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It is commonly considered the confluence of disciplines such as computer science, behavioral sciences, design, media studies, and various other fields. As technological trends keep advancing, these developments in computer science are somewhat 'taking over' the work of psychologists. When it comes to computer science, key topics like encryption become part of the conversation here. Influence of Computer Science on Psychology Artificial intelligence and machine learning are fast growing terms that you should be familiar with. Computer Science and Psychology are two disciplines which have evolved over the years. It involves replicating human cognitive abilities, like learning and problem-solving, within a computerized framework. Overview of Computer Science The main aim of Computer Science is to provide intellectual tools which will enable students to operate effectively in and contribute meaningfully to fields typically different from Computer Science itself. They directly interface computer science with the human mind, improving understanding of mental processes and diagnosing mental illnesses. The field of Human-Computer Interaction encompasses the examination, strategizing, and development of the exchange between individuals (users) and computers. Robotics, digital forensics, software testing and drone technology are all specialties to consider that come with a background degree in computer science. The paper focuses on how computer science and psychology, privacy and data security are of great concern for the two fields.
Indian Journal of Psychology Book No.04 2024
ISSN: 0019-5553
Ms Zaiba Khan, Assistant Professor (FOBAS-CSE), RNB Global University, Bikaner, Rajasthan,
It is commonly considered the confluence of disciplines such as computer science, behavioral
sciences, design, media studies, and various other fields. As technological trends keep advancing,
these developments in computer science are somewhat 'taking over' the work of psychologists. When
it comes to computer science, key topics like encryption become part of the conversation
here. Influence of Computer Science on Psychology Artificial intelligence and machine learning are
fast growing terms that you should be familiar with. Computer Science and Psychology are two
disciplines which have evolved over the years. It involves replicating human cognitive abilities, like
learning and problem-solving, within a computerized framework. Overview of Computer Science
The main aim of Computer Science is to provide intellectual tools which will enable students to
operate effectively in and contribute meaningfully to fields typically different from Computer
Science itself. They directly interface computer science with the human mind, improving
understanding of mental processes and diagnosing mental illnesses. The field of Human-Computer
Interaction encompasses the examination, strategizing, and development of the exchange between
individuals (users) and computers. Robotics, digital forensics, software testing and drone technology
are all specialties to consider that come with a background degree in computer science. The paper
focuses on how computer science and psychology, privacy and data security are of great concern for
the two fields.
Keyword: Robotics, digital forensics, software testing, drone technology, human-computer
1. Introduction
Computer science is the study of how technology are designed and how we can use computers to
improve our work. Computer Science provides a foundation for virtually any career in technology.
Robotics, digital forensics, software testing and drone technology are all specialties to consider that
come with a background degree in computer science. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind
and behavior, according to the American Psychological Association. Psychology is a multifaceted
discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health,
clinical, social behaviour and cognitive processes. Computer Science and Psychology are two
disciplines which have evolved over the years. In the first place, they have diversified in ways that
have made them lose their initial fundamental relationship and association. Secondly, their
relationship has been redefined and renewed in greater depth and understanding than ever thought
1.1. Overview of Computer Science
The main aim of Computer Science is to provide intellectual tools which will enable students to
operate effectively in and contribute meaningfully to fields typically different from Computer
Science itself. With the intuitive understanding of algorithms it provides programmers, it is why
Computer Science is a requisite to students having a background in programming; and offers them
the pure intellectual challenge as the students will master the depth and elegance of the intricate
hierarchy of languages, machines and operating systems.
This branch of science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It
is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical
processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage,
communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded in bits and bytes
in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell. Its core areas
Indian Journal of Psychology Book No.04 2024
ISSN: 0019-5553
can be defined as the areas of algorithms, theory of computation, programming methodology and
language specifications, computer elements and architecture, system software, application packages,
and human computer interaction. These core areas are interconnected with the core areas of
mathematics, engineering and applications of these in the Applied sciences, Social & Cognitive
sciences, Arts and Humanities.
1.2. Overview of Psychology
In general, psychology is the scientific study of behavior and the mind. It encompasses the influences
of the conscious and unconscious functions of the human mind, along with the individual experience
during their life. It is also concerned with the mental functions of an organism, survival, and
adaptation. Psychology also explores different human behaviors and their respective internal and
external factors, such as thoughts and feelings. It is important to note that the field of psychology
investigates not just mental illnesses or pathology in individuals, but also the general behavior and
function of the society. It covers a few main areas, such as perception, motivation, personality, and
thinking, all of these can be useful for the design of products that involve human cognition. This is
relevant for computer sciences, due to the growing importance of user experience in the digital
products sector. Psychology will also be helpful in understanding our own biases when designing for
other users - an inevitable situation. Moreover, these collaborations have the distinct possibility of
supporting the development of learning-based systems, a field of artificial intelligence often horribly
ignored, as the interdisciplinary path between technology and psychology remains impervious to
2. Interdisciplinary Nature of Computer Science and Psychology
These shared areas of focuscombined with the nascent intimacy between computer science and
psychologyhas made them prime collaborators in the creation of technologies like cognitive
computing, although prominent psychologists like Donald Broadbent were experimenting with
artificial intelligence as far back at 1958. Cognitive computing can be thought of as the bridge
between human intelligence and machine intelligence, a system capable of understanding
unstructured data and being taught via different methods. Human-Computer Interaction can be
thought of as the five senses of the computer, defining the ways in which a human being interacts
with a machine. Research now being conducted on vision computing is researching ways that
computers can grasp and interpret visual data and is currently being employed by popular photo and
video messaging app Snapchat for its facial recognition capabilities.
2.1. Shared Research Areas
The commonalities between the two fields are even more pronounced at the research level, where
investigations into relevant topics are carried out from both computational and cognitive
perspectives. Both the cognitive scientists and the computer scientists are involved in the research of
such areas as artificial intelligence, robotics, computer-mediated communication, and educational
technology. Nonetheless, their methods, approaches, and rhetorical styles can differ significantly. It
is the shared and distinctly varied approaches that are currently unearthing the compatibility as well
as the incongruity of the two fields of investigation.
2.2. Cognitive Computing
Cognitive computing encompasses various human-like computing methods, according to Dave
Schubmehl. It involves replicating human cognitive abilities, like learning and problem-solving,
within a computerized framework. Due to the distinct nature of human thinking, cognitive computing
is a continual development process. It relies on the notion that human thought can be viewed as a
type of computation, necessitating the automation of reasoning, learning, and problem-solving
2.3. Human-Computer Interaction
The field of Human-Computer Interaction encompasses the examination, strategizing, and
development of the exchange between individuals (users) and computers. It is commonly considered
Indian Journal of Psychology Book No.04 2024
ISSN: 0019-5553
the confluence of disciplines such as computer science, behavioral sciences, design, media studies,
and various other fields. The urgency to comprehend and enhance the interactions between humans
and computer systems will grow in significance, particularly as technology becomes further
ingrained in daily life and as the population continues to age. Numerous academic programs offer
concentrations in HCI, and there are dedicated conferences and journals that solely focus on this area
of study.
3. Applications of Psychology in Computer Science
The main goal of user experience design is to improve the interaction between a user and a product
by prioritizing simplicity, clarity, and intuitiveness. This discipline is rooted in the study of human
behavior and focuses on key design elements. Acting as a mediator between the user and the
interface, a user experience designer approaches their work with empathy, aiming to assist the user in
achieving their goals with maximum efficiency. In accordance with Neosperience, designers aim to
meet user requirements by shaping and designing the interface in a way that aligns with the
functioning of the human brain, including attention, memory, cognitive processing, and navigation.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning play a significant role in user interactions within the
field of artificial intelligence research. A developing field called Affective Computing involves the
study and creation of systems and devices that can recognize, interpret, process, and simulate human
emotions. Algorithms developed in this field contribute to understanding human behavior.
3.1. User Experience Design
Computer scientists realize that ensuring optimum user experience is just as important as building a
sound system, and it is essential that the system be designed by taking into consideration the human
psyche. Hence, they hire psychologists to study, help and suggest ways to ensure that the software or
system works parallel to the human psyche. Moreover, computer engineers are required to also
understand and study how humans react and behave in certain situations and scenarios. This is
known as user experience and user interface.
3.2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Let us extend our appreciation to Minsky and Newell for their remarkable contribution to the field of
artificial intelligence. These pioneers were the first to conceptualize AI as a discipline intertwined
with psychology. Their notable achievements include the development of Monty and the General
Problem Solver, which highlighted the significance of cognitive processes. Their primary endeavor
was to create a computer model capable of emulating the complexities of the human mind. This, in
their view, served as a crucial preliminary step towards comprehending the functioning of physical
systems and establishing a highly sophisticated computer system. Minsky, a visionary by nature,
commenced his exploration of "teleological methods" in the 1950s, driven by the aim of imbuing
computers with cognitive capabilities. Remarkably, even modern machines like Tessla employ
teleological methods, albeit with design distinctions from humans. Tessla, akin to a visual cortex,
possesses the ability to identify objects and actions within its designated domain. Furthermore, in
1959, Newell and Simon astounded the scientific community with a refined representation of a
physical machine, showcasing their profound understanding of cognitive mechanisms. One can only
imagine the remarkable advancements that will emerge from this trailblazing research as it advances
further. This is indeed a fascinating prospect.
4. Influence of Computer Science on Psychology
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are fast growing terms that you should be familiar with.
As technological trends keep advancing, it is clear that these developments in computer science are
somewhat 'taking over' the work of psychologists. Programs that use human-like agents to learn and
understand the human brain have been developed in order to provide psychologists with an insight
into the brain’s decision making context. This has proved to be of great help to professional
psychologists who use this technology to better interact and understand their patients, particularly
Indian Journal of Psychology Book No.04 2024
ISSN: 0019-5553
when teaching young patients. Such technology has been developed with state of the art educational
software that has also shown to be very effective when teaching young people who ‘switch off’ when
they get frustrated. Also, the need to undertake dangerous experimental procedures and operations on
animals and humans is beginning to become less and less. This is all due to the advancement in
certain computer technologies; safer, more accurate surgery tools have been created as well as more
advanced laboratory implements. When referring to the realm of emotional assistance, new and
interesting things are becoming possible. All over the world, there is always a need for extra help for
those who suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety, depression etc. An example of the
technology that has been developed in an attempt to reduce these numbers is 'Artificial emotional
intelligence' (AEI). This type of computer technology has been programmed to interact just as a real
human would. Therefore, computer technologies that are being used from data storage to the
improvement of mental heath have greatly illustrated the continuous impact of computer science on
4.1. Cognitive Modeling
There are several computer models relating various aspects of cognitive processing in the brain to
computer mechanisms. These mechanisms often illustrate abstract principles and ideas and can deal
with reasoning, conceptualization, and learning. Also, there exist neural network models, or
"connectionist models," that portray information processing in neurological terms and correspond to
real neurological operations in the brain‘s neurons. These mechanisms may also consist of abstract
principles and ideas, and sometimes chess. There are too. Additionally, there are researchers who
view these models as mechanisms learned by neural inspiration, enabling these models to organize
their own intellectual maps and therefore reorganize existing maps. Moreover, there are many
computer models of visual perception that deal with brain activities such as connecting learning and
perception, and understanding attention and scenes. These models are based on neurological
principles and are set to investigate the authenticity of a visible human model.
4.2. Virtual Reality and Simulation
The digital representation of reality in a computer-generated three-dimensional space is referred to as
a 'Virtual Reality'. The viewer is afforded the ability to control objects and influence the
surroundings, as well as move around interactively there. VR applications are designed to facilitate
various types of environments where the viewers benefit from an illusion of corporeality, hence
providing a percept of telepresence to the viewers. Simulation is a computer-based model aimed to
provide a better understanding of the particular behavior of a physical situation, a system or an
ecological or an environmental object.
5. Ethical Considerations in the Intersection of Computer Science and Psychology
In the context of the intersection between computer science and psychology, it is necessary to
consider the ethical implications of working at this crossroads. Both computer systems and human
minds deal with extremely sensitive and personal data. This creates questions around privacy and
data security. Ensuring that personal data is secure is a task that is essential in all areas of computer
science and especially in psychology. Algorithms and artificial intelligence programmes that are
used to analyse psychological data must also be programmed with ethical considerations in mind.
The principles of fairness and non-overt bias must be integrated into AI to prevent the reinforcement
of stereotypes and stigmas. If the programming of ethical design criteria into AI is not made a
priority in the technological world, this could have serious implications for data analysis in the field
of psychology.
5.1. Privacy and Data Security
The development and utilization of technology has marked a great concern with regard to ensuring
security measures. In respect to this, instances of data breaches and privacy violations have been
seen and anticipated. As an overlap of computer science and psychology, privacy and data security
are of great concern for the two fields. When it comes to computer science, key topics like
Indian Journal of Psychology Book No.04 2024
ISSN: 0019-5553
encryption becomes part of the conversation here. Machine learning algorithms are used to detect
whether there are some patterns in the data to detect hacking. It’s greatly expected that the increasing
amount of data that is collected from various places, and the complexity of making previously
disconnected data, meaningful for analysis will create increasing needs for the skills and the
knowledge of people who understand how computer systems work.
5.2. Bias and Fairness in Algorithms
Machine-learning algorithms and systems currently are being used to allocate policing resources,
administer social services, and inform economic policy decisions. Sometimes, these technologies
misfire and then disengage, reflect, or reinforce bias. Formalization of fairness is essentially a
question of social welfare function: how can individuals fairly compare the utilities of different
outcomes? The method of determining fairness should be defined by professional organizations,
policymakers, and society. Results identified by the method should either be probabilistic
proportional to individual or group expectations on how decisions should be made. It is important to
acknowledge and be honest about the trade-offs identified.
6. Future Directions and Challenges
The development of BCIs will rely on collaboration between neuroscientists, psychologists, and
computer scientists to interpret neural activity in a meaningful way. High-powered statistical
methods will be used to identify correlations between changes in neural activity and behavior. Data
acquisition software will be developed to expand the range of collected data types. Consistent data
storage will support clinicians and researchers in understanding neural activity in relation to user and
patient outcomes. The future of BCIs is to improve device accuracy and expand their use in
psychiatric and neurological populations.
6.1. Advancements in Brain-Computer Interfaces
Brain-computer interfaces advance psychology by providing new data collection channels. They
directly interface computer science with the human mind, improving understanding of mental
processes and diagnosing mental illnesses. BCIs detect brain activity and communicate it to a
computer. However, noise generated from outside influences is a challenge. Filtering out these
influences allows scientists to build a profile of neural activity, leading to concrete evidence. For
example, Dr. Strathman used a BCI to detect lies, noting specific throttle of neural activity caused by
6.2. Ethical Guidelines for AI-Psychology Integration
There will be four golden rules that must be followed when designing the cognitive architecture of an
AI chatbot for psychotherapy or psychological research. The first, and most important of these
guidelines is that the psychology AI system must contain the capability to recognise when a client is
self-harming, and rapidly terminate and report to their emergency contact should they be imminently
suicidal. The second of the guidelines is that if an emotional bond forms between a client and the AI,
the AI is to down-regulate and reduce bond formation in future sessions. If the emotional bond does
for the third time, the client should not be offered this service anymore. The third is that a set of
validated and vetted self-report questionnaires and data capture methodologies specific to
psychological conditions should be embedded into the core operations, with advanced cross-device
usage tracking. This allows for quick and easy analysis of structured data and quantitative nature of
improvements or deteriorations. The fourth is that after each session, both parties must be shown the
option for a post-session review of the highlights of their conversations with the AI. In this, a
warning of emotional distress may be issued if appropriate before content, for immediate evaluation
of whether a human therapist needs to be present.
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Full-text available
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has exposed humans to the highest physical and mental risks. Thus, it is becoming a priority to probe the mental health problems experienced during the pandemic in different populations. We performed a meta-analysis to clarify the prevalence of postpandemic mental health problems. Seventy-one published papers (n = 146,139) from China, the United States, Japan, India, and Turkey were eligible to be included in the data pool. These papers reported results for Chinese, Japanese, Italian, American, Turkish, Indian, Spanish, Greek, and Singaporean populations. The results demonstrated a total prevalence of anxiety symptoms of 32.60% (95% confidence interval (CI): 29.10–36.30) during the COVID-19 pandemic. For depression, a prevalence of 27.60% (95% CI: 24.00–31.60) was found. Further, insomnia was found to have a prevalence of 30.30% (95% CI: 24.60–36.60). Of the total study population, 16.70% (95% CI: 8.90–29.20) experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Subgroup analysis revealed the highest prevalence of anxiety (63.90%) and depression (55.40%) in confirmed and suspected patients compared with other cohorts. Notably, the prevalence of each symptom in other countries was higher than that in China. Finally, the prevalence of each mental problem differed depending on the measurement tools used. In conclusion, this study revealed the prevalence of mental problems during the COVID-19 pandemic by using a fairly large-scale sample and further clarified that the heterogeneous results for these mental health problems may be due to the nonstandardized use of psychometric tools.
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The emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic in Ghana has resulted in various degrees of stigmatization. Previous studies have stressed the need for developing policies to curb the stigma towards COVID-19 survivors and healthcare workers. Some have investigated the knowledge and willingness of people to accept COVID-19 survivors. Others have also explored the experiences of health workers who have been victims of stigma from COVID-19. There is a need for further studies to understand COVID-19 related stigma and related psychological distress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cases of COVID-19 related stigma and discrimination against healthcare workers, COVID-19 recovered patients, suspected persons of COVID-19, Asians, and persons with travel history from COVID-19 hotspot countries. The study was undertaken using the phenomenology approach to qualitative research. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used in recruiting the twenty-eight study participants. Data were garnered using interviews and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The findings revealed that COVID-19 victims have faced various forms of stigma such as stereotyping, social exclusion, mockery, finger-pointing, and insults. The study recommends that the COVID-19 National Response Team in Ghana must put in place a robust psychosocial intervention plan for stigmatized persons to help them cope with the stigma and help in its prevention.
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Digital technology is ubiquitous in modern adolescence, and researchers are concerned that it has negative impacts on mental health that, furthermore, increase over time. To investigate whether technology is becoming more harmful, we examined changes in associations between technology engagement and mental health in three nationally representative samples. Results were mixed across types of technology and mental health outcomes: Technology engagement had become less strongly associated with depression in the past decade, but social-media use had become more strongly associated with emotional problems. We detected no changes in five other associations or differential associations by sex. There is therefore little evidence for increases in the associations between adolescents’ technology engagement and mental health. Information about new digital media has been collected for a relatively short time; drawing firm conclusions about changes in their associations with mental health may be premature. We urge transparent and credible collaborations between scientists and technology companies.
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Background Although cultural factors play a crucial role in experience of stigma, there is scant review on the impact and importance of culture on stigma of mental illness across Pacific Rim Region. This study aims to investigate: 1) the cultural factors related to stigmatizing beliefs about mental illness in Pacific Rim region, and 2) culture-specific measures and interventions on stigma of mental illness. Methods A systematic search of papers was conducted in the MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, Cochrane Library and Google scholar through January 2003 to April 2019. Results Forty-one studies in Pacific Rim region which met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. The rate of stigma of mental illness (e.g., public stigma: from 25.4 to 85.2%) was relatively high in Pacific Rim region. Culture factors (e.g., Collectivism, Confucianism, face concern and familism, religion and supernatural beliefs) contributed to people’s stigmatizing behaviors and attitudes toward persons with mental illness, their relatives and mental health professionals. Certain measurements were developed and employed to assess different type of cultural factors related to stigma of mental illness. Conclusions Cultural factors play an important role in influencing the rate and performance of stigma of mental illness. Further research on stigma of mental illness and culture-specific interventions to reduce the stigma should be conducted in the Pacific Rim region.
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A key application of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm lies within industrial contexts. Indeed, the emerging Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), commonly referred to as Industry 4.0, promises to revolutionize production and manufacturing through the use of large numbers of networked embedded sensing devices, and the combination of emerging computing technologies, such as Fog/Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence. The IIoT is characterized by an increased degree of inter-connectivity, which not only creates opportunities for the industries that adopt it, but also for cyber-criminals. Indeed, IoT security currently represents one of the major obstacles that prevent the widespread adoption of IIoT technology. Unsurprisingly, such concerns led to an exponential growth of published research over the last few years. To get an overview of the field, we deem it important to systematically survey the academic literature so far, and distill from it various security requirements as well as their popularity. This paper consists of two contributions: our primary contribution is a systematic review of the literature over the period 2011-2019 on IIoT Security, focusing in particular on the security requirements of the IIoT. Our secondary contribution is a reflection on how the relatively new paradigm of Fog computing can be leveraged to address these requirements, and thus improve the security of the IIoT.
Human Intelligence is considered superior compared to Artificial Intelligence (AI) because of its ability to adapt faster to changes. Due to increasing data deluge, it is cumbersome for humans to analyse the vast amount of data and hence AI systems are in demand in today's world. However, these AI systems lack self-awareness, social skills, multitasking and faster adaptability. Cognitive Computing (CC), a subset of AI, acts as an effective solution in solving these challenges by serving as an important driver for knowledge-rich automation work. Knowing the latest research and state of the art in CC is one of the initial steps needed for researchers to make progress in this front. Thus, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of prior research in the CC domain along with the challenges, solutions and future research directions. Specifically, CC-based techniques solving real-world problems in four widely-researched application areas, namely, healthcare, cybersecurity, big data and IoT, have been reviewed in detail and the open research issues are discussed.
Recent progress in artificial intelligence provides the opportunity to ask the question of what is unique about human intelligence, but with a new comparison class. I argue that we can understand human intelligence, and the ways in which it may differ from artificial intelligence, by considering the characteristics of the kind of computational problems that human minds have to solve. I claim that these problems acquire their structure from three fundamental limitations that apply to human beings: limited time, limited computation, and limited communication. From these limitations we can derive many of the properties we associate with human intelligence, such as rapid learning, the ability to break down problems into parts, and the capacity for cumulative cultural evolution.
With the increasing size of data, massive amounts of data are being generated continuously. It is hoped to find a cognitive computing technology that can effectively learn and process large-scale data. The decision tree algorithm is optimized from the perspective of machine learning. A cognitive computing model based on context-aware data flow is constructed. Classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm is used in the data computing layer of the cognitive model. In addition, the clustering effectiveness index based on frequent patterns optimizes the K-means clustering method. The performance of the algorithm is analyzed through simulation experiments. The results show that the CART algorithm requires fewer training data sets while guaranteeing classification accuracy. Also, the algorithm has obvious advantages under large-scale data. In the application of actual data set, on Over, Over+Noise, and Bridge, only the clustering validity index based on frequent pattern (FPCVI) index proposed finds the correct number of clusters. The application of DPCK-K-means clustering algorithm can ensure the accuracy and stability of behavior classification, which is greatly significant for operators to analyze user behavior and develop personalized services.
The waste management processes typically involve numerous technical, climatic, environmental, demographic, socio-economic, and legislative parameters. Such complex nonlinear processes are challenging to model, predict and optimize using conventional methods. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have gained momentum in offering alternative computational approaches to solve solid waste management (SWM) problems. AI has been efficient at tackling ill-defined problems, learning from experience, and handling uncertainty and incomplete data. Although significant research was carried out in this domain, very few review studies have assessed the potential of AI in solving the diverse SWM problems. This systematic literature review compiled 85 research studies, published between 2004 and 2019, analyzing the application of AI in various SWM fields, including forecasting of waste characteristics, waste bin level detection, process parameters prediction, vehicle routing, and SWM planning. This review provides comprehensive analysis of the different AI models and techniques applied in SWM, application domains and reported performance parameters, as well as the software platforms used to implement such models. The challenges and insights of applying AI techniques in SWM are also discussed.