Ivan Domuschiev

Ivan Domuschiev
Multiprofile Transport Hospital - Plovdiv City, Bulgaria · Internal Medicine

Internist,Endocrinologist, Diabetologist,HRV-Researcher, Antiaging medicine-Multiprofile Transport Hospital- Plovdiv(BG)


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I'm Internist,Endocrinologist,Diabetologist. I'm Member of the Editorial Board of a number of scientific journals as "Diabetes,Metabolic Disorders&Control","Global Hormone Health" and other . I work in the field of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Antiaging-medicine, longevity, Diabetes mellitus . I'm interested in Clinical Nutrition, weight control and preventive medicine. http://medcraveonline.com/JDMDC/editorial-board http://oatext.com/Global-Hormonal-Health-GHH.php
Additional affiliations
May 2013 - present
Multiprofile Transport Hospital-Plovdiv City, Bulgaria
  • Internist, Endocrinologist, HRV-Researcher, Anti-Aging specialist


Publications (232)
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The role of quanta, or discrete units of energy, in human metabolism is an area of ongoing research and debate. It is known that energy is required for all biochemical reactions in the body, including those involved in metabolism. However, the exact mechanisms by which quanta impact human metabolism are not yet fully understood. One theory is that...
HRV - coherence
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Heart rate variability (HRV) is the measurement of changes in the time intervals between successive heartbeats. It is a powerful tool for assessing the health of the autonomic nervous system, which controls vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion. HRV has been found to be a predictor of longevity, with higher HRV indicating bet...
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"Thus today, “solid” physicists, who oppose the reflection of quantum mechanics on social life, must acknowledge that the previous physics affected social life and even their own belief systems." (August Stern) In one work (10) a theory about the symbiosis between soul, mind & brain dynamics has been proposed that includes dark matter as a poten...
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"There is nothing hidden under the sun that will not be made manifest ! " (Jesus of Nazareth) "A good doctor is as simple as nature." (T. E. Stahl) The time of old classical medicine is long gone. Its brilliant representatives such as Prof. Louis Pasteur, Prof. Robert Koch, Prof. Haglin, Prof. Mechnikov, Prof. Freud and a number of others will r...
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Fractal analysis is a mathematical and computational method used to quantify the self-similar and complex patterns observed in natural and artificial systems. It involves the exploration of patterns that exhibit similar structures at different scales, and the measurement of their scale-invariant properties. Fractal analysis provides a quantitative...
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The fractal is a geometric object that is similar to itself on all scales. If you zoom in on a fractal object it will look similar or exactly like the original shape. This property is called self-similarity. Many objects in nature, from mountain landscapes to electrical breakdown and turbulence, have a self-similar fractal spatial structure. It se...
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Fractal analysis is a mathematical technique used to study complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. These patterns are often found in nature, such as coastlines, snowflakes, and human blood vessels. By analyzing the fractal dimension of a pattern, scientists can gain insights into its complexity and how it fills space. Fracta...
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In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the dangers and harmful effects of global climate warming. With global warming, the transport of sand from the Sahara desert over vast distances all the way to Europe is increasingly observed. This pollutes the air with dust particles, but also carries various pathogenic microorganisms. The thyr...
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Type 2 diabetes and climate change (warming) are forefront global challenges of the 21st century. Both increase . (4) Global warming has become a major concern for people around the world, with its various effects being felt in different sectors of society. As the earth's temperature continues to rise, it has been observed that this phenomenon has...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the variation in the time between consecutive heartbeats. The intimate mechanism of brain-heart interaction in heart rate variability (HRV) involves complex and dynamic communication between the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and the heart. A key player in this interaction is the autonomic...
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How will human heart rate variability (HRV) change as the singularity point is reached? Recently, there has been more and more talk about artificial intelligence and when the singularity point will be reached, i.e. when AI will surpass human intelligence. We can distinguish the following 2 trends of opinion of AI-experts on this matter: First Te...
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The potential of quantum biology to revolutionize the understanding of life is enormous! All matter—living or non-living—is essentially made up of ions, atoms, and/or molecules whose equilibrium properties are accurately determined by quantum theory. This makes matter all quantum mechanical. Therefore, one may claim that biology is entirely based...
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Possible application and benefits of quantum computing (Qubits) in heart rate variability (HRV) Let's first look at the essence of qubits: Qubits, or quantum bits, are the fundamental unit of information in quantum computing. Unlike classical bits, which can only be 0 or 1, qubits can exist in a state called superposition, meaning they can be bot...
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"Human is a universe within the universe." (aphorism) The question of the influence of cosmic energy on the human organism has excited people since ancient times. Evolutionarily, a human organism is adapted to the natural geomagnetic environment and its slight alterations. The geomagnetic environment is extremely sensitive to changes in "space...
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Mathematical chaos is not always undesirable. In the case of heart rate variability (HRV) it is exactly the opposite - when the mathematical chaos is expressed, it indicates a better adaptability of the human organism to stress and other factors. This fact once again shows us how unique and unrepeatable Nature is! The relationship between heart ra...
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Joint distribution and joint density are ways of representing the relationship between random variables in statistics. Joint distribution refers to the probability of specific values occurring, while joint density refers to the probability density. They are calculated differently, with joint distribution being discrete and joint density being conti...
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Stochastic resonance and heart rate variability (HRV) are two concepts that may seem unrelated at first glance. However, there's a link between them that could have important implications for understanding and treating various health conditions. Let's start by defining each term. Stochastic resonance refers to a phenomenon where a system's respons...
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In general, random noise is harmful and unwanted, but especially in the case of stochastic resonance, it is useful. Stochastic resonance is a phenomenon in which the addition of random noise to a nonlinear system can result in improved signal detection, amplifying weak signals and enhancing the system's response to inputs. This counterintuitive ef...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to oscillations in the time intervals between successive heartbeats, known as interbeat intervals. HRV is a result of complicated cardiac-brain connections and non-linear autonomic nervous system (ANS) functions. A healthy heart is not a metronome because its oscillations are complicated and non-linear, character...
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Heart coherence techniques aim to foster and enhance the synchronization and coherence of physiological rhythms, particularly in heart rate variability (HRV). These techniques typically involve practices focused on regulating breathing patterns, cultivating positive emotions, and inducing a state of physiological and emotional coherence. Some commo...
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"Calm better than joy. It is reliable." (John Steinbock) Heart rate variability (HRV) and coherence are two important physiological measurements that provide insight into the functioning of the human body. Although they are distinct measurements, there is a significant relationship between the two that is worth exploring. First, let's define the...
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Psychophysiological coherence (PPC) describes a state of optimal physiological functioning characterized by balanced heart rate variability (HRV). While the mechanisms of PPC are still being explored, some researchers have looked to quantum theory for possible explanations. Quantum theory suggests that everything, including biological systems, exi...
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The elementary particles are the basic building blocks of matter believed to have no substructure. They are incredibly small and exist at the subatomic level. The Standard Model of particle physics classifies particles into two main categories: fermions and bosons. Fermions: These particles make up all the matter we see around us. These include qu...
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Hormones play a significant role in regulating and controlling various bodily functions, including human behavior. This scientific discipline, which examines the relationship between hormones and behavior, is also known as behavioral endocrinology. Hormones can affect behavior, and behavior can occasionally affect hormone concentrations. This is...
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“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” (Confucius) Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of the variability of time intervals between heartbeats. It has become a popular tool to measure activity in the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating many physiological functions, including heart rate, res...
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The endocrine system is a complex network of glands that produce and secrete hormones throughout the body. These hormones are responsible for managing a range of bodily functions, including metabolism, growth and development, water and electrolyte balance, and mood. The endocrine system can also play a key role in the development of physical illnes...
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"In the beginning was the word!" (John 1:1-18) The concept of a "soul" has intrigued humans for centuries. It is often associated with religious and spiritual beliefs, and is commonly believed to be the essence of a person. But what exactly is a soul, how does it arise, and where is it located? The concept of a soul varies greatly among differen...
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The relationship between heart rate variability (HRV) and circadian rhythms Heart rate variability (HRV) is the variation in the time interval between successive heartbeats, which is a useful measure in understanding the autonomic nervous system. The alterations in an organism's body, mind, and behavior that occur over a 24-hour period are known...
Heart rate variability (HRV) from a quantum physics perspective
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Hypothesis by Dr. Ivan Domuschiev, Ph.D. regarding Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Internist, Endocrinologist Multiprofile Transport Hospital Department of Internal Diseases Plovdiv City (Bulgaria) ***** Heart rate variability (HRV) is a physical expression of the fluctuations of the quantum photon and electron-positron fields of the human organi...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the variation in time intervals between consecutive heartbeats. This variability is an essential component of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) which regulates and controls various physiological functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion. In recent years, HRV has been recognized as an importa...
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"A true sage knows the world without leaving the house and knows the truth without looking out the window." (Laozi) The field of quantum physics has brought about a new understanding of energy and its relationship to the physical world. This has led to a growing interest in the connection between quantum energy and aspects of human consciousness...
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The question of consciousness and its origins is indeed one of the most profound and enduring mysteries in philosophy, neuroscience, and cognitive science. Despite centuries of contemplation and scientific inquiry, the nature of consciousness remains a deeply complex and enigmatic enigma that continues to challenge human understanding. Consciousne...
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"Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to all." (Plato) Music has been a part of human culture for centuries and has been recognized as a powerful tool that has the ability to influence and affect our emotions, mental state, and even our physical well-being. But one aspect that is still shrouded...
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"The aura is the wind vane of the soul." (Edgar Cayce- in his book "Auras") . The aura has been mentioned in written sources since ancient times. That it exists is an indisputable fact. Another thing is that some do not want to accept this! And it is easiest to stick the label of "charlatans" to those who treat this topic and want to delve into th...
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The quantification of the biofield through biophoton emission is a topic that spans the realms of biology, physics, and alternative medicine. The concept of biophoton emission suggests that living organisms, including humans, emit low-levels of light, known as biophotons, as a result of biological processes. Biophoton emission is a phenomenon that...
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Spirit over matter = truth over deception The sentiment that "spirit always prevails over matter" and "truth always triumphs over deception" speaks to fundamental themes of resilience, moral integrity, and the enduring pursuit of what is just and genuine. These sentiments have resonated deeply throughout human history, inspiring perseverance in t...
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The issue of the connection between energy levels in the human body and the occurrence of diseases can be a highly complex and controversial topic. However, one thing is clear - the energy level of the quanta, or the smallest units of energy, in our bodies is a crucial factor in how our bodies function. The human organism is made up of countless c...
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The law of decoherence is a principle in quantum mechanics that states that when a quantum system interacts with its environment, it loses its quantum properties and behaves like a classical system. Human heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation in the time between heartbeats. It is thought to be influenced by a complex interplay...
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The question of the quantum effects of music on the human consciousness and subconsciousness is undoubtedly very relevant at the moment. Music is an art form that has been integral to human civilization since the beginning of time. It has been used for entertainment, relaxation, communication, and expression. However, music has graduated to a whol...
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The concept of heart rate variability (HRV) as the quantum energy equivalent of the human organism is an intriguing idea that invites contemplation about the interplay of physiological rhythms, energetic patterns, and the mysteries of quantum phenomena. HRV reflects the dynamic interplay of regulatory mechanisms within the human body. It represent...
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"He who knows does not speak ! " (The ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu) We must begin by saying that the question of mysticism in quantum physics has not yet been resolved by the scientists themselves. There are proponents and opponents of this line of thought. Quantum-mystical aspects of medicine are intriguing and yet unexplored areas of medical...
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"The ignorant asserts, the learned doubts, the wise reflects" (Aristotle) Demagoguery in modern medicine refers to the manipulation of information and communication by medical professionals with the aim of gaining political influence or promoting their own interests. It is a growing problem that is often masked by complex medical terminology and...
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In our modern times, there is a pronounced tendency to increase productivity and turnover, which leads to a continuous raising of the bar higher, which in turn involves the person in an upward spiral of stress. In the end, we ourselves are obliged to answer whether it is worth and how it affects our health and future?! Stress is unfortunately a c...
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Scientists have long established the indisputable interaction between the brain and heart in man. This relationship is vital and one of the main determinants of how a person's life will unfold. One of the most striking examples of this important interaction is the broken heart syndrome (Tacotsubo syndrome), in which very strong negative (anger) o...
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Rapidly reversible heart failure, also known as Tacotsubo cardiomyopathy (or Tacotsubo syndrome=TTS), is characterized by the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease and the hallmark regional wall abnormalities, which traditionally include a virtual apical ballooning brought on by hypercontraction of the basal segments and hypokinetic or aki...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) is the variation in time between successive heartbeats. This variability is controlled by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which are responsible for regulating various functions in the body, including heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. There is hardly any other parameter like heart ra...
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The concept of heart rate variability (HRV) has gained much attention in recent years, particularly in the field of holistic health and wellness. HRV refers to the precise intervals between each heartbeat, and the variation in these intervals is believed to provide an indicator of overall health and physiological balance. Entropy, on the other han...
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"The biggest crimes in the world happen because of money!" (aphorism) The timeless question of the battle between spirit and money. It's a question that has been debated for centuries - which is more powerful: spirit or money? While some argue that money is the key to success and happiness, others believe that it's our spiritual well-being that t...
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The question of how the consciousness, subconsciousness and mind of a person arise and how they function is still open and has not been completely solved by science. Consciousness can not simply be reduced to neural activity alone, researchers say. A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptua...
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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition, in which the body is unable to produce or properly use insulin, which results in elevated blood glucose levels. It is a very common disease, and over 400 million people worldwide have diabetes. Phototherapy in patients with diabetes mellitus is applied in several aspects: 1/ leg wounds, 2/ peripheral diabe...
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At the core of life lies quantum energy. That is why it is of fundamental importance. There is no logic in denying energy (quantum) medicine. Quantum treatment for diabetes mellitus, also known as quantum therapy, is a form of alternative medicine that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to treat diabetes. It involves the use of specific...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) is the variation in the time intervals between heartbeats. It is a measure of the autonomic nervous system's control over the heart and is considered to be an indicator of overall health and cardiovascular fitness. Research has shown that HRV can be used as a predictor of obesity and may also be used to predict the succ...
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The energy consists of quanta. The energy is produced by the human metabolism. This is why the quantization of metabolism is logical and extremely important. This is the key to truly understanding and controlling metabolic processes. Metabolism is the complex process by which the body converts the food we eat into energy. It is a crucial function...
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"If you want to know your past life, look at your present state, if you want to know your future life, look at your present actions. " (Guru Rinpoche) The transition of the medical profession from a purely altruistic pursuit to a trade or commercial enterprise is indeed a thought-provoking topic. Throughout history, the practice of medicine has...
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Homo quantum refers to the concept of human beings evolving and adapting to a world that is currently experiencing major technological advancements in the field of quantum computing. This new era of computing is set to change the world as we know it, and Homo quantum is expected to emerge as the new species that is better adapted to this technologi...
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Hormones are one of the most important substances in the human body. From their ability to flow without viscosity to their ability to conduct electricity without resistance, quantum liquids have many properties not found in classical liquids. Quantum fluids exhibit high energy transport efficiency. Quantum fluids with magnetic interactions can a...
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To date, when man has turned his eyes to the mastery of the Cosmos, the topic of the influence of the Universe on the human endocrine system is more than relevant. The human endocrine system is made up of several glands that produce hormones and regulate various bodily functions. These functions can include growth and development, metabolism, mood...
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The topic of the relationship between willpower and hormones is very current. Hormones play a significant role in influencing willpower. Here's a brief overview of how they interact: 1. Dopamine: Often referred to as the "reward hormone," dotpamine motivates us to seek out and engage in pleasurable activities. It also plays a role in focus and...
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Historical data on self-knowledge date back to ancient times. Self-knowledge is a vital aspect of personal growth and development. It is the process of understanding oneself, including one's strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, values, and emotions. It enables individuals to identify their limitations and overcome them to achieve their goals. Self-know...
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The topic of possible methods of controlling the human mind and consciousness has excited scientific thought for centuries. The notion of controlling the human brain with electromagnetic energy is indeed a thought-provoking and contentious topic. While the brain does generate and respond to electromagnetic fields as part of its normal functioning,...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) can be an indicator of an individual's energy reserves. HRV measures the variation in the time between heartbeats, and a higher HRV is generally associated with better adaptation to stress and a larger energy reserve. Here's a simplified explanation: A healthy autonomic nervous system, which controls many bodily funct...
HRV =mirror of whole organism
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The subject of the human mind and psyche has interested science for centuries. This is an important area of scientific knowledge. The human mind is a complex entity that has fascinated scientists. One area of interest is how mental activity affects the body, specifically the heart. Heart rate variability (HRV) is becoming an increasingly popular w...
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The link between variable heart rate and gut health is a growing area of research, but the exact mechanisms are still being explored. Here's a summary of what we know so far: The gut microbiome, the trillions of bacteria living in your intestines, plays a crucial role in overall health, including digestion, immune function, and even mental health....
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Human scientific thought has long been interested in the topic of the "brain-heart" connection. The connection between heart rate variability and brain cognitive function has been the subject of scientific research for quite some time. Heart rate variability is the measure of the time interval between successive heartbeats and reflects the variabi...
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Deep breathing is an exercise that has been practiced for centuries to calm the mind and body. Recent studies have shown that it can also have a significant impact on heart rate variability (HRV), which is a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. An increased HRV is generally considered a marker of good health and resilience, as i...
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"Nikola Tesla is the greatest scientist of all time! Wherever we turn in our modern times, we see the presence of the phenomena he discovered and their significant application in our practice." (Dr. Ivan Domuschiev, Ph.D.) Photons as a type of elementary particles play a major role in human physiology, as well as in that of other living organisms....
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We introduce you a general outline for an algorithm that could potentially be utilized in the manipulation of the microbiota in the context of obesity. Please note that this is a conceptual exercise and should be reviewed and implemented by experts in the relevant fields. 1. Identify the specific imbalance in the microbiota associated with obesity...
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Benefits of microbiota manipulation in diabetology The application of microbiota manipulation in diabetology, especially for type 2 diabetes (T2D), is a rapidly evolving field with immense potential. Here's a breakdown of the key points: The Gut Microbiome and Diabetes: Recent research suggests a strong link between the gut microbiome (the colle...
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"For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it will be opened." (The Gospel of Matthew) Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is caused by the body's inability to use insulin effectively, resulting in high blood sugar levels. The current treatment strategies for...
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" Life will always remain an equation that cannot be solved, but contains some known facts." (Nikola Tesla) The notion of quantum energy influencing weight loss is indeed an intriguing concept. While the direct relationship between quantum energy and weight loss is not well-established in conventional scientific understanding, some alternative and...
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Endocrinology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study of hormones and disorders related to glands in the body that produce these hormones. While advancements in medical science have led to significant progress in the field of endocrinology, there are still several pitfalls that doctors and patients need to be aware of. Endocrinology, d...
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The statement "thought is encoded in the arrangement of quanta" touches on a complex and fascinating question at the heart of neuroscience and philosophy of mind. It's true that our brains are made up of matter, ultimately composed of fundamental particles called quanta, and their interactions are vital for brain function. However, whether this dir...
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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the body is unable to produce or effectively use insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. Modern treatment options for diabetes have come a long way, but there are still pitfalls that patients and healthcare providers need to be aware of. Despite s...
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Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation in time intervals between consecutive heartbeats. It is a marker of the autonomic nervous system's (ANS) ability to adapt to changes in the environment. A healthy HRV is associated with a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS. The sympathetic nervous system...
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Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy that focuses on exploring the unconscious mind to understand one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Heart rate variability, on the other hand, is a measure of the variation in time between successive heartbeats, which is influenced by the autonomic nervous system. Recent studies have explored the relationship...
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Unitary Plasma-Quantum Energy Theory of Life and Universe (by Dr. Ivan Domuschiev, Ph.D. Endocrinologist-Bulgaria) e-mail :[email protected]) The idea that life and the universe have an energetic foundation, drawing upon both quantum and plasma physics, is a fascinating and complex one. While not a single, universally accepted theory, there are vari...
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The relationship between heart rate variability, quantum energy, and plasma energy is a complex and multifaceted topic that spans the realms of biology, physics, and medicine. It is a complex and largely unexplored area. While each of these concepts exists and is studied in their respective fields, the connection between them must be scientificall...
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The relationship between human vision and quantum energy is a fascinating and complex topic that sits at the intersection of biology and physics. Here are some key points to consider: Our eyes operate in the quantum realm: Photon detection: Human vision relies on our ability to detect photons, the fundamental units of light. Our eyes are incredib...
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Changes in plasma energy - cause of psychic and mental disorders (Hypothesis of Dr. Ivan Domuschiev, Ph.D. - Endocrinologist, Bulb The nature of psychic and mental disorders is still not fully understood. There is much more to explore and fully clarify. Psychic and mental disorders are complex conditions that can have a variety of causes. Cau...
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Plasma energy fields and weight loss What is plasma? Plasma (from Greek: πλάσμα, "something formed") is one of the four fundamental aggregate states of matter, along with the solid, liquid, and gaseous states. Plasma can be formed by heating a gas or subjecting it to a strong electromagnetic field created by a laser or microwave generator. This...
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A plasma shield could potentially be used to protect the human body from pathogens. Plasma is a state of matter that is ionized, meaning that it has lost or gained electrons, resulting in a mixture of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. Plasma has a number of properties that make it potentially useful for pathogen protection,...
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Coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed worldwide, with over 2.25 billion cups consumed daily. While most people drink coffee for its energizing effect, recent studies have shown that coffee may also interact with quantum energy. Quantum energy is the energy that exists within the smallest particles in the universe. It is the energy...
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The human brain is a complex system whose functional mechanisms are still not fully understood. It is indeed a remarkable organ, and comparing it to a computer's multicore processor is a useful analogy. Just as a multicore processor can handle multiple tasks simultaneously, the brain's vast network of neurons allows it to process information and p...
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The role of a doctor is to provide care and comfort to their patients, irrespective of age or condition. However, the sad reality is that many doctors tend to disregard and ignore the old and infirm patients. This is a grave matter that needs to be addressed as it raises serious questions about a doctor's morals and ethics. The elderly and infirm...
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I. Introduction Wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum) is a herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. It has a number of potential health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. One intriguing area where wild thyme can being studied is its effects on heart rate variability (HRV). HRV is a m...
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Questions about the human mind and consciousness have excited scientists and philosophers for centuries. Traditional neuroscience explains cognition as emerging from the complex interactions of neurons and their electrical signals. However, some theories propose that quantum processes, such as quantum superposition and entanglement, could occur wi...
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Since ancient times, eyes have been a symbol of powerful energy impact and strength. This topic has been debated continuously over the centuries. At the present moment, it is still relevant. One wonders if this is just a fantasy. The referring to the eyes as the "entry and exit door of quantum energy" is an intriguing concept nonetheless. At a fu...
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For many years, philosophers and scientists from various fields have been trying to understand the nature of mind and consciousness, their difference, and their relationship to the brain. The mind and consciousness are two closely related but distinct concepts. Mind is a broader term that encompasses all of our mental processes, including thought...
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Iris diagnostics have been used in practice for a long time. There is even talk of a special field of medicine called iridology. There are several main schools of iris diagnostics and iridology: the Russian school of Prof. Verlhover, the German school of Prof. Josef Deck, the American school of Bernard Jensen . From the very beginning, this diagnos...
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In every life situation, it is very important how human thinking proceeds. This is crucial to the achievement of the respective set goals. In recent years, the application of so-called design thinking has become fashionable. Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that can be used to solve complex problems in any field, includi...
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The question of the impact of thoughts on the body has concerned mankind since ancient times. When some of the principles of quantum physics (how mind and matter relate) and electromagnetism are combined with the latest discoveries in neuroscience and neuroendocrinology (the study of how the brain regulates the body's hormone system), and then a l...
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The question of the thought-energy-matter axis has begun to concern mankind since ancient times. This theme continues to be important in our modern times. One of the most intriguing and fascinating aspects of quantum physics is the relationship between energy and matter. The principles of quantum mechanics have revolutionized our understanding of...
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Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have recently entered widely in human life as well as in the field of science. It turned out that they find an important application in medicine as well. Machine learning (ML) applications have received extensive attention in endocrinology research during the last decade. The endocrinologists...
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Music excites people and they have practiced it since ancient times. It is an integral part of human culture and has been known to influence many aspects of human life. One area in which music has been extensively studied is its impact on human hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes in the body, inc...
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I want to start the examination of this topic by quoting the words of the world famous Nikola Tesla: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." (Nikola Tesla). Did you know that there is great truth in these words? Quantum energy is the energy of the subatomic world, where everything is...
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Basically, when something cannot be immediately proven by science, the easiest way is to deny it. Undoubtedly, quantum energy phenomena exist and play an important role in nature and the universe. They are also important in medicine. Quantum energy, also known as "zero-point energy," is the energy that exists in the vacuum of space, even when all...
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The question of the relationship "Elementary particles - the metabolic rate of cells" affects an important aspect of basic science. It has excited scientists for a long time. Researcher conjecture that gravitation, electromagnetism, and strong nuclear interactions are all produced by particle collisions by determining the essential concept of forc...


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