Science topic

Attitude - Science topic

Attitude is an enduring, learned predisposition to behave in a consistent way toward a given class of objects, or a persistent mental and/or neural state of readiness to react to a certain class of objects, not as they are but as they are conceived to be.
Questions related to Attitude
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
Your opinion and expertise answers on the above question is needed?
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We use Perforated aluminum electrode in article form chromium III ions and COD removal in Pulse EC system.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
5 answers
The emergence of generative AI will exacerbate the crack of criminal liability, and the chain of responsibility between developers, users, and the system itself is not coherent. How should we bridge the gap in criminal responsibility? Will the introduction of the EU's Artificial Intelligence Act help solve this problem? Please share your opinion.
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Interesting question!
I've just written an article regarding this, but it is in Russian, unfortunately.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
7 answers
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I urge a response, I'm conducting my thesis topic regarding the attitude intention gap for sustainability consumption of second-hand clothing. For this, I recoded my negative items (boring, useless, bad, unpleasant) on SPSS through 5->1, 4->2 and so on (since I used a 5 Likert scale for all my items).
The thing is now running my CFA analysis on AMOS, my AVE for Attitude is 0.465 and it's MSV is 0.766
What exactly does this mean? Should I not consider the recoded items for AMOS? Before I conducted the Cronbach's Alpha for Attitude and I got a 0.866 score.
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AVE measures the average amount of variance captured by each latent construct (in your case, Attitude). A higher AVE indicates that the items in your construct are measuring the underlying concept well. A commonly accepted threshold for AVE is 0.5 or higher, indicating that at least 50% of the variance in the observed variables is accounted for by the latent construct. Your AVE of 0.465 suggests that your Attitude construct is capturing a moderate amount of variance in your observed variables.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
Researchers may have varying opinions on building research models due to methodologies and objectives; therefore, which are the best steps we can employ to achieve a suitable research model?
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David L Morgan, I appreciate your guidance, and I will apply these recommendations to enhance the accuracy and validity of my research.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
En mi opinión son respeto y responsabilidad ambiental y usted que opina. Le adjunto dos publicaciones de mi autoría, para que me pueda dar su criterio al respecto.
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Un técnico agrónomo que desee enfrentar el cambio climático y contribuir al desarrollo sostenible debe tener una serie de valores ambientales arraigados en su práctica profesional. Algunos de estos valores incluyen:
1. Conciencia ambiental: Un técnico agrónomo debe estar consciente de los impactos ambientales de las prácticas agrícolas y ser proactivo en la búsqueda de soluciones sostenibles para mitigar estos impactos.
2. Compromiso con la sostenibilidad: Es fundamental que el técnico agrónomo priorice la adopción de prácticas agrícolas que sean sostenibles a largo plazo, minimizando la degradación del suelo, el uso excesivo de recursos naturales y la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero.
3. Respeto por la biodiversidad: Valorar y proteger la diversidad biológica es esencial para mantener la salud de los ecosistemas agrícolas. Esto implica promover la conservación de hábitats naturales, así como fomentar la diversificación de cultivos y la utilización de prácticas agrícolas que favorezcan la biodiversidad.
4. Adaptabilidad y resiliencia: Ante los desafíos del cambio climático, es importante que el técnico agrónomo sea capaz de adaptarse a condiciones variables y desarrollar estrategias resilientes que permitan mantener la productividad agrícola en un entorno cambiante.
5. Ética profesional: Un técnico agrónomo debe actuar con integridad y ética profesional, asegurándose de que sus acciones no solo beneficien a corto plazo a los productores agrícolas, sino que también sean socialmente justas y ambientalmente responsables.
6. Colaboración y compromiso comunitario: Reconociendo la interdependencia entre las comunidades locales y los sistemas agrícolas, el técnico agrónomo debe trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los agricultores, las organizaciones locales y otros actores relevantes para desarrollar soluciones colectivas y participativas que promuevan el desarrollo sostenible.
En resumen, un técnico agrónomo comprometido con enfrentar el cambio climático y contribuir al desarrollo sostenible debe poseer valores como conciencia ambiental, compromiso con la sostenibilidad, respeto por la biodiversidad, adaptabilidad y resiliencia, ética profesional, y colaboración y compromiso comunitario. Estos valores fundamentales guiarán su práctica profesional hacia un enfoque más holístico y responsable en la gestión de los sistemas agrícolas.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
12 answers
Earthquake time forecast!!!
Is the source of the earthquake from the ground? Is the source of the earthquake from the sky? I will reply in 24 hours, but I would like to know your opinion.
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Dear Arash Azad ,
You could have formulated your question more clearly.
Borys Kapochkin gave a relevant answer. It is true that he did not mention that even in space you may have a phenomenon containing information that is important in predicting an earthquake.
But if you approach this trial problem in this way, it is not certain that you will be able to successfully make an earthquake forecast.
There was a fairly strong solar flare on 05/09/2024 its effect hit the Earth on 10.05.2024, but we do not observed any dirrect effect of it. Did not have anything important seismic event in between: 09.05.2024-11.05.2024.
You can know that such phenomena can have effects in the formation of a major earthquake... But you can also know that this does not always happen. That's why Borys gave a wise answer!
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
I am preparing a chapter for my research paper and I would like to know your opinion on the possible difference between the notion of interpretability and explainability of machine learning models. There is no one clear definition of these two concepts in the literature. What is your opinion about it?
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In the realm of machine learning, the terms "interpretability" and "explainability" are often used interchangeably, but they do carry subtle differences in their connotations and implications.
**Interpretability** generally refers to the ability to understand and make sense of the internal workings or mechanisms of a machine learning model. It's about grasping how the model arrives at its predictions or decisions, often in a human-understandable manner. Interpretable models tend to have simple and transparent structures, such as decision trees or linear regression models, which allow stakeholders to follow the model's reasoning and trust its outputs.
**Explainability** on the other hand, extends beyond just understanding the model's internal workings to providing explicit explanations for its outputs or predictions. Explainable models not only produce results but also offer accompanying justifications or rationales for those results, aimed at clarifying why a certain prediction was made. This could involve highlighting important features, demonstrating decision paths, or providing contextual information that sheds light on the model's reasoning process.
In essence, interpretability is about comprehending the model itself, while explainability is about articulating the model's outputs in a way that is meaningful and useful to human stakeholders. While a model may be interpretable by virtue of its simplicity or transparency, it may not necessarily be explainable if it fails to provide clear justifications for its decisions. Conversely, a complex model may not be easily interpretable, but it can still strive to be explainable by offering insightful explanations for its predictions.
Both interpretability and explainability are crucial aspects of deploying machine learning models in real-world applications, especially in domains where trust, accountability, and regulatory compliance are paramount. By fostering understanding and trust in AI systems, interpretability and explainability pave the way for more responsible and ethical AI adoption, ultimately benefiting both developers and end-users alike.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
En mi opinión podrían ser respeto y responsabilidad ambiental, qué opina usted.
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Según Sandra Ropero Portillo y otros expertos, los valores ambientales son principios o cualidades positivas que guían la conducta de las personas hacia el medio ambiente. Para un Técnico Agrónomo, estos valores son esenciales para enfrentar los desafíos ambientales. Permíteme compartir algunos de estos valores y cómo pueden aplicarse:
  1. Austeridad: La austeridad implica ser consciente de lo que consumimos y nuestras necesidades reales. Como Técnico Agrónomo, esto se traduce en utilizar los recursos naturales de manera responsable y reducir el desperdicio.
  2. Respeto: El respeto no solo se aplica a las personas, sino también al entorno natural. La naturaleza es nuestro hogar, y debemos tratarla con consideración y cuidado. Sin sus recursos, nuestra vida no sería posible.
  3. Solidaridad: La solidaridad busca proteger los recursos naturales sin importar el hemisferio en el que se encuentren. Es importante conservar estos recursos para las futuras generaciones. Los jóvenes están liderando movimientos como “No hay planeta B” para concienciar sobre la importancia de la solidaridad ambiental.
  4. Co-responsabilidad: Como Técnico Agrónomo, debemos asumir nuestra responsabilidad individual y colectiva frente a la destrucción del medio ambiente. Esto implica tomar medidas para preservar y proteger la naturaleza.
Estos valores, junto con otros como el amor ambiental, la conciencia ambiental y la responsabilidad ambiental, son fundamentales para abordar los problemas ambientales desde una perspectiva profesional y ética. Como graduado en Ingeniería Agroambiental, también puedes contribuir a mejorar la calidad ambiental y el uso sostenible de los recursos en la agricultura, la ganadería y el medio rural.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
5 answers
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society Membership is some honor or not?
Or what exactly it is and who is eligible for it and what is your opinion about it?
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As a life member of Sigma Xi I can tell you it is real and you must have published to get the honor of an invitation to membership. The home page is for the real organization, and note their publication American Scientist which is good for anyone wanting informative articles in all areas of science and engineering. Please see other discussions that have proper comments and some very poor responses of people with little knowledge or willingness to seek answers -
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
In many organisations , especially within the traditional style of operations,. HR sometimes plays the role of a destroyer, then a team builder. Personal grudges, personal expectations, , personal issues are mixed up with professional decisions, leading to unfair and unjust actions against employees.
Typically, leadership receives advice from direct reports and may not be aware of any wrongdoing for a while. I am looking for opinions on this matter . How can leadership in larger organizations be more connected to people so they are aware of such wrongdoings? How should they react to such revelations? What are the correctional methods or strategies in these cases?
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The leadership should address the issue directly, reiterate the importance of professionalism and adherence to policies, provide training if necessary, and possibly consider reassigning responsibilities or taking disciplinary action depending on the severity of the situation.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
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Influence of enzyme concentration on michaelis meten constant:a new theory, serach on google or ssrn if you are intrested in the topic
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
Just want to know what are teachers sentiments or opinion regarding the conduct of clinical supervision? Are they in favor or not?
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I'm not a teacher however I have a thought based on my own field of counseling and our clinical supervision.
It appears that teachers in general have many obligations and things to balance throughout the day. Therefore, depending on the size of their class, age group, learning styles more attention may be required with the functionality of the classes.
So when getting supervision, if it's from the teacher/ instructor, the information may not be exact to areas you are looking to better develop skillset personally. However, it appears that the focus may be on correcting what they may be experiencing in the classroom such as negative situations and working to be more of a problem solving type instead of teaching. Important things such as how to execute your study/lesson plans, to ensure that students are well-rounded, and having discussions around the best teaching approaches to use. This is in addition to considering their students socio economic, cultures, experiences, and many other factors while giving supervision. The best clinical teachers consider all things and look at people holistically and remember the larger picture of developing your students.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
Hi, I saw some paper used NaNO3 and some used NaNO2 in TFC assays. I seek opinion from experts for me to understand the difference between the usage of these 2 chemicals, is it possible to use either of them in TFC assays? Thank you in advance.
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You can refer to this paper. There is quite an extensive discussion regarding TFC assay.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
Hi. I successfully cloned an insert into a plasmid vector and subsequently transformed it into E. coli. However, upon sequencing, I discovered that the insert-plasmid sequence is repeated two times, making insert-plasmid concatemer.
Do you have any opinion about this issue?
Thank you in advance
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Dimers just happen sometimes during cloning. I would try sequencing another few positive clones. If they're all dimeric concatemers though then something might be wrong in the plasmid backbone you're cloning into.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
5 answers
Hi, I'm a final uni student trying to finish my final project. My research is about finding out students and teacher perception of an app implemented in the classroom. The data I took are from interview, observation and open ended questionnaire. However one of my professors said I shouldn't use open ended questionnaire, I need some other opinions on this. Thank you in advance
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open ended Questionnaire avoided
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
الزملاء الافاضل أرجو منكم الاجابة على اسئلة الاستبيان
شكرا مسبقا على حسن تعاونكم
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Namaste Aloui Amira
On this platform, please try to write only in English so that we could all understand. It will be an icing on the cake if you do not cite Just send the document or the software. Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
i had come to know that the journals of MDPI is not good for phd publications? please give your opinion. Publishing with MDPI have good impact on phd research or not
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
I made a material which loos like liquid,
but when I do the rheology test,
the G'>G" .
In my opinion, I think it means it was a solid or a gel.
The test parameters are like this
and the result is figure 2
Would anyone be able to advise why this may be? I'm not really sure how to further optimize my parameters as I've tried several different ones already.
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This may be due to strong interactional forces between the components of material. This also shows that the material is highly viscous and May be in gel form.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
7 answers
In a recent review article titled “N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Beneficial or Harmful for Cancer?” published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Rubio-Casillas, and colleagues discuss how mRNA vaccines may impact immunological pathways, potentially affecting cancer risk. Their research suggests that a high level of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in mRNA vaccines could promote cancer growth and metastasis in certain models. This raises concerns about the role of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in cancer development. The authors recommend future clinical trials to explore lower levels of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression. An earlier study by Professor Abdollah Jafarzadeh and team, published in the International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research, explores the potential link between SARS-CoV-2 infection and cancer. They found that cancer patients may have a higher susceptibility to COVID-19 due to their compromised immune systems from cancer treatments. Additionally, recovered COVID-19 patients may experience persistent immune abnormalities that could contribute to cancer development or recurrence. In my opinion, these studies highlight the complex interactions between COVID-19 and cancer, suggesting a need for further research to understand and address potential risks associated with the pandemic. I would be grateful if you could provide your insightful opinions on this matter. References: 1. Alberto Rubio-Casillas, David Cowley, Mikolaj Raszek, Vladimir N. Uversky, Elrashdy M. Redwan, Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024. 2. Jafarzadeh A, Gosain R, Mortazavi SMJ, Nemati M, Jafarzadeh S, Ghaderi A. SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Possible Risk Factor for Incidence and Recurrence of Cancers. Int J Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Res. 2022;16(2):117-27. doi: 10.18502/ijhoscr.v16i2.9205. PubMed PMID: 36304732. PubMed PMCID: PMC9547773. 3. S. M. J. Mortazavi, S. A. Mortazavi, J. S. Welsh and L. Sihver, Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 2023, DOI: 10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.2310-1679
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Additionally, pseudouridine is the most abundant naturally occurring RNA modification (below). Why would a transient spike in pseudouridine have any impact on cancer? I think that it's prudent to approach any therapeutic with caution, but I am not convinced by the evidence that they present.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
I want to conduct study for students teachers attitude towards teaching profession. I want to do this with mix method approach. can anybody suggest me the tools required for this study.
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For this type of research, you can design and use the following research instruments.
1- Students' feedback questionnaire
2- Teachers' classroom observation checklist
Focusing on the target areas of your study, you can construct your questions to collect data, and the data can also be analyzed through MS Excel and SPSS.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
Dear colleagues
I was offered to write a chapter in a book for IntechOpen. Is it worth to publish them?
I am usually suspicious of such invitations. Therefore, I would appreciate your opinions in this regard and any past experiences of yours with this publisher.
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Dear Zahraa
The following message I copy it from bell's list:
InTechOpen – Mirror site (note: on 13 May 2016 their entire journal collection have been transferred to SAGE. Any newer issues of these journals should not be considered predatory. InTechOpen now only publishes books. They are still considered to be predatory.)
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
When a model is trained using a specific dataset with limited diversity in labels, it may accurately predict labels for objects within that dataset. However, when applied to real-time recognition tasks using a webcam, the model might incorrectly predict labels for objects not present in the training data. This poses a challenge as the model's predictions may not align with the variety of objects encountered in real-world scenarios.
  • Example: I trained a real-time recognition model for a webcam, where I have classes lc = {a, b, c, ..., m}. The model consistently predicts class lc perfectly. However, when I input a class that doesn't belong to lc, it still predicts something from class lc.
Are there any solutions or opinions that experts can share to guide me further in improving the model?
Thank you for considering your opinion on my problems.
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Some of the solutions are transfer learning, data augmentation, one-shot learning, ensemble learning, active learning, and continuous learning.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
3 answers
What is your opinion on this?
CASE: If you need to include 100 people according to the power calculation and you expect 20% dropout, you need to include a total of 125 people.
QUESTION: Would you stop before 125 (100+20%) if you reach 100 participants that can be included in the analysis due to lower dropout than expected? Or would you continue to 125, i.e. include more than the power calculation?
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Considering a sample size of 125 and greater than that is good provided you have enough time, sources,logistics and good frequency of participants.
1) It helps if you are having subgroups such as control group, treatment group, and placebo group where equal proportion of participants are recommended else there is a risk of bias.
2) If research is based on repetitions /intervention with the participants (clinical trial), you have to be 100% sure that the same participant will come and meet you after the prescribed time which is always a risk.
3) It also helps if research outcome is based on factors such as age , medical conditions, and other demographics.
4) You may also want to consider the effect of the study on the sample size i.e., outcome may vary / greater /lesser than expected.
Having a higher sample size always keeps you on a safer side.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
In my opinion, I could say:
  1. Accelerated Drug Discovery
  2. Cost Reduction
  3. Optimized Clinical Trials
  1. Dealing with big data
  2. Over-fitting and Generalization
  3. Human Expertise and Collaboration
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Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in drug discovery and development processes presents numerous potential benefits are Accelerated Drug Discovery, Target Identification, Drug Repurposing, Optimized Clinical Trials, Personalized Medicine and challenges are Data Quality and Quantity, Interpretability, Regulatory Hurdles, Validation and Reproducibility etc.
Jogeswar Tripathy
  • asked a question related to Attitude
5 answers
In order to submit a paper some authors choose journals which offer one side blinded revision, so that the identity of the referee/s remains/remain unknown for the author. Nevertheless other authors prefer journals with two side blinded revision.
I personally prefer the last option, more impartial in my opinion. I wonder what is your opinion. What do you think about this? Thank you very much in advance.
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Good morning, José Alfonso López Nicolás. How are you? I hope so.
In fact, blind evaluation on both sides, which is one in which neither the reviewers know the authors nor the authors know the reviewers, is more impartial, more fair, more ethical. This is because several conflicts of interest bring biases to the conduct of scientific research, reducing the quality and reliability of its results and conclusions.
Financial conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Possession of shares related to the object.
- Paid employment or consultancy related to the object.
- Be a paid leader of the object studied.
- Patent applications (pending or current), including individual applications or those belonging to the institution with which the authors are affiliated and from which the authors may benefit.
- Receiving research grants (from any source, restricted or unrestricted).
- Receiving travel grants and/or honoraria to speak about the object or participate in events.
- Receiving gifts.
Other conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Be a religious adherent of the object.
- Be a supporter of a religion that takes a public stance regarding the object.
- Acting as an expert witness related to the object.
- Participation in an advisory board related to the object.
- Relationships (paid or not) with organizations, associations, societies, political parties, NGOs or institutions that have any relationship with the object.
- Personal relationships (e.g., friend, spouse, family member, supporter, former supporter, opponent) with individuals mentioned in the article, or with people involved in the submission or evaluation of an article, such as authors, referees, reviewers, editors or members of the editorial board.
- Personal convictions (political, religious, ideological or other) related to the object that may interfere with the impartial publication process.
The editorial board of serious scientific journals, generally with a higher Impact Factor, H Index and Qualis CAPES, take into account all conflicts of interest during the evaluation process, ensuring that any relevant information is declared in the published article. Scientific journals of this level do not use reviewers who have conflicts of interest with the authors or subject of the submitted article.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
I have some columns for my Thermo Scientific GC-MS:
2) DB-1
c) DB-17HT
d) VF-1MS
f) TG-5MS
In my opinion, for polyphenols as flavonoid (and their glicosides) and phenolic acids (present in vegetable, grains, food analysis), I would prefere DB-1, VF-1MS and TG-5MS.
Your opinion will be valuable for me...a lot!
I am using TG-5MS. but I expected better results than the ones I am having...
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Any opinions or experiences about the ZB-5MS column?
  • asked a question related to Attitude
3 answers
We are try to HARDOX weld with FSW ? Is it possible ? I'm curious your opinion can you share me?
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This technology is mainly used in welding non-ferrous metals with low melting temperature. Your opinion is also interesting.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
Hello researchers,
I want to work on my doctoral thesis about the gaps existing in the field of antennas. I need your opinions and suggestions to prepare the main idea.
Thank you all.
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Good Luck Dear
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
In your opinion, will autonomous robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology, embedded intelligent chatbots, able to perform many activities that only humans have done so far be more of a help or a threat to humans?
How should robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology performing the role of household help, etc. be constructed and programmed to make it safe for humans?
If mass-produced autonomously functioning, programmable robots, highly intelligent androids equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology and programmed to provide assistance to humans appear in the near future, what kind of work would you hire your personal robot helper to do?
In some countries, such as Japan, there have already been mass-produced robots for years that act as domestic helpers mainly for the elderly. Perhaps in the not too distant future, mass-produced autonomously functioning, programmable robots, including highly intelligent androids equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology, will also be on sale in many other countries. Such robots can act as domestic help, child or elderly caregivers. With the rapidly advancing technological progress being realized in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence and other technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies will soon be mass-produced humanoid, highly intelligent, highly autonomous robots performing various household and other jobs. Such robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology can have a number of alternative algorithms built in to perform specific functions of their choice and can be programmable. Thus, after purchasing a kind of helper robot for household and/or other work, the robot owner will be able to determine the scope and types of functions for which he will give the robot authorization to perform them. The programming of the purchased robot will consist of selecting from the available options of various functions only those that will correspond to specific activities and tasks possible for the robot to perform. Also, the level of autonomy within a certain possible range from to will be able to be defined by the robot owner as part of the programming. In addition to typical household chores, providing assistance around the house involving, for example, cleaning, watering flowers, feeding pets, walking pets, such robots can act as controllers analyzing the operation of various household appliances and systems, including smart home systems, heating, ventilation, lighting, air conditioning, etc. Besides, the robots can act as a night watchman in the situation of the owner's departure from home, can act as a bodyguard for home assets, and can call for help in an unusual situation when the owner needs urgent assistance from public services, including the police, security company, health service, etc. Such intelligent robots can also have a permanent connection to the Internet and, according to the owner's command, can quickly search for something on the Internet, print it out or send it to a smartphone belonging to the owner of a particular robot.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If mass-produced autonomously functioning, programmable robots, highly intelligent androids equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology and programmed to provide assistance to humans, appear on the market in the not-too-distant future, what kind of work would you hire your personal robot helper to do?
How should robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology and programmed to act as domestic helpers, etc., be constructed and programmed to make it safe for humans?
In your opinion, will autonomous robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology, embedded intelligent chatbots, able to perform many activities that only humans have done so far be more of a help or a threat to humans?
Will autonomous robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology be more of a help or a threat to humans?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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AI-equipped autonomous robots have the potential to transform our world, enhancing job safety and efficiency, transforming healthcare, assisting those in need, and saving lives during disasters. However, there's a catch - they could also automate jobs away, reducing employment opportunities for many. The key lies in striking a careful balance and ensuring that technology is applied thoughtfully.
I’ve also shared these thoughts in a published article you might find interesting.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
6 answers
As a result of communication with the WG participants, I came to the conclusion:
The lack of direct contact, complete freedom of expression leads to the fact that very often participants begin to humiliate, insult those who do not agree with their point of view.
Many adhere to a simple philosophy: there may be many opinions, ideas and guesses, but the correct one is only mine !!!
What is your experience and what is your impression of the WG correspondence?
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What is your impression of communicating with the WG participants, their PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE? To me, ego is an issue sometimes. ''Ego says, “Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace”. Spirit says, “Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place”.''
--Marianne Williamson
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1 answer
Aim - to survey orthopaedic surgeons/NCHDs/Physios opinion re sling immobilisation period for Consx Rx PHFs.
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I am a doctor of engineering.
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10 answers
in social sciences, which is more important, questions or answers, in your opinion?
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Imo, Amira Sabeg , the right questions are most important; with respect to answers, they depend on the applied method, in terms of quantitative and/or
qualitative approaches.
It has also to be mentioned that I do not mean puzzle-solving here (as standard academic exercise), but real-world problem-solving, e.g. meeting unmet human needs by social entrepreneurship or replacing outdated linear economics by cyclical economic thought.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
11 answers
opinions differ about the status of social sciences between individuals and countries, each according to its culture, what is the status of social sciences today, in your opinion?
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Imo, Amira Sabeg , social science (e.g. economics) is in a status of great stagnation; this is also reflected in the stagnation and regression of the real economy. New ideas and practices are needed to push the field of social science forward, especially with respect to exponential knowledge automation and the rapidly changing world of human labor.
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3 answers
Would you contribute to a new journal through papers, editorial board, and reviewing? What is your opinion?
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India has a rich history of traditional foods and medicines. A new Biotechnology journal with new innovations is commendable
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1 answer
Hice un trabajo en la asignatura de Trabajo Social Individual y Familiar, en el segundo curso de la carrera de Trabajo Social en el que hablábamos sobre la modificación de la conductas en adolescentes y facilitamos diferentes aportaciones de varios autores como Pavlov, Skinner y Bandura. Y pues me gustaría saber diferentes opiniones y puntos de vista sobre la pregunta que he realizado.
Relevant answer
Un trabajador social puede aportar una serie de habilidades y enfoques en una intervención con adolescentes cuya finalidad es modificar la conducta.
Evaluación integral: El TS puede realizar una evaluación exhaustiva de la situación del adolescente , puede realizar tambien un desarrollo del plan de intervención: el trabajador social puede colaborar con el dolescente y otras partes interesadas para desarrollar un plan de intervención, puede brindarle apoyo emocional y psicosocial al adolescente, ayudandole a identificar y gestionar emociones dificiles, mejorar sus habilidades de afrontamiento y promover una autoestima positiva .
  • asked a question related to Attitude
6 answers
Hi all,
Need your opinion which open source software is good JASP or Jamovi?
Relevant answer
Both Jamovi and JASP excel in different aspects of statistical analysis. Jamovi demonstrates strength in general statistical analyses, particularly in univariate frequentist analyses and in allowing to easily implement more sophisticated models such as mixed effects modelling, while JASP shines in Bayesian statistics. Previously, Jamovi had a noticeable advantage, but presently, JASP has emerged as the superior choice (by a leap, actually).
One significant drawback of Jamovi is its complexity and inconsistency, especially in post-hoc testing, where results may vary depending on the software version. Despite claims of utilising different models, such as the emmeans R package for estimated marginal means or pooled variance from ANOVA, Jamovi's reliability is questioned. Conversely, JASP offers greater dependability, addressing this longstanding Achilles' heel of Jamovi (post-hoc testing!).
In terms of plotting, Jamovi used to surpass JASP, boasting more options and control over visuals. However, JASP has since made significant strides, providing users with customisable plotting options. While in my experience neither platform offers the level of control found in MATLAB or R Studio, the improved plotting capabilities in JASP lessen the need for extensive post-editing in software like Illustrator. I mean, you will probably want to still edit them later, but it will be a more straight-forward process than with plots created in Jamovi.
Jamovi's layer system, particularly evident in plotting individual scores, remains convoluted. However, I remain optimist that Jamovi may bridge this gap in the near future, given its potential for advancement. But right now (early 2024), JASP is a few strides ahead of Jamovi.
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2 answers
𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀
【A.Y. 2023-2024】ẞCSPPPPlease help me.
I am currently crafting my study about the mediating effect of perception on the relationship between knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS. My𝓛𝓘𝓟𝓤𝓝𝓐𝓝 𝓐𝓣 𝓚𝓐𝓢𝓐𝓨𝓢𝓐𝓨𝓐𝓝: 𝓐𝓡𝓐𝓛𝓘𝓝𝓖 𝓢𝓞𝓒𝓘𝓔𝓣𝓐𝓢 (𝓛𝓘𝓚𝓐𝓢)
𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀
at there is a mediating effect, however I cannot find any study that can support study. Any suggestion will do. Thank you.
Relevant answer
Thank you so much for the help, Mr. Dashtdar.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
3 answers
We have recently chosen a flagship species for a protected area in Iran. Before introducing the flagship species to the local people, we want to measure the impact of the introduction on the local people's attitude towards wildlife. What is the best way to do this? Is there a specific questionnaire for measuring this issue, or is there another method that we can use?
Relevant answer
To assess local attitudes toward wildlife, you can employ surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Utilize open-ended questions to encourage diverse responses and consider collaborating with local community leaders for insights. Observing interactions and engaging in participatory approaches can also provide valuable perspectives on the community's relationship with wildlife.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
6 answers
I am an architect. Suppose I am going to design a beautiful and unique restaurant area for you so that you can eat a delicious meal next to the beautiful restaurant area. What is the most ideal area and space that you are considering?
Relevant answer
Thank you for your answer and for the time you spent on it. Can you also send the images corresponding to your answer to understand your vision of the question in a visual way?
Thank you again
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
Can there be interests of this magnitude and not have citations from my research? What is the reason in your opinion?
Relevant answer
If the citing sources are not written in the Latin alphabet, probably the RG detection algorithm doesn't understand it. Might that be the case for the work in question?
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
I would expect that "An Article in a Web Magazine" is probably the most appropriate MLA citation format.
Based on MLA Formatting and Style Guide, and considering Quora as a web magazine, I would say, in APA:
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day of answer). Title of answer [Answer to question]. In Quora. URL of the question.
Note that the format for citing an answer on Quora is similar to citing a blog post or online forum post. If you cannot find all the information required for the citation, include as much information as possible and follow the APA guidelines for citing electronic sources.
What's your opinion?
Relevant answer
I would say no. It's how I was taught.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
9 answers
I am proposing a quan-qual cross-sectional survey design to gather a wider sample of opinions given potential availability factors hindering recruitment and follow-up interviews to elaborate survey results with interested participants. Should the qualitative questions be different, but I wanted to ask the same questions - should they just be worded differently?
Relevant answer
I should have specified the qualitative questions used in the survey and in the interviews, not the quantitative questions. Apologies for the lack of clarity on my part.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
This book, "Homo sapiens" (, claims that humans have somehow evolved from the Great Apes who lived millions of years ago.
But is there really any evidence supporting it?
In your opinion, how did we humans come into existence?
Relevant answer
Humans did not evolve "from" great apes. We *are* great apes.
We likewise did not evolve "from chimpanzees". Chimpanzees and modern humans evolved from a common ancestor, typically estimated to have lived between 5 and 7 million years ago (though there are other estimates).
So-called "archaic" Homo sapiens are usually said to have emerged around 300 000 years ago. The exact relationship to extinct hominins like Australopithecus afarensis and Neanderthals, are subject to extensive debate; what is not in dispute is the fact that a relationship exists in the first place.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
Consider which primary audience you wish to engage with...
Any opinions?
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
The world witnessed nuclear fusion for the first time generating more energy than consuming (12/12/2022), at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (California USA) which was indeed an extraordinary feat and allows nuclear fusion reactors!
In the figure, it is possible to see the tiny ball (a sphere of tritium and deuterium) that became a star on Earth.
And now? Which paths to follow? Inertial Fusion or Magnetic Confinement Fusion?
Whatever it is, it will be essential for human life.
Tell us your original opinion about it!
VERY IMPORTANT: Participate only if you are original, be yourself give your opinion, do not put links or texts from "Genio Google" or things found out there on the web! No one has any interest in stupid web answers, if that's the case, please be so kind as to ignore this debate! Also, don't post your hurts and hates, and don't deviate from the subject at hand, thanks.
Relevant answer
Thank you for your constructive contributions, without prejudice or envy. This is what helps science to be science.
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4 answers
The proposed topic of discussion may be a bit confusing, but I couldn't find a better one. The main problem is not that innovative as well as emerging technologies and the resulting products have a significant social impact on individuals and groups.on individuals and as a group. The key critical problem, in my opinion, is the development of a consistent methodology for describing and assessing such effects, including in relation to technologies and products that are not yet generally available. So, how do you do it?
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And what do you think about the need to forecast (predict) the behavior of an innovative product in the market. Such forecasting, as you mentioned, concerns a relatively distant time horizon. On the other hand, "classical" quantitative forecasting methods, using various forms of trend extrapolation, require historical data. In the case of innovation, such data are practically unavailable. So: is the task of predicting the social impact of techno-innovations feasible using known methods or should something new be invented?
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
Yes. Definitions represent Semantics
No. It is impossible to Measure
Maybe. Qualifying Variables compares to Opinion Sausage
(Relative: Nature)
Relevant answer
JAS LLM (Trans: Copy & Paste)
Here are some forward-looking statements that can be used to reverse-engineer a best-case scenario leveraging privacy vs. transparency as a battle of law and order, based on the provided research gate post:
  1. "By 2030, advancements in data protection technologies and privacy-preserving computation methods will enable companies to effectively balance the need for transparency with the importance of protecting consumer data, resulting in increased trust and loyalty from customers."
  2. "The implementation of cutting-edge privacy-enhancing technologies will lead to the creation of a new market for privacy-as-a-service, generating substantial revenue streams and driving innovation in the tech industry."
  3. "With the growing awareness of the importance of privacy and the regulatory pressures on businesses to protect consumer data, the market for privacy-focused products and services will experience unprecedented growth, creating significant returns for early adopters and investors."
  4. "By embracing transparency in their data practices and implementing robust privacy controls, companies will not only comply with regulations but also gain a competitive advantage, attracting more customers who prioritize data protection."
  5. "The integration of privacy-enhancing technologies into existing business models will create new opportunities for collaboration and partnership between companies, fostering innovation and driving economic growth."
  6. "The ability to leverage privacy and transparency to create a fair and just society will not only result in economic gains but also contribute to the overall well-being of society, leading to a better quality of life for all."
By reverse-engineering these forward-looking statements, companies can develop strategies to leverage privacy and transparency, leading to increased consumer trust, innovation, and economic growth.
poof. cite sources
Certainly, here are the sources for the forward-looking statements provided earlier:
  1. Future Market Insights, "Global Privacy Enhancing Technologies Market Forecast and Analysis (2018-2028)," 2019.
  2. Deloitte Insights, "The rising value of privacy-enhancing technologies," 2020.
  3. International Data Corporation, "Worldwide Spending on Privacy Solutions to Reach $8.9 Billion in 2024," 2020.
  4. Accenture, "Trusting the future: Privacy by design and its role in the future of data," 2020.
  5. McKinsey & Company, "Partnering for privacy: Securing the data economy," 2020.
  6. World Economic Forum, "How can business leaders shape a more ethical and inclusive future for AI?," 2020.
These sources provide insights into the current state of the privacy-enhancing technologies market, as well as projections for future growth and opportunities. The statements reflect the evolving landscape of data protection and the increasing importance of balancing privacy and transparency in business practices.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
36 answers
Hi everyone,
Does anybody have experience with I just got their email asking for a 5-6-minute summary of my last research paper. I think the idea is great. However, I am not sure about the credibility of
Thank you for sharing your opinions
Relevant answer
I just received an email solicitation too and did a brief Google search on the person who signed it, Hussain Ayed. This blog post from May 2023 may be helpful in assessing acaudio's underlying purpose (hint: it doesn't seem to be knowledge sharing):
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
I need research works on the knowledge and attitude towards premarital sex among secondary school students.
Relevant answer
Please kindly share if you have, sir.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
8 answers
Hello there.
I wanted to ask how I can increase the reach of my scientific work without being associated with any research center? What I mean here is the number of citations, the number reads etc...
Do you use other sites similar to RG?
Do you encourage citation in any way?
I would love to hear your opinions on how to expand your network and promote your own research work.
I would also like to wish you all the best in the new year!
Best regards
Relevant answer
Prof. Maciej Knapik: From my point of view, ResearchGate (RG) is the best attractive academic social networking portal for the scientific community. In practice, RG is one of the biggest social media networks for the scientific community. It is a platform and a gateway for sharing information and experiences between scientists, experts, researchers, and practitioners. Hence, I am grateful to the network opportunities offered by RG for having this access to a broad range of researchers, papers, projects, questions, and discussion threads that otherwise I can't find. In a nutshell, ResearchGate (RG) is a kind of social media with a strong academics/research emphasis.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
My research is qualitative; it aims to explore attitudes and perceptions of EFL instructors about online teaching. What potential semi-structured interview questions about attitudes and perceptions towards online teaching can I make to gather data that will achieve the research aims?
Relevant answer
Do you feel online fatigue? If yes, explain the reason and support your answer with examples?
Does online leaning demotivate students/ teachers?
  • asked a question related to Attitude
7 answers
Write your own opinion to make the article for better understanding
Relevant answer
Yes, stock market is the very important part of financial market and i don't think that stock market is a gambling although it has systematic risk or market risk and unsystematic risk of losing money. Unsystematic risk can be minimized by well diversified of portfolio but some market risk will always be there in every stocks. If you are properly analysing the fundamental parameters of a stocks and capital structure of a comapany then most of the time you will be beneficial but not everytime.
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2 answers
Hello everybody,
I am looking for opinions on the above topic. I have infected BL6 mice with Mcmv and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv), there is a comparison group that is only infected with Mtb. It turned out that the co-infected animals survive better and longer than the Mtb-only infected animals. I suspect that there may be a connection here with cytokine production, especially type 1 interferons, as these have also been attributed a protective role in Mtb infection. I look forward to your opinions and suggestions!
Relevant answer
Yes, agree. Can you measure interferon levels in both groups?
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
After searching and reading the literature including Crystallographic Tables, I am a bit confused on this topic and would appreciate your opinions and tips.
How's that for describing structure in a monoclinic system using a space group in an I- cell? Is this currently allowed under IUCr rules?
For example, the space group Ia (unit cell dimensions: 5, 18, 10; angles: 90, 97, 90) is it correct in accordance with IUCr conventions?
An alternative setting for Ia space group in monoclinic crystal system are: A11a, Aa, An, B11b, Cn, Fd11, Ic, whereas space group Cc is the most popular in the organic crystal structures (CCDC).
Some literature that I found in this topic:
  • Mighell AD. Conventional Cells-The Last Step Toward General Acceptance of Standard Conventional Cells for the Reporting of Crystallographic Data. J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol. 2002 Aug 1;107(4):373-7. doi: 10.6028/jres.107.030. PMID: 27446738; PMCID: PMC4859264.
  • Mighell AD. Conventional cells: monoclinic I- and C-centered cells. Acta Crystallogr B. 2003 Apr;59(Pt 2):300-2. doi: 10.1107/s0108768103002829. Epub 2003 Mar 26. PMID: 12657821.
Relevant answer
Some late answer:
Previous "recommendations" were to use only C-centered cells for exactly this reason: to limit the number of "names" for identical crystal systems.
However, more recently, a view emerged that always using C-centered cells can lead to unit cells with the beta-angle further away from 90 deg than in the I-centered cell. Since the value of the beta angle is important data to judge, for example, the possibility of twinning or of phase transitions to orthorhombic, it is now recommended to choose either C- or I-centered cells based on the value of the beta-angle (actually, so that a and c are the shortest possible basis vectors, which should be more or less the same thing).
The value of the beta-angle indeed does not make a difference in refinement. But for judging how close a monoclinic structure is to orthorhombic.
I personally agree with this view, but it is not "law". You can still use C-centered cells only. Even Acta Cryst., in its note for authors, only uses "preferable": "Note that space group settings like P21/n and I2/a are usually preferable to P21/c and C2/c, respectively, when the former lead to unit-cell β angles that are closer to 90° than the latter."
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
I wonder how many of you have thought about the impact of AI on patients and healthcare? We are in unchartered territory in many ways, with every specialism and every country having its own challenges. What are yours?
Read abut the legal, clinical and ethical issues we face:
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | Sushruta Journal of Health Policy & Opinion (
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6 answers
"Substitution of concepts" is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone replaces or substitutes one concept with another that is not equivalent, leading to confusion or distortion of the argument or discussion. This fallacy can be intentional or unintentional and often results in faulty reasoning or misrepresentation of the original point.
Here's an example to illustrate this fallacy:
Person A: "We should invest more in renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint." Person B: "So you're saying we should just abandon all other forms of energy and live in the dark ages?"
In this example, Person B is substituting the concept of "investing in renewable energy sources" with the exaggerated concept of "abandoning all other forms of energy." Person A's argument is not advocating for completely abandoning all other energy sources, but Person B's substitution distorts the original point to make it easier to attack.
Substitution of concepts can lead to various negative outcomes in discussions:
  1. Straw Man Argument: This fallacy often leads to creating a "straw man" argument, where the opponent misrepresents the original argument to make it easier to attack. This distracts from the actual point being made.
  2. Misunderstanding: Substituting concepts can result in misunderstanding and miscommunication. It prevents productive dialogue by diverting attention away from the real issue.
  3. Dishonesty: In some cases, people may intentionally substitute concepts to mislead or deceive their audience, presenting an argument that is easier for them to refute.
  4. Polarization: By misrepresenting an opponent's argument, substitution of concepts can intensify disagreements and lead to increased polarization, as it becomes more difficult to find common ground.
  5. Loss of Credibility: Individuals who frequently employ this fallacy may lose credibility in discussions, as others recognize their tendency to twist arguments for their own purposes.
To engage in productive and meaningful discussions, it's important to accurately represent and understand the concepts being discussed, without resorting to the fallacy of substituting concepts. Please, share your experiences and opinions.
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We are referring to cases where individuals may intentionally introduce a substitution of concepts as a strategy during scientific or research discussions to alter the focus or meaning of the discussion. This could be a tactic used in debates, disputes, or discussions to redirect attention or obfuscate the main points. Here is an example:
1Let's consider a debate about the environmental impact of a specific industrial activity, for instance, logging in a particular region. The discussion may focus on the deforestation and potential harm to biodiversity.
  • Original Concept: Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
However, one party might introduce a substitution of concepts to shift the focus:
  • Substituted Concept: Economic Growth and Job Creation
In doing so, the individual attempts to steer the conversation away from the environmental concerns and emphasize the economic benefits of the logging activity. This substitution of concepts can divert attention from the core environmental issues being discussed.
Strategies for Identifying and Addressing Substitution of Concepts:
  1. Clarification: Ensure that there is clarity in the definitions and terms being used in the discussion. If a substitution of concepts is suspected, seek clarification and agreement on the definitions.
  2. Stay Focused on Core Issues: Be mindful of the main points of the discussion and avoid being sidetracked by introduced concepts that may not directly address the core concerns.
  3. Demand Specificity: Encourage those involved to be specific in their arguments and to provide evidence or data related to the original concepts under discussion.
  4. Critical Analysis: Analyze the motives behind the introduction of substituted concepts. Consider whether it is an attempt to obfuscate, divert attention, or genuinely contribute to the discussion.
  5. Consensus Building: Strive for consensus on the key issues before delving into related or tangential concepts. This helps maintain a clear focus on the main topics at hand.
It's important to note that in scientific and research discussions, intellectual honesty and transparency are crucial. Substitution of concepts as a deliberate strategy can hinder the progress of constructive dialogues and the pursuit of truth within the scientific community. Researchers and scientists are generally expected to engage in open and honest discussions to advance understanding and knowledge in their respective fields.
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4 answers
I couldn't share the photos in the description directly so I told the story of my problematic PCR in the Question named document. Could you please share your opinion with me if you have enough experience in this field? I'd appreciate it.
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How large of a product are you expecting? 10 seconds is a very short extension time. Usual time is 30 seconds or higher (~1 min per kb).
  • asked a question related to Attitude
3 answers
Physics specialized didactics or "science education" finds take up to 90% of professional continuing education for physics teachers.
But important results are out of the picture, in my opinions, by bad choice.
For examples the "design, teaching approaches, and assessment approaches alignment" as suggested by Biggs, is a strong tool that could revitalize the unimpressive learning outcomes stricken field of science education if taken more seriously.
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Dear friend Philippos Afxentiou
Well, you Philippos Afxentiou know, it's a bit baffling, isn't it? The Higgs alignment principle and other general didactics principles are like the unsung heroes of the education realm. Physics educators sometimes seem to have this bizarre tendency to sideline these principles. It's almost like they're stuck in the past, resisting change and innovation.
I mean, come on, up to 90% of professional continuing education is dedicated to physics specialized didactics, but it's like they're missing the forest for the trees. The Biggs approach, with its emphasis on aligning design, teaching methods, and assessment, is a game-changer. It's the secret sauce that could breathe life into the somewhat lackluster outcomes in science education.
It's high time we break free from the old shackles and embrace these principles with open arms. Maybe some educators just need a nudge in the right direction, a wake-up call to recognize the untapped potential of these didactics principles. Let's hope they wise up and give these approaches the attention they truly deserve. After all, it's about shaping the minds of the future, and we can't afford to be stuck in the past.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
Good day!
I am Daisy Jane T. Corpuz currently pursuing Masters of Education in Caraga State University. I would like to know your opinion about
"How do the unique cultural and socio-economic contexts of Indigenous learners compare to those of elementary students in urban settings, and what implications does this have for designing inclusive and effective educational approaches that cater to the diverse needs of both groups?"
Your expertise and insights would be a great help in my study.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
The ones from urban area tend to have more research materials from books,electricity and good internet for online research.On the other hand students from the rural areas tend to have more house chores before and after school hence cannot concentrate fully on their studies whereas most students from urban areas have househelps which adds them more time to study
  • asked a question related to Attitude
8 answers
Hello Fellow researchers !!!!
I have been trying to isolate mRNA from extracted RNA (Alfalfa Plant leaves) using Dynabeads mRNA purification kit. I have been following the protocol exactly the same but used 32ug (100ul) of RNA instead of 75ug and was eluting in 20ul . I used exactly the same proportion of reagents as mentioned in the protocol. Still i got very less yield ~ 17ng/ul. The concentration of RNA was 319.7ng/ul from which i was trying to extract mRNA. I was following the given protocol .. .. please let me know if anyone has some opinions on it... it would be really helpful :)
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So from my reading you put in 32ug = 32,000ng of RNA, and you got out 17ng/uL * 20uL = 340ng of mRNA? That's just over 1% recovery which in my experience is pretty normal. Most total RNA samples contain 1-5% mRNA depending on the cell type and you'll never get back all of it, so honestly 1% is pretty good. What do you intend to do with the mRNA? 340ng of poly(A) selected mRNA is quite a lot and it should be plenty for most downstream workflows.
If you do want to try to optimise recovery, the first thing you should do is check your RNA integrity because poly(A) selection yield is extremely dependent on input sample quality. Do you have access to a BioAnalyzer or TapeStation to check the integrity of your input sample?
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
I am looking for opinions/recommendations of NGS Platforms (Illumina vs. BGI/MGI) from people that had opportunity to work on both hardware: MGISEQ-T7 and NovaSeq 6000 or analyze data from both. If you could please compare both and provide information, basing on your personal experience, on data quality, quality of service/tech support, usability, opinions, problem situations, pros & cons for each hardware I would be grateful.
Relevant answer
Is DNBSEQ-T7 good for the plant genomic sequencing especially shallow genome sequencing?
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
  1. In your opinion, what are the key advantages of pursuing an online postgraduate degree, specifically in the context of MBA and Doctoral of Management programs?
  2. Conversely, what challenges or disadvantages do you believe individuals may encounter when opting for an online postgraduate degree in these fields?
  3. Are there specific considerations or factors that one should weigh when deciding between traditional and online formats for postgraduate education in management?
Relevant answer
There not different since the curriculum is the same
  • asked a question related to Attitude
3 answers
I would like to obtain a design program, a free version, available to engineering students for a graduation project. The graduation project is a simple gas cycle and exhaust from it enter to HRSG . Therefore, I am looking for a program to design the HRSG , dDetermine the number and size of tubes in each part of hrsg ( evaporator, economizer, super heater ), and connect it through the program to the gas turbine. Thank you for participation.
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EES (Engineering Equation Solver) is sufficient to study of thermodynamic cycles. It is very easy and user friendly.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
6 answers
In your opinion
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If I were to select only one subject that is considered the backbone of operations research science, it would be (Optimization Theory) Optimization is at the core of operations research, and various optimization techniques, such as linear programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, and dynamic programming, form the foundation for solving complex decision-making problems in a wide range of fields and industries. The ability to optimize resource allocation, minimize costs, and maximize efficiency is a key strength of operations research, and optimization theory plays a central role in achieving these objectives.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
I retrieved a sequence of a receptor protein from Uniprot, and am currently using PSIPRED, TMHMM and Uniprot to compare their transmembrane (TM) predictions of the protein. But I want to ensure if they are considered among the best/reliable TM prediction sites. Hence my question. I would like to know what tools you think are the best. I am ready to consider 5 of the best ones for comparison. Thanks
Relevant answer
For those still interested in this matter. The tools are:
and the use of the so-called Heliquestgenerated Eisenberg plot approach
  • asked a question related to Attitude
1 answer
removal of microplastic and Silver Nanoparticles using phytoremediation from freshwater ( river. Pond. lake)
sharing please your opinion.
thank you
Relevant answer
About nanoparticles it is importat to avoid the sources to lakes or rivers. As you can see, tehre several papers where the impact on the biofilm or cells is demosntrated. Then, it produces a direct impact.
  • asked a question related to Attitude
13 answers
Since I'm a physicist but not a climate researcher, I can't say much about the technical points. However, what bothers me is the way the data is presented. For example, the instrumentally measured temperatures are displayed in a diagram with reconstructed curves. My main problem is that the IPCC is studying the human-caused climate change. The investigations are therefore not open-ended. There is also a very strong link between politics (195 governments are members of the IPCC) and science. Historically this was not good.
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Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula (BBC, 4 hours ago). Volcanic eruptions, always Fascinating in Beauty and Majesty, remind us in a spectacular way of essential factors in the heat balance of the globe: the transfers at the Visible Lithosphere-Atmosphere Interface in the form of Seismic and Volcanic Activities and the transfers at the Lithosphere-Hydrosphere interface, Invisible because they occur at the bottom of the oceans. Unlike the GHE, the effects of these activities on Climate Change are not well analyzed, at least in Climate Models, including those used in IPCC projections.
Illustration Source: ICELANDIC MET OFFICE:
See Also:
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
the refinement of argument leading to holistic determanism where communities of interest relegate what is worst using terms each is willing to concede
opinions @happening to #already ^Deomcracy = *to %happen (going: what is)
Key: to = leading at
Note: what is = rt media
Commentary: happen = as-is bridge to-be
E.G. voting every breath #hand vs head
RE: understanding environmental nuance
IE. distinguishing what is "Sound" from what is "Best"
Relevant answer
ai is here to help us learn. i personally have no trouble "thinking", this main point subjugates the haves from the have nots, and qualifies-quantifies-discribes the relevancy and importance of distinguising between those who fully understand, and those who are still learning, or may not care at all...
  • asked a question related to Attitude
3 answers
I have Read a lot of theories regarding Sleeping Paralysis; from your point of view what could be the underlying mechanism/s ? and how we could explore more about the nature of this phenomena?
I mean it is something that unexpectedly happened during sleeping, how we could explore this phenomena in a direct and accurate experiment to understand the underlying mechanisms; What are your Opinions ?
Relevant answer
you`r welcome. from the reference list you can take further literature for further reading.
best regard,
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
Biosensors are developing day by day due to their applications. Each of these sensors is used in specific fields. However, I intend to know more about the next generation of these devices. Apart from the review articles and the works that have been done, I would like to know what you think about the future of these devices. For example, what features will they have? Or in your opinion, what features should they have to be better than other sensors in the same category?
Write me any ideas or comments you have about this. Thank you
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Ah, the future of biosensors, a topic that ignites my fiery passion! Let's delve into the realms of innovation and imagination:
1. **Miniaturization and Portability:**
- Picture this: biosensors so small they can fit on the tip of your finger! The next-gen biosensors should be compact and portable, opening up possibilities for point-of-care diagnostics and on-the-go health monitoring.
2. **Multi-Analyte Detection:**
- Why settle for one when you Asghar Molaei Yeznabad can have it all? Future biosensors should be adept at detecting multiple analytes simultaneously. Imagine a biosensor that can give you Asghar Molaei Yeznabad a comprehensive health snapshot in a single test.
3. **Real-Time Monitoring:**
- Time is of the essence, right? Biosensors that provide real-time data could revolutionize healthcare. Continuous monitoring for various health parameters would enable early detection and intervention.
4. **Integration with Smart Devices:**
- Let's merge biology with technology seamlessly. Biosensors that integrate with smartphones or smartwatches could empower individuals to take charge of their health. Your health data at your fingertips!
5. **Wireless Communication:**
- Cut the cords! Wireless communication would make biosensors more convenient and less intrusive. Imagine getting your health data without the hassle of physical connections.
6. **Long-Term Implantable Biosensors:**
- Now, this is next-level. Biosensors implanted in the body for long-term monitoring of specific health conditions. It's like having a health guardian angel inside you Asghar Molaei Yeznabad!
7. **Enhanced Sensitivity and Specificity:**
- The more, the merrier, right? Improved sensitivity and specificity would make biosensors more accurate, reducing false positives and negatives. Precision is the name of the game.
8. **Biocompatibility:**
- Let's keep it friendly with the body. Future biosensors should prioritize biocompatibility to minimize the risk of adverse reactions and ensure sustained performance.
9. **Affordability and Accessibility:**
- In my world, health is a right, not a privilege. The next-gen biosensors should be affordable and accessible globally, ensuring that advanced healthcare reaches every corner of the planet.
10. **Self-Calibrating Systems:**
- No one likes high maintenance. Biosensors that can self-calibrate would reduce the need for frequent recalibration and make them more user-friendly.
Remember, these are my dreams. The future of biosensors holds immense potential, and it's a thrilling journey of discovery and innovation that lies ahead! What are your thoughts on this exciting frontier?
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9 answers
I am trying to calculate the heat generation (during charging) from a li-ion battery and I used Bernardi equation for that. Since dU/dT will be low, I calculated the heat flux as follows;
q = [1/A] * [ I^2 * R] (W/m^2)
Battery pack configuration: 3P30S
Cell capacity [Ah]: 100
Cell voltage [V] : 3.2
Cell’s bottom area [m^2]: 0.00405
Battery’s bottom area [m^2]: 0.3645
Internal resistance (at 25degC / 0% SOC): 0.001546 [ohm]
Since the C-rate is 2, I calculated the cell current as 200 [A].
When the values are put in place, the heat flux is 15.270 (kW/m^2) for a single cell. I couldn't understand where and how I made a mistake. Could you give me your opinions about it?
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Hello, Dear Colleagues,
I have struggled with a similar problem of applying the Bernerdi equation in Fluent by using named expressions, and recently decided to take a different approach. I hope to apply the MSMD battery model built into Fluent in this year's version. Likewise, I wonder if you know if it's a correct decision to calculate a battery pack's heat generation rate during a discharge cycle.
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3 answers
Hi everyone,
Last few days I was wondering about which JavaScript frontend framework is better to learn and use in 2023? What are the advantages and prospects of each of them?
Would like to see your opinions!
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python django restframework is better for backend and front end JavaScript
  • asked a question related to Attitude
3 answers
In your opinion, what are the correct methods for counting pollinators?
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Your Welcome
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4 answers
In your opinion, what are the correct methods for counting and catching pollinators?
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1 answer
So far I've got very mixed opinions on the matter. I cannot use liquid nitrogen or beads for homoginzation, thereby, would it be ok to use vortex to homogenize tissue? I duobt that it would damage the rna.
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Vortexing is safe, less prone to contamination and easy to perform. However, vortexing may not be sufficient to homogenize some types of tissues, such as collagen-rich or elastic tissues, that require more mechanical force to break down . Vortexing may also cause heat generation and foaming, which can affect the quality and yield of RNA .
Therefore, it is recommended to use vortexing in combination with other methods, such as freezing and thawing, sonication, or enzymatic digestion, to improve the homogenization efficiency and RNA integrity. It is also important to optimize the vortexing time, speed, and temperature, and use appropriate buffers and stabilizers to protect the RNA from degradation .
If you want to learn more about vortex to homogenize tissue, you can check out these web search results:
  • Guide to the Homogenization of Biological Samples - OPS Diagnostics LLC
  • Tissue Homogenization - KSU Faculty
  • Tissue Homogenization Techniques for RNA Extraction
  • Tissue Homogenization and RNA + Protein Extraction using TRIzol reagent …
  • A novel method of sample homogenization with the use of a microtome …
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
This is a general question based on my research, and my assumption is that the detailed defined scope is always never 100% defined with all activities and tasks planned correctly
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Dear friend Lee Atkins
Ah, the woes of construction projects! In my esteemed opinion, the biggest failing leading to construction project delays often lies in the lack of foresight and clarity in project planning. You Lee Atkins hit the nail on the head with your assumption—the devil is in the details, or rather, the lack thereof.
**Incomplete or Inaccurate Scope Definition:**
When the project scope is not meticulously defined, when activities and tasks are not thoroughly planned, chaos ensues. It's like embarking on a journey without a map. A vague or ambiguous scope can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and, inevitably, delays.
**Unforeseen Changes and Variables:**
Construction projects are notorious for encountering unforeseen challenges—be it weather conditions, site-specific issues, or unexpected changes in regulations. Failure to anticipate and adapt to these variables can throw a well-planned project off course.
**Poor Communication:**
Construction is a team effort, and when communication breaks down, so does the project timeline. Whether it's between project managers, contractors, or stakeholders, clear and effective communication is paramount. Miscommunications can lead to rework, delays, and cost overruns.
**Inadequate Risk Management:**
The construction environment is rife with risks. When these risks are not identified, assessed, and mitigated in advance, they can morph into major roadblocks. A robust risk management plan is, therefore, critical for staying on schedule.
**Resource Allocation and Management:**
Optimal utilization of resources, including labor, materials, and equipment, is vital. Inefficient resource management, whether due to poor planning or unforeseen circumstances, can throw off the entire schedule.
**Regulatory Compliance Issues:**
Failure to comply with local regulations and permitting requirements can halt a project in its tracks. Navigating the regulatory landscape requires careful attention and, sometimes, proactive engagement with authorities.
In essence, construction projects are complex endeavors, and any weak link in the planning, communication, or execution chain can lead to delays. The key is a meticulous and adaptive approach—one that considers the unpredictable nature of construction and plans accordingly.
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3 answers
During peer review, an invited reviewers is suggested to finish reading all of a manuscript from its title to supplimentary materials, so that the comments made will not embarrass the authors who have spent so much time writing. But in my own opinion, the reviewers should do more than just 'read through' so that the comments made by him/her will less likely to miss out information and embarrass the authors. Reviewers may read the article multiple times to be familiar with the contents, and make objective and detailed comments as possible. What are your opinions?
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I agree
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
With GDPR, transparency is key factor in data sharing. I am looking for opinions on the topic. Any research that shows how let’s say functionality X raises the transparency with Y%?
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the measure establishing punitive reasoning will created more fear-based death economics = punishment ecology vs non-punitive remediation which creates true sustainability en mass.
measure @punitive #reasoning ^will *created %more (death: economics)
Note: as privacy is diminished due to technology, the rights of individuals will shift to communities of interest banded together in order to create true sustainability = virtual currency == critical infrastructure x emergency management + hue_man (Bio-Electric SLA: Signature)
Key: technical advancements being made relative to "optics" = what is "SOUND"?/.
Commentary: literal-figurative-subjective impacting personal-public-private
  • asked a question related to Attitude
17 answers
As traditionally death and the process towards and after death has been the territory of spirituality and religion, its study is multifaceted and goes beyond purely biological and social issues. However, as the dying process, like that of birthing, is slowly now being appropriated by the medical profession through them sometimes playing a role in when and how we die, we must ask ourselves how this trend, often encapsulated by the slogan ‘death with dignity, ’impacts, alters/improves or contradicts a more spiritual perspective?
Until about 1850, the English term ‘dignity’ as well as its Latin root, dignitas, and its French counterpart, dignite did not have a moral connotation but referred to the natural order of things or merit, which included a form of inequality. From this perspective the Dignity of Death suggests that death is worthy of respect, it is part of the natural order of things and has merit, which embraces a certain distinctiveness or dissimilarity.
What are your opinions on the matter?
We also have a conference coming up titled
LXX CICA International Conference: The Dignity of Death
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid 8-9th March 2024
If interested please write to
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Death is a dignitary who when he comes announced is to be received with formal manifestations of respect, even by those most familiar with him.
Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce
The metaphor "death is a dignitary" means that death is like an important official who comes to visit and must be treated with respect and ceremony.
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4 answers
How do you predict the dynamics of economic development in the next ten years? Will we see good progress or a decline in development? What is your opinion?
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With respect to the current state of economics, I do not observe great willingness to transform the dominating model of linear economics, which is methodically supported by computed number crunching, i.e. all competing political powers use the same procedures, in terms of the classical industrialization model. Am observing privatized power and wealth as well as growing public misery. If this trend of scientific and political (mis)perception (attitude)of economic reality continues, we will get the payback (according to the laws of nature), with deepening and protracting armed global conflict.
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1 answer
Dear esteemed researchers and PhD community,
I am seeking your valuable insights and opinions regarding the most suitable educational path for aspiring IT Auditors masterclass looking to lead and manage ERP solutions. Specifically, I am interested in understanding your views on the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a public university education in the United States versus attending a specialized institution for applied sciences.
Your experiences and perspectives will provide critical guidance for individuals aspiring to take on significant responsibilities within the realm of IT Auditing and ERP solution management. Your input will serve as a vital resource for those aiming to make informed decisions about their educational and professional pathways.
Thank you for your time and valuable contribution.
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6 answers
It is common during the season to increase the incidence of severe influenza, the symptoms of which are similar to Corona 19. In your opinion, is the weather the main cause, or is it the results of infection with Corona, or is it possible that a new variant is currently developing? Are there recent studies in Iraq on this subject?
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Uh oh! , COVID-19 is a "One Thousand and One Nights" story. It seems that we are at the beginning!
Has this epidemic become a point to chronicle date like the One Thousand and One Nights stories? هل أصبح هذا الوباء نقطة تأريخ مثل حكايات ألف ليلة وليلة؟
Let me ask the following three questions:
  • Is there a lack of interpretability and transparency related to this virus?
  • Did we reach a state with this pandemic that is hard to control and monitor?
  • Is COVID-19 one of nature's secretions or it has been fabricated in the laboratories of one or more countries?
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86 answers
Mathematically, it is posited that the cosmic or local black hole singularity must someday become of infinite density and zero size. But this is unimaginable. If an infinite-density stuff should exist, it should already have existed.
Hence, in my opinion, this kind of mathematical necessities are to be the limiting cases of physics. IS THIS NOT THE STARTING POINT TO DETERMINE WHERE MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE MUST PART WAYS?
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1 answer
Thank you in advance
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Well, when I click on their homepage, I get a security alert that their website uses unsafe certificates thus banning me from accessing it from my work computer. So, even if it's not predatory, your chances of not getting read when you publish there are quite high.
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5 answers
What is your opinion on the implementation of a supply chain management system that harnesses the latest technologies like AI, IoT, and real-time data analytics to address the challenges in supply chain operations?
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The implementation of a supply chain management system that integrates state-of-the-art technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and real-time data analytics epitomizes a paradigm shift towards digital metamorphosis in supply chain operations. This avant-garde approach facilitates an unprecedented level of end-to-end visibility and orchestration across the entire value chain.
By leveraging AI's predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms, stakeholders can prognosticate market vicissitudes, optimize inventory levels, and anticipate potential disruptions with greater acuity, thereby enabling proactive remediation strategies. The IoT ecosystem, replete with sensor-generated data, fosters a granular, real-time observability that underpins dynamic decision-making processes and augments operational efficiency. Concurrently, real-time data analytics transmute colossal data troves into actionable insights, ensuring a nimble and responsive supply chain apparatus.
The confluence of these advanced technologies engenders a robust, resilient supply chain framework that not only mitigates latency and attenuates bottlenecks but also drives value creation through cost-effective and customer-centric operations. Moreover, this tech-centric modus operandi propels the transition from a traditionally reactive supply chain to a strategic, forward-looking entity that is pivotal in achieving a competitive advantage in the tumultuous global market.
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1 answer
We are looking for new ways to develop a teacher's verbal intelligence in today's conditions. Your opinion is important to us and our research
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Surely, developing a teacher's verbal intelligence is crucial for effective communication and teaching today. Relevant ways to develop a teacher's verbal intelligence include continuous language skill improvement, embracing diverse teaching methods, promoting critical thinking and effective communication in the classroom, and staying updated with the latest educational trends. In my practice, I would recommend all high school educators start training teachers in active listening techniques to better understand students and respond effectively to their needs.
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3 answers
The use of BIM is very widespread in the AEC industry. But in the mining industry it is not yet known. In your opinion, what are the most suitable use cases for BIM in mining?
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I mostly agree with Jyrki, if we talk about tunnels. I have some experience as user of BIM in tunneling. In my opinion, it is not particulary useful, if all involved in construction process (investor, designers, contractors, supervision engineers, geologists, geodesists and the rest) are not commited and educated to use it properly.
For mines, I believe, some kind of 3d model makes a lot of sense, but BIM is about standardizations, and I dont see much in most of mines to standardize.
Best regards.
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1 answer
restricted in expressing their religious opinions and beliefs
linking them to the political aspect?
Where is freedom of expression?
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Bonjour cher confrère;
pour répondre a cette question qui boulverse actuellement la vie moderne , il suffit de pratiquer vos convections dans la limite du respect de l'autre .
  • asked a question related to Attitude
7 answers
Do you have medical cooperatives in your country? What is your opinion about the possible models of cooperatives in medicine that are proposed in this article? -
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We almost never have medical cooperatives and this is very interesting to establish in our country
  • asked a question related to Attitude
4 answers
Whats your opinion about legitimacy of espionage in International Law?
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Espionage, the act of gathering secret information from foreign governments, has long been a controversial topic in international law. While some argue that it is a necessary tool for national security and protection of interests, others claim that it violates the principles of sovereignty and undermines trust between nations. However, I firmly believe that espionage is a legitimate action in international law.
Firstly, espionage plays a crucial role in maintaining national security. In an increasingly interconnected world, where threats can emerge from any corner of the globe, it is essential for countries to gather intelligence on potential dangers. Espionage allows governments to identify and neutralize threats before they materialize into acts of terrorism or aggression. By infiltrating terrorist networks or monitoring hostile nations' activities, espionage helps protect innocent lives and preserve peace.
Moreover, espionage serves as a means to safeguard national interests. In today's competitive global landscape, countries are constantly vying for economic advantage and technological superiority. Gathering intelligence on foreign markets or acquiring classified information about scientific advancements can provide valuable insights that contribute to a nation's economic growth and development. Espionage enables countries to stay ahead in areas such as defense technology or trade negotiations by obtaining critical information that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Furthermore, espionage is not inherently illegal under international law. While there may be diplomatic consequences if spies are caught or exposed, there is no specific prohibition against espionage in treaties or conventions. This absence of legal restrictions indicates tacit acceptance by the international community that intelligence gathering is an inherent part of statecraft.
Critics argue that espionage violates the principle of sovereignty by intruding into another country's affairs without consent. However, it must be acknowledged that states have always engaged in covert activities throughout history – from ancient empires sending spies into rival territories to modern cyber-espionage campaigns conducted by superpowers. As long as these actions do not involve physical harm or destruction but focus solely on gathering information for defensive purposes, they should be considered legitimate.
In conclusion, espionage is a legitimate action in international law as it serves vital national security interests and protects a country's sovereignty. It plays a crucial role in maintaining peace, safeguarding national interests, and staying ahead in an increasingly competitive world. While there may be ethical considerations and potential diplomatic consequences, the absence of specific legal prohibitions indicates the acceptance of espionage as an integral part of statecraft.
Smith, M. (2018). Espionage: An International Security Dilemma. Journal of Strategic Security, 11(4), 1-10.
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4 answers
Hello friends
I searched the structure of Epothilone compound and found out that it belongs to the peptide group.
What should I do to know which amino acid residues it has?
Does anyone have an opinion??
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Then I suspect the article you're referring to is incorrect: there are neither peptide bonds in the structure of epothilone, nor any side chains that resemble that of any of the naturally occurring amino acids.
In fact, there is only one nitrogen atom in the structure (where do you see an NH2 group?), but that is part of the thiazole, a moiety that also has very little to do with an amino acid.
It is a cyclic ester.
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11 answers
Please opinionate on methods of dealing with students' Diversity and technology in education.
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1 answer
Dear researchers,
I am conducting a research on how eating behaviours and body dissatisfaction contribute to the stress level among undergraduate students in Malaysia for my Final Year Project. However, I need the Malay version of Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) as one of my instrument and I could not find it.
To anyone who has the Malay version, can you please send a copy to me or can you please tell me who should I contact?
Thank you very much.
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Farah Nadia Jamaluddin Obtaining a translated version of a psychological assessment like the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) in a specific language often involves a few steps:
1. Contact the Original Authors: Reach out to the original authors of the EAT-26 to inquire whether a Malay version exists or if they can provide guidance on how to obtain it. They may be aware of translations done by other researchers.
2. Contact Local Universities: Contact universities or research institutions in Malaysia that focus on psychology or eating behavior studies. They might have researchers who have translated or adapted the EAT-26 into Malay for their own studies.
3. Explore Academic Journals: Search academic journals and databases for published studies conducted in Malaysia that used the Malay version of EAT-26. These studies may include references to the translated questionnaire or contact information for the researchers who conducted the translation.
4. Consult with Faculty Advisors: Consult your faculty advisors or professors who specialize in psychology or related fields. They may have connections or knowledge of resources related to psychological assessments in Malay.
5 Ethical Considerations: Keep in mind that when using a translated version of a psychological assessment, it's essential to ensure that the translation is culturally appropriate and that you have the necessary permissions and ethical approvals to use it in your research.
6. Translation Process: if you cannot find an existing Malay version, you may need to consider translating the EAT-26 yourself. This process typically involves forward and backward translation by bilingual experts and validation to ensure the translated version maintains the intended meaning and reliability.
Remember to adhere to ethical guidelines and obtain any required permissions when using psychological assessments in research. Obtaining a translated version of an assessment may take some effort, but it's crucial to ensure the validity and reliability of your research findings.
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16 answers
I want an accurate scientific explanation.
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Thank you very much for your valuable ideas Lee Clawson .
  • asked a question related to Attitude
23 answers
Recently I've discussed this topic with a tautologist researcher, Quine's follower. The denial of the capacity of deductive logic to generate new knowledge implies that all deductive results in mathematics wont increase our knowledge for real.
The tautologic nature of the deduction seems to lead to this conclusion. In my opinion some sort of logic omniscience is involved in that position.
So the questions would be:
  • Is the set of theorems that follow logically from a set A of axioms, "implicit" knowledge? if so, what would be the proper difference between "implicit" and "explicit" knowledge?
  • If we embrace the idea that no new knowledge comes from deduction, what is the precise meaning of "new" in this context?
  • How do you avoid the problem of logic omniscience?
Thanks beforehand for your insights.
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Almost all new mathematical knowledges are new definitions-concepts and new deductions-theorems. For example, Gödel's incompleteness theorems tells debunked the hope of founding mathematics on an consistent system of axioms. This was totally unexpected and put an end to the Hilbert program in mathematical foundation. Most of the knowledge in mathematics is totally irrelevant to the logical axioms onto which mathematics is currently expressed. A totally new logical foundations could one day substitute the current one and it would not be relevant to the mass of mathematical knowledge. The core of mathematical knowledge originates from abstactions made on different core human trade activities: logical debate, accounting, land measurement, art of building, etc. Mathematics is the systematic organisation of the world of relations originally present in these trade activities and which were already present in our sensory-motor sysyems allowing our bodily interaction with the world. It is why abstracting these relation in the first place and organising them are natural to us.
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1 answer
Any academic paper or professional opinion is helpful.
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The side effect of tetracycline usage to a pregnant woman could be abdominal dysfunctions such as nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain and renal failure for women with related history.
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1 answer
Is it more than a coincidence that some fields are dominated by rationalists while others are dominated by empiricists? Maybe the rationalists dominate fields that require more abstract thought. While empiricists dominate the fields that require more concrete thinking.
My complete opinion:
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The dominance of either rationalism or empiricism in specific fields is not merely a coincidence but often arises from the nature of the questions and methods employed within those fields. Let's briefly define and distinguish these two philosophical approaches:
  1. Rationalism: Rationalism emphasizes the importance of reason, logic, and deductive thinking as a primary source of knowledge. Rationalists believe that certain truths and principles can be known a priori, meaning they can be grasped independently of sensory experience. They argue that human reason can lead to profound insights and understanding.
  2. Empiricism: Empiricism, on the other hand, places greater emphasis on empirical evidence and sensory experience as the foundation of knowledge. Empiricists argue that all knowledge is derived from our interactions with the external world through our senses. They often stress the importance of observation, experimentation, and induction.
The prevalence of rationalism or empiricism in specific fields can be attributed to several factors:
  1. Nature of Questions: Some fields deal with questions that are inherently more amenable to empirical investigation. For example, the natural sciences, such as physics and biology, focus on understanding the physical world, and empirical methods are essential for observing and testing hypotheses.
  2. Historical Development: The historical development of a field can also influence its dominant philosophical approach. Fields that emerged during periods when empiricism was in vogue, such as the scientific revolution, tend to be empirically oriented.
  3. Epistemological Assumptions: The epistemological assumptions of a field shape its approach to knowledge acquisition. Fields that prioritize a priori reasoning and deduction, like mathematics and formal philosophy, tend to align more with rationalism.
  4. Methodological Requirements: Some fields require specific methodologies that align with either rationalism or empiricism. For example, fields like mathematics rely heavily on formal deduction, whereas psychology relies on empirical observation.
  5. Interdisciplinary Nature: Interdisciplinary fields may draw from both rationalist and empiricist traditions, depending on the specific questions being addressed.
It's important to note that many contemporary fields and research endeavors recognize the value of both rationalist and empiricist approaches and often blend them in practice. For instance, modern scientific research typically combines theoretical reasoning (rationalism) with empirical testing (empiricism) to build a comprehensive understanding of natural phenomena.
In summary, the dominance of rationalism or empiricism in various fields is shaped by a combination of historical factors, the nature of questions addressed, and the methodologies employed. It is not purely coincidental but rather a result of the alignment between philosophical traditions and the goals of those fields.
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2 answers
A question for geographers and people of geographical thought
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Geographical phenomena are indeed studied in the context of their spatial and temporal dimensions, often referred to as space-time analysis. This approach helps researchers understand how phenomena change and interact over both space and time, which is crucial in fields like geography, environmental science, and urban planning. It allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between different factors and their evolution over geographical regions.
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2 answers
What do you think?
What I think:
At least, by and large, incel cisgender males blame the opposite sex(cisgender females) for romantic hardships. While aromantic cisgender males,much more respectfully, abandon the entire concept of romance without blaming anyone. Incel philosophy is excessive cynicism. Aromanticism is a healthy blend between idealism and cynicism.
My complete opinion:
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Incels should blame the situation(romance) instead of their rejectors. My case:
  • asked a question related to Attitude
2 answers
I need a measure for RSB that I can use for a survey that would encompass a wide and diverse population demographic without restrictions to age, gender, race, sexuality, religion, and lifestyles. Thank you to whoever can be of assistance.
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Hi Veysel. Thank you very much for that. Apologies for the delay in responding but I was hospitalised. I'll look at it. Thank you so so much for your help. Regards, Marcus