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Jerzy Zbigniew Achimowicz

Jerzy Zbigniew Achimowicz
Warsaw Medical Academy · Faculty of Medicine

Profesor of biology and neuroscience, Msc, PhD, DrSci, Ltn.Col.Res.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0375960177901372 quantum theory information, life, universe in 6D


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DSP algorithms for electro-physiological signals analysis of biological rhythms their monitoring and staging as the indexes of various brain states responsible for ability to work , top performance and well being onboard of Mars Expedition Vehicle astronauts. Methods for "brain flow state" training using biofeedback related techniques similar to NASA-AFTE
Additional affiliations
January 1999 - present
Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej
  • Statistcs and numerical modelling
  • mesoscale numerical weather models and doppler radar data assimilation and analysis
January 1991 - September 1993
University of California, San Diego
  • University of California, School of Medicine, San Diego,
  • I was Ted Bullock posdoc.
August 1976 - September 1996
Military Institute of Aviation Medicine
  • Application of DSP for Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems Diagnostics
  • Application of phase DSP of EEG, ERP , HR, ECG, BP, PV etc for objective evaluation of piolot/astronauth psychophysiological State
July 1980 - April 1988
Warsaw University of Technology
Field of study
  • Biomedical Engineering
September 1971 - September 1979
Military University of Technology
Field of study
  • quantum electronics and solid state physics
October 1969 - October 1971


Publications (212)
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On the quantum mechanism of consciousnes/soul : multiscale nonlinear phase coupling of quantum coherent states-from DNA to BRAIN interhemispheric bicoherence. Electrophysiological potentials like the heartbeat evoked potentials are normally not detectable with MRI and the scientists believe they could only observe them because the nuclear proton s...
Conference Paper
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TITLE] Justification of Achimowicz's result for Genetic codon length in the specific case of Mitochondrial DNA by using Combinatorics [AUTHORS] Praharshit Sharma, Jerzy Achimowicz [INTRODUCTION] There is a subtle difference between probability and possibility. For example, consider a cubic dice with six faces = {1,2,3,4,5,6}. There are six 'possibi...
On the deterministic brain states revealed by VEP classification in phase domain, chapter in the book @ Mathematical Approaches to Brain Functioning Diagnostic, Ed, Dvorak and A. Holden, Manchester University Press, 1991, pp: 29-49 https://books.google.pl/books?id=62W7AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA209&dq=achimowicz+holden&hl=pl&sa=X& ved=0ahUKEwjRj6PGqq_ZAhVCsaQK...
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The autor proposes that information has an energy which can be calculated by the product of information amount and squared velocity of light (Achimowicz equation). This together with Einstais relations E=m x c2 leads to conlusion that information has a mass. in spiritual language it can be stated that the Word had created The universe or that God w...
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Nowa fizyka w 6 wymiarach gdzie czas ma trzy wymiary. Rownowaznosc informacji i energii i co z tego wynika dla DNA jako kwantowego komputera i mechanizmu powstania swiadomosci.
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The simplest evidence that what we do today affects the future is our request and motivation in thinking makes us discover and invent that affects Science, Humanity and the world. The purpose of this article is to introduce theoretical proof that will be useful in improving mental health based on the formulas of Jerzy Achimowicz (2018). These formu...
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Transcription refers to a process by which a segment of DNA is copied to RNA. This process is the first step of gene expression. Transcription is also involved in regulation of cellular shaping during morphogenesis, a process that causes a certain tissue or organ to develop its own shape by controlling spatial distribution of cells during embryonic...
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Update of RG discussion on QE as the mechanism of consciousness with important contribution fro Matt Kalinski on: "I noticed that the quantum states I discovered in my PhD so called Trojan Wave Packets Article Quantum theory of a hydrogen atom in a circularly polarized ...can even repeat the localized "live form-like" evolution if subjected to the...
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From DNA-RNA to Brain and Cosciousness in 6 dimensional physical world
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Abstract. The history of Biology at its earliest periods cannot be described without mentioning the roles played by Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galen and, Theophrastus in ancient Greco-Roman world, and Leonardo DaVinci in Italy among others,who did studies that helped ignite and consequently shape the early periods of the study of Biology as a field of...
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The relationship between physics and information processing is a topic of great significance in the realm of science and technology. The laws of physics, which govern the behavior of matter and energy, also have a profound influence on the way information is processed and utilized. While the mathematics governing information processing has not exte...
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This is the transcript of RG discussion on quantum entanglment as the machanism of brains consciousness.
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The relationship between physics and information processing is a topic of great significance in the realm of science and technology. The laws of physics, which govern the behavior of matter and energy, also have a profound influence on the way information is processed and utilized. While the mathematics governing information processing has not exte...
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The brain is a quantum computer that can predict the future. The relationship between words and numbers in the context of quantum brain research has not yet been thoroughly explored. However, delving into the connection between words and self-awareness during REM sleep and the influence of the pineal gland in sleep and wakefulness could provide val...
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Based on the equivalence between information and energy, as well as the relationship between density and time, the rotation speed of the reflection table can be controlled based on the intensity of brain activities. The entangled photons are affected by the speed of the table rotation. As the speed increases, the behaviour of the photons and the ra...
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The tertiary structure of DNA is being recently discovered in various species. However the quantum mechanism of DNA structure flipping is not well understood. The authors postulate that the supercoherence of quantum coherent DNA states (local superconductivity) known as codons codons mediated by DNA vibrations (phonons) is the flipping mechanism. T...
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CopilotAnswers-20240325-023359-kopia-kopia Copilot Jerzy Zbigniew Achimowicz, a researcher at the Warsaw Medical Academy, has proposed a theory that combines quantum physics with the concept of reincarnation1. According to Achimowicz, information is a hidden dimension in the universe, and there is an equivalence between energy and information, expr...
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This is the Part 1 of our paper Ver.1.0 References will be edited soon key words: time crystals, superconductivity, DNA , consciousness, unified quantum field theory The is strong similarity between the epigenetic and ontogenetic development od life. However the origin of life is still a mystery, the panspermia being a very popular one recenttly. O...
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key words: time crystals, superconductivity, DNA , consciousness, unified quantum field theory The is strong similarity between the epigenetic and ontogenetic development od life. However the origin of life is still a mystery, the panspermia being a very popular one recenttly. On the other hand the origin of the universe and the creation of basic p...
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Imagination is a derivative of truth. Thinking based on knowledge arises. existence is enclosed in the circle of love. Thinking is based on reason and imagination creates an environment circle of love around truth. Self-awareness is the product of wave function quantization. Self-awareness is the product of human Consciousness in the three times: p...
This is transcript of RG my own response to the question I had asked Can Information be transformed into energy (equivalence) in analogy to Einsteins equation E = m x c2 stating that mass can be transformed into energy Discussion• Started December 2, 2018 As you know I had proposed Achimowicz formulae stating that Information can be transformed to...
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The author propose, in analogy to their discussion on equivalence Information and mass [1] to propose the idea of the wave-particle dualism to information{2]. Information is a very complex concept as it requires the understaning of the process of informing. The three elements have to be defined : the origin of signal, its encoding , transfer and un...
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This is the abstract of 1 st chapter of the book "How the brain works? " by Jerzy Z. Achimowicz and Malgorzata Gal-Achimowicz") Chapter1. My radiating computers and remote brain pilot. My computer advantura started in 1979 when I was assigned to design CO2 and flow densor for studying military pilot checkout in low preasuure chambet at WIML (Polish...
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This poster created by student of Polish Air Force University in Deblin and Warsaw Medical Academy resulted in the inspiration for many future scientist in Poland to cope with the problem which is revieved in the presentation as Neurotechnology_Neurofeedback_and_Brain-computer namely : How to use CRISPR and construct DNA to perform optimalzation...
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Proportion of the signal energy at any bifrequency that is quadratically phase coupled can be measured. There has been certain studies in the last couple of decades concluding that Biocoherence and Bispectral analysis related studies can be used or linked for better diagnosis of neurological disorders such as Epilepsy by more accurate brain EEG wav...
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Transcription refers to a process by which a segment of DNA is copied to RNA. This process is the first step of gene expression. Transcription is also involved in regulation of cellular shaping during morphogenesis, a process that causes a certain tissue or organ to develop its own shape by controlling spatial distribution of cells during embryonic...
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The authors review currently implemented biometric procedures at air ports and present the research on new biometric technologies feasible to be used in air transport. The pros and cons of this procedures are discussed, as security of biometric data can be a potential weakness of the security systems. The authors also discuss these problems in a wi...
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The presentation at the Conference " Space Law ", at Gdansk University, December 2018, Gdansk, Poland.
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The authors pursue hypothesis that in human brain there are macroscopic quantum structures responsible for the generation of consciousness. Probably in the pineal gland there is the system of time crystals providing the synbnchronisation of quantum computer structures probably involving hippocampus and limbic system. Biophotons generated by pineal...
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As was listing to Bernard Carr lecture on his approach to consciousness theories I was struck by his example of extra dimensions of perception [1]]. When we communicate with the woman who has a rare genetic mutations and has a 4 th type of retina receptors in her eyes [2] , it will be a very difficult task for her, to explain to us , how her world...
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"Information is a relation" was stated some time by Einstein. However this does not seem to be so simple even if we try to define the meaning of the word "Relation". In each context, the diolog of two scientists require the usage of the same language ( definitions, notations, connotations etc. ) and also the presence of observer who can mediate and...
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from Paolo Renati paper excerpt Electrodynamic Coherence as a Physical Basis for Emergence of Perception, Semantics, and Adaptation in Living Systems, November 2020, DOI: 10.20944/preprints202011.0686.v1 "Nested coherent oscillations create nested cycles to which high-order energy storage is feasible as well as the compartmentation of space (in a...
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The authors deeply agrees with recently published opinion of Boris M. Menin [1] that "insights into the fundamental nature of information and energy, will impact scientific advancements in multiple disciplines" including life sciences. Unification of Bekenstain [2] bound between the maximum amount of information that can be contained within a finit...
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The conscious brain is probably a macroscopic quantum coherent state similar to superconductivity or super fluidity. From the functional perspective it is an ever active, in living creature, loop of information flow between the awareness of the past and recent experiences with the ability to predict future. This phenomenon has also ability to discr...
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Consciousness is the ability to have intentionality, which is a process that operates at various temporal scales. To qualify as conscious, an artificial device must express functionality capable of solving the Intrinsicality problem, where experienceable form or syntax gives rise to understanding 'meaning' as a noncontextual dynamic prior to langua...
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History of Military Academy of Technology , Technical Physics , Warsaw, Poland Graduation 1976
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Akademia Medyczna w W a r s z a w i e 172 PUBLIKACJE 639 CYTOWAŃ Marek Kłossowski Wojskowy Instytut Medycyny Lotniczej 2 PUBLIKACJE 0 CYTOWAŃ ZOBACZ PROFIL ZOBACZ PROFIL Subskrybuj DeepL Pro, aby tłumaczyć większe pliki. Odwiedź stronę www.DeepL.com/pro aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
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The authors present new method for analysis of multiparameter physilogical signals reflecting the interaction between the autonomic and central nervous systems (i.e. ANS and CNS) providing the sensitive indicators of the emotional and functional state of human subject which can be used for remota monitoring of operators. It is well known that analy...
I totaly agree and accept your philosophy. I had startrd in 1980 with scientific research on people practisising for many years TM Transcendental Meditation as tought by Maharishu Mahesh Yog. I had publshed a paper wth expert prof. of neurolgy specialzed in altered stae of consiousness in pilots which can result in lowering the flight safety leve....
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Warsaw Medical Academy, Vizja Campus Park, Okopowa Street, Warsaw, Poland 30th of October 2023 Academic Year 2023/24 Inauguration Opening Lecture
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The importance of astronauts selection and traning in former NASA space missions was well studied and implemented. However the planned long term missions like Gateway space station and future moon base operations require a new remote medical supervision technology [1] and procedures [2]. The deterioration of sleep structure during long term stay on...
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In this paper the authors propose a new physics of life and the universe. The idea is to extend Minkowski space to 5D space where information is understood as hidden variable. In this theory the Information has mass. This was already proposed in 2018 by conbining Einstain E = m x c2 with Achimowicz E = I x c2 where I stands for information
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Paper presents a new concept of redefinition of basic physical entities and dimensionality of space. The possible implications for quantum field theory, theory of gravity, genesis of universe, life and consciencess a discused. Introduction additionally the Einstain concept of time as an complex variable we can understand the multiverse mechanism.
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As the young scientist being only 72 years old I had decided finally to publish my way to cope with the inevitable fact of dying one day. The genetics shows that until we will not learn how to control the telomer shortening phenomenon [1] we will be prone to dye being ca 120 years old. But as the scientist with over 47 years of doing research, afte...
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The author presents his brain state band model where each psycho-physiological brain functional state is described as the set of energy bands of allowed quantum macroscopic wave functions states , in analogy to semiconductor. On its lowest energy level , the brain state is a macroscopic quantum state (Bose Condensation) similar to superconductor. H...
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The redefinition of classical time-space [1] seems to be the basic problem in QPF (quantum field theory). As early as in 2018 Alpert Pahlivan [2] had proposed to interpret the equivalence of information and 5 th space dimension as an analog to long forgotten Einstein idea of introducing to general relativity theory , the time as a complex number. T...
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Cooper pairs are defined as a pair of electrons in a superconductor tha are attractively bound where both electrons have equal and opposite momentum and spin. Various experiments and studies have recently been made in the field of superconductivity, a phenomenon where electrical resistance is almost no longer in effect or completely disappears from...
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The Dissertation Thesis describes the new method to study the bioelectric activity of brains. It is based on the hypothesis that information coding, transfer and its physical manifestation i.e. behavior is realized by phase and bi-phase of relevant electric signals in brains and its phase modulation consequently This process is noise resistant and...
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Author hypothesize that the basic mechanism of genetic information coding, transfer, and expression is realized by the quantum computation in these macro-molecular complexes. Early as in 1977 [1], it was proposed that local (proximity) superconductivity at physiological range temperatures, may explain the specificity and high efficiency of enzymes...
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The author in analogy to classical sleep staging analysis resulting in the chart called "hypnogram" proposes to implement a wake cycle staging analysys and generate the analogous charts he called :wakograms" to monitor the psycho-physiological status of astronauts in long term space exploration missions like Mars expedition. Life Sciences as Relate...
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This unedited preprint is the outcome of night long discussion of prof Achimowicz with Dr Dudalo on his understanding the phenomenon of time.
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The author in analogy to classical sleep staging analysis resulting in the chart called "hypnogram" proposes to implement a wake cycle staging analysys and generate the analogous charts he called :wakograms" to monitor the psychophysiological status of astronauts in long term space exploration missions like Mars expedition. Life Sciences as Relate...
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A Mathematically Intuitive yet Strong Argument inter-relating Universal Genetic Coding to Fibonacci numbers , or Equivalently, the Golden Ratio ( Phi) is proposed. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO COPY-PASTE THE LINKS / HTTP-URLs within the ManuScript in Browser to Open them! - Praharshit Sharma https://www.itsoc.org/profile/9590
Conference Paper
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Human System Integration Impact on Flight Safety in Aerospace Operations Jerzy Achimowicz Polish Air Force University ABSTRACT Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience resulted in operational implementation of new technologies based on direct pilot/operator brain-computer interfaces. This is an example of current trend of so called human perfo...
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Air transport consists in moving people or goods by air. Aircrafts, known as the main means of air transport, can be divided into two categories: airplanes and helicopters. Such transport is the most modern and the most dynamically developing branch of transport. It is also considered to be the safest mode of transport, even though, for various rea...
Conference Paper
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Recently HIS (Human System Integration) paradigm is frequently replaced by Human Automation Integration (HAI) approach. The author reviews recent trends in air traffic management, including Next Gen NASA project, which while increasing the air traffic volume at the same time poseses a serious safety problems due to inefficient integration of human...
Conference Paper
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Recent advances in neuroscience and neurotechnologies (neurofeedback - NF and transcranial brain stimulation-TBS) not only revealed the biophysical mechanisms of situation awareness and spatial orientation but also gave some clues how to apply these technologies in the process of learning of pilots, navigators and ATC personell of necessary skils....
Conference Paper
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Air transport consists in moving people or goods by air. The means of transport are aircraft from the aircraft and helicopter category. It is the most modern and the most dynamically developing branch of transport. Aviation is also considered to be the safest mode of transport, although, for various reasons aviation accidents still occur. Security...
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Streszczenie Dokonano przegladu aktualnego stanu wiedzy w zakresie zastosowania fizyki klasycznej i kwantowej do wyjasnienia relacji pomiedzy umyslem a mozgiem. Wszystkie modele podkreslaja role informacji plynacej ze zmyslow w powstawaniu swiadomosci i samoswiadomosci. Staje się to szczegolnie istotne w warunkach dynamicznych przeciazen i w stanie...
Conference Paper
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Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience resulted in operational implementation of new technologies based on direct pilot/operator brain-computer interfaces. This is an example of current trend of so called human performance augmentation technologies in conditions of information overload and time deficis, typical for pilots, navigators and command...
Conference Paper
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Bionic approach to human-system integration (HSI) in VI generation air fighters based on biofeedback and augmented cognition and its impact on flight safety.
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The author discusses the traditional HSI (Human System Integration ) approach proposed by NASA to achieve required flight safety level and pilot or astronaut training with conditioning technologies like AFTE (Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise). This approach is not adequate for specific challenges expected during long term MARS expedition wher...
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Iitorodustioi. Before we move on to the MOND, let's recall the known thing that tme ilaton isi .e ofen hear about this phenomenon, but we rarely menton it in formulas, as in the case of Einstein an Newton To keep as close as possible to Einstein's formulas, the facts resultng from ilataton are omite i Let's take an example from two inertal systemsi...
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The whole controversy about the essence of life is related to psi field. Most researches are introducing the concept/definition of biological field PSI or additional dimensions of Hilbert space to explain life phenomenon. In OUR opinion its not necessary. We had already proposed the model of bicoherent soul which is a standing electromagnetic field...
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The paper stresses the importance of information as the basic component of the universe together with matter and energy. The information is treated as the trigger initiating the evolution of living systems. This is similar to the concept of John Wheeler who perceives the creation of Universe from information (" It from a Bit" ) see " Wheeler JA. Wo...
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The prezentation of the concept of Mars Doctor, personal medical assistant for Astronauts, Cosmonauts and Taikonauts and other personell exposed to extremal environmental conditions in missions with high mental and physical workload
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Can Poland send humans to MARS. Sure we can !!! But sending robots makes sense and is much more feasible. But the best choice to send a cloud of micro-robots to make intelligence on actual weather and terrain status prior to human expedition landing. So lets send a robotic reconnaissance team to secure their safety.
Cover Page
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The personalized neurofeedback system MIND+ for internet/gaming addiction theraphy tool.
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The evolution of DNA code is interpreted as the optimization (minimization) of molecular hardware necessary to memorize 23 amino acids. From the information theory can be deduced that the code with non-integer number of bases in given codon, i.e. equal to logarithm base e=2.71... ( Euler constant) satisfies this condition. Quantum mechanical molecu...
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A poster about a Space Doctor, personalized telemedical gadget aimed at Space Tourism and Mars Missions
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PERSONAL ON-BOARD „AUTONOMOUS MARS DOCTOR” 1 . Long term monitoring of circadian rhytms for controlling of wake-sleep cycle 2. Real time monitoring of CNS-ANS ultradian rhythms for evaluation of physical and mental load and ability to perform. 3. Adaptive systems for psychophysiological training during long term missions.
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The application of various wearable devices based on biofeedback concept can be useful to reduce the effects of various stressors on human mind and body. Telemedicine is more feasable due to recent advanced in biomedical engineering.
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The author present the concept of WELLBEING CLINIC for public sharing to promote LIVING BRAIN FOUNDATION based on SALUTOGENESIS and NERVOUS SYSTEM PLASTICITY
Conference Paper
Abstract The author presents a new approach to effective human being telemedical assistance in extreme environmental conditions as in aviation and cosmic space. The Phase coupling of ultradian rhythms observed in central (EEG) and authonomic (ECG) nervous systems (CNS - ANS phase coupling), measured by coherence and bicoherence when estimated using...
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The author presents a new approach to effective human being telemedical assistance in extreme environmental conditions as in aviation and cosmic space. The Phase coupling of ultradian rhythms observed in central (EEG) and authonomic (ECG) nervous systems (CNS - ANS phase coupling), measured by coherence and bicoherence when estimated using adaptive...
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WG1 Overview Strategy defined in WG1 Workshop: • sequential importance resampling (SIR) filter • continue to develop nudging, in particular retrieval methods COSMO Projects: • Sequential importance resampling (SIR) filter • Retrievals for nudging: 1dVar for satellite radiances (in practice, was already a running project) other retrieval techniques...
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The current state of the art and dedicated applications in Early Warning Systems (EWS) of hydrological and meteorological threats are presented herein. Special emphasis is placed on systems based on the post-processing of deterministic numerical weather forecasts in the real-time mode. The importance of climate and weather forecasting models in pro...
Conference Paper
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A critical review of recently implemented methods for remote monitoring of psychophysiolog-ical status of operators performing complex tasks with high workload (information stream) in adverse physical environment (noise, acceleration), typical for aerospace operations is presented. The passive role of the subject being monitored typical for tele-me...


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