Ignacio Fierro

Ignacio Fierro
GeaLand Patrimonio S.L.



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Management of geological heritage
Skills and Expertise


Publications (39)
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Citizen science is an effective tool that unites ordinary citizens and scientists for a common cause. In particular, this tool enables ordinary citizens to participate in research and increases the likelihood of generating new knowledge. It is seen as the democratization of science. It is mainly applied in developed countries, and citizens usually...
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Our study area is located in the southern Alicante sector, in the northern part of Bajo Segura Basin, where we have made a stratigraphic, sedimentologic micropaleontologic and petrologic analysis of the sedimentary environments. The stratigraphic record includes mainly the terminal Miocene (Messinian), where the “Messinian salinity crisis” took pla...
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En el término municipal de Elche (Alicante, España), se hallaron, de manera casual, diversos restos óseos en las escombreras depositadas durante la construcción del embalse “José Ramón García Antón”. Entre los mismos, se identificó una vértebra correspondiente al orden Sirenia, objeto de estudio en la presente publicación. Desde el punto de vista g...
Conference Paper
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La Cueva-Mina Victoria forma parte de un sistema cárstico de más de 3 km de longitud. Alberga un relleno Cuaternario con numerosos vertebrados, algunos descritos por primera vez. La actividad minera afectó a este enclave y permitió su descubrimiento, enriqueciendo al patrimonio natural con una historia y cultura singulares en la zona. Todo ello ha...
Conference Paper
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The palaeontological site of “El Porquet 1” is a carbonate layer with mammal ichnites located in the Messinian II synthem (MII) of the northern margin of the Bajo Segura Basin. As a consequence of the discoveries resulting from the 2011 systematic excavation, legal protection was promoted by the Government of Valencia. Our team has applied two diff...
El compromiso con la preservación del patrimonio geológico y paleontológico ha constituido una prioridad para el Museo Paleontológico de Elche – Fundación Cidaris desde los inicios de su actividad. En este contexto se ha desarrollado una estrategia de trabajo (FOPALI) en el que la valoración patrimonial es concebida como una herramienta de gestión....
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Libreto Geolodía Alicante 2019: Busot
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Después de más de 20 años de esfuerzo y dedicación del Grupo Cultural Paleontológico de Elche en favor de la riqueza patrimonial de la ciudad, el Museo Paleontológico de Elche (MUPE) se inauguró en el año 2004. Estamos ante un museo que no surge al amparo de un centro de investigación o universidad, sino a partir de las inquietudes de un grupo de a...
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Libreto del Geolodía de Alicante 2018. Crevillente
Technical Report
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Informe técnico realizado por GEALAND PATRIMONIO S.L. en colaboración con la Universidad de Alicante, para la concejalía de Medio Ambiente del ayuntamiento de Elda. En este informe se describen y estudian por primera vez unos depósitos arenosos de origen eólico, que han sido bautizados como "Arenal de la Torreta". Se destaca su importancia dentro...
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The Messinian coral reef of Santa Pola, one of the most relevant geosites in the geological heritage of the western Mediterranean, is quantitatively assessed in terms of geoscience and features of potential use. Two different methodologies are used, one developed by the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME) for the Spanish Geosite Invento...
In this paper, we synthesize sedimentological, magnetostratigraphic and paleontological data from the continental vertebrate site of Puerto de la Cadena (Murcia, SE Spain), in order to clarify its age. The study site is located on the northern edge of the Carrascoy mountain range, in the upper part of the Cigarrón Unit. The end-Messinian discontinu...
“Crevillente 2” es un importante yacimiento paleontológico en el que destacan los restos de macro y micromamíferos (Lucentia iberica Azanza y Montoya 1995 y Neocricetodon occidentalis Aguilar 1982, entre otros) del Mioceno superior. Se encuentra situado en el borde norte de la Cuenca del Bajo Segura, entre las localidades de Crevillente y Aspe (Ali...
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The study of 13 micromammal localities in the southern section of the Gormaget ravine (Alcoi Basin, SE Spain) and another 4 localities in the northern section has allowed us to define four local biozones in the dawn of the Pliocene, possibly recording the Mio-Pliocene boundary. The great density of localities close to the Mio-Pliocene boundary has...
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The Messinian coral reef (atoll type)of Santa Pola, placed in the northern sector of the Bajo Seguraneogene basin, is one of the most important places of geoscientist interest from Alicante Province. In this work, the characterization of its geological and paleontological heritage is presented. Firstly, the quantitative patrimonial evaluation is pr...
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In this work, we describe four new micromammal sites in the northern side of the Gormaget ravine, in the Alcoy Basin (Spain): AF-1'06, AF-1'07, AF-1A and AF-2. Based on the study of the faunal remains from these localities, we infer a latest Turolian-earliest Ruscinian age for AF-1'06 and AF-1A, and an earliest Ruscinian age for AF-1'07 and AF-2. T...
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This paper deals with the fossil rodent and insectivore faunas from the localities of the southern side of the Gormaget ravine (Alcoy Basin, Spain): Alcoi Barranc Sud (ABS-1, ABS-2, ABS-3, ABS-3A, ABS-7, ABS-8, ABS-9, ABS-10), and Alcoi Cristian (AC-0, AC-0B and AC-0C). We infer in this paper an Early Ruscinian age for these sites. Based on the ana...
A fragment of a maxilla and isolated theropod teeth from the (?) Middle Jurassic Tiourarén Formation are described. The specimens come from Tadibene, in the rural community of Aderbissinat, Thirozerine Department, Agadez Region, Niger. They were identified through direct comparison with teeth previously described in the literature as well as on the...
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Fossil fishes are present at two different stratigraphical levels near Abanilla, in the Upper Miocene of the Fortuna basin (Murcia, Spain). The first site corresponds to a monospecific fossiliferous horizon, late Tortonian in age, which was present at La Serretilla before recent levelling works destroyed this outcrop. This horizon has mainly yielde...
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Since long time ago, fossil fish remains of Upper Miocene Lorca basin (Murcia) are well know due to the quality of fossilized specimens and the amount of recovered ones. The Lorca basin fossil fish collection formed by D. Francisco Cánovas Cobeño (1820- 1904) during the nineteenth century has been the most important known to date of such locality,...
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The Municipal Natural Landscape Clot de Galvany is a small-protected space in the town of Elche with a high biodiversity and a great value as a wetland. It is surrounded by residential areas and beaches in the east. An intensive work of documentation and assessment of geological and paleontological heritage has been carried out, highlighting the pr...
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In the Gormaig area (Alcoy basin, SE Spain) a number of fossil mammal localities are known, of which only the classic site of Alcoy-Mina, known since the mid-19th century, has yielded remains of macrofauna. In the vicinity of this site are the localities of Alcoy-2C (AL2C) and Alcoy-2D (AL2D), probably representing the levels of Alcoy-Mina. The fau...
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The early evolution of sauropod dinosaurs is poorly understood because of a highly incomplete fossil record. New discoveries of Early and Middle Jurassic sauropods have a great potential to lead to a better understanding of early sauropod evolution and to reevaluate the patterns of sauropod diversification. A new sauropod from the Middle Jurassic o...
Dentary tooth of Spinophorosaurus nigerensis, lingual view (Paratype, NMB-1698-R). Drawing by Ralf Kosma. (0.63 MB JPG)
Character list and character-taxon matrix used in the phylogentic analysis. Includes the character list and the character-taxon matrix used in the phylogenetic analysis, and a list of synapomorphies for relevant nodes with ACCTRAN and DELTRAN modifications. (0.08 MB DOC)
NEXUS file of the character-taxon matrix used for the phylogenetic analyses. (0.03 MB TXT)
Tree file of most parsimonious tree as found by PAUP for manipulation in MacClade. (0.00 MB TXT)
  Up to now, more than 40 dinosaur sites have been found in the latest Jurassic – earliest Cretaceous sedimentary outcrops (Villar del Arzobispo Formation) of Riodeva (Iberian Range, Spain). Those already excavated, as well as other findings, provide a large and diverse number of sauropod remains, suggesting a great diversity for this group in the...
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FOPALI Project: geologic heritage from Alicante province (Spain). Inventory methodology based on geological knowledge of Paleontological Museum of Elche.


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