Markus Sebastian Feser

Markus Sebastian Feser
Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education | IPN · Department of Physics Education

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (52)
Since 2010, a remarkable number of literature reviews on teacher identity has been published. These literature reviews address a wide range of different foci, e.g., school teachers’ identity, higher education teachers’ identity, or the identity of teachers teaching a specific subject such as science. So far, these literature reviews have not been s...
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In German primary schools, natural sciences and social studies are learned and taught in an integrative manner within a subject called Sachunterricht. To teach Sachunterricht in a high-quality manner, it is reasonable to assume that primary school teachers themselves require-among other things, such as knowledge about pedagogy, teaching Sachunterri...
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Previous studies on the challenges teachers face when teaching science in German, as well as their corresponding coping strategies, feature a significant blind spot because-to our knowledge-they have only been conducted in regions, where German is the majority language. To address this blind spot, the present case study explores the perspectives of...
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As digital technology becomes increasingly available in education, educational researchers around the globe increasingly have to confront how it may affect school students’ academic success. The use and potential benefits of AI-based chatbots such as ChatGPT within high school (STEM) education is a novel area of educational research with a broad va...
The present study investigates on an exploratory level the extent to which the sense of belonging that university physics students experienced in their physics classes in secondary school impacts their intention to drop out or alter their course of study in higher education. Analysing data collected between April and June 2022 among first-year phys...
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Aside from the results of some rather holistic opinion polls, hardly any research has assessed parents’ views on the use of AI-based chatbots in high school education, especially when it comes to STEM education. Therefore, the aim of the present editorial is to provide some initial insights into parents’ views on the use of AI-based chatbots, such...
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The viscous behavior of fluids can be observed in numerous everyday situations. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that people, since they are usually not specialists in fluids’ flow behavior, possess naïve conceptions about the viscous behavior of fluids. These conceptions more or less deviate from corresponding scientific explanations. Qualita...
Letztlich haben alle kritischen Stimmen zum Begleitstudium und zum Fachstudium einen gemeinsamen Kern: Man erwartet, daß auch die ‚wissenschaftliche Ausbildung‘ in der Stoffauswahl und Methodik das Berufsziel ‚Lehrer‘ mitberücksichtigt“ [1, S. 15]. So lassen sich große Teile der Lehramtsstudie zusammenfassen, welche die DPG gemeinsam mit der Konfer...
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The viscous behavior of fluids can be observed in numerous everyday situations. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that people, since they are usually not specialists in fluids' flow behavior, possess naïve conceptions about the viscous behavior of fluids. These conceptions more or less deviate from corresponding scientific explanations. Qualita...
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Abstract [max. 1100 Zeichen]: Viskoses Verhalten von Flüssigkeiten kann in vielen Alltagssituationen beobachtet werden. Daher ist davon auszugehen, dass Menschen über Alltagsvorstellungen zur Erklärung derartiger Phänomene verfügen. In qualitativen Untersuchungen mit Schüler*innen und Vorschulkindern aus Deutschland konnten bereits diverse derartig...
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Within the present study, we investigated first-year physics students' senses of belonging to physics and to their university given different backgrounds and prerequisites. Moreover, we explored whether, and to what extent, these two senses of belonging relate to characteristics that curtail students' academic success and impact the dropout rate fr...
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It can be suggested that pre-service primary school teachers' sense of belonging to science may be influential to their professionalization within university-based teacher education programs, which intend to prepare them for teaching natural sciences in primary school. Nevertheless, because only few studies have examined teachers' sense of belongin...
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It can be suggested that pre-service primary school teachers’ sense of belonging to science may be influential to their professionalization within university-based teacher education programs, which intend to prepare them for teaching natural sciences in primary school. Nevertheless, because only few studies have examined teachers’ sense of belongin...
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This short contribution reports the development of a test for assessing middle school students’ physics proficiency via multiple-choice single-select items in German language. The test assesses students’ content and procedural knowledge across various content areas that are typical of physics education at the middle-school level and is based on ada...
Technical Report
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Feser, Markus Sebastian; Haak, Inka; Rabe, Thorid VeSP-Be-Vergleich von Studieneingangsphasen in Physik hinsichtlich des Sense of Belonging von Studierenden. Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente und deren deskriptive, quantitative Ergebnisse 2023, 69 S.
Technical Report
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Die vorliegende Publikation dokumentiert die deskriptiven Ergebnisse und Erhebungsinstrumente, die im Rahmen der LEngS-Studie eingesetzt wurden (Längsschnittliche Evaluation des natur- und gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Sachunterrichtsstudiums der Universität Hamburg). Das Ziel der LEngS-Studie ist es, Informationen zu gewinnen, um das Fachstudium...
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Academic language in geography education has attracted attention due to the increasing linguistic heterogeneity in most classrooms. Considering that subject-specific language differs from the language students use in their everyday lives, language-aware geography education contributes to addressing subject-specific language demands. However, there...
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This short contribution reports the development of a test for assessing middle school students' physics proficiency via multiple-choice single-select items in German language. The test assesses students' content and procedural knowledge across various content areas that are typical of physics education at the middle-school level and is based on ada...
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Fluids′ viscous behavior is apparent in many everyday life situations, for example, in squeezing shampoo from a bottle or spooning honey from a jar. As a result, it is quite reasonable to assume that students develop (pre)conceptions to explain such phenomena even before they enter kindergarten or elementary school. As yet, however, empirical studi...
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To date, there is a lack of research on learning environments for pre-service physics teachers that allow them to learn and practise diagnosing students’ conceptions that are (currently) not covered in physics education textbooks (e.g. students’ conceptions about viscosity). In this study, we developed and piloted such a learning environment, which...
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Basing school and university science education on an understanding of science education as a human right has been advocated by numerous authors. Broadly, the right to science education derives from the fundamental rights included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, namely the right to education and the right to science. The aim of the pre...
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To date, there is a lack of (research on) learning environments for pre-service physics teachers that allow them to learn about and practice diagnosing students’ conceptions that are not covered by physics education textbooks. In this study, we developed and piloted such a learning environment. Since coping with the diagnostic process is particular...
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In vielen Alltagssituationen lässt sich ein viskoses Verhalten von Flüssigkeiten beobachten (z. B. beim Herauslöffeln von Honig aus einem Glas). Es ist daher plausibel anzunehmen, dass Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe (vorunterrichtliche) Vorstellungen besitzen, die sie zur Erklärung derartiger Phänomene heranziehen. Nach unserem Kenntnisstand mange...
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Forming a sense of belonging to others is a fundamental need of humans as social beings (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Meeting this fundamental need crucially influences individuals’ intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000) and identity development (Wenger, 1999). Given this, a growing number of studies have investigated the extent to which university...
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Although the promotion of students’ language proficiency is an objective of all school subjects, many physics teachers self-evidently expect their students to apply sophisticated language repertoires. We assume that this expectation affects how physics teachers assess students’ texts in a classroom assessment. More precisely, we suppose that physic...
Technical Report
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Die vorliegende Publikation dokumentiert die deskriptiven Ergebnisse sowie die Erhebungsinstrumente, die im Rahmen der Bedarfserhebung der Graduiertenschule der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft der Universität Hamburg im Jahr 2020 eingesetzt wurden. Sie dient ausschließlich wissenschaftlichen Zwecken. Zur Teilnahme an dieser Bedarfserhebung wurd...
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Since the viscous behaviour of liquids is evident in many everyday situations, it is plausible to assume that students have (pre-)conceptions about the physics behind these phenomena. As yet, no reliable studies exist on this topic. Therefore, the present study aims to address this research gap by exploring secondary school students’ conceptions ab...
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Hintergrund: Diverse Studien weisen darauf hin, dass der Bildungserfolg von Studierenden auch durch ihren Sense of Belonging – das Ausmaß, in dem sich eine Person einem bestimmten sozialen Umfeld zugehörig fühlt – bedingt ist. Bislang wurde allerdings Sense of Belonging weitgehend domänenunspezifisch untersucht. Insbesondere Studien, die den Sense...
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Leistungsbeurteilungen gehören zum Schulalltag. Lehrkräfte schätzen die mündliche Mitarbeit ihrer Schüler*innen ein, sie bewerten fachspezifisches praktisches Tun oder korrigieren Klassenarbeiten. Für erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung stellt sich daher die Frage, was im Kontext von schulischer Leistungsbeurteilung professionelles Lehrer*innenha...
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Diverse Studien weisen darauf hin, dass der Bildungserfolg von Studierenden auch durch ihren Sense of Belonging – das Ausmaß, in dem sich eine Person einem bestimmen sozialen Umfeld zugehörig fühlt – bedingt zu sein scheint. Insbesondere mit Blick auf die immer wieder berichteten hohen Abbruchquoten in naturwissenschaftlichen Lehramtsstudiengängen...
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Im Physikunterricht spielen sprachbezogene Anforderungen oft eine Rolle. Zugleich setzen viele Physiklehrkräfte es als selbstverständlich voraus, dass sich Lernende sprachlich versiert ausdrücken können. Eine naheliegende Vermutung ist, dass sich diese Erwartungshaltung auch auf die Korrektur von Klassenarbeiten niederschlägt. Darüber, wie Physikle...
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Physiklehrkräfte setzen oftmals selbstverständlich voraus, dass sich Schüler_innen in einer erwarteten Art und Weise sprachlich ausdrücken können. Wir vermuten, dass sich diese Erwartungshaltung auch auf die Beurteilung von Klassenarbeiten niederschlägt. Darüber, wie Physiklehrkräfte bei der Beurteilung einer Klassenarbeit vorgehen, liegt allerding...
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This paper addresses the question if and to which extent linguistic surface features of test items in a physics assessment affect item difficulty. In an experimental study, linguistic features of test items in physics were varied systematically on three levels based on a heuristic model of linguistic demands. The results show that item difficulty c...
Conference Paper
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Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik 2018
Conference Paper
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Im Physikunterricht werden Schüler_innen nicht nur mit fachlichen, sondern auch mit hohen sprachlichen Anforderungen konfrontiert (Bach, 1984; Kulgemeyer, 2010). Von erfolgreichen Schüler_innen erwarten Physiklehrkräfte oftmals selbstverständlich, dass sie den Umgang mit bildungs- und fachsprachlichen Registern beherrschen (Feilke, 2012; Schleppegr...
Conference Paper
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Die Diagnostik schriftlicher Schülerleistungen ist ein wichtiger Teil der täglichen Arbeit von Physiklehrkräften. Wir hegen die begründete Vermutung, dass Physiklehrkräfte dabei ihre Urteile über fachliche und sprachliche Leistungen konfundieren. Wir wissen nicht, ob und ggf. wie sich die Bewertungen über fachliche und sprachliche Schülerleistungen...


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