheric temp. increase of max. 1.5 degrees C since the beginning of the first industrial revolution. This goal was defined and established for implementation at the UN conference on this issue, i.e. during the so-called Paris Agreement of 2015. Of course, the green transformation of the economy is a much more multifaceted process, in which all sectors and branches of the economy, many fields of human activity, many aspects of the development of civilisation, the ongoing development of energy, industry, agriculture, technological progress, etc. should be involved in practice. The green transformation of the economy should take place within the framework of a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess to a sustainable, green, zero-emission growth and closed loop economy, in which the implementation of the goals of sustainable development and increasing the scale of sustainability at the level of development of civilisation in relation to the surrounding environment should be strategically important objectives.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What is the relationship between sustainability and the green transformation of the economy in order to build a sustainable, zero-carbon, green circular economy?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In my opinion, on the one hand, the green transformation of the economy should move towards the creation of a sustainable closed loop economy. On the other hand, the process of carrying out the green transformation of the economy should take into account the implementation of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Besides, the green transformation of the economy based on carrying out a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth brown linear economy of excess to a sustainable green zero-carbon growth zero-carbon economy and closed loop economy should refer to the essence of sustainability known from the functioning of biodiverse natural ecosystems, in which these ecosystems function as devoid of human civilization interference, in which there are many ecological relationships occurring between many species of specific forms of living beings, etc. Building a functioning carbon-free, sustainable, green closed-loop economy in this way will probably not be easy, but it should be a goal to aim for if we want to save the planet from global climate catastrophe and biodiversity disaster for future generations of people. It is essential to develop and improve systemic instruments for activating green entrepreneurship, green financing, etc.
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What are the main sources of energy and its impact of using energy on the environment and how does environment get affected by the use of the renewable energy?
Relevant answer
All energy sources have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels coal, oil, and natural gas do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions.Fossil fuels are the world's primary energy source, supplying four-fifths of the global energy mix in 2021. And while they are readily available and cheaper to produce, they also run on limited amounts, take long periods to replenish, and significantly contribute to global carbon emissions. The sun is the main source of energy on Earth. Other energy sources include coal, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass, petrol, nuclear energy, and many more. Nearly all combustion byproducts have negative effects on the environment and human health: CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which contributes to the greenhouse effect. SO2 causes acid rain, which is harmful to plants and to animals that live in water. Coal, again, is the dirtiest fuel. It emits much more greenhouse gases than other sources – hundreds of times more than nuclear, solar, and wind. Oil and gas are also much worse than nuclear and renewable, but to a lesser extent than coal. Although renewable energy sources produce relatively low levels of GHG emissions and conventional air pollution, manufacturing and transporting them will produce some emissions and pollutants. The production of some photovoltaic (PV) cells, for instance, generates toxic substances that may contaminate water resources.The use of clean energy sources, such as water, wind, sunlight and nuclear, to generate electricity helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. This is because clean energy sources don't emit any greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, during the electricity generating process. Wind energy has the lowest carbon footprint of all energy types. On a life-cycle basis, onshore wind emits 11 and offshore wind emits 12 grams of CO2 equivalent per kWh of electricity produced. The direct environmental impacts of resource use include the degradation of fertile land, water shortages, waste generation, toxic pollution, and biodiversity loss in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What is the biggest energy on earth and which form of energy is most preferred and why and how renewable energy affects our planet's future?
Relevant answer
Solar energy is the most abundant of all energy resources and can even be harnessed in cloudy weather. The rate at which solar energy is intercepted by the Earth is about 10,000 times greater than the rate at which humankind consumes energy. Sunlight is one of our planets most abundant and freely available energy resources. The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth's surface in one hour is more than the planet's total energy requirements for a whole year.. One of the most important sources of energy is the sun. The energy of the sun is the original source of most of the energy found on earth. We get solar heat energy from the sun, and sunlight can also be used to produce electricity from solar cells.Electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy for most human uses. Electrical energy is easy use and move from one location to another, but it is almost impossible to store in any large quantity. It can be used for running computers and most appliances, home heating, and even transportation. Electrical energy is one of the most commonly used forms of energy in the world. It can be easily converted into any other energy form and can be safely and efficiently transported over long distances. As a result, it is used in our daily lives more than any other energy source. Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include: Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels. If we could replace fossil fuels with abundant renewable energy, we would cut energy prices, reduce emissions and lower the future risks of climate change, including the impact on food production. Despite the negative impact on wildlife, renewable energy still positively impacts the climate and the air. It fosters a stronger ecosystem because it is clean. The production of this electricity also has no impact on the environment. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy creation doesn't harm the ecosystem. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal power can provide energy without the planet-warming effects of fossil fuels. In any discussion about climate change, renewable energy usually tops the list of changes the world can implement to stave off the worst effects of rising temperatures.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
Is renewable energy good for the environment and what are the impact and environmental risks of energy?
Relevant answer
Fossil fuels coal, oil, and natural gas do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions. The environmental impacts related to energy production include climate change, acidification, impacts on waterways, and waste production. The industry is making active efforts to reduce environmental impacts. Switching to clean sources of energy, such as wind and solar, thus helps address not only climate change but also air pollution and health. The burning of fossil fuels results in the emission of significant quantities of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. These gases have the ability to trap heat in the atmosphere, which ultimately leads to global warming. Biomass also results in the generation of harmful gases. Problems with energy supply and use are related not only to global warming that is taking place, due to effluent gas emission mainly CO2⁠, but also to environmental concerns such as air pollution, acid precipitation, ozone depletion, forest destruction, and emission of radioactive substances. Clean energy technologies improve human health by reducing air pollution and water and soil contamination. A clean energy economy will lower rates of asthma, heart conditions, and other health issues related to climate change across the nation. Using renewable energy can lead to several social impacts, including poverty elimination, climate change mitigation, and improving health by reducing pollution associated with gas emissions. Wind energy is one of the most sustainable forms of energy currently available. It harnesses the power of naturally moving air to spin wind turbines, which in turn generate electricity. Not only is this great because it provides a regenerative form of energy, but it also does so without greenhouse gas emissions. Harnessing power from the wind is one of the cleanest and most sustainable ways to generate electricity as it produces no toxic pollution or global warming emissions. Wind is also abundant, inexhaustible, and affordable, which makes it a viable and large-scale alternative to fossil fuels.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
What are the environmental impacts of renewable energy and which energy sources is the best in keeping environment clean?
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Dr Gaurav H Tandon thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
4 answers
What is the most promising renewable energy resource for the future of our planet and why are fossil fuels our most important source of energy today?
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Natural sources such as solar, wind, tidal and geothermal have the potential to create far more energy than the world currently needs. The raw energy sources that Jacobson found to be the most promising are, in order, wind, concentrated solar, geothermal, tidal, solar photovoltaics wave, and hydroelectric. Hydrogen has the best chance of being widely used in the future. Sources of hydrogen are plentiful, it has many uses, and most of the needed technology has already been developed. Solar energy is the most promising source of energy fifty years from now. There are two types of energy: the first is renewable, and the second is non-renewable. Nature can replenish renewable resources for instance, solar energy. Solar energy is the energy obtained from the sun. As these sources of energy are renewable, they are also inexhaustible. More importantly, they cause little to zero climate or environmental damage. Fossil fuels, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, on the contrary, are available in finite quantities only. One of the promising future energy sources is biomass and biomass-derived resources and fuels such as biogas, biofuel, and algae. Hydrogen and methane gas hydrates will be important energy sources too. First of all, it is never going to end, we can use them for a long time and various purposes. Also, they generate energy in a large amount and efficiently. The most important benefit of renewable energy is that it is eco-friendly and don't contribute to environmental pollution. We depend most on fossil fuels for many energy uses because fossil fuels can be burnt, shipped and stored. The energy from fossil fuels is both concentrated and portable. Fossil fuel releases tremendous amount of energy on burning. Natural gas provides cleaner burning and coal is available in abundance. Mostly because of the low prices of obtaining they and their large quantities all around the world and fossil fuels are our primary energy resource because it is abundant and is relatively cheap to obtain. Fossil fuels are limited in the nature and can be exhausted very soon by human activities. So fossil fuels are called exhaustible natural resources. According to Odometers, we will run out of oil in 47 years, natural gas in 52 years, and coal in 133 years. In the long term, if we want to use energy sources that will never run out, there are better alternatives than fossil fuels. There is no definitive answer to the question of which renewable energy resource is the most promising for the future of our planet, as different resources have different advantages and disadvantages depending on various factors such as location, availability, cost, performance, environmental impact, social acceptance. Geothermal energy is the heat produced deep in the Earth's core and a renewable resource that generates electricity with minimal carbon emissions.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
How renewable energy is used to maintain air quality and what is the best renewable energy source and why?
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Dr Gaurav H Tandon thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
2 answers
Is renewable energy the answer to climate change and why renewable energy is important for the future?
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Dr Mohsen Khosravi thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Can renewable energy reduce climate change and how is Earth's climate related to energy?
Relevant answer
Renewable energy can play a significant role in reducing climate change, as it is closely linked to the Earth's climate through the greenhouse gas effect and the energy sector's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy production is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). These emissions trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse effect and global warming, which is a key driver of climate change. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, produce electricity without emitting significant greenhouse gases, making them a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels.
  2. Mitigating Climate Change: By shifting to renewable energy sources and reducing reliance on fossil fuels, we can significantly decrease greenhouse gas emissions. This transition can help mitigate the impacts of climate change, such as rising temperatures, sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems. Renewable energy technologies offer a way to generate electricity and heat more sustainably and with lower carbon emissions.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Another important aspect of the relationship between energy and climate change is energy efficiency. Using energy more efficiently reduces the amount of energy required to perform various tasks, which in turn reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency measures, such as better insulation, efficient appliances, and transportation technologies, can help lower energy demand and, consequently, emissions.
  4. Renewable Energy's Potential: The growth of renewable energy capacity worldwide can help decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions. As renewable energy technologies become more affordable and accessible, they can provide a reliable and sustainable energy supply while reducing the carbon footprint associated with energy production.
  5. Policy and Innovation: Governments, businesses, and individuals all have roles to play in the transition to renewable energy. Policy measures, such as carbon pricing, subsidies for renewable energy, and regulations that limit emissions, can incentivize the adoption of clean energy technologies. Additionally, ongoing innovation and research in renewable energy can further improve its efficiency and reduce costs.
In summary, renewable energy can reduce climate change by lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy production and consumption. The Earth's climate is closely tied to energy through the emissions of greenhouse gases, and a shift toward renewable energy sources is a critical step in mitigating climate change and creating a more sustainable energy future.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
6 answers
Can use of renewable energy reduce global warming and how does renewable energy affect the environment?
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Dear Doctor
I quoted the following from web hoping of benefit.
"For renewable energy technology to be a global public good - meaning available to all, and not just to the wealthy - it will be essential to remove roadblocks to knowledge sharing and technological transfer, including intellectual property rights barriers.
Essential technologies such as battery storage systems allow energy from renewables, like solar and wind, to be stored and released when people, communities and businesses need power. They help to increase energy system flexibility due to their unique capability to quickly absorb, hold and re-inject electricity, says the International Renewable Energy Agency.
Moreover, when paired with renewable generators, battery storage technologies can provide reliable and cheaper electricity in isolated grids and to off-grid communities in remote locations.
A robust supply of renewable energy components and raw materials is essential. More widespread access to all the key components and materials - from the minerals needed to produce wind turbines and electricity networks, to electric vehicles - will be key.
It will take significant international coordination to expand and diversify manufacturing capacity globally. Moreover, greater investments are needed to ensure a just transition - including in people’s skills training, research and innovation, and incentives to build supply chains through sustainable practices that protect ecosystems and cultures."
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Can the world reach a 100% renewable energy system by or before 2050 and what is the fastest growing renewable energy in the world?
Relevant answer
Several studies have proven that 100% renewable energy systems can be achieved on global, regional, and national levels by or before 2050. The number of published studies has grown by 27% annually since the year 2010 and continues to grow each year. By 2050, we could get all the energy we need from renewable sources. This report shows that such a transition is not only possible but also cost-effective, providing energy that is affordable for all and producing it in ways that can be sustained by the global economy and the planet. Power the world with 100% renewable energy. The answer given by most of the researchers to this question is a big YES. Such an energy system has economical as well as environmental benefits. Renewable energy, while becoming more cost-competitive, still cannot match the affordability and reliability of fossil fuels. In many developing countries, the infrastructure and resources required for renewable energy are not yet in place, making it difficult to transition away from fossil fuels. EIA projects that total world electricity generation will reach nearly 45 trillion kilowatthours (kWh) by 2050, almost 20 trillion kWh more than the 2018 level. Although growth occurs in both OECD and non-OECD regions, the growth in electricity demand in non-OECD regions far outpaces those in OECD regions. The country boasts one of the largest manufacturing ecosystems for wind energy and is experiencing rapid growth in solar capacity, propelling India to be the global leader in renewable energy. First on our list of the fastest-growing renewable energy sources, hydropower is the most widely used form of renewable energy in the world, producing 1 295 gigawatts of energy. This amounts to 54% of the global renewable power generation capacity. The most common hydropower comes from water in dams. Solar photovoltaics are the fastest growing electricity source.The world can reach a 100% renewable energy system by or before 2050. Sustainability - A new energy system would be mainly based on solar and wind energy, energy storage, sector coupling, and direct and indirect electrification of almost all energy demand. Solar photovoltaics are the fastest growing electricity source. In 2020, around 139 GW of global capacity was added, bringing the total to about 760 GW and producing almost 3 percent of the world's electricity. Biofuels are both shown separately and are included in petroleum and other liquids. In our Annual Energy Outlook 2022 (AEO2022) Reference case, which reflects current laws and regulations, we project that the share of U.S. power generation from renewables will increase from 21% in 2021 to 44% in 2050. Fast Transition' scenario, shows a realistic possible future for a fossil-free energy system by around 2050, providing 55% more energy services globally than today, by ramping up solar, wind, batteries, electric vehicles, and clean fuels such as green hydrogen (made from renewable electricity).
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Should renewable energy replace fossil fuels and why is the management of renewable resources so important?
Relevant answer
According to different sources, renewable energy can be replenished by natural processes and will not run out, unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and non-renewable. Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas.
There are many reasons why renewable energy should replace fossil fuels. Here are some of them:
  • Renewable energy is cleaner and greener than fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that cause global warming and climate change. Renewable energy sources emit little or no greenhouse gases, reducing air pollution and environmental damage.
  • Renewable energy is more cost-effective than fossil fuels in the long run. Although renewable energy projects may have high initial capital costs, they have low operating and maintenance costs and can generate electricity for free or at a low price once installed. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, have high extraction, transportation, and environmental costs that are not reflected in their market prices.
  • Renewable energy is more secure and reliable than fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are subject to geopolitical conflicts, price fluctuations, and supply disruptions that can affect the stability and affordability of energy. Renewable energy sources are widely distributed and can provide local and decentralized power generation that reduces dependence on imports and enhances energy resilience.
Managing renewable resources is very important because it ensures that they are used sustainably and efficiently to meet humanity's current and future needs. Renewable resources are not unlimited and can be degraded or depleted if they are overexploited or mismanaged. For example, hydropower can affect water quality and quantity, biodiversity, and ecosystem services if dams are not properly designed and operated. Biomass can contribute to deforestation, soil erosion, and air pollution if not harvested from sustainable sources.
Therefore, managing renewable resources requires careful planning, monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation to balance exploitation demands with respect for regenerative capacities. It also involves the participation of various stakeholders, such as governments, businesses, communities, and consumers, to ensure that the benefits and costs of renewable energy are equitably distributed and that the social and environmental impacts are minimized.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Is renewable energy is the future energy and what is the future of renewable energy in India?
Relevant answer
India is also embracing the power of renewable energy. It has already announced its aim to reach net zero emissions by 2070. Furthermore, according to the Ministry of Power, the country is likely to meet 62% of its electricity requirements with 500 GW of non-fossil fuel sources by 2030. India has set a target to reduce the carbon intensity of the nation's economy by less than 45% by the end of the decade, achieve 50 percent cumulative electric power installed by 2030 from renewable, and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070. India aims for 500 GW of renewable energy installed capacity by 2030. Renewable energy in the future is predicted that by 2024, solar capacity in the world will grow by 600 gigawatts (GW), almost double the installed total electricity capacity of Japan. Overall, renewable electricity is predicted to grow by 1 200 GW by 2024, the equivalent of the total electricity capacity of the US. By relying on clean, renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind power, we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and decrease the amount of harmful pollutants like carbon dioxide that are emitted into the atmosphere. First of all, it is never going to end, we can use them for a long time and various purposes. Also, they generate energy in a large amount and efficiently. The most important benefit of renewable energy is that it is eco-friendly and don't contribute to environmental pollution. New resources that are being researched or developed include hydrogen, nuclear fusion, ocean thermal energy conversion, and tidal and wave energy. One fuel that has the potential of being widely used in the future is hydrogen gas (H2). The country boasts one of the largest manufacturing ecosystems for wind energy and is experiencing rapid growth in solar capacity, propelling India to be the global leader in renewable energy. Renewable energy supplies reduce the emission of greenhouse gases significantly if replaced with fossil fuels. Since renewable energy supplies are obtained naturally from ongoing flows of energy in our surroundings, it should be sustainable.
  • asked a question related to Renewable Energy
3 answers
Can the world run on renewable energy and why renewable energy is harder in India than in other countries?
Relevant answer
Yes, we have enough materials to power the world with renewable energy. We won't run out of key ingredients for climate action, but mining comes with social and environmental ramifications. Powering the world with renewable energy will take a lot of raw materials. The triad of “usual” challenges of renewable remains in India, such as (1) intermittency/variability; (2) location-specific potential (concentrated in areas sometimes away from consumers or the grid; and (3) higher costs. Attempting clean energy transition at the scale that India requires faces many challenges. These include access to affordable financing, lack of institutions that can deploy financing effectively in new low-carbon growth areas and technology risks. In terms of installed capacity, solar and hydropower are currently the leading sources of renewable energy in India. With an installed capacity of more than 52 gigawatts, India is among the world leaders in cumulative hydropower capacity. While renewable energy costs have decreased significantly over the years, initial capital investments remain high. Additionally, the livelier cost of electricity (LCOE) for renewable must be competitive with fossil fuels to encourage broader adoption. India is different because its grid is very weak and unstable, and instead of having a reasonable reserve margin (typically 15-20 percent in the west), there is a shortfall in the grid, officially in the range of 5 percent or so, but actually much higher.The intermittency of sunshine and wind cannot provide an on-demand power source 24 hours a week. Solar energy and wind are unpredictable. There is volatility in generation and volatility in loads. Energy generation by the burning of fossil fuels is more consistent. We know that change in climatic conditions is the major cause of concern in today's era. Most of the countries including India produce electricity from non-renewable resources like coal. Today nearly 61% of the nation’s electricity is produced by coal, which definitely increases environmental concerns. Factors influencing economic and financial barriers are high initial capital, lack of financial institutes, lack of investors, competition from fossil fuels, and fewer subsidies compared to traditional fuel. These factors have prevented renewable energy from becoming widespread.