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Gromacs - Science topic

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Questions related to Gromacs
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
I merged heme and a ligand by manually editing gro and top instead of “-merge”, after which MD was performed. This result was unexpected for me because heme is not covalent binding to the protein, and it and the ligand are separated from the protein in less than 10ns of MD, but the ligand can only be injected once, so how do I make sure that the protein and heme are integrated as a whole, and MD of the ligand with the conjugated protein I constructed?
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You can certainly go ahead with the Desmond. For Mettaloproteases in Desmond before going for the energy minimization its always suggested to go for the Hetero state generation (Generate Het states) in the preparation step (Which is a part of maestro's Protein Preparation wizard). This step will enables the formation of suitable het state or co-ordinate covalent state in complex with protein, so that your force field like OPLS or CHARMM can easily recognize the metal atom.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
I have energy minimized my structure using gromacs for 20 ps following the lysozyme tutorial.
I did 3 such replicates for the minimization. The potential energy for all these 3 replicates was the same and there were no differences in the log files except the id.seed values.
I am confused as if energy minimization is a stochastic process Shouldn't there be some difference in the values??
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if you are talking about individual 3 sets of the same system. The energy should be the same. But in the case of REMD, it will not be.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
7 answers
Can please tell me, To analyze the results of molecular docking and simulation of molecular dynamics (MD) of enzyme and ligand in Gromacs, what other analyzes can be done on them that can be discussed as a separate issue, except for usual analyzes such as RMSD, RMSF, Radius of Gyration, PCA, Gibbs free energy, GMMPBSA?
Thanks a lot
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Besides standard analyses like RMSD, RMSF, and PCA, other useful analyses for molecular docking and dynamics include decomposing binding free energy, analyzing hydrogen bonds, studying protein motion via PCA, investigating hydrophobic interactions, examining water dynamics, constructing residue interaction networks, identifying allosteric sites, analyzing binding pathways, assessing solvent accessible surface area, and mapping electrostatic potentials. These analyses deepen understanding of molecular interactions and enhance interpretation of simulation results.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
6 answers
I have two groups defined in the index file. The group [ protein ] has all protein atoms and the group [ DNA_5 ] has all the atoms of residue id 5 of DNA. I want to calculate the distance between center of mass of [ DNA_5 ] and each residue of [ protein ]. These distance will be given w.r.t time, i.e., say there are 5 protein residues, I should get 5 distances (each residue-DNA_5 distance) for each snapshot.
Is it possible to do by gmx distance directly? If not please suggest me a possible script !!
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You may find this helpful:
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
And also how to compress the system based on surface area of system such that we get new gromacs file at different surface area of polymer molecule? i heard on the fly approach can be used but i don't know what it is, Can someone explain what does on the fly does exactly ?
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Thanks for your response Hamed Zahraee , Is the on the fly approach you mentioned can be used to constrain the polymer surface area at different intervals
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I've noticed a common practice in publications where multiple Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are conducted with varying initial velocities. However, I'm uncertain about the appropriate method for analyzing the resulting data. Could someone please provide guidance on this matter?
To clarify, let's say I have files named md1.xtc, md2.xtc, and md3.xtc. I understand that I can perform individual analyses such as Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) and Root Mean Square Fluctuation (RMSF) for each simulation and display them on the same graph. Alternatively, I could calculate the average RMSD values along with standard deviation and represent them on the graph.
Moving forward, I intend to conduct MD simulations involving ligands. My plan is to derive an average structure from these simulations and apply docking. My question is: does it make a difference which simulation I choose to continue with for further analysis?
Moreover, I'm curious about the expected presentation of these analyses when publishing an MD simulation study. Could anyone share their experiences and insights on these matters?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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I would recommend trying out different analysis techniques to figure out which one gives you the appropriate time and spatial resolution. For my part I often feel like raw RMS values at too coarse grained and should be accompanied by structural views of representative conformations. Really depends on the thing you like to get across though.
One thing to keep in mind is that a „calculated average“ structure is typically not something that you would encounter in nature. it might not even be a conformation that’s working with your force field. If you want to do docking with a calculated average structure I would find the frame that holds the structure that is closest to this calculated average. good luck :)
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I am currently using gmxMMPBSA tool for MMPBSA analysis. I have a 100ns gromacs trajectory for protein-ligand complex which contains 10000 frames. Even if I run the MMPBSA analysis with interval of 5, it takes one day to complete analyzing complex contribution alone. Please suggest me a solution to get result in half day.
Between can I take the last 10ns of the trajectory and apply interval of 5 for analysis. will it give be good result in small duration.
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Dear Sree Haryini ,
Here is suggestion from me:
1. Reduce the number of frames: As you suggested, using a smaller portion of the trajectory can significantly reduce computation time. However, make sure that the selected portion is representative of the system's behavior.
2. Increase the interval: Instead of analyzing every frame, you can increase the interval between frames. For example, you can analyze every 10th or 20th frame instead of every 5th frame. This will reduce the number of calculations needed.
3. Parallelize the computation: Calculate by using multiple core, you can parallelize the computation to speed up the analysis. Many MMPBSA tools support parallel computing. If you use the tool by Valdes you can add mpirun -np X and X can be replace with number of processors. Example mpirun -np 16. But you also need to consider the RAM available.
4. Calculate MMGBSA - As suggested by Martin Rosellen calculate GBSA is indeed will reduce the workload for calculation. I have try before that calculate the GBSA take 2 hours while PBSA take almost 1 days in the same trajectory.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I have a protein, for which I want to computationally study the effect of its phosphorylation. I was able to add a phosphoryl group to my desired THR residue and the structure looks fine. However, when I try to generate topology using gmx_pdb2gmx, it does not work. I figured it has to do with the extra phosphoryl that i added, which is naturally absent in the aminoacids.rtp file. Hence, I manually created another entry namely "pTHR", where I added the charges for the THR along with the phosphoryl. I tried to generate the topology once again, but its still not accepting it. Kindly tell me if anyone has done it before on gromacs. Thanks, ahead of time.
My phosphothreonine looks like this:
ATOM 2808 N pTHR A 174 231.841 -74.271 -80.471 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 2809 H pTHR A 174 231.591 -73.451 -81.001 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 2810 CA pTHR A 174 231.141 -75.531 -80.731 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 2811 HA pTHR A 174 230.571 -75.901 -79.881 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 2812 CB pTHR A 174 230.081 -75.331 -81.901 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 2813 HB pTHR A 174 230.651 -75.081 -82.791 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 2814 CG2pTHR A 174 229.231 -76.511 -82.181 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 2815 1HG2pTHR A 174 228.451 -76.411 -82.951 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 2816 2HG2pTHR A 174 229.861 -77.351 -82.471 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 2817 3HG2pTHR A 174 228.771 -76.881 -81.261 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 2818 OG1pTHR A 174 229.141 -74.291 -81.511 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 2819 C pTHR A 174 232.111 -76.601 -81.201 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 2820 O pTHR A 174 232.911 -76.371 -82.101 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 2821 P pTHR A 174 227.940 -74.052 -82.816 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 2822 O1 pTHR A 174 227.269 -72.653 -82.656 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 2823 O2 pTHR A 174 228.744 -74.140 -84.379 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 2824 O3 pTHR A 174 226.709 -75.306 -82.719 1.00 0.00 O
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Which FF you are using?
Nowadays, Forcefields inherently supports the phosphorylation of various reisudes, you donot need to add them.
You can read further on this one here:
For adding your desired residue, you need to follow steps outlined here:
Just a quick fix, instead of using pTHR, just name it to THX or some 3 digit letter, alongwith follow the steps of how to add residue in a forece field.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
Fatal error:
Atom HD1 in residue HIS 822 was not found in rtp entry HSE with 17 atoms while sorting atoms.
For a hydrogen, this can be a different protonation state, or it
might have had a different number in the PDB file and was rebuilt
(it might for instance have been H3, and we only expected H1 & H2).
Note that hydrogens might have been added to the entry for the N-terminus.
Remove this hydrogen or choose a different protonation state to solve it.
Option -ignh will ignore all hydrogens in the input.
I also Followed the suggestion to using -ignh in the code but it give me this error:
Fatal error:
Atom OXT in residue VAL 961 was not found in rtp entry VAL with 16 atoms
while sorting atoms.
Would anyone please help me? I can't concentrate on my studies unless I solve them.
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Histidin can be either delta or epsilon protonated, and it is user's responsibility to check the protonation state. Before runing the gmx pdb2gmx, you should have set this protonation state and change the residue name to HIE (epsilon protonated) or HID (delta protonated). Although, pdb2gmx can approximatly guess the protonation state which are fairley good.
Since, you ignore the Hydrogen atoms, pdb2gmx will rebuilt all those h-atoms based on the residue entery of the forcefield.
OXT seems to be the terminal atom. Is Val961 is the terminal residue? Do you have proper TER record in your pdb?
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
i want to find the trejectory of the solvent gromacs, any idea how would i do that
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You can visualize final .gro file that you generated as output in VMD and then by clicking load data into molecule you have to select .xtc file and thus you can visualize trajectory for simulation run time.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
Command line:
gmx_mpi -merge -f XXX.gro heme.gro -o complex.gro
Error in user input:
Invalid command-line options
In command-line option -merge
Invalid value: heme.gro
In command-line option -merge
Invalid value: 33.gro
In command-line option -merge
Option specified multiple times
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
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It seems that the gmx_mpi -merge command does not exist in gromacs. You must have missed something before "-merge"
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
22 answers
Hello everyone,
While performing MD simulations of protein - ligand complex, at the adding ions stage I am facing an error :
Fatal error:
Syntax error - File UNK_fix.itp, line 7
Last line read:
'[ atomtypes ] '
Invalid order for directive atomtypes
Well, since I've used Swissparam to write the topology file of the ligand (UNK_fix.gro) which usually uses CHARMM all atom forcefield and the protein topology I've written with the charmm36-2019.ff. Can this be a reason that I'm facing the above error?
I've also referred to other options like #include statements which I suppose are correct and the editing in topology is all done right. For reference:
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include "posre.itp"
; Include ligand topology
#include "UNK_fix.itp"
; Include water topology
#include "./charmm36-mar2019.ff/tip3p.itp"
; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
; i funct fcx fcy fcz
1 1 1000 1000 1000
; Include topology for ions
#include "./charmm36-mar2019.ff/ions.itp"
[ system ]
; Name
Protein in water
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
Protein 1
SOL 24553
So, please guide me through any other suggestions which may correct this error.
Thank you in advance!
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Did you find the solution Divya Jhinjharia ?
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I am running a RNA ligand simulation on gromacs , i encountered a problem in which the number of coordinates in coordinate file (EM.gro, 2171) does not match topology (, 30886) file. PLease help me with this problem.
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thank you so much
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
i want to find center of mass coordinate of the protein,for that i using the following command
gmx_mpi traj -f md_noPBC.xtc -s md.tpr -com -ox com.xvg -pbc
but i m not getting satisfactory results. what could be the issue .is it with this command or anything else
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Why do you need to select the center of mass (COM) of a protein? For example, do you want to determine the distance between the COM of the protein and a specific residue or a ligand?
You can use the "-seltype" and "-select" options in the analysis command.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
The gromacs tool do_dssp (freeware) uses the dssp program for a graphical output. In it's -cs output (scount.xvg) it gives you the secondary structure in the following form:
@ s0 legend "Structure"
@ s1 legend "Coil"
@ s2 legend "B-Sheet"
@ s3 legend "B-Bridge"
@ s4 legend "Bend"
@ s5 legend "Turn"
@ s6 legend "A-Helix"
@ s7 legend "5-Helix"
@ s8 legend "3-Helix"
# SS % 0.67 0.17 0.13 0.01 0.11 0.16 0.38 0.00 0.05
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To calculate the percentage of a specific secondary structure, such as an α-helix, through counting the number of occurrences of that structure and dividing it by the total number of secondary structures created, you can follow these steps:
1. Open the file "scount.xvg" using a text editor such as Notepad++.
2. Look for the section that displays the secondary structures.
3. Count the number of occurrences of the specific structure you are interested in, such as α-helix.
4. Count the total number of secondary structures.
5. Divide the number of occurrences of the specific structure by the total number of secondary structures.
6. Multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
Dear ResearchGate Community, I am currently working on simulating the zeolite (MFI, FER, TON) structure using GROMACS, but I am facing challenges in finding the appropriate force field parameters for bonded and non-bonded interactions. As I delve into studying the intricacies of zeolite behavior, having accurate force field parameters is crucial for the success of my simulations. If any of you have experience or access to the necessary bonded and non-bonded parameters required for simulating zeolite structures in GROMACS, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Any help or insights you can provide would be immensely beneficial to my work. Thank you in advance for your support and collaboration. Thanks
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Organic inorganic hybrid zeolite structures with methylene groups can be simulated using GROMACS and appropriate force field parameters for bonded and non-bonded interactions. MFI-type zeolite-specific force fields can be used to simulate adsorption in other zeolite types, including FER-, TON-, MTW-, and DON-type zeolites. Morphology-dependent MFI-type intergrowth structures in zeolite crystals lead to distinct internal and external molecular diffusion barriers, with barriers originating from mismatches in structure and pore alignment.
The task for computer modeling of zeolite structures with embedded metal ions raises the problem of the choice of the calculation method (force-field approach, semi-empirical or non-empirical quantum chemical methods, or density functional theory), as well as the problem of model choice (cluster models, embedding cluster models or periodical calculations). The formation of cationic positions of monovalent metal ions in zeolites are determined by distribution of aluminum through zeolite lattice. It is generally considered that there are preferential lattice sites for Al localization exist in a high-silica MFI zeolite structure, but the list of favored sites and the energies of Al stabilization depend strongly on the computational approach.
Generally, The force field approach accurately describes interatomic interactions within silicas, aluminophosphates, and zeolites, and is a valuable tool for modeling chemically complex zeolites, there are two main factors in the destabilization of cation position and increase of Lewis acidity " sterically hindrance of the cation adsorption due to structural peculiarities of the site and the decrease of adsorption interaction which could be associated with distant mutual siting of two aluminum charge-compensating ions in the zeolite lattice”.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
Dear all,
I am 
I am looking to replicate the figure attached with this post. The paper attached tells that the authors established a temperature gradient between a protein ( which cooled to 300 K from 400 K) where as the water bath i.e. the solvent temperature remained constant at 300 K.
I have prepared my system such that water is at 300 K and protein is at 400 K by using standard equilibration protocols and simulated annealing in GROMACS. The authors of the paper describe that they removed the thermostat from the protein and let it relax keeping the solvent (water) at 300 K.
But if I remove thermostat , I get GROMACS error and using freeze groups I am not getting any temperatures as the molecules are not moving.
I can not understand how to model this system. Any suggestions will be helpful. I am doing a literature search but till now it is not fruitful.
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I am struggling with the same problem. Agnivo Gosai can you elaborate?
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
6 answers
Dear researcher,
I want to simulate my protein with the denaturants (MW-139 Da). I am using Gromacs 2018.2 version and the extra molecules were added by using gmx insert-molecule command.
I want to add different concentration of denaturants like 10, 20............. til 90%. I have successfully added the 20% denaturants in the simulation box and run the simulation while I want to add more than 20% so the command adds a particular number and terminate with a massage (2241 is successfully added out of 3271 requested).
I have increased the box size so the number of denaturants were also increased due to increase of water molecules, so problem is same. I also read the gromacs mailing list but i can not find any solution.
Please suggest me how i can add the total molecules in the simulation box.
Thanks for your response in advance.
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Many thanks Jd Tamucci for your response, very helpful indeed.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
i have performed MD simulation of a protein and I want to use TICA for dimensionality reduction, since it is better than PCA, using the dihedral angles of the protein. However, one parameter in TICA that must be selected is the lag time. How can i select this parameter? (i do not want to continue to do MSM)
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Hi, it is basically a hit and trial thing, where you test different lag times and see at what lag-time, the convergence is achieved and explains the kinetic of the system.
There is a discussion at this page:
and here is a tutorial, where they discuss how to build, have a look and hopefully you will get an idea of how to select lag time:
Hope it will be helpful.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
11 answers
Hello everyone,
I want to use g_mmpbsa for interaction energy analysis Can anyone tell me about how can I install g_mmpbsa in gromacs 2020. Also, can anyone suggest me about which are the other softwares which can be used for interaction energy calculations?
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You can compile as-
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I want to perform MD simulation of DMF using GROMACS by following the path of pdb2gmx command. But for that pdb file of DMF is required which is not provided in default gromacs directory.
Also, how can I generate its rtp file?
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You can download DMF coordinates from PubChem or Zinc database. PubChem provides SDF format files. After downloading, you can convert the SDF format to PDB format using OpenBabel or other source code. Then, you can generate an RTP file for DMF.
Here they provide the procedure to generate an rtp parameter for a new molecule based on the force field.
Hope this will help you!
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
Hi all,
I want to run isolated molecules as one unit on gromacs. any idea how would i do that.
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Ayaz Anwar make a single pdb file for every combination and try using protein-only option.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
I have a research using MD simulation (using GROMACS) for proofing the binding stability of protein-protein interaction. To measure whether the interaction is stable, I wish to employ binding affinity analysis.
I am familiar with PRODIGY, a binding affinity predictor using network of contacts at the interface of a protein–protein complex to help calculate it ( However, I realized that PRODIGY is usually being used for static binding affinity and not typically used in dynamical systems.
Regardless, I have successfully employed scripts that: (1) extracted PDB files from the trajectory file (xtc), and (2) calculate each PDB file's binding affinity using PRODIGY. I plotted the binding affinity vs time and got this as a result.
Is this a correct approach to binding affinity analysis? or should I employ different analysis?
I greatly appreciate your insight and comments regarding this topic. Thankyou.
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For gromacs users open-sourced tool easy to use specifically binding free energy calculations in a single run for each frame of the Simulation.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I want to study the protein aggregation of two different protein, one monomer and another fibril having 5 chains. I want to use coarse-grained model. Is it possible to use brownian dynamics with gromacs?
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I got it, thanks
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
In a groundbreaking development shared within a Facebook group, the barriers between GROMACS and Windows have been successfully dismantled. The GROMACS community is elated to announce the triumphant porting of the renowned molecular dynamics simulation software to the Windows platform. This achievement not only broadens the user base but also opens up new possibilities for collaboration and exploration in the realms of computational chemistry and bioinformatics.
Traditionally confined to Unix-based systems like Ubuntu, GROMACS has been a staple in molecular dynamics simulations. However, a recent announcement within a Facebook group has unveiled a transformative milestone – the successful porting of GROMACS to the Windows platform. This breakthrough, which allows users to run GROMACS simulations on Windows via the command prompt, signifies a significant step towards increased accessibility and inclusivity.
Installation GROMACS on Windows:
The key to this newfound accessibility lies in the GROMACS installer tailored for Windows, available for download at the following link:
This installer simplifies the process, enabling users to seamlessly integrate GROMACS into their Windows environment and execute simulations directly through the command prompt. This is installed version of Gromacs 2020.3, both CPU and GPU version is available. In GPU version, you need to install latest NVIDIA CUDA driver and in case of windows 11, you need to put a dll file in the bin folder.
Technical Insight:
The successful porting of GROMACS to Windows raises questions about the technical intricacies involved in this process. While the Facebook announcement doesn't delve into the specifics, the installer provided indicates a streamlined approach to bring GROMACS functionality to Windows users. Researchers and enthusiasts keen on exploring the technical aspects of this achievement are encouraged to investigate the installer and potentially contribute to the ongoing development.
Performance Evaluation:
One of the critical aspects of this porting endeavor is the performance of GROMACS on the Windows platform. Researchers are encouraged to share their experiences and insights regarding the performance of GROMACS simulations on Windows, comparing it to the traditional Unix environment. Identifying any optimizations or challenges encountered during this process will contribute to the collective knowledge of the community.
Community Collaboration:
The Facebook group announcement not only celebrates the successful porting of GROMACS to Windows but also invites the community to actively engage in the ongoing discussions. Users are encouraged to share their experiences, feedback, and potential improvements related to running GROMACS on Windows. The provided link serves as a hub for collaboration, fostering a sense of community among researchers, developers, and enthusiasts interested in GROMACS on Windows.
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I appreciate your curiosity regarding the advantages of running Gromacs on Windows. While both Windows and Ubuntu are viable platforms, the choice often depends on user preference, familiarity, and specific requirements. Windows, being widely used, provides accessibility for a broader user base, especially those accustomed to its interface. Additionally, some researchers may find it convenient to integrate Gromacs seamlessly into their existing Windows workflows. It's essential to recognize that the suitability of an operating system for simulations can vary based on individual needs and project specifications.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
We want to simulate a protein-cabohydrate complex at various pH ranging from 6.8 to 7.4.
Can we do this on Gromacs?.
Do we have to simulate complex at different constant pH or the system will vary pH itself during simulation?
If simulating complex at various constant pH do we have to decide the protonation states of amino acids first then dock the carbohydrate?
Or can we decide the protonation states after docking?
Is there any alternative to Gromacs for this type of study?
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I never tried it on GROMACS, but the protonation state can also be changed using H++ server, which is a step in Ambertools MD simulation.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
GROMACS version: 21.0 GROMACS modification: No
I complete a 100 ns MD using gromacs v21.0 Can you please provide me a step by step command lines to complete clustering analysis and Free energy landsacape using modules : gmx cluster module & gmx sham module ?
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Please follow this link: PCA and FEL through gromacs (
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
Dear experts,
I am trying to perform a production run of several proteins in a water environment according to several tutorials. After the production, one of the analysis I am interested in is the evaluation of a radial distribution function around each bead of the chain.
I am trying with the module gmx rdf but I am havint some trouble in specifying that the calculation should be done for a specific segment and not the center of mass of the entire chain. Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
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1. Create an index file with the specific segment as a separate group. You can use the make_ndx command for this. If you want to create a group for residues 1 to 20:
$echo -e "r 1-20\nq" | gmx make_ndx -f md.gro -o index.ndx
This command will create a new group with residues 1 to 10 and save the index file as index.ndx.
2. Calculate the RDF using the gmx rdf command and specify the new group as one of the groups for which to calculate the RDF:
$echo -e "Group1\nGroup2" | gmx rdf -s md.tpr -f md.xtc -n index.ndx -o rdf.xvg
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
I want to calculate fs(k,t) from there any way how to do that
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To calculate the function fs(k,t) in GROMACS, you can follow these steps based on the information from the search results:
1. Velocity Distribution : The result is multiplied by the standard deviation of the velocity distribution "square root of (kT/mi)".
2. Total Energy : The resulting total energy is not an exact correspondence due to various factors.
3. Degrees of Freedom : The total number of degrees of freedom (Nf) and Boltzmann's constant (k) play a role in determining the coupling strength.
4. Mass Parameter : The coupling strength is influenced by the constant Q (mass parameter of the reservoir) in the Nosé-Hoover equations of motion.
5. Temperature Coupling : GROMACS primarily operates in a constant temperature (NVT) ensemble for most calculations.
6. Integrators : GROMACS uses leap-frog and velocity Verlet integrators for accurate integration with temperature and pressure coupling.
For a detailed calculation of fs(k,t) in GROMACS, it is recommended to refer to the official GROMACS documentation and possibly seek further guidance from forums or experts in the field for specific implementation details [1][2][3][4][5].
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
I am new to Desmond simulations and I want to know how can I find the estimated time left for a simulation to be completed? my 2nd query is how to perform B-Factor analysis after performing simulation on Desmond? Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
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I hope someone finds this useful, I have myself been struggling with the same problem. My solution to this is looking at the chemical time and ns/day data, which is constantly updated.
To check this go to MONITOR -> double click running MD job -> check the last entry (status -running).
Double click the last entry for a 100ns default Simulation 100000 chemical time means 100ns this might give a rough idea of percentage job progress.
Going by the ns/day data can give you a rough idea of simulation speed like 11ns/day for 100ns simulation will finish on 10th day of the run applied.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
i want to produce a md.trr file rather than a md.xtc file i'm using the following command
gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 12 -v -s md.tpr -o md.trr
after producing md.tpr file
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The output you get is mostly defined in the mdp file you use to compile the binary tpr file. You probably have set to zero these quantities: nstxout, nstvout, and nstfout.
Change those quantities in the mdp file (i.e. set them > 0) depending on if you want positions (nstxout), velocities (nstvout), and/or forces (nstfout). Be aware that the output is going to be very bulky, as this is a lossless format. Take also a look at this link under the output definitions here:
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
i m calculating msd for 2rvd(chignolin) by my self made c code but the results are not as expected. so i want if there is any way to calculate msd in gromacs.also my msd is getting saturated after some time which could mean that my protein is not moving. i m looking forward to discuss these thing
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  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
i have a 10 ns simualtion of protein. I want to perform H bond analysis where I can get the number of H bonds that are form between residue number 10 - 50 in each frame. such that I get separate information about each residue in the same file.
any idea how can I do that. the gromacs pooled the total number of Hbonds in each frame.
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# In gromacs
# create an index file with res 10-50 as a group
gmx make_ndx -f original.tpr -o index_res10-50.ndx
> r 10-50
> q
# create a TPR with only res 10-50
# edit your Protein ITP file and comment out everything except res 10-50
# edit your file and comment out everything except Protein under
[ molecules ]
# run 'gmx grompp' to create a TPR with only res 10-50
gmx grompp -f minimization.mdp -c equilibrated_system.gro -p -o res10-50.tpr
# extract only res 10-50 from the original production trajectory
gmx trjconv -f production.xtc -s original.tpr -o production_res10-50.xtc -pbc mol -n index_res10-50.ndx
> r_10-50
# run hbond calculation using res 10-50 TPR and XTC
gmx hbond -f production_res10-50.xtc -s res10-50.tpr ...
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
Hello RG Community I hope you're well:).
For the above topic I only need to optimize two-dihedral angles, can I therefore
only select Scan and Opt Torsion tabs and ignore the others i.e. Opt Charge etc.?
(My goal is to simulate a protein-ligand Complex via Gromacs and my ligand exhibited
only two penalized dihedral angles needing optimization before proceeding any further.)
Thanks if you know:) Joel 
Relevant answer
Hello RG Community in the above instance subsequent to the ffTK first tab blanks will be drawn for psf, par etc., accordingly working through all tabs depending will function best:).
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
8 answers
I am running a protein ligand complex simulation using Gromacs 2021 on a Windows Subsystem for Linux. My laptop has Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 GPU. When i run the simulation of Lysozyme tutorial (as given in GROMACS tutorial) for 100ns, the expected finish time is showing approximately 1 week. I looked at the topology file to get an understanding of system size and found that my total system size is approximately 47500 including Solvent, ions, protein and ligand.
1) The "dt" defined in the mdp file is 2 fs and the number of steps (nsteps) is 50000000. I wanted to know if there is a way to speed up the process or is this the natural computation time that RTX 3050 provides? I went through other queries about the same issue and also I have worked with RTX 3080 Ti which completes a 100 ns simulation in approximately 30 - 40 min. So I assume that since 3050 also belongs to a similar class/family as that of 3080 Ti, it should atleast provide a better simulation timing (say 100 ns in 1-2 hours). I might be wrong about the technical aspect of GPU computation. Any help in this matter will be much appreciated.
2) Also, I wanted to know, since I am running these simulation in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2), does that affect the computation speed of the GPU when MD Simulations are run using GROMACS?
I would appreciate if someone can help me out in this regard.
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I am using Amber in WSL with RTX 3050 mobile. I am getting above 50 ns/day speed for MD calculations. Applying a small tweak to the clock speed of the GPU via overclocking has helped me increase the calculation speed up to 56 ns/day.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
5 answers
What is the nature of H-bonding in GROMACS ? Is it primarily electrostatic , or does it calculate the number of H-bonds based on the angle and distance criteria?
(I used the CHARMM36 force field for my MD simulation)
Relevant answer
"... Is it primarily electrostatic , or does it calculate the number of H-bonds based on the angle and distance criteria?..."
There is no contradiction between these two. Indeed, the nature of the H-Bonds in GROMACS is mainly electrostatic, the H-Bond is so to say “caused” by an interplay of electrostatic interactions between donor, acceptor and H atoms but also donor-acceptor LJ interactions. On the other hand, the algorithm “recognizes” the existence of a H-Bond applying geometric criteria (angles and distances).
I hope this helps
Paulo Netz
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
Dear all,
I performed a simulation of a membrane-transporter and ligand for 50ns.
During the simulation, and as I expected, the ligand comes out of the transporter protein and does not come back. However, after the removal of PBC, the ligand jumps to the other side of the membrane which is not possible at all. With careful visualizing of the system using VMD, I am convinced it is a PBC problem in the mol stage. I put the commands I used for PBC removal and I also attached the movies from the clustering and mol stages.
I would appreciate any help.
gmx trjconv -s step7_production.tpr -n index.ndx -pbc whole -f small.xtc -o whole.xtc
gmx trjconv -s step7_production.tpr -n index.ndx -pbc nojump -f whole.xtc -o nojump.xtc
gmx trjconv -s step7_production.tpr -n index.ndx -pbc cluster -f nojump.xtc -o cluster.xtc
gmx trjconv -s step7_production.tpr -n index.ndx -pbc mol -f cluster.pdb -o mol.pdb -ur compact
Relevant answer
You need to specify -nojump as you convert the trajectory file
"Option -pbc sets the type of periodic boundary condition treatment:
nojump checks if atoms jump across the box and then puts them back. This has the effect that all molecules will remain whole (provided they were whole in the initial conformation). Note that this ensures a continuous trajectory but molecules may diffuse out of the box. The starting configuration for this procedure is taken from the structure file, if one is supplied, otherwise it is the first frame.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
I have modified the protein and I am simulating it using GROMACS. I have performed the 20 ns simulation after energy minimization and during visualization in VMD I observed that a few frames have a very disordered conformation. please see the attached figure. can someone explain why it Is happening and how I can resolve it?
Relevant answer
Looks like your protein drifted into the periodic boundary box, making part of it to jump to the other side of the box.
You need to specify NoJump before exporting the coordinates into the viewer program. Consult the manual of the specific MD analysis program you use for the exact synthax to do this. e.g.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
I have a modified protein and I am following the Gromacs tutorial to simulate it. I have been asked to visualize the RMSD vs Time plot for the protein before the preproduction run.
the energy minimization step doesn't produce any xtc file. so I don't know how to check the RMSD.
Any help will be appreciated
Relevant answer
thank you Emmanuel Onah for your detailed answer. i used the following script for energy minimization. I will add the nstxout-compressed to see whether it produces the xtc file or not. see confly I have tried using .trr file but it contains only one frame. although my log file contains information for about 473 steps.
; minim.mdp - used as input into grompp to generate em.tpr ; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save integrator = steep ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent minimization) emtol = 1000.0 ; Stop minimization when the maximum force < 1000.0 kJ/mol/nm emstep = 0.01 ; Minimization step size nsteps = 50000 ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform ; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to calculate the interactions nstlist = 1 ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces cutoff-scheme = Verlet ; Buffered neighbor searching ns_type = grid ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid) coulombtype = PME ; Treatment of long range electrostatic interactions rcoulomb = 1.0 ; Short-range electrostatic cut-off rvdw = 1.0 ; Short-range Van der Waals cut-off pbc = xyz ; Periodic Boundary Conditions in all 3 dimensions
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
I couldn't get npt.gro file after finishing step npt equlibration step.
First I used this command "gmx grompp -f npt.mdp -c nvt.gro -r nvt.gro -t nvt.cpt -p -o npt.tpr"
Then used this "gmx mdrun -deffnm"
Relevant answer
I am facing the same issue as well, .gro files and .cpt files are not getting generated
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
Is there any way to get dynamic structure factor from GROMACS ? The static structure factor S(k) can be calculated by taking a Fourier Transform of radial distribution function g(r), but I couldn't find anything for the dynamic one. If there is a way to do this, please help me out.
Relevant answer
Can you please help me with the structure factor calculation of ionic liquids using gromacs?
Thank you
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I gave this command - gmx anaelig -v eigenvectors.trr -f md_0_10_center.xtc -s md_0_10.tpr -n index.ndx -comp comp.xvg -2d 2d.xvg -b 34 -tu ns -first 1 -last 2
Relevant answer
Hello! From my experience, it could be a bug of Gromacs, which should have been resolved with version 2023.
Perhaps the error you encountered is due to some issue with the xtc or tpr file. Please check that both are correct; you might want to try fitting the trajectory and then rerun the command.
Does gmx covar work correctly with the same parameters?
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
8 answers
How to commence simulations in nanoscale? In which part of the code do we introduce the nano dimensions?
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Dear S
MD simulations are a complex and often computationally expensive technique. It is important to have a good understanding of the underlying principles and be familiar with the chosen software and force field before starting a simulation. Don't hesitate to consult with experts and use available resources to learn more about MD simulations and their applications in nanoscale systems.
Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
While performing Protein-Ligand interaction in Gromacs version 2021 using the command line: gmx grompp -f ions.mdp -c solv.gro -p -o ions.tpr. I encountered this Fatal error: number of coordinates in coordinate file (solv.gro, 29336) does not match topology (, 54674).
I want to know how can I solve and correct this mismatch?
I am attaching both the files of topology ( and solv.gro
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Nor Farrah Wahidah Ridzwan I am so very thankful for your time
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
I tried to set .itp section after charmm.itp section but did not work
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The error message "Fatal error: Topology include file 'LIG.prm' not found" in GROMACS typically indicates that GROMACS is unable to locate the parameter (.prm) file for a ligand (LIG) during the addition of ions step. This error usually occurs when the topology file for the ligand is not specified or cannot be found in the working directory.
Here are some steps you can take to resolve this issue:
  1. Check File Location:Ensure that the 'LIG.prm' file is present in the working directory where you are running GROMACS. If the file is not in the current directory, provide the correct path or copy the file to the current directory.
  2. Specify Full Path in Topology File:If you have a separate topology file (.top), make sure the path to the ligand topology file is correctly specified within that file. Open the .top file and check if the 'LIG.prm' file is referenced with the correct path.
  3. Check Naming Conventions:Ensure that the ligand parameter file is named exactly as expected by GROMACS and that the file extension is correct (.prm). GROMACS may be looking for a file with a specific name, and deviations from that naming convention can lead to this error.
  4. Verify Topology File Contents:Check the contents of the ligand topology file ('LIG.prm'). Make sure it contains the necessary force field parameters and information for the ligand. If the file is incomplete or corrupted, GROMACS may not be able to read it properly.
  5. Update Force Field Files:Make sure that the force field files needed for your ligand are correctly installed. Check that the force field files and parameters for the ligand are available in the GROMACS installation directory or in the directory specified by the GMXLIB environment variable.
  6. Check GROMACS Version:Ensure that you are using a version of GROMACS that supports the force field and parameters used in your system. Different GROMACS versions may have different force field parameter requirements.
After checking and addressing these points, try running the GROMACS simulation again. If the issue persists, you may need to provide more specific information about your system setup, force field, and the contents of the topology and parameter files for further assistance.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
5 answers
Dear ResearchGate community,
I have recently conducted two separate 100 ns molecular dynamics simulations using GROMACS, each involving a small molecule. My analysis of hydrogen bonding patterns has revealed an unexpected observation: zero hydrogen bonding and an unusually large number of pairs within 0.35 nm. For instance, at a specific time point (e.g., time = 1.90108e-33 ns), the number of hydrogen bonds reported is >1110000000. I would like to know about such variations and how should I fix it, and if anyone has insights into the potential implications of this observation. I appreciate any feedback or experiences you can share on this matter.
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "./charmm36-mar2019.ff/forcefield.itp"
; Include ligand parameters
#include "crx.prm"
Thank you
Relevant answer
Thank you all for your time and suggestions. Unfortunately non of the above mentioned recommendations resolved the issue. I have done some other modifications, but they also did not resolved the outcome.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
Dear Martini 3 users:
I would like to define beads for the attached structure but I have no idea how to define appropriate atoms and bead types, especially for the C in the middle with 4 carbons attached to it. Could you please help me with that?
Thanks for your consideration.
Relevant answer
Hi Mohammad,
I don't think it's possible to determine the bead types easily.
First look at the martini DB (
If you cannot find it there, you need to know if there is any experimental or All-atom simulation data regarding this molecule. There are some approaches, but at the end, you have to show your model works (through a series of tests including free energy validation)
1- I suggest you go through this paper first:
"Martini 3 Coarse-Grained Force Field: Small Molecules"
2- If you can break it apart and find Martini itp files for some building blocks of it, I suggest you start there. (consulting this link:
This is called "Parametrizing a new molecule based on known fragments" You can find more info here, in the first section:
3- If you have the all-atom simulation data, you can check the second section of the link above.
4- There are some other tools such as VOTCA ( But I have not used them.
Please tell us how it went.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
I have generated a full atomistic Au nanorod. Also it requires to use CG simulation. I cannot find any .ito and .top files for it based on Martini FF.
Is there anybody help me?
Relevant answer
Hi Muhammad,
I think Nanomodeler 2.0 ( in this link provides both top and gro files. According to their documentation, these are based on MARTINI FF.
Please let us know how it went
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
I am docking multiple ligands (new designed ligand) against my protein using Autodock Vina in Chimera. The results displayed in this program are somewhat strange, because in some cases the ligands with no hydrogen bond or fewer bonds has the most negative Score than the ligand with more hydrogen bonds!!? Please look at the picture to get my mean(The best model in ligand with 2 hydrogen bonds has a score -8.3, While the best model in ligand with one or zero hydrogen bond has score -8.7 and -10.1 respectively!).
I understand that checking with other software or tools like PyMOL or PDBSUM will better help to analyze the possible interactions, however since I have several ligands with almost similar score and interaction network or equal hydrogen bond numbers, I am curious to now how to pick the best one (based on the in silico analysis) among them. If any body has suggestion for this I will appreciated it.
Relevant answer
You should choose the pose with the highest score (-10.1) since it has a significant score difference with the second pose.
Docking algorithms like Autodock Vina evaluate multiple factors when calculating the docking score, including van der Waals interactions, electrostatic interactions, and hydrogen bonding. While the number of hydrogen bonds can be an important indicator of ligand binding, it's not the sole determinant of the docking score. Other factors such as the strength and geometry of the hydrogen bonds, as well as non-polar interactions, can also contribute to the overall score.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
ERROR 1 [file, line 55398]:
atom O5 (Res HIS-1) has mass 0 (state A) / 0 (state B)
ERROR 2 [file, line 55398]:
atom O6 (Res HIS-1) has mass 0 (state A) / 0 (state B)
ERROR 3 [file, line 55398]:
atom H31 (Res HIS-1) has mass 0 (state A) / 0 (state B)
ERROR 4 [file, line 55398]:
atom H32 (Res HIS-1) has mass 0 (state A) / 0 (state B)
ERROR 5 [file, line 55398]:
atom H33 (Res HIS-1) has mass 0 (state A) / 0 (state B)
ERROR 6 [file, line 55398]:
atom H34 (Res HIS-1) has mass 0 (state A) / 0 (state B)
Relevant answer
1. Clean your pdb using charmm-gui (remove extra chains and water molecules)
2. Then try to run apo (protein only) simulation using gromacs
(Choose charmm27 ff)
if it goes well then try with ligand (generate topology for ligands from ligpargen or swiss param).
for easy execution
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
Hi everybody,
I need to calculate the absolute free binding energy for binding a ligand to a protein. I am looking for a step-by-step tutorial in Gromacs.
Before working with Gromacs, I had a try with CHRMM-GUI and NAMD and unfortunately, I had a fatal error in my calculations.
I appreciate it if you help me in this case.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
6 answers
[INFO ] Running calculations on normal system...
[INFO ] Beginning GB calculations with /home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander
[INFO ] calculating complex contribution...
100%|##########| 101/101 [elapsed: 08:08 remaining: 00:00]
[INFO ] calculating receptor contribution...
100%|##########| 101/101 [elapsed: 08:16 remaining: 00:00]
[INFO ] calculating ligand contribution...
100%|##########| 101/101 [elapsed: 00:02 remaining: 00:00]
[INFO ] Beginning PB calculations with /home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander
[INFO ] calculating complex contribution...
0%| | 0/101 [elapsed: 00:00 remaining: ?][ERROR ] CalcError
/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander failed with prmtop COM.prmtop!
If you are using sander and PB calculation, check the *.mdout files to get the sander error
Check the gmx_MMPBSA.log file to report the problem.
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/gmx_MMPBSA", line 8, in <module>
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 101, in gmxmmpbsa
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 205, in run_mmpbsa, self.stdout)
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 142, in run, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 625, in run
GMXMMPBSA_ERROR('%s failed with prmtop %s!\n\t' % (self.program, self.prmtop) +
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 171, in __init__
raise exc('\n\n' + msg + '\n\nCheck the gmx_MMPBSA.log file to report the problem.')
/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander failed with prmtop COM.prmtop!
If you are using sander and PB calculation, check the *.mdout files to get the sander error
Check the gmx_MMPBSA.log file to report the problem.
Error occurred on rank 6.
Exiting. All files have been retained.
Abort(1) on node 6 (rank 6 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 6
Relevant answer
Okay! I'll do this.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
I selected Md_0_10.gro file and then md_0_10.xtc file then I got something weird like this in the video in vmd, can someone pls suggest what's wrong in this step?
Relevant answer
In the terminal, enter the production outputs directory and type:
vmd file.gro file.xtc
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
5 answers
I would like to have GPU support for GROMACS, my GPU is Intel Iris Xe Graphics, so I was recommended to use SYCL support. So I would like to ask if anyone knows how to proceed to install SYCL-GROMACS complete building without errors? I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 by the way if it helps to clarify.
Relevant answer
After many attempts I managed to find a solution. Below I leave a step by step guide, in case anyone faces the same problem to install gromacs with Intel GPU support, since there is no detailed tutorial for this.
$ cd ~
sudo apt-get install libnotify4 xdg-utils libxcb-dri3-0 libgbm1 libnss3 libgtk-3-0 libatspi2.0-0 g++
sudo apt -y install ncurses-term
$ cd ~/Downloads
sudo sh ./
$ apt install ocl-icd-libopencl1
$ cd ~/Downloads
mkdir neo
cd neo
sha256sum -c ww35.sum
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
# cd ~/
sudo git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd ~/Downloads
tar xfz gromacs-2023.3.tar.gz
cd gromacs-2023.3
mkdir build
cd build
# STEP 5: COPY THE FILES 'source.cpp' AND 'solucion.cpp' (FROM Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL) AND 'catch2' (FROM single_include) TO THE build DIRECTORY FOR GROMACS INSTALLATION
$ cd ~/syclacademy/External/Catch2/single_include/
cp -r catch2 ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
cd ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
cd ~/syclacademy/Code_Exercises/Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL
cp -r source.cpp ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
cd ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
# STEP 6: EDIT THE FILE 'source.cpp', WHERE IS <catch2/catch.hpp> CHANGE TO "catch2/catch.hpp" AND SAVE
# withou exit the build directory activate the environment of one api using the following comand:
$ source /opt/intel/oneapi/
icpx -fsycl -I ~/syclacademy/External/Catch2/single_include -o a.out source.cpp
# this should create a file called a.out in the build directory
cd ~/
sudo apt install gcc cmake libpomp-dev hwloc libhwloc-dev
cd ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
$ sudo su
$ source /opt/intel/oneapi/
$ make -j 8
$ make check
$ make install
1. open the work directory
2. run as root
3. open the intel environment with: $ source /opt/intel/oneapi/
4. activate gromacs with: $ source /opt/gromacs-23/bin/GMXRC
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
In Gromacs we have Pull code, is there any code or options related to pushing back the molecule or part of it after pulling it? I want to see if the conformation or any other structural events occur after pushing it back into its initial position. I want to analyze the structural events/differences before pulling and after pushing it back.
Relevant answer
Can you provide the code here so that we can tell you what parameter to change for push. In NAMD, changing the sign of velocity you can do the push or pull.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
2 answers
In order to reduce the influence between domains that can cause dimerization in MD simulations through biosensor structures, FL biosensors were isolated, structural prediction was performed with Alpha Fold 2, and MD was performed with Gromacs.
Now I want to put two PDB files together from the trajectory file, including the situation of a specific frame, and restore them back to a single intact protein. I divided the front and back based on a specific part of the linker domain. How can I put two proteins back together into a single PDB file?
It would be nice if I could use the built-in functionality of GUI tools such as pymol or the additional plug-in to proceed with the work.
Relevant answer
This means that during the simulation, your molecule drifted into the periodic boundary box. See here to learn how to fix this in gromacs
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
Dear Gromacs users,
I hope you all are doing well. It would be helpful if someone could point out me where i could use the restrain coordinates.
Thank you for your attention, and I appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Relevant answer
It is not clear what you want to do. But gmx genrestr can generate position restraints (the default value is 1000 kJ/mol nm^2, you can change this though). Moreover, pdb2gmx also generates restraint file by default. You can use it by #ifdef statement.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
I've finished processing phosphorylation on the protein model using the PyTMs plugin in PyMOL. I've tried various methods, but I get the fatal error below on pdb2gmx. Is there a solution?
Program: gmx pdb2gmx, version 2023.2
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/pdb2gmx.cpp (line 1042)
Fatal error:
The residues in the chain MET1--ASP863 do not have a consistent type. The
first residue has type 'Protein', while residue TPO395 is of type 'Other'.
Either there is a mistake in your chain, or it includes nonstandard residue
names that have not yet been added to the residuetypes.dat file in the GROMACS
library directory. If there are other molecules such as ligands, they should
not have the same chain ID as the adjacent protein chain since it's a separate
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
Relevant answer
The solution is also provided in the error:
"Either there is a mistake in your chain, or it includes nonstandard residue
names that have not yet been added to the residuetypes.dat file in the GROMACS library directory."
Most of the forcefields have parameters for regular/standard (e.g. STY) modified amino acid residues, and they can recognize the modification. If your amino acid is not among them, you need to add the modified residue in the file "residuetypes.dat". You can open this file and see all the standard residues are written there. Create a backup copy, and then edit your desired residue.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
GROMACS: gmx mdrun, version 2019.4
Executable: /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
Data prefix: /usr/local/gromacs
Working dir: /home/avp-01/Documents/tre/gromac/Mpro/Apigetrin
Command line:
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm nvt
Back Off! I just backed up nvt.log to ./#nvt.log.1#
Reading file nvt.tpr, VERSION 2019.4 (single precision)
Changing nstlist from 40 to 100, rlist from 1.472 to 1.532
Using 1 MPI thread
Using 16 OpenMP threads
1 GPU selected for this run.
Mapping of GPU IDs to the 2 GPU tasks in the 1 rank on this node:
PP tasks will do (non-perturbed) short-ranged interactions on the GPU
PME tasks will do all aspects on the GPU
Back Off! I just backed up nvt.xtc to ./#nvt.xtc.1#
Back Off! I just backed up nvt.trr to ./#nvt.trr.1#
Back Off! I just backed up nvt.edr to ./#nvt.edr.1#
starting mdrun 'Protein in water'
125000 steps, 250.0 ps.
step 99: One or more water molecules can not be settled.
Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep if appropriate.
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Program: gmx mdrun, version 2019.4
Source file: src/gromacs/mdlib/sim_util.cpp (line 752)
Fatal error:
Step 100: The total potential energy is nan, which is not finite. The LJ and
electrostatic contributions to the energy are 127675 and -1.08781e+06,
respectively. A non-finite potential energy can be caused by overlapping
interactions in bonded interactions or very large or Nan coordinate values.
Usually this is caused by a badly- or non-equilibrated initial configuration,
incorrect interactions or parameters in the topology.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
Relevant answer
your initial coordinates are creating this issue, you need to check for bad contacts/clashes and minimize the structure before doing NVT or NPT.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
I want to download the amber99sb-ildn force field in gromacs to study a protein-ligand interaction using a serum protein and a TCM as a ligand, but the field cannot be seen on the gromacs tutorial page. where can I get it, @all?
Relevant answer
Hi Larwubah Kollie,
You can use the following link to download amber99sb-ildn force field parameters.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
I was performing free energy calculation using g_mmpbsa tools. From the summary data i got the value of binding energy, but when i check the output file, it shows only data energy for the complex. Meanwhile we need to calculate the energy component of protein, ligand, and protein-ligand complex to get the binding free energy. so is that means that we have to perform the calculation for protein, ligand, and complex separately?
Thank you
Relevant answer
Citra Hasanah Please, send us a message here ( with the error information and we'll help you through the installation process
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
8 answers
When i run the command to calculate the H-bonds ''gmx hbond -s md.tpr -f md_center.xtc -num hb.xvg'' I can't find anything ( the file hb.xvg does not contain the number of H-bonds).
I also tchecked the complex.gro and i analyzed the RMSD, RMSF, Rg successfully.
I use Gromacs 2023.
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Ankur Chaudhuri How do you solve the problem in VDM?
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2 answers
I’m using force field parameters from a paper, building the top file in gromacs. I’m a bit stuck on the concept of multiplicity for improper dihedrals.
My questions are:
  1. What does multiplicity mean in the context of improper dihedrals?
  2. How do I choose the right multiplicity number for any dihedral? Any explaintion or links would be really helpful!
Thanks, Yehonatan
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* the 2 would be the periodicity the 180 the Phase Shift
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3 answers
Can anyone help me parametrize Si atoms in gromacs forcefields. how can i include parameters in ffnonbonded and bonded and atomtype files of gromacs forcefield for example oplsaa or charmm? (I want to perform md simulation of silica nanoparticles with gromacs and i dont know how)
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Sorry, I do not have any experience with STaGE or even Si simulation. I already wrote that it is a lot easier to work with already created/tested topology rather than creating your own. If you want to learn then you need to follow the manual of this software, that will be the place to start.
Plus, again, you can create your own topology and match it against the topology files from that paper. It will give you confidence that the procedure you followed is good.
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5 answers
Hello everyone I’m trying to run a MD simulation in acetonitrile as solvent but when I execute gmx-solvate command, solvent molecules break apart making the number of atoms in .gro and .top files different from one another. Does anyone know how this issue can be addressed? I appreciate any help in advance.
  • I have downloaded acetonitrile solvent box from
  • The force field I’m using is OPLS.
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AAC is actually the ligand that I'm studying
ACN stands for acetonitrile
I must mention that the .itp file was included in
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
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I am running the MD simulations for 50000000 steps using GROMACS software but it has terminated (after 36000000 steps) before completion due to power off. I would like to continue the same calculation to complete the simulation.
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This works for me;
gmx mdrun -s md.tpr -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md
md is the file you were runnig. E.g if your tpr is AB.tpr it mean ypur cpt is AB.cpt; then type gmx mdrun -s AB.tpr -cpi AB.cpt -deffnm AB
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5 answers
I am currently going through the following tutorial for replica exchange MD on gromacs:
When I got to stage 2 and tried to create the .tpr files using the command,
(for dir in sim[0123]; do cd $dir; gmx grompp -f sim -c confout -t equil-state; cd ..; done)
I get this error:
Program: gmx grompp, version 2018.2
Source file: src/gromacs/fileio/checkpoint.cpp (line 531)
Function: int doVectorLow(XDR*, StatePart, int, int, int, int*, T**, std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>*, FILE*, CptElementType) [with T = int; AllocatorType = std::allocator<int>; XDR = XDR; FILE = _IO_FILE]
Assertion failed:
Condition: list != nullptr || (v != nullptr && vector == nullptr) || (v == nullptr && vector != nullptr)
Without list, we should have exactly one of v and vector != NULL
I have no idea why this error is occurring, as I'm following the tutorial almost exactly. From searching online, it seems like other people have came across a similar problem, although I can't find any solutions.
Any help would be appreciated!
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Can you please provide the tutorial pdf as I am not able to access via the link you mentioned in the question? I am starting with REMD simulations and struggling to find some good documentation.
Thanks in advance.
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3 answers
Hello every body
I want to do umbrella sampling following Mr. Justin Lemkul Tutorial. I simulated and prepared lipid bilayer by version 4 of gromacs before, now in continuous in order to do the umbrella sampling tutorial (which is updated to version 5.x. ) I want to know whether I have to simulate the lipid bilayer again with v. 5.x of gromacs to continue umbrella sampling or its not nessasery.
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thanks. but since the linked files on the tutorial are updated to v 5 and of v. 4 is no longer available I wonder if i can continue v 4 with v.5. any idea?
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5 answers
Hello everyone!
Can anyone please help me out in plotting an energy graph in gromacs, the problem is that I've simulated my system for 1 microsecond and since at every 2 pico second the output is written, my energy.xvg is a huge data file. In order to plot a significant data, I want to plot the energy curve with a scale of 1 unit=10ns on the x-axis.
So, please suggest me a conversion method for the pico second data to be written in nano seconds so that the analysis is simplified.
Thanks in advance
Have a good day!
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To convert x-axis from ps to ns
write following formula (IN BOLD) at
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Hi, I am doing simulation of 2 proteins, one is a protein fibril having 5 chains and another is the unfolded monomer, there are total 740 residues. After nvt equillibration the protein is going out of the water box. I have taken a truclinic box, having 3.3 lakh atoms. How to solve the issue? I am attaching the image of the .gro file got from nvt.
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Yes, I got it
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Hello researchers,
I have processed a MD simulation study of 26 amino acid amylose chain in water using gromacs. Now i want to analyze Dihedral angle for the glucose residues alpha 1-4 linkage, defined by atoms O5-C1-O4'-C4' (phi) and C1-O4'-C4'-C3' (psi).
I tried generating angular index file for dihedral angles, showing various phi angles. I also tried also check various publication but none of them have mentioned the methodology to calculate dihedral angles.
Please help me with the calculation of dihedral angles.
Thank you in anticipation.
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Thank you Noor Alomari ,
I got the dihedral angles using the VMD module after pressing 4. But i want to analyze the dihedral angles (PHI and PSI), throughout the simulation.
Please guide something.
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2 answers
Dear All, I want to make a side-chain stapling of lysine (or its non-standard amino acid derivatives). How to make a topology file for this kind of side-chain stapling (I believe, it is not possible via CHARMM-GUI Solution Builder), without using CGENFF? Please suggest ways for this. PS. The stapling method is shown in the attached image. Thank You
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Aashish Bhatt Thank you for your response, let me give a try
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2 answers
Respected Researchers,
I have six i7 computers with 4 physical cores and each core with 2 threads and all are connected with LAN. Therefore, I want to run the GROMACS in parallel (cluster).
I have successfully mounted them using ssh, nfs and OpenMPI.
Afterwards I successfully installed GROMACS using below command.
Then I used "mpirun -np 12 gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 2 -npme 2" but it run on single computer only.
I think I am doing something wrong. Please help, I am very new in computers and commands.
Thank you
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Hello Shradheya Raj Rajeshwar Gupta and Vivi Richard , I am also facing the same problem. The only solution I found so far is to use a job scheduler like SLURM, But, currently I am facing problem in correctly installing it. Have you find any solution overcome this without use of a Job scheduler?
Please suggest.
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2 answers
I have a system of DNA and a certain molecule that shows good docking energy with DNA. I want to run the simulation in gromacs. The parameters I should use for DNA is amberff99parmbsc so I tried getting parameters for the molecule as per the tutorial using parmcheck and acpype. Unfortunately one of the elements of my molecule is non-standard element so the tutorial doesn't seem to work. My question is do we have some other way to get the forcefield parameters for the new molecule? My second question is can I use CHARMM parameters for my molecule and AMBER for DNA?
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Dynamic Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics
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The short answer is: it is most likely you can't.
The long answer is, you first need to understand the file formats,:
  • the ".log" file is basically a text file so you can't extract any trajectories from there.
  • The ".edr" file is a energy file so you can mostly extract energies, temperature, and pressure values.
  • The ".gro" file however, can either be a single structure file with GROMOCS format or a trajectory file.
So depending on your command lines, you may be able to obtain trajectories information on the ".gro" file.
However, it is rather odd that the trajectory file (xtc) did not generate after your MD completion.
I can only assume that there wasn't enough space on your drive when conducting the MD simulation hence, the missing xtc file.
Here are some of my suggestion:
  • check your MD simulation by using the gmx check module (it should show the completed number of steps and duration; more info here:
  • before running any simulation, always check the required space for the simulation (usally mentioned within the grompp output)
Hope this help. All the best.
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4 answers
For example, I have quercetine as a ligand and cutinase as protein. If i want to carried out md simulations with different concentration of quercetine, how to do that? I want to do md simulations by 50ng/ul of quercetine. Please help me. I'm using gromacs for simulations
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Citra Hasanah sure, if you want to ask me, you can text me by email. This is my email [email protected]
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I'm new at MD. so I want to know more about protein preparation steps.
I wanna work with gromos54a3
is it important to edit orientation of these residues CYS, GLN, ASN? WHY?
is it important to edit protonation state of these residues CYS, LYS, GLN, ASP, HIS? WHY?
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1. I want to know more about protein preparation steps.
You can check the gromacs manual as mentioned by Susanta Roy or alternatively, you can check the manual by Justin. (GROMACS Tutorials (
2. is it important to edit orientation of these residues CYS, GLN, ASN? WHY?
Yes, you can check the score by using ERRAT, Verify3D and ramachandran plot
3. It is important to edit the protonation state of these residues CYS, LYS, GLN, ASP, HIS? WHY
Yes, if you have identified that the default protonation state of your protein not mimic the natural state as mentioned by Ayaz Anwar . So it is the best if you can check with literature, check protein pocket residues (5 Å from ligand) and compare with protonation generated by pdb2gmx tools.
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2 answers
Dear All,
I am trying to simulate a dimer and would like to restrain a part of it on both chains. not a problem and the error is commonşy reported. so i tried all teh suggestions but none is working as grompp is accepting one of the posres files but throws the error for the other one. my toplogy file looks like this.
; Include chain topologies
#include "topol_Protein_chain_A.itp"
;; Include CRD Position restraint file for Chain A
#include "posre_crd_chain_A.itp"
#include "topol_Protein_chain_B.itp"
; Include CRD Position restraint file for Chain B
#include "posre_crd_chain_B.itp"
#include "topol_Ion_chain_A2.itp"
#include "topol_Ion_chain_B2.itp"
#include "topol_Protein_chain_A3.itp"
#include "topol_Protein_chain_B3.itp"
; Include water topology
#include "./charmm36-jul2022.ff/spce.itp"
; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
; i funct fcx fcy fcz
1 1 1000 1000 1000
; Include topology for ions
#include "./charmm36-jul2022.ff/ions.itp"
[ system ]
; Name
2 Protein in water
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
Protein_chain_A 1
Protein_chain_B 1
Ion_chain_A2 1
Ion_chain_B2 1
Protein_chain_A3 1
Protein_chain_B3 1
SOL 111424
NA 48
any suggestions are appreciated.
thank you
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Dear Ayaz
Thank you for your answer. I was able to resolve the issue with the help from answers on GROMACS forum. the problem was in preparing the position restraint files using the original pdb files and using their atom indices.
Thank you so much for taking time to read my question
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2 answers
I am adding the Graph result below. The whole trajectory run was 20 ns. is there any particular threshold value for H-bond?
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Satyendra Singh please share the command for intra Hydrogen bond calculation within a protein model. And also give what option we need to choose for intramolecular h bond
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4 answers
Good day all, i encountered a strange problem with gromacs when restarting my simulation. i ran a 100ns simulation and then created a new tpr file named newproduction.tpr to extend my simulation using convert-tpr. since i initially did not want to append i used the command gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm newproduction -cpi state.cpt -noappend to create a new xtc, log, trr, edr, and cpt files but when i want to append to my new xtc files i get an input/output error. the problem is that gromacs is recognizing my log file as newproduction.part0008.part008.log but in my directory the name is newproduction.part0008.log i don't understand why gromacs is recognizing my new xtc files but not my log file
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Okay, have you checked the disk space?
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Actually,as far as I know to see the strength of protein-ligand interaction for drug discovery pupose it is very important parameter need to be calculated. Due to update in the gromacs version this is getting difficult.Kindly help me with this if there is any other alternative to this too.
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3 answers
I want to perform a molecular dynamic simulation of a covalent organic framework(COF) in Gromacs using the CHARMM36 force field. The COF has 384 atoms and I have a problem with parametrizing and getting the right topology because CGenFF and Swissparam both can't calculate the parameters of COF due to the hundreds of atoms.
Are there alternative websites or any other ways to get parameters?
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@Kalindu Fernando
Thank you for your response. It worked perfectly.
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3 answers
I have done 10ns Simulation of complex(Protein ligand) by gromacs tutorial command but for further extend for 200ns. I did by tutorial and confusion please guide?
Thankyou in Advance.
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You can use the commands in a sequential manner,
$ gmx convert-tpr -s md_10.tpr -extend 190000 (time for further simulation in ps) -o md_200.tpr
$ gmx mdrun -s md_200.tpr -cpi state.cpt -noappend
It will start after the 10ns.
Further, you can concatenate all trajectories together.
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6 answers
Dear All
Can any one suggest command for density distribution and secondary structure calculation of protein-ligand complex in gromacs.
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Sutanu Mukhopadhyay thanks for your reply, dssp command is not working with GROMACS 2020 version.
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1 answer
I want to use the final structure of gromacs after 100ns to run a GaMD simulation with amber software. So,I should turn the gromacs' top and gro files into amber's parm and rst files?
I searched on the Internet that parmed can be transferred, but our server's parmed software cannot be used.
Is there any other way to turn them?
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it has been a while, since the question was posed... For completeness, here a quick answer to the problem.
AmberTools comes with ParmEd, which can convert topology files (though I am unsure if there are limitations. Maybe ask to the amber mailing list).
Start parmed, and convert the topologies with the following commands:
gromber COORD.gro topdir /path/to/your/itp/files
outparm TOPOL.prm7 COORD.rst7
gromber loads a GROMACS topology ( and the coordinates (COORDS.gro). To resolve the #include statements you need to provide the location of the *.itp files (/path/to/your/itp/files). If you use any of the default force fields that path should be `$GROMACS_DIR/share/gromacs/top`.
outparm writes the converted topology and coordinates.
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2 answers
I am trying to perform simulation of my protein-ligand complex system following Gromacs Protein-Ligand complex tutorial , so during the NVT equilibration using the command
" gmx grompp -f nvt.mdp -c em.gro -r em.gro -p -n index.ndx -o nvt.tpr"
iI encountered an error
"Assertion failed:
Condition: ip.constr.dA > 0
We should only have positive constraint lengths here"
i am using gmx version 2022
enclosing nvt.mdp input file
how to solve this error ?
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
Dear all,
I have been trying to create a complex for MD simulation in gromacs of Calcium sensing receptor venus fly trap domain with tryptophan in the binding site as it is part of the crystal structure. However, there is an OXT terminal oxygen which CHARMM 36 does not read and a nitrogen atom N that OPLS-AA gives an error for.
I am stumped. I tried using the CHARMM-GUI to create the ligand files for gromacs but it also has an OXT oxygen atom. I used the bound ligand as well as a fresh ligand from pubchem, the problem remains that it is not recognised by Charmm ff.
Please let me know how to prepare my complex?
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Ayesha Fatima, Can you share the structure files so that I can try them on my end?
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4 answers
Can someone help me? The authors have extracted the conformations of different free energy states and compared the motions....I know it's a Free energy landscape and how to generate it through sham module of gromacs...but how to extract a conformation of particular energy state and how to know their timeframe in the trajectory?
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Certainly, I can help you with that. To extract conformations of a particular energy state and determine their timeframe in a trajectory during a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, you can follow these steps using GROMACS:
  1. Prepare an Index File: Before extracting specific conformations, you need to create an index file that defines the atoms or groups you want to analyze. For example, you can use the gmx make_ndx command to generate an index file.
  2. gmx make_ndx -f your_trajectory_file.xtc -o index.ndx
  3. Follow the prompts to select the group(s) of interest. You may want to choose a specific residue or atoms within a certain distance range.
  4. Analyze the Energy State: Calculate the potential energy for each frame in your trajectory using the gmx energy command. Store this data in a text file for later reference. gmx energy -f your_trajectory_file.edr -o energy.xvg
  5. Identify the Energy Range: Examine the energy.xvg file to identify the energy range corresponding to the state you want to analyze. This will help you determine the lower and upper bounds of the energy range.
  6. Extract Conformations: Use the gmx trjconv command to extract frames that fall within the desired energy range. You'll need to specify the input trajectory file, the index file (index.ndx), and the output trajectory file. gmx trjconv -f your_trajectory_file.xtc -s your_topology_file.tpr -n index.ndx -o conformations_within_range.xtc -e lower_energy_bound -b begin_frame -end upper_energy_boundyour_trajectory_file.xtc: Input trajectory file. your_topology_file.tpr: Topology file. index.ndx: Index file created earlier. conformations_within_range.xtc: Output trajectory containing frames within the specified energy range. lower_energy_bound and upper_energy_bound: Energy range values. begin_frame and end_frame: Timeframe within the trajectory where you want to start and end extraction.
  7. Analyze Extracted Conformations: Once you've obtained the trajectory containing the desired conformations, you can further analyze them using tools like RMSD calculations, clustering, or visualization to understand the structural properties of that energy state.
Remember to replace placeholders like your_trajectory_file.xtc, your_topology_file.tpr, lower_energy_bound, and upper_energy_bound with your specific file names and energy values. This process will allow you to extract and analyze conformations from specific energy states in your MD trajectory.
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3 answers
The protein of my interest has a covalently bound inhibitor, which is a sulfone compound. I am currently trying to prepare all the files necessary for the MD simulation and use CGenFF server to generate topology of the modified residue (with the inhibitor bound). However, CGenFF is unable to recognize the sulfur type and generates the following error: "attype warning: unknown sulfur type not supported;skipped molecule".
Is there any way to fix this problem or do I have to choose another way of creating the topology file? Can you give me any recommendations on which servers I can use instead then?
Any advice would be appreciated.
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I had the same issues..... but interestingly cgenff server only support topologies for the following sulphur types..
### Supported S atoms in CGenFF
MASS  -1  SG2D1     32.06000 ! thiocarbonyl S
MASS  -1  SG2R50    32.06000 ! THIP, thiophene
MASS  -1  SG311     32.06000 ! sulphur, SH, -S-
MASS  -1  SG301     32.06000 ! sulfur C-S-S-C type
MASS  -1  SG302     32.06000 ! thiolate sulfur (-1)
MASS  -1  SG3O1     32.06000 ! sulfate -1 sulfur
MASS  -1  SG3O2     32.06000 ! neutral sulfone/sulfonamide sulfur
MASS  -1  SG3O3     32.06000 ! neutral sulfoxide sulfur
As mentioned by Harikrishnan Ajith check the state of S atom in your compound and rectify accordingly.. It worked for me after rectifying the structure..
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3 answers
2 particles communicated to PME rank 3 are more than 2/3 times the cut-off out of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in dimension x. This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated.
I got this error while performing gmx mdrun -deffnm nvt
Any solution for this?
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Hi., did you find the solution ? if yes please elaborate, i am stuck with slow simulation and getting thiserror while parallelization this error.
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3 answers
I am using the NEMD method to calculate the thermal conductivity of water in Gromacs. I have three groups in the simulation: hot water, cold water, and free water. I want to calculate the kinetic energy of each group.
Here is the method I used:
1. Using gmx select to isolate the group, producing an index file.
2. With the convert-tpr command, I can create a modified .tpr file centered on the selected group.
3. The gmx trjconv command extracts the group's coordinates from the entire trajectory to obtain a group-specific trajectory.
4. With the modified .tpr file and the group-specific trajectory, the gmx mdrun command with the -rerun option recalculates the energies for the specific group, generating a new energy file. This energy data can then be extracted and analyzed using gmx energy.
However, there is no option for the kinetic energy. What I got is attached. Any suggestions would be very appreciated!
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Thank you Farzane Jalalypour .
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2 answers
I am writing to seek assistance on a matter related to n2t file generation. I am using GROMACS and charmm36 force field in my work. I am covalently attaching a short polymer(poly-peptide) to a nanosheet with the carbonyl carbon of the polymer attached to the nitrogen of the nanosheet I obtained the parameter(itp file) for the polypeptide from CGENFF then added the corresponding atom types and charges from the itp to my n2t file the monomer of the poly-peptide is histidine and it’s itp file has various hydrogen atom type along with carbon types with different charges I have added them all in the n2t file in the same sequence as in the itp since most these atom types are attached to carbon when topology is created using x2top wrong type of carbon and consequently wrong charge is assigned to the atom of my structure. I want you to note the hydrogen types as well as the nitrogen type NG2R51 in the topology file at line 134 it is supposed to be a NG2S1 nitrogen type with a -0.555 charge. There are many other atoms whose atom type was supposed to be different. How can I obtain correct topology.I am attaching the itp file(plh.itp) along with the ss of topology and n2t file. Any guidance or pointers would be of immense help. Thank you for your time.
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Thank you very much for your suggestion, but as per my limited knowledge swissparam is appropriate for small molecule and would generate wrong atom types for atoms in the nanosheet.
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4 answers
Hi every body. I want to do a MD in gromacs for protein but it have a non standard residue. Somone who tell me how I can to do it? Which programs I should to usage? or some tutorial that I can to do or see for this. The protein is GABA AMINOTRANSFERASE but this contain whit PLP covalent bond to LYS residue. THANKS
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Thanks you all of you
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5 answers
I have faced a problem in PCA analysis. I had done PCA analysis of 5 protein-ligand complex in GROMACS. The reviewer asked me to add eigenvectors and eigenvalues plot. I added a plot of eigenvalues vs eigenvector indices. But again he asked me same question “Add to your result and to your figure 6 plots the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. How the eigenvectors explain the variability in the plots?”
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Hi, please find this recent research applying unsupervised machine learning for early plant diseases detection:
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Hi Everyone,
GROMACS version:2022.1((single precision) GROMACS modification: Yes/No Hi Everyone, Today I am running my second protein ligand simulation(read I am new to GROMACS) I am using a LINUX server cluster of following configurations: $ lscpu Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 24 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-23 Thread(s) per core: 1 Core(s) per socket: 12 Socket(s): 2 NUMA node(s): 2 Vendor ID: GenuineIntel CPU family: 6 Model: 63 Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v3 @ 2.30GHz Stepping: 2 CPU MHz: 1200.042 BogoMIPS: 4594.33 Virtualization: VT-x L1d cache: 32K L1i cache: 32K L2 cache: 256K L3 cache: 30720K NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-11 NUMA node1 CPU(s): 12-23 I am running a protein-ligand simulation of 500ns having the following atoms : Compound #atoms Protein 140 residues ligand 71 SOL 317409 H2O molecules SOD 9 I used md.mdp file as follows: title = Protein-ligand complex MD simulation ; Run parameters integrator = md ; leap-frog integrator nsteps = 250000000 ; 2 * 5000000 = 10000 ps (500 ns) dt = 0.002 ; 2 fs ; Output control nstenergy = 5000 ; save energies every 10.0 ps nstlog = 5000 ; update log file every 10.0 ps nstxout-compressed = 5000 ; save coordinates every 10.0 ps ; Bond parameters continuation = yes ; continuing from NPT constraint_algorithm = lincs ; holonomic constraints constraints = h-bonds ; bonds to H are constrained lincs_iter = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy ; Neighbor searching and vdW cutoff-scheme = Verlet ns_type = grid ; search neighboring grid cells nstlist = 20 ; largely irrelevant with Verlet rlist = 1.2 vdwtype = cutoff vdw-modifier = force-switch rvdw-switch = 1.0 rvdw = 1.2 ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm) ; Electrostatics coulombtype = PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range electrostatics rcoulomb = 1.2 pme_order = 4 ; cubic interpolation fourierspacing = 0.16 ; grid spacing for FFT ; Temperature coupling tcoupl = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat tc-grps = Protein_ligan SOL_SOD ; two coupling groups - more accurate tau_t = 0.1 0.1 ; time constant, in ps ref_t = 300 300 ; reference temperature, one for each group, in K ; Pressure coupling pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman ; pressure coupling is on for NPT pcoupltype = isotropic ; uniform scaling of box vectors tau_p = 2.0 ; time constant, in ps ref_p = 1.0 ; reference pressure, in bar compressibility = 4.5e-5 ; isothermal compressibility of water, bar^-1 ; Periodic boundary conditions pbc = xyz ; 3-D PBC ; Dispersion correction is not used for proteins with the C36 additive FF DispCorr = no ; Velocity generation gen_vel = no ; continuing from NPT equilibration
I used the command nohup mpiexec -np 24 gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm md -v, and unbearably, it shows that it will finish Thu Jun 13 04:47:54 2024. Please suggest anything to fasten up the process. I would be grateful for suggestions/help Thanks in advance
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Because it is related to the HPC setting. I DM you.
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2 answers
Dear all, I am attempting to download PLUMED in order to conduct enhanced sampling using Gromacs 3 2020. Could you please inform me which version of PLUMED would be compatible with Gromacs 3 2020? Kind regards.
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Thank you, Harvinder Singh .I have examined the PLUMED documentation, and it appears that PLUMED is not compatible with GROMACS version 3, 2020. However, it is fully compatible with GROMACS versions 2, 4, and 7 from 2020
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1 answer
I am going to do md simulation of 10 receptor-ligand complex. Is the gmx_energy function is enough to decide the binding strength or I have to do gmx_mmpbsa to find free binding energy ? Is interaction energy or binding free energy are different and what they convey, is they are positively correlated?
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Mohon Paul g_mmpbsa provides more insight of P-L complex binding energies. It provides all the contribution energies i.e., Polar, Non-polar, Vanderwaals, for ligand as well as protein. Even energy decomposition analysis provides information about residues contribution into negative binding free energy.
  • asked a question related to Gromacs
4 answers
I want to calculate the "secondary structure" of protein after the MD simulation so i wanted to install "dssp "in gromacs i tried but i can't able to install i was getting error so please can anyone tech me how to install and use for it.
Thank You !!
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  • asked a question related to Gromacs
3 answers
Hi everyone,
Do you have any idea how we can use
NPH ensemble in Gromacs?
Do we need to completely delete temperature coupling options and use Parrinello-Rahman as the barostat(or maybe c-rescale)?
Should any extra settings be considered?
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  • asked a question related to Gromacs
1 answer
I wanted to draw diagram" the relative shape asymmetry parameter for inclusion of ligand into the b-CD cavity" with gromacs.
I kindly beseech your counsel and guidance in navigating this endeavor.
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