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Abstract and Figures

This study aims to analyze physics learning media's development using the website on students' interest in learning physics during the pandemic. The research method used is the literature study research method. This research method is carried out by collecting relevant data from various reading sources in the form of books, journals, and other reading sources that can support researchers in solving the subject matter under study. This study indicates that the physics learning media that has been developed based on a website can increase interest in learning physics.Keywords: Learning Media, Physics, Learning InterestThis study aims to analyze physics learning media's development using the website on students' interest in learning physics during the pandemic. The research method used is the literature study research method. This research method is carried out by collecting relevant data from various reading sources in the form of books, journals, and other reading sources that can support researchers in solving the subject matter under study. This study indicates that the physics learning media that has been developed based on a website can increase interest in learning physics. Keywords: Learning Media, Physics, Learning Interest
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R. Haryadi & A. Fauziah; Analysis of Website-Based
Physics Learning Media Development on Students'
Physics Learning Interest
e-ISSN: 2721-1274
Rudi Haryadi, Annida Fauziah
Department of Physics Education, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten
[email protected],
This study aims to analyze physics learning media's development using the website on
students' interest in learning physics during the pandemic. The research method used is
the literature study research method. This research method is carried out by collecting
relevant data from various reading sources in the form of books, journals, and other
reading sources that can support researchers in solving the subject matter under study.
This study indicates that the physics learning media that has been developed based on a
website can increase interest in learning physics.
Keywords: Learning Media, Physics, Learning Interest
The development of science and technology currently has an impact on
various aspects of life, especially in the field of education. During a pandemic,
learning cannot be done face-to-face, which requires a tool that can be used as a
communication tool between teachers and students so that learning continues to
run well. In the learning process, learning media is one of the factors that can
support learning in the classroom, especially distance learning.
Media is a tool that has the function of conveying messages (Sanaky 2013).
Media becomes a means of connecting and good communication between the two
parties and is used by all circles of society. Learning media is a tool that functions
and can be used to convey learning messages. Learning media functions as a
learning tool to facilitate the learning process, improve the efficiency of the
learning process, and help student concentration in the learning process. The
development of learning media with smartphones can make it easier for students
to access material anytime and anywhere. In addition, it can also increase student
interest in a given material.
The use of smartphone-based learning media is one of the applications of
21st century learning styles (Calimag et al., 2014, p. 90). The use of this type of
learning media has the potential to help increase students' interest in learning and
motivation to learn. Li et al. (2010, p.171) mentioned that the implementation of
learning using smartphones can have a positive impact on cognitive,
metacognitive, affective, and socio-cultural dimensions. Smartphones and tablets
have the power to transform the learning experience. This type of learning media
allows learners to learn not limited by time and place with interesting
applications (Squire, 2009, p.70; Meister, 2011, p. 28).
Physics is a science that studies the symptoms that occur in nature. The
purpose of learning physics is for students to understand and apply the concepts,
R. Haryadi & A. Fauziah; Analysis of Website-Based
Physics Learning Media Development on Students'
Physics Learning Interest
e-ISSN: 2721-1274
principles and symptoms that occur in nature in everyday life. Physics lessons are
one of the lessons that are not liked by students and are considered difficult,
because there are many theories and formulas in physics material that require an
understanding of basic mathematics to derive physics formulas and work on
physics problems. Physics learning media is a medium used to convey physics
material. Development of physics learning media needs to be done because
learning media is one that supports the success of the learning process. Web-
based physics learning media can increase students' interest in learning physics
so that students find it easier to understand physics material that is considered
Interest in learning is a condition of a person who has more attention to an
object accompanied by a desire to know and learn about it. Interest in learning
physics is the interest of students to deepen the physics material taught by
educators. Currently students prefer to play smartphones rather than study,
sometimes students also prefer to study using smartphones rather than studying
using books. In addition, conventional teaching methods used by educators in
teaching that make learning bored so that student interest in learning physics.
Supposedly in teaching physics material, educators can use a learning media
development in the form of applications or websites that have been developed by
many researchers today. Based on the explanation above, researchers are
interested in conducting research with the title "Analysis of Website-Based
Physics Learning Media Development on Students' Physics Learning Interest
during the Pandemic". This study aims to analyze the development of physics
learning media using websites on students' physics learning interest during a
This research uses a literature study research method. This research method
is carried out by collecting relevant data from various reading sources in the form of
books, journals and other reading sources that can support researchers in solving
the subject matter under study. Data collection is done by finding relevant sources
to serve as a reference for researchers in completing this research.
Figure 1 is a web-based learning media developed by Fakhrizal Asri and
Kiar Vansa Febrianti from the State University of Jakarta. The development of this
media is devoted to high school students in Class X on the subject of Dynamic
Electricity. the development of this media is also a research conducted to develop
web-based physics learning media on the subject of dynamic electricity in
accordance with the standards and feasibility of learning media. The results of this
media testing show that the learning media developed are in the good category
with the material content component scoring 91.35%, the technical component of
the media 83.8%, and the results of the field trial 78.1%. So that the developed
website is feasible to be used as Physics learning media for class X high school on
the subject of dynamic electricity.
R. Haryadi & A. Fauziah; Analysis of Website-Based
Physics Learning Media Development on Students'
Physics Learning Interest
e-ISSN: 2721-1274
Figure 1. Web-based learning media
Development of Web-based Learning Media Enhanced Course: Developing Web-Logs
for Basic Physics I Learning
The picture above is the development of learning media conducted by Ardian
Asyhari and Rahma Diani from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan UIN Raden
Intan Lampung. This study aims to develop Web-blogs with the 4D procedure R&D
method (define, design, develop, disseminate) which can support the Web Enhanced
Course (WEC) to support the learning of Basic Physics 1 material on Two-
Dimensional Motion in Physics Education Study Program students at UIN Raden
Intan Lampung, and determine the assessment criteria through product validation
from instructional design experts, learning media experts, and web designer
experts. As well as knowing student responses related to product attractiveness and
ease of use of the products developed. The results of this study are shown after
being validated by instructional design experts, learning media experts, and website
designer experts, obtained a score with "very good" criteria and obtained a score
with "very good" criteria after a limited trial (N = 15) and an expanded trial (N = 90)
in terms of the attractiveness of the design and ease of use of the initial product and
the final product of the WEC developed.
Development of Website-Based Virtual Physics Laboratory on the Subject of
Dynamic Electricity is a research conducted by Ni Ketut Rahayu, Andri Suherman
and Firmanul Catur Wibowo. This study aims to develop a website-based virtual
laboratory simulation on the subject of dynamic electricity. The method used in this
research is Research and Development (R&D). This research instrument is a feasibility
test questionnaire for the expert team and a student response questionnaire using a
Likert scale. This research produces a website-based virtual physics laboratory on the
subject of dynamic electricity for practicum-based learning for class XII high school
students. The results showed that based on the assessment of material experts and
media experts, the virtual laboratory simulation media had very feasible criteria with
an average of 95% and had very good criteria on the students' responses with an
average of 96.03%.
R. Haryadi & A. Fauziah; Analysis of Website-Based
Physics Learning Media Development on Students'
Physics Learning Interest
e-ISSN: 2721-1274
Based on the three studies above, the development of learning media is one of
the solutions to the problems faced during this pandemic, where educators need
media that attracts students' attention so that they want to participate in learning
enthusiastically, especially physics subjects. Because based on the experience of
researchers, students prefer to be directly involved in learning such as conducting
an experiment rather than just listening to the explanation of the material presented.
In addition, students prefer to look for learning resources on websites or blogspots
rather than books because it can be done anywhere and anytime. With website-
based learning media, students can utilize their smartphones in a more positive
Then the content or components contained in the website are also things that
must be considered because if the content is complete, for example, it contains
material, sample questions, experiment simulations and evaluations because the
completeness of the website content is also one of the factors that attract students'
attention or interest in learning material, especially physics material.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the development of
learning media is currently being carried out by many academics and researchers in
dealing with learning problems during the pandemic. Web-based physics learning
media developed must contain complete components so that physics material can
be conveyed properly. In addition, this media is also used to attract interest in
learning physics and also as a positive utilization of technology. Suggestions for
future research should be more interesting again, then in the development of the
media should be more focused and well organized.
Arsi, F., Febrianti, K.V. 2014. Development of Web-based Physics Learning Media for
High School Class X on the Subject of Dynamic Electricity. Proceedings of the
National Seminar on Physics and Physics Education (SNFPF) Vol 4, No.1 pp 33-42.
Asyhari, A., and Diani, R. 2017. Web-based Physics Learning Enhanced Course:
Developing Web-Logs for Basic Physics Learning I. Journal of Educational
Technology Innovation Vol 4, No. 1 pp 13-25.
Marhadini, S., A., K., Akhlis, I., and Sumpono, I. 2017. Development of Android-Based
Learning Media on Parabolic Motion Material for High School Students. Unnes
Physics Education Journal Vol 6, No. 3 pp 38-43.
Rahayu, N., K., Suherman, A., and Wibowo, F., C. 2019. Development of a Website-
Based Virtual Physics Laboratory on the Subject of Dynamic Electricity.
GRAVITY: Scientific Journal of Physics Research and Learning Vol 5, No. 1 pp 64-72.
Yektyastuti, R., and Ikhsan, J. 2016. Development of Android-Based Learning Media on
Solubility Materials to Improve Academic Performance of High School Students.
Journal of Science Education Innovation Vol 2, No. 1 pp 88-99.
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