Ijad Madisch

Ijad Madisch
ResearchGate | RG

Dr. med.


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Hi! I’m Ijad, CEO of ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. In 2008, I co-founded the network that’s since grown to 25+ million members worldwide. Our mission is to connect the world of science and make research open to all. Prior to ResearchGate, I worked in radiology (high resolution imaging VCT) at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and earned my doctorate in virology (molecular typing of human adenoviruses) while studying CS on the side (never finished it -.- ).
Additional affiliations
January 2008 - September 2017
  • CEO
January 2007 - present
January 2006 - December 2007
Massachusetts General Hospital
January 2006
Hannover Medical School
Field of study
  • SPSS Introduction Course
January 2005 - February 2020
Massachusetts General Hospital
Field of study
  • Biostatistics Course for Clinical Investigators
March 2002 - October 2008
FernUniversität in Hagen
Field of study
  • Computer Science


Publications (109)
Full-text available
Human adenoviruses (HAdV) are causing a broad spectrum of diseases. One of the most severe forms of adenovirus infection is a disseminated disease resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. Several reports in recent years have identified HAdV-31 from species A (HAdV-A31) as a cause of disseminated disease in children following haematopoetic...
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In 2005, a human adenovirus strain (formerly known as HAdV-D22/H8 but renamed here HAdV-D53) was isolated from an outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctititis (EKC), a disease that is usually caused by HAdV-D8, -D19, or -D37, not HAdV-D22. To date, a complete change of tropism compared to the prototype has never been observed, although apparent recomb...
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Human adenoviruses (HAdV) are responsible for a wide spectrum of diseases. The neutralization epsilon determinant (loops 1 and 2) and the hemagglutination gamma determinant are relevant for the taxonomy of HAdV. Precise type identification of HAdV prototypes is crucial for detection of infection chains and epidemiology. epsilon and gamma determinan...
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The penton base is a major capsid protein of human adenoviruses (HAdV) which forms the vertices of the capsid and interacts with hexon and fiber protein. Two hypervariable loops of the penton are exposed on the capsid surface. Sequences of these and 300 adjacent amino acid residues of all 51 HAdV and closely related simian adenoviruses were studied...
Traumatic amputation of a thumb with bone loss leaves a patient in severe disability. Reconstructive procedures are restricted by limited shape and have the disadvantage of severe donor-site morbidity. To overcome these limitations, we used a tissue engineering approach to create a distal thumb bone phalanx, combining magnetically sorted 133+ human...
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Various systems and methods for creating, storing, structuring, displaying, enhancing, and/or referencing publications and related content in an online user network are described. In some embodiments, a plurality of “anchors” are dispersed throughout the document, allowing document portions to be referenced in terms of the anchor(s) associated with...
This file is an aligned fasta file including the fiber knob (nucleotide) gene from 51 human adenoviruses (1-51) (Species A-F)
This file is an aligned fasta file including the loop1 area of the hexon (nucleotide) gene from 51 human adenoviruses (1-51) (Species A-F).
Full-text available
The fiber shaft of human adenoviruses (HAdVs) is essential for bringing the penton base into proximity to the secondary cellular receptor. Fiber shaft sequences of all 53 HAdV types were studied. Phylogeny of the fiber shaft revealed clustering corresponding to the HAdV species concept. An intraspecies recombination hot spot was found at the shaft/...
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Regenerative technology promises to alleviate the problem of limited donor supply for bone or organ transplants. Most expensive and time consuming is cell expansion in laboratories. We propose a method of magnetically enriched osteoprogenitor stem cells, dispersed in self-assembling hydrogels and applied onto new ultra-high resolution, jet-based, t...
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To examine trabecular microarchitecture with high-resolution flat-panel volume computed tomography (CT) and bone mineral density (BMD) with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa (AN) and to compare these results with those in normal-weight control subjects. The study was approved by the institutional revie...
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Gating in small-animal CT imaging can compensate artefacts caused by physiological motion during scanning. However, all published gating approaches for small animals rely on additional hardware to derive the gating signals. In contrast, in this study a novel method of intrinsic respiratory gating of rodents was developed and tested for mice (n=5),...
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One of the most severe forms of adenovirus infection is the life threateningdisseminated disease, frequently caused by serotypes of species C.Recently, type 31 from species A (HAdV-A31) also caused disseminatedinfections in stem cell transplanted children in several countries of the EU.HAdV-A31 is now clearly associated with infections of stem cell...
Ziele: Evaluation einer digitalen Subtraktionstechnik für die Elimination von überlagernden Knochen und Wandverkalkungen. Methode: In 15 Patienten wurde ergänzend zu einer CT-Angiographie (CTA) eine native Niedrigdosis-Untersuchung durchgeführt. Alle CTA-Untersuchungen erfolgten mit folgendem Scanprotokoll: Schichtkollimation/Rekonstruktionsinkreme...
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Availability of grafts and morbidity at the donor site limit autologous transplantation in patients requiring bone reconstruction. A tissue-engineering approach can overcome these limitations by producing bone-like tissue of custom shape and size from isolated cells. Several hydrogels facilitate osteogenesis on porous scaffolds; however, the relati...
Current techniques to measure computed tomography (CT) spatial resolution use separate methods for in-plane and out-of-plane directions. The growing use of near-isotropic voxel size necessitates a new single method that inherently measures resolution in any direction. We introduce a method using a set of numerous glass microspheres suspended in a s...
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In a 4-week period, 12 patients contracted adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis. Eight of these patients had visited the same ophthalmologist's practice before onset of symptoms. Adenovirus was detected in swab specimens obtained from 9 patients. Sequence-based typing of 2 isolates revealed type 22/H8. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of a ke...
Human adenovirus (HAdV) infections are increasingly frequent and potentially fatal as a disseminated disease in highly immunocompromised patients. Determining the in vitro sensitivity of HAdV to antiviral agents is not an easy task because HAdV CPE reduction assays are difficult to interpret and may take more than 1 week. We developed a phenotypic...
Precise typing of human adenoviruses (HAdV) is fundamental for epidemiology and the detection of infection chains. As only few of the 51 adenovirus types are associated with life- threatening disseminated diseases in immunodeficient patients, detection of one of these types may have prognostic value and lead to immediate therapeutic intervention. A...
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Trabecular bone is a material of choice for reconstruction after trauma and tumor resection and for correction of congenital defects. Autologous bone grafts are available in limited shapes and sizes; significant donor site morbidity is another major disadvantage to this approach. To overcome these limitations, we used a tissue engineering approach...
On or before Apr 6, 2016 this sequence version replaced gi:107954418, gi:107954419, gi:107954417.
Conference Paper
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PURPOSE Research in tissue-engineering traditionally relies on protein transcription and expression (PTE) analysis to demonstrate tissue growth. For demonstrating bone growth, mechanical properties of the construct are also used for the same purpose. Using an ultra-high resolution, flat-panel Volume CT (VCT), we demonstrate the first-ever imaging o...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE To propose a standardized and quantitative assessment of image quality and to assess differences between three different image reconstruction protocols for coronary MDCT angiography. METHOD AND MATERIALS We assessed 20 normal coronary segments from two patients who underwent standard coronary MDCT (Siemens Sensation 64, 64x0.6 mm collimati...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE Spatial resolution of a CT scanner is typically characterized by its modulation transfer function and slice selectivity profile. These methods are inherently anisotropic and fail to fully describe the capabilities of recently introduced volume CT scanners (VCT). A new method is required to describe the spatial resolution of VCT that is inhe...


Questions (8)
Like so many, I am shocked and saddened at seeing war break out in Europe. My thoughts – and those of the ResearchGate team – are with the people of Ukraine and everyone affected.
ResearchGate is an international company, whose purpose is to enable scientists across the world to work together openly and collaboratively, regardless of borders or nationality. We have people from over 40 countries on our staff of around 200, and being based in Berlin, we are profoundly aware of the human cost of conflicts, the echoes of which have shaped and scarred our home city. We join with the international community in condemning the actions of the Russian state.
We have been asking ourselves: What can we do?
From today, we will offer free advertising space worth $2.5 million on our network to humanitarian organizations working to respond to the crisis. ResearchGate benefits from over 50 million visitors every month, and we hope this initiative can help raise funds and awareness for those organizations that are having direct impact and need support.
We also want to use our platform to highlight the response from the scientific community. Personally, I have found the messages of support from scientists everywhere to be truly heartfelt, and I would like to highlight some of the community initiatives I’ve seen here:
Additionally, I’m posting here some of the organizations responding to the crisis and actively soliciting donations:
To help gather more support for these initiatives, please consider sharing this post further (you don’t need a ResearchGate account to see it), and I will continue to update it with other initiatives as I find them. You can also click “Recommend” below to help others in your ResearchGate network see it. And if you know of any other community initiatives that we can share here please let us know via this form: https://forms.gle/e37EHouWXFLyhYE8A
-Ijad Madisch, CEO & Co-Founder of ResearchGate
Update 03/07:
This list outlines country-level initiatives from various academic institutions and research organizations, with a focus on programs and sponsorship for Ukrainian researchers:
Hey Tim,
thanks for sharing this great project which I find very interesting. Are there any detailed plans how you want to achieve it and what the concepts behind those are?


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