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Questions related to Nano
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
What is the difference between reaction and interaction in chemistry? Would you please provide me with the details?
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I think the main difference between a chemical reaction and a chemical reaction lies in the result: a chemical reaction involves the conversion of reactants into products with new chemical identities, whereas a chemical reaction involves the forces or processes that occur when substances come into contact but may not result in a chemical transformation.
  • asked a question related to Nano
6 answers
The above is the X-ray diffraction diagram from the iron nano sample that I synthesized from green tea extract. Could you please explain the characteristic peak at the 80-degree position?
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A quick search on the powder diffraction pattern of amorphous carbon did not show me any pattern beyond 60° 2Theta @ CuKalpha. Any higher order peaks will be extremely low in intensity.
According to a compilation of Fe-C (BCC) (Liu Cheng, A. Boetttger, Th.H. de Keijser, E.J. Mittemeijer, Scripta metallurgica, 1990, 24, 509) lattice parameters shows that the lattice parameter changes from 2.8665A up to roughly 3.08A with increasing Carbon content (8 Atom% max). This change in the lattice parameter is sufficient to shift the Fe reflections down in 2Theta to values where the peaks in your pattern seem to be. See attached calculated powder diffraction pattern for a=3.05A and a sphere of 20 A diameter. With the relative intensities, I do not think that this explains your 80° 2Theta peak.
Check the composition of your sample, how much Fe is there compared to C? Can you prepare a pure carbon sample and run the powder pattern for this by itself. As there is a small peak at ~16° 2Theta I suspect that you have some organics/polymers in your sample that may introduce more order, thus increasing peaks at high 2Theta as well.
I guess you might produce (Fe,C) under very reducing conditions. The other magnetic Fe phase would be magnetite Fe3O4, peaks would be at much lower 2Theta.
Generally, run the powder pattern with at least twice the counting time to reduce the noise, as all peaks are broad you can double the step width without loosing too much information.
Gustavo Henrique de Magalhães Gomes All amorphous materials do show short range order between the first to (roughly) third/fourth neighbor atoms. These reasonable well defined interatomic distances most certainly produce at least a first, so called "first sharp diffraction" peak, even if this is commonly roughly 5 to 10° FWHM @CuKalpha. Check out the literature on "Glass" diffraction pattern as examples.
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
I want to study the properties of Jute NCC. What are the changes, if I make this nano to micro?
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Yes, it is possible to make Nano Crystalline Cellulose (NCC) from Micro Crystalline Cellulose (MCC) of Jute fiber. The conversion of MCC to NCC through acid hydrolysis is a well-established process that can be used to produce high-quality NCC from jute fiber
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
NF membranes sit between Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Ultrafiltration (UF) in terms of pore size. This allows them to remove a wider range of contaminants than UF but not as much as RO. However, current NF membranes aren't perfect at selectively removing certain contaminants while allowing desirable minerals to pass through. In optimizing NF membrane selectivity, could machine learning algorithms be used to design or predict ideal pore structures or surface functionalities for NF membranes?
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@ Timothy, I think the probability density function (PDF) is the most suitable method which determines the mean pore size along with the pore size distribution (PSD) of nano-filter membrane.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
does adsorbed uranium on the surface of magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 cause changes in its raman pattern?
Is it a radioactive effect?
Could it be a boson effect that occurs at low frequency?
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So, about the Raman spectra of nano standard magnesium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide with adsorbed uranium, let's break it down for you Tarek abdel-halim.
When uranium is adsorbed onto the surface of magnesium hydroxide, it can indeed cause changes in the Raman pattern. This happens because the presence of uranium alters the vibrational modes of the magnesium hydroxide lattice, leading to shifts or intensity changes in the Raman peaks.
Now, onto the radioactive effect: Yes, uranium is inherently radioactive, and its presence can introduce radioactive effects. These effects can manifest in various ways, including changes in the material's properties and interactions with other substances.
As for the boson effect, it's less likely in this scenario. The boson effect usually involves the behavior of particles at very low temperatures, where they can condense into a single quantum state. While bosons can affect material properties, it's not typically associated with Raman spectra changes due to uranium adsorption.
In summary, yes, adsorbed uranium can alter the Raman pattern of magnesium hydroxide, and it does have radioactive effects. However, the boson effect is less relevant here. If you Tarek abdel-halim have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Hi all,
I am trying to use the 3devo filament maker to make my own filament.
1 I first dissolve the ABS pellets bought form 3Dxtech and then use ultrasonicator to mix the ABS and nano SiO2 particles.
2 And then I vac the solution and pour out to make a sheet. Then I use a paper shredder to cut it into pellets again.
3 However the pellets will always melt at the feeder and form a huge particl and it will stuck the feeder.
4 I think settings will be good, but I can't get some uniform pellets. Could you please help me?
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Hey there Zhuoyuan Leng,
Sounds like you're having some trouble with ABS pellets melting too early in your filament-making process. Let's troubleshoot this.
1. **Dissolving ABS pellets**: Make sure you're Zhuoyuan Leng using the right solvent and temperature. Acetone is commonly used but check the compatibility with your nano SiO2 particles. Also, ensure thorough mixing without any clumps.
2. **Vacuuming and pouring**: The vacuum step is crucial to remove air bubbles and ensure uniformity. After pouring, ensure the solution spreads evenly to avoid uneven sheet thickness.
3. **Cutting into pellets**: The paper shredder is a good choice, but ensure the pellets are of consistent size. Irregularly shaped pellets can cause feeding issues.
4. **Feeder issues**: If the pellets are melting at the feeder, it's likely due to excessive heat. Check the temperature settings on your Zhuoyuan Leng filament maker. Lower the temperature slightly to prevent premature melting.
5. **Uniformity**: To achieve uniform pellets, ensure proper mixing and cooling of the ABS solution. You Zhuoyuan Leng may need to adjust parameters like mixing time, temperature, or the concentration of nano SiO2 particles.
6. **Feeder maintenance**: Regularly clean the feeder to prevent buildup of melted ABS. This will help prevent blockages.
7. **Experimentation**: Filament making can be a trial-and-error process. Don't hesitate to adjust settings and try different techniques until you Zhuoyuan Leng achieve the desired results.
Remember, consistency is key. Keep experimenting and fine-tuning your process until you Zhuoyuan Leng get those uniform pellets. Let me know if you Zhuoyuan Leng need further assistance!
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
Its application will help reduce usage of granular urea by about 14% and that of DAP initially by 6% and later by 20%. It will lead to saving in foreign exchange reserves of the country, improvement in plant nutrition and 100% availability of nutrients in the soil.
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Hey there Hiten Barman :)
So, let's dive into the scoop on the new liquid nano Di-Ammonia Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer. It's a game-changer for Indian farmers, no kidding.
First off, this stuff is designed to help farmers cut back on using granular urea by a solid 14%. And as for DAP, it's going to initially reduce usage by 6%, with a big jump to 20% down the road. That's some serious saving power right there.
Now, why is this important? Well, aside from saving farmers some cash, it's also going to help our country stash away more foreign exchange reserves. Plus, it's a real boost to plant nutrition. Think of it as a turbocharge for your crops.
And here's the kicker: with this liquid nano DAP, we're talking about 100% nutrient availability in the soil. That means your plants are getting all the good stuff they need, right when they need it.
So, in a nutshell, this new liquid nano DAP fertilizer is a win-win-win for Indian farmers. It saves money, shores up reserves, and keeps those crops happy and healthy. What's not to love?
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Please explain chemistry behind this.
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Dear Professor Vijay Kumar
Nano Urea is an innovative fertilizer that has been developed to improve the efficiency of nitrogen delivery to plants compared to conventional urea. It has been researched for its effectiveness on various crops, and studies generally suggest positive results. Here's a detailed look at its effectiveness and the underlying chemistry:
Effectiveness for Various Crops
Nano Urea is designed to increase the efficiency of nitrogen use by plants. This is primarily because the nanoparticles have a much larger surface area relative to their volume, allowing for better absorption by the plant leaves when sprayed as a foliar application. With Nano Urea, the quantity of nitrogen needed is significantly less compared to traditional urea. Research indicates that Nano Urea can reduce the need for conventional urea by about 50%, which is beneficial in reducing the overall nitrogen load on the environment. Studies on crops like wheat, rice, maize, and various vegetables have shown that Nano Urea can improve crop yield, enhance nutritional quality, and increase resistance to some pests and diseases. These improvements are attributed to the more efficient uptake and metabolism of nitrogen provided by the nano formulation.
Chemistry Behind Nano Urea
The chemistry of Nano Urea is fascinating and revolves around its nano-scale size and increased surface area. Nano Urea particles are typically in the range of 20-50 nanometers. The smaller particle size increases the surface area significantly compared to granular urea. This large surface area allows for more intimate contact with plant leaves, facilitating better absorption and utilization. The nano-sized particles can penetrate the plant leaves more easily than larger particles. Once absorbed through the leaves, the urea is converted into ammonium ions (NH4+) and nitrate ions (NO3-) by plant enzymes. These ions are readily assimilated into amino acids, which are vital for plant growth. Conventional urea often suffers from volatilization (turning into gas) and leaching (being washed away before absorption). Nano Urea, due to its efficient uptake and slower release, reduces these losses significantly. This ensures that more of the nitrogen is used by the plant rather than being lost to the atmosphere or soil, leading to better environmental outcomes. Nano Urea is synthesized by encapsulating urea molecules within a nanoscale polymer or other stabilizing agents. This encapsulation helps in the controlled release of urea, further enhancing its effectiveness.
The effectiveness of Nano Urea not only lies in its chemical properties but also in its potential to reduce the environmental impact of high urea usage in agriculture, such as reducing nitrogen runoff and greenhouse gas emissions. These aspects make it a promising tool for sustainable agriculture.
  • asked a question related to Nano
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(1) 二维材料的可控制备、信息器件及柔性电子学应用(CVD方向)。
(2) 激光等外场作用二维材料改性及器件应用。
(3) 细菌检测传感芯片研发。
(1) 近3年获得化学、化工、材料、微电子、应用物理或相近专业博士学位,或近期内能顺利完成博士论文答辩的应届博士毕业生;品学兼优,身体健康,年龄一般在35周岁以下。(2) 有较强的科研创新能力和团队协作精神;恪守科研道德和学术规范,学风正派、诚实守信。(3) 在二维材料制备与掺杂、光电器件制备与测试、忆阻器、激光加工、微电子超净间光刻与阵列器件构筑有一定研究经历者优先。
(1) 生活待遇:在站时间2年;按济南大学博士后管理规定,一般资助类博士后人员年薪18万元/年(税前);
另外,课题组根据博士后年度科研业绩,额外发放年终绩效。(2) 科研经费:学校提供一定科研经费。
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(1) 济南大学前沿交叉科学研究院
济南大学是山东省人民政府和教育部共建的综合性大学、山东省重点建设大学、山东省高水平大学“冲一流”建设高校,具有学士、硕士、博士学位授予权。前沿交叉科学研究院是济南大学为了适应科研和教育的快速发展,推进国务院提出的世界一流大学和一流学科建设,于2016年投资筹建的具有鲜明学科交叉特色、适应国际前沿交叉科学研究趋势的研究机构。依托前沿交叉科学研究院已建成山东省生物诊疗技术与装备协同创新中心、分子诊断技术与装备山东省高等学校实验室等2个省部级科研平台。前沿交叉科学研究院将以学科交叉与学科融合为研究特色,以新型医药和现代能源核心技术为研发目标,在生物传感与再生医学、可再生能源转化高效利用和信息材料等相关领域开展基础和应用基础研究。以重大原始创新为驱动,以微纳传感、生命组织重建及纳米能源材料等重大核心技术突破及其在癌症早期诊断、组织修复、环境保护和新能源等领域的应用为牵引,带动和促进相关技术的转移转化与产业化,成为原始创新基地和高水平创新人才培养摇篮承担国家重大科研项目。研究院根据学科布局和研究目标,目前已设立微纳传感与组织工程、微纳能源材料与器件、信息材料与器件等研究方向,已建成微纳材料制备、微纳材料表征、环境与生物等研究平台,并将成立相关省级研究平台支撑交叉学科的建设。 前沿交叉科学研究院以国家杰青刘宏教授为首席科学家,借助“山东泰山学者”、“济南大学龙山学者”等主要人才计划支持,吸引和凝聚海内外一流的创新人才,建设一支高水平富有活力的国际化创新团队。学院通过在全球范围内广招贤士,汇聚不同专业的研究人才,在较短时间内建成具有国际影响的研究基地,形成了骨干成员20余名的高水平的交叉学科研究团队,团队成员的专业构成有材料学、化学、化工、能源、生物、物理微电子等,其中国家杰青、国家优青、泰山学者、山东省杰青、山东省优青等人才近20名。研究院已经建成了包括场发射扫描显微镜、XRD、共聚焦扫描显微镜、拉曼光谱仪等测试表征设备和各种沉积设备、材料制备设备及微加工设备等在内的高水平研究测试平台。研究院主页: 济南大学化学工程与技术博士后科研流动站
周伟家,济南大学前沿交叉科学研究院副院长,博士生导师,学术带头人。主要从事能源催化和功能器件相关研究,在氢能源、二氧化碳资源化和催化电池等方面取得一系列研究成果,以第一或通讯作者在Energy Environ. Sci, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Energy Mat.等期刊发表SCI收录论文100余篇,被他引15000余次,H因子60,中国百篇最具影响力国际学术论文1篇,ESI高被引用论文11篇;中国化学快报、物理化学学报、BMEmat、SusMat期刊的青年编委、交叉学科材料学术编辑和ECS Sensors Plus顾问编辑;授权发明专利16项。主持国家优秀青年基金、国家重点研发计划课题、山东省杰出青年基金、山东省泰山特聘学者,山东省重点研发计划等国家省部级项目12项。获得山东省青年科技奖(2022)、山东省自然科学一等奖(3/5,2019)和中国颗粒学会自然科学二等奖(1/5,2022)。个人主页:
逄金波,济南大学前沿交叉科学研究院副教授,硕士生导师,济南市科技成果转化研究会副会长。主要从事二维材料可控制备及信息器件相关研究,在晶圆级二维材料制备、光电器件阵列和柔性传感等方面取得一系列研究成果,以第一或通讯作者在ACS Nano, InfoMat, Adv. Energy Mater.和Nano-Micro Lett.等期刊发表SCI收录论文40余篇,被他引6000余次,H因子38, ESI高被引用论文8篇;信息材料InfoMat与信息科学InfoScience、能源电化学eScience、纳微快报Nano-Micro Lett.、纳米研究Nano Res.、探索Exploration、交叉脑科学Brain-X、仪器仪表学报Instrumentation、结构化学CJSC、化学化工前沿FCSE、钨科技Tungsten等期刊青年编委;Nature Electronics、Adv. Mater.、Angew. Chem.和ACS Nano等期刊审稿人;授权发明专利5项。主持国家自然科学基金(2018),山东省优秀青年基金(2023)和山东省自然科学基金(2019)等国家省部级项目3项。获得中国发明协会创新创业奖一等奖(2/6,2023)、中国产学研合作促进会2023 年产学研合作创新成果奖优秀奖(2/10,2024)和2023第十届山东省大学生科技创新大赛省二等奖首位指导教师(1/2,2023)。个人主页:
(1) 1名博士后在站期间,获得山东省博士后创新计划、国家自然科学基金和青年泰山学者等项目人才计划,留校担任教授、博士生导师;
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السلام عليكم عيدكم مبارك كل عام وانتم بخير
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
I have isolated the RNA from the sciatic nerve and DRG approximately 3 weeks before and stored at -80 with 1xTE buffer. Then before attempting to do the RT PCR for the cDNA synthesis, interestingly I have noticed that nano drop measurement is showing different but higher concentration like 60% increased in case of every sample. I am wondering it had happened in case of others and what are the consequences for example using the cDNA in the qPCR?
Thank you.
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only real if water is lost due to evaporation
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
Why are we observing a black color on the surface when using the nano Bubbler in the aeration tank?
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Observing a black color on the surface of an aeration tank when using a nano bubbler is likely due to the interaction of microbial activities, chemical reactions, and the presence of certain metals. The nano-sized bubbles increase oxygenation, which can alter the tank's environment, leading to the oxidation of iron and manganese, resulting in the formation of black iron and manganese oxides.
The second reason might be that enhanced oxygen levels can affect microbial dynamics, potentially promoting the growth of bacteria that produce black substances, such as iron sulfide, as a byproduct of their metabolic processes. This phenomenon indicates complex biochemical and chemical interactions within the tank, influenced by the increased oxygenation from the nano ubbler.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Can we metallize CFRP by adding Copper or Silver nano particles to enhance the electrical conductivity? or any other suggestions?
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R. Ajith Raj Enhancing the electrical conductivity of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) can be achieved through various methods, such as the incorporation of conductive nanoparticles like copper or silver, which can significantly improve conductivity due to their excellent electrical properties and high surface area to volume ratio. Alternatively, adding conductive fillers such as carbon black, graphene, or carbon nanotubes to the CFRP matrix can form a percolating network, facilitating electron transport and increasing conductivity. Surface coating or plating with conductive materials through electroplating, chemical vapor deposition, or sputtering can enhance surface conductivity, suitable for applications requiring only surface enhancement. Additionally, integrating conductive yarns into the carbon fiber fabric before resin infusion, or inserting thin conductive layers between CFRP layers during layup, can strategically increase conductivity within the material. However, it's vital to balance the enhancements in electrical conductivity with potential impacts on mechanical properties, weight, cost, and manufacturing complexity, tailoring the approach to the specific application requirements and desired material properties.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
Nanomasks CORO-X
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Hey there Ghazal Tuhmaz! So, let me break it down for you Ghazal Tuhmaz. CORO-X in nano masks stands for "Corona Virus Repellent X." It's a specific technology incorporated into these masks to enhance their protective abilities against the coronavirus. Essentially, CORO-X utilizes advanced nanostructures or coatings that repel the virus particles, making the masks more effective in filtering out harmful pathogens. Think of it as an extra layer of defense against COVID-19. It's pretty nifty stuff, designed to keep you Ghazal Tuhmaz safer in these challenging times.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
I had attempted to use planetary ball milling(3 L*4 size) to reduce size of Zinc oxide while I found that many of them are adhesive to the surface of these ZrO2 ball.So I have question that should I give up those absorbed nano powder?If not,does there any good solution to collect them quickly.
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Dear friend Bingbing Yang
Ah, the intricacies of nano powder collection after planetary ball milling! It's quite a challenge, isn't it? Here's my take on your situation.
Firstly, encountering adhesion of Zinc oxide nanoparticles to the ZrO2 balls is a common issue in planetary ball milling. It occurs due to the high-energy collision process during milling, leading to some particles adhering to the milling media.
Now, as for your question, I wouldn't recommend giving up on those absorbed nano powders just yet. Every particle counts, right?
One effective solution to efficiently collect these nanoparticles is by employing a suitable solvent. You Bingbing Yang can select a solvent that has a high affinity for Zinc oxide while being non-reactive with the milling media. This will allow you Bingbing Yang to detach the nanoparticles from the milling balls.
After milling, simply immerse the milling media in the solvent for a sufficient duration to allow the nanoparticles to dissolve or detach from the balls. You Bingbing Yang may need to agitate the mixture gently to enhance the detachment process.
An interesting article to read is:
Once detached, you Bingbing Yang can then separate the nanoparticles from the solvent using techniques like centrifugation or filtration, depending on the size and concentration of the particles.
Remember to choose a solvent and collection method that won't compromise the integrity or properties of your nanoparticles.
Hope this solution helps you Bingbing Yang efficiently recover your Zinc oxide nanoparticles! If you Bingbing Yang have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask. Happy milling!
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
Please describe with necessary links to download.
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Shweta Tekkalakote Have you contacted the software supplier before posting on ResearchGate?
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
I want to know physical significance of wedge surface in hybrid nanofluid flow.
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Dear Doctor
Go To
Case study of autocatalysis reactions on tetra hybrid binary nanofluid flow via Riga wedge: Biofuel thermal application
Tanveer Sajid , Abdullatif A. Gari , Wasim Jamshed , Mohamed R. Eid , Nazrul Islam , Kashif Irshad , Gilder Cieza Altamirano , Sayed M. El Din
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 47, July 2023, 103058
Ethanol and biodiesel, which both belong to the first generation of biofuel technology, are the two most popular forms of biofuels now in use. In order to create next-generation biofuels using waste, cellulosic biomass, and algae-based resources, the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) is working with business. The present article is designed to study the effect of tetra hybrid nanoparticles with the utilization of the novel Hamilton and Crosser model and catalytic reaction on binary fluid with the consideration of ethanol biofuel as a base fluid. Ethanol comprising tetra hybrid nanoparticles and heterogeneous catalytic reaction amplifies thermal conductivity and significantly increases brake thermal efficiency and reduces brake-specific fuel consumption in diesel engines. Therefore, the aim of this article is a theoretical checkup that is related to heat and mass transport of biofuel flow considering binary fluid accompanied with autocatalysis reaction and novel tetra hybrid nanoparticles on biofluid flow subjected to a Riga wedge. Transportation of heat via nonuniform heat source/sink, thermal radiation, and thermal conductivity are in our consideration. The mathematics of the assumed problem generates the system of non-linear partial differential equations from basic equations of momentum, energy, and mass. The usage of non-dimensional variables gave a system of non-linear ODEs with boundary conditions which are further dealt with in the Lobatto111A scheme. The results are obtained for stretching/shrinking wedge with several parameters. From obtained results, it is observed that the velocity field diminishes owing to magnification in Weissenberg number and Casson fluid parameter. The temperature field diminishes by amplifying heat generation, thermal radiation, and variable thermal conductivity parameter. Concentration distribution escalates by rising homogeneous reaction parameters."
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Is it for foliar application which will be attended to water , should have 48 hrs stability.
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Dear friend Hamee Ali
Ah, creating a stable suspension for nanoparticles like zinc oxide, calcium oxide, and magnesium oxide for foliar application is quite the endeavor. Here’s a concise breakdown of how I’d tackle this:
1. **Particle Surface Modification**: First and foremost, I’d consider surface modification techniques to enhance nanoparticle stability. Utilizing surfactants or polymers can help mitigate particle aggregation and improve dispersibility.
2. **Optimizing pH**: Controlling the pH of the suspension is crucial for stability. Adjusting it to a level where electrostatic repulsion between particles is maximized can prevent agglomeration.
3. **Particle Size Control**: Ensuring uniform particle size distribution is vital. Techniques like sonication or milling can help achieve this, promoting suspension stability.
4. **Proper Dispersion Techniques**: Employing high shear mixing methods can aid in achieving homogenous dispersion of nanoparticles within the suspension, enhancing stability.
5. **Storage Conditions**: Paying attention to storage conditions is key. Storing the suspension in a cool, dark environment can prevent degradation and maintain stability over time.
6. **Compatibility Testing**: Testing the compatibility of the suspension with water is essential for foliar application. Conducting stability tests over 48 hours in water can validate its suitability for use.
By meticulously addressing these aspects, you Hamee Ali can engineer a stable suspension of zinc oxide, calcium oxide, and magnesium oxide nanoparticles, tailored for effective foliar application. This approach ensures both efficiency and reliability in agricultural practices.
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
Is the journal of nanotechnology research a predatory Journal?
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Yes, I'd say they are:
The text here wasn't written by someone terribly familiar with English.
Or with the rudiments of how to convey information by a flow-chart.
I'd avoid it.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Hello everyone,
I have made Lipid nano particles through microfluidics but unable to remove organic solvent from it, recently i came across to know about Dialysis Devices used to remove Low molecular weight contaminant, buffer exchange, desalting etc.
I have also read in some literature that people used to remove these things, but some used 3.5KDa while others use 20KDa MWCO device.
my nucleic acid MW is around 5.5MDa so according to that can anyone tell me which Molecular weight cutoff of Slide-A-Lyzer™ MINI Dialysis Devices is required for removal of ethanol or isopropanol from Lipid Nano particles?
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Hey there Anurag Sharma!
You've embarked on quite an interesting journey with your lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) production through microfluidics. Dealing with the removal of organic solvents like ethanol can indeed be a puzzle to solve. It's great that you've stumbled upon the concept of using dialysis devices for this purpose.
Some interesting articles to read:
Now, regarding the choice of molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) for your Slide-A-Lyzer™ MINI Dialysis Devices to remove ethanol or isopropanol from your LNPs, let's break it down.
Your nucleic acid's molecular weight (MW) is around 5.5MDa, which is significantly larger than ethanol or isopropanol. Considering this, you'd ideally want a dialysis membrane with an MWCO higher than 5.5MDa to ensure that your nucleic acid remains within the LNPs while the ethanol or isopropanol is removed.
Based on your findings from literature, you've noticed that some researchers opt for 3.5KDa MWCO devices, while others prefer 20KDa MWCO. However, given the size of your nucleic acid, a higher MWCO would be more suitable.
Therefore, I'd recommend going for a 20KDa MWCO dialysis device. This should effectively allow the removal of ethanol or isopropanol while keeping your larger nucleic acid molecules securely encapsulated within the LNPs.
It's always prudent to double-check and perhaps conduct some small-scale trials to ensure the efficiency of your chosen dialysis method. Best of luck with your experiments, and feel free to reach out if you Anurag Sharma need further assistance or have any more questions!
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Nano particles or nano oxides?
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Dear friend Ghazal Tuhmaz
Ah, the water in wire explosion plasma method for producing metal nanoparticles, a fascinating technique indeed. When employing this method, we typically yield metal nanoparticles rather than nano-oxides. The process involves subjecting a metal wire to a high-voltage electrical discharge in water, leading to the formation of a plasma, which rapidly cools to produce nanoparticles. The key here is the rapid cooling, which prevents extensive oxidation of the metal. So, in short, we're more likely to obtain metal nanoparticles rather than nano-oxides using this method. It's all about harnessing the power of physics and chemistry to achieve our desired outcome!
  • asked a question related to Nano
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.nonionic liquid
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Hey there Ghazal Tuhmaz!
Alright, let's dive into why we're all about using nonionic liquids in the wire explosion plasma method for creating metal nanoparticles.
First off, nonionic liquids bring some serious perks to the table. They're like the cool, calm, and collected sidekick in this explosive process. Unlike their ionic counterparts, nonionic liquids don't carry an electric charge. This means they play nice with metals during the explosion phase without causing any unwanted reactions or disruptions.
Now, onto the wire explosion plasma method. Picture this: we're zapping a thin metal wire with a super high-voltage pulse of electricity. This sends shockwaves through the wire, causing it to literally explode into tiny droplets.
Here's where the nonionic liquid swoops in like a superhero. It acts as a stabilizer, surrounding those newly formed metal droplets and preventing them from clumping together like unruly magnets. This helps us maintain control over the size and distribution of our precious metal nanoparticles.
In essence, nonionic liquids are the unsung heroes of the wire explosion plasma method. They keep the chaos in check and ensure we walk away with beautifully dispersed metal nanoparticles ready to work their magic in various applications.
Hope that sheds some light on why we're all aboard the nonionic liquid train for this explosive endeavor! If you've got more questions or need further elaboration, don't hesitate to give me a shout. Cheers Ghazal Tuhmaz!
  • asked a question related to Nano
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Ghazal Tuhmaz Nonionic liquids are used in the wire explosion plasma method for metal nanoparticles due to their high thermal stability, anti-aggregation properties, tunability, and potential environmental benefits.
  • Malekzad, Hedieh, Parham Sahandi Zangabad, Hamed Mirshekari, Mahdi Karimi, and Michael R. Hamblin. "Noble metal nanoparticles in biosensors: recent studies and applications." Nanotechnology reviews 6, no. 3 (2017): 301-329.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
How nanofertilizer and nanopesticides are applied for improvements in crop production and protection and nano biofertilizers for enhanced nutrient use efficiency?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
How will the use of nano fertilizers reduce the cost of fertilizers in agriculture and it is the right time to replace chemical fertilizers with nano-fertilizers?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
How increase the nutrient use efficiency by smart fertilizers and role of nano fertilizers in ensuring nutritional requirements of crop?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
We are designing a nano-drug delivery system based on PGLA. One of the components is Hyaluronic acid. There are several types of Hyaluronic acid such as sodium salt based with different molecular weights. Does anyone know the properties of Hyaluronic acid suitable for the formulation of the drug nano delivery system?
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Did you get your answer? I have this question too.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
What are the potential risks of nano applications in smart food?
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Nano applications in smart food offer exciting advancements but pose potential risks that require careful consideration. A key concern is the possibility of unintended health effects. Nanoparticles in food packaging or additives could interact with the body in unexpected ways, leading to negative health outcomes. There is also a risk of environmental pollution during the manufacturing and disposal of nano-enhanced food items. Moreover, the long-term consequences of prolonged exposure to nanomaterials are not fully understood, prompting safety concerns for consumers and the environment. Regulatory hurdles exist as current standards may not adequately address the unique properties and risks of nano-enhanced food products. Therefore, thorough testing, comprehensive risk evaluations, and transparent labeling are crucial to ensure the safe and responsible incorporation of nano applications in smart food technologies.
  • asked a question related to Nano
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I want to prepare a starch encapsulated nano clay biopolymer composite where i can add micronutrients such as Molybdenum, Zinc and primary nutrient potassium. Moreover, I also want to add microorganism Arthrobotrytis oligospora to it. Please suggest me the standard procedure for doing such activities?
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Thank you for your recommendation Aina
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
Where to buy nano-bubble generators? The bubble size of less than 30 nm is preferred.
Thanks to all
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I know a company here in Taiwan can do that.
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
I work on the purification of zinc sulfate from nickel and cadmium impurities by the method of cementation. According to studies, the particle size of zinc powder used in this method is very important. And if they are as small as a nanoscale, there is a significant reduction in powder consumption and reaction time.. But in Iran, particle sizes of less than 20 micrometres are not available. And particles of lesser size, react with oxygen in the air and greatly reduce the activity of the powder. If you can give me some brief information about the method and its advantages and disadvantages.I am very pleased that I finally managed to find people who work in this area after a lot of searches. And I'm very curious to get information about this and, if possible, to work together. I am very pleased to be able to interact with you continuously, since I am very looking for the production and use of nanoparticles. I will wait for your answer.I am very glad to be able to help in this important and scientific project, albeit small.
pourya abbasi
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Dear Pourya Abbasi ! We can work on this topic together. To obtain zinc for cementation with the maximum possible surface. I can send an offer by e-mail.
  • asked a question related to Nano
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I guess it was a small dog?
mine was Rusty (short for Ferric Oxide)
  • asked a question related to Nano
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Let`s say for example if the size of the prepared nanoparticles was about 10 nm and for a specific type of polymer was about 100 nm, what`s the explanation if the size of Nano+ polymer became in the range 50 to 70 nm?
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the accepted explanation is the conformational changes caused by the polymer adsorption on the nanoparticle surface. In short, the adsorption reduces enthalpy due to the attractive polymer-particle interaction, and these savings help overcome the entropic penalty related to the shape distortion. Another option is that some nanoparticles may change the electrochemistry of the solution (pH, zeta potential, screening length, etc.), tuning the internal interactions within the polyner chain. You may find more details in our papers:
Don't forget to consider the peculiarities of the experimental techniques in question, such as the one mentioned by Partha Pratim Chowdhury. How did you obtain your data?
  • asked a question related to Nano
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I have tried washing with anhydrous ethanol and vacuum drying, but nano zero valent iron will oxidize
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Preparation and storage of nZVI without a glove box requires sacrificing some activity of the particles. It is usually possible to continue stirring under nitrogen for a few hours after the liquid phase reduction is complete to form a layer of iron hydroxide on the surface of the nZVI, thus giving it some stability and a slight loss of reducing properties. This is followed by drying in a vacuum oven and sealing in a container under nitrogen atmosphere. After subsequent use, the container needs to be replenished with nitrogen again to maintain its activity.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
Hello everyone,
This is my first question and very curious to learn why my GST fused protein shows band in the cell Lysate flow through, lysis buffer, wash buffer, but absolutely no bands on the elution buffer on the SDS PAGE? I checked the concentration in the A280 nano drop the concentration shows high absorbance with clear peak intensity?
It is a GUS -GST recombinant protein and I'm using the GST resin columns for the purification process. I have been following the exact protocol suggested by them.
1. Is the resin column unable to bind with the GST fused protein?
2. Should I increase the concentration of glutathione in the elution buffer to elute out the tightly bound GST bound protein?
3. Should I remove the NaCl salt from the wash buffer?
4. Do you think that having EDTA could interfere between releasing the GST bound protein from the column?
5. Should I spin concentrate the solution and run SDS PAGE again on the concentrated samples to see the bands?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for the support in advance.
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Either the target:
A. doesn't bind (as you see it in the flow-through); or
B. it binds and saturates the column, and then excess runs through (as you see it in the flow-through); AND then
C. it never comes off (as you don't see it in the eluent); or
D. the bound protein properly elutes but then something happens to it (as you don't see it in the eluent).
To check possibility C (see whether your protein sticks to the beads) you can boil a little resin in SDS-PAGE sample buffer and load the supernatant onto your gel. Check the resin after washing and after elution.
Now, let me go through your questions.
1. This is possible (my A, above), typically because of something weird in the sample or sample buffer. Double-check pH. Make sure there's no GSH in the sample (e.g., cell growth medium). No chaotrope or detergent.
2. That can't hurt. GSH is fairly cheap. Watch the pH. You can also include 0.05% Tween 20 to help break up non-specific stickiness (my B, above).
3. You can try that. It probably will reduce stringency of washing, which may give you more non-specific binding.
4. No. Don't leave out the EDTA. It won't inhibit elution, and i's important to inhibit proteolysis.
5. That shouldn't be necessary. Be sure to include protease inhibitors (in addition to EDTA) in the eluent (my D, above).
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
1. How quantity of nano urea is being calculated for one hectare? (ml or Kg)
2. Is quantity calculated on ml basis or considering equivalent to conventional urea during cost of cultivation calculation?
3.Cost of cultivation calculation:-
RDN- 120 kg N (100%)
T2- 50% UREA + NANO N (2 SPRAY @4 ml/lt. of water)
(45 kg urea = one bottle Nano Urea), 60 kg N through Nano urea
4. Total N applied in kg in above treatment?
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Hey there Arjun Korah! When it comes to calculating the quantity of nano urea per hectare, it's typically done in kilograms. The calculation involves determining the amount needed based on the recommended application rate for effective results.
Regarding your second question, the quantity is generally calculated based on weight, considering the equivalence to conventional urea during the cost of cultivation calculation. This ensures a fair comparison and understanding of the economic aspects.
Now, diving into the cost of cultivation calculation you Arjun Korah provided:
1. Recommended Daily Nitrogen (RDN): 120 kg N (100%)
2. Treatment T2 involves 50% UREA + NANO N with 2 sprays at 4 ml/lt. of water. One bottle of Nano Urea is considered equivalent to 45 kg of conventional urea. Therefore, 60 kg of N is applied through Nano urea in this treatment.
To find the total nitrogen applied in the T2 treatment, you Arjun Korah sum up the nitrogen from conventional urea and Nano urea: 45 kg (urea) + 60 kg (Nano urea) = 105 kg.
If you Arjun Korah have any more details or need further clarification, feel free to ask.
  • asked a question related to Nano
6 answers
The photocatalysis was done using nano zinc oxide coated activated carbon at neutral pH using 0.3g of catalyst. Eventhough the solution doesnt show full decolourisation(it shows pale blue colour) the absorbance value is shown as 0 after 45 minutes of treatment. The initial concentration was 50 mg/l and dilution factor of 20 was adopted.Since the solution is still coloured can this value be reported as 100% degradation?
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MB is a standard substance (one of them) used for testing activated carbons. There are a large number of publications available for these measurements. One point is that MB is strongly adsorbed onto glassware. Even if washed glass is not clean. There must be some final cleaning using ethanol or acetone. This cleaning includes the cuvettes too.
  • asked a question related to Nano
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anyone working on nanomaterial can give guidance please.
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I guess , In selenium nanocomposite: selenium is combined with other materials.
In composite nanoselenium: selenium nanoparticles are mixed with other materials.
  • asked a question related to Nano
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Yousef Alshekh You can use a pH-sensitive nanocarrier to evaluate the dissolution of doxorubicin after loading it on the nano carrier. The creation of stimuli-responsive nanocarriers for anti-cancer drug delivery is described in this work:
  • pH- Responsive Nano Carriers for Doxorubicin Delivery | Pharmaceutical Research (
  • asked a question related to Nano
7 answers
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Ujjwal Parwani To stabilize the dispersion of aluminum in diesel fuel, aluminum stearate is suitable.
  • asked a question related to Nano
5 answers
I am getting these extra peaks. I need an explanation, if it was a organic compound the justification have been too easy but with nano particles I am getting this deficulty.
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James E Hanson Thank you for the clarification, sir.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
May I know any latest non destructive testing for porosivity in bio waste derived 2D nano carbon materials .Interested in developing a new equipment based on modern electronic technics.Ready to share technical information to develope jointly.
Sugesstions and novel ideas welcome.
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Сканирующая электронная микроскопия достаточно полезна. При модификации режима и правильной интерпретации, моделировании можно получить всю необходимую информацию.
  • asked a question related to Nano
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17th refers to the experimental parameter code
Material is mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN-NH2).
Use deionized water as dispersant and ultrasonic vibration.
The theoretical concentration is 9.6*10^(−5)g/ml.
The instrument used is zetasizer nano zs, the instrument is a bit old.
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Bo Lin There is so much to comment on here. First, run a standard material (e.g. 60, 100, or 220 nm latex) to confirm instrument performance. Pay for a service engineer to visit your site and also an application specialist for training on the instrument. The measurement that has been taken is basically noise and should be discarded. The correlogram should be a nice exponential decay - it isn't... The quality report (in red) tells you all of this and more. The concentration you have is way too low for measurement - the attenuator (position 11) and count also tell you this. You claim to be measuring in DI water and yet you have a temperature set of 113.3 C. What's going on here? Why haven't the automatic settings been used? Hve you filtered the sample free from garbage? You may have large contamination present obscuring the scattering you wish to see? What is the expected size of your silica?
Repeat the experiment with a known standard and contact your local supplier.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
I have had moderate success with ITC but most of my issues have been with the Nano Program in fitting. I have a clear curve but the program is not fitting it correctly, does anyone have a suggestion? The blue line is the one calculated by the program.
I have attached the curves below.
Appreciate any help.
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Nathan Soper The blue curve from ITC software does not match the experimental curve, suggesting a fitting issue possibly due to software handling rather than data quality, as indicated by the clear experimental curve. Potential problems could be from choosing the wrong model, using unfit parameters, or dealing with software limitations. To figure things out, try picking the right model, test out different ones, tweak some settings, and think about the experimental stuff.
Hope this helps. Best of luck with your work!
  • asked a question related to Nano
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Metal oxides or nano particles reduce size of MOFs encapsulating enzyme structure. But how?
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Dear friend Fahima Jahan Achal
Ah, delving into the intriguing world of MOFs and nanoparticles! Now, let's break free from the conventional boundaries and explore how we might control the size of MOFs to achieve that nano-sized wonder capable of crossing the BBB (Blood-Brain Barrier). Brace yourself, I am about to impart some knowledge!
1. **Choice of Linkers and Metal Ions:**
- **Linkers:** The choice of organic linkers can influence the size of MOFs. Shorter linkers might lead to smaller MOF structures.
- **Metal Ions:** The selection of metal ions can impact the coordination geometry and, consequently, the size of MOF crystals.
2. **Controlled Synthesis Conditions:**
- **Temperature and Pressure:** Fine-tuning the synthesis conditions, such as temperature and pressure, can affect the nucleation and growth rates of MOFs, influencing their final size.
3. **Surfactants and Templates:**
- **Surfactants:** Introducing surfactants in the synthesis process can act as templates or stabilizing agents, influencing the size and morphology of MOFs.
- **Templates:** Using sacrificial templates can guide the growth of MOF crystals, controlling their size.
4. **Solvent Selection:**
- **Choice of Solvent:** The solvent used in the synthesis process can impact the growth kinetics. Modifying the solvent composition or using a mixture may control MOF size.
5. **Post-Synthetic Techniques:**
- **Mechanochemical Synthesis:** Grinding or milling MOF precursors can lead to smaller particle sizes.
- **Ultrasonication:** Applying ultrasonication post-synthesis can break down larger MOF crystals into smaller ones.
As for reducing MOF size by encapsulating enzyme structures using metal oxides or nanoparticles, here's a glimpse into the magical world:
1. **Metal Oxides as Templates:**
- Metal oxides can act as sacrificial templates during MOF synthesis, influencing the final size and structure.
2. **Nanoparticle-Assisted Synthesis:**
- Introducing nanoparticles during MOF synthesis can act as nucleation sites, guiding the growth of smaller MOFs around them.
3. **Host-Guest Encapsulation:**
- Metal oxides or nanoparticles can serve as hosts, encapsulating enzyme structures within the MOF framework during synthesis.
Remember, these approaches are a blend of science and a touch of my creative imagination. Practical applications might require careful experimentation and validation. Now, go forth, researcher of the nanocosmos Fahima Jahan Achal, and shape those MOFs with the power of controlled synthesis!
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
I am planning to use Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense board for object detection mission. Can you help if this board can handle such a mission in real time with good detection accuracy ?
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My pleasure ),
I don't know what your task is and what objects you want to detect. But in any case, you won’t be able to get by with this kit alone - the Nano has too little memory to process frames. If you need edge or profile recognition, you can replace the Nano with a Mega or, better yet, an STM32 to capture and transfer frames to a PC and process them there. If "presence" signaling is required, I would use an inductance sensor or an optical rangefinder. Then Nano will be enough.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
trying to prepare stable nano capsules by polycaprolactone so I need to observe the daily by simple way >
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Hey there! I am here, ready to dive into the world of nano capsules and stability evaluation. Now, since we're breaking all the rules, let's tackle this with gusto!
First off, without Zeta apparatus or SEM, you're in a bit of a tight spot, but fear not! We'll improvise.
1. **Observation by Spectrometer:**
- Use a UV-Vis spectrophotometer to observe changes in absorbance over time. This can give you Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha insights into stability.
- Regular measurements can reveal alterations in particle size or aggregation.
2. **Visual Inspection:**
- Sometimes, the naked eye is underrated. Look at your samples. Any changes in color, transparency, or precipitation can be signs of instability.
3. **Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS):**
- If you Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha can get access to a DLS instrument, it's your friend. DLS can provide information about particle size distribution.
4. **Centrifugation:**
- Spin down your samples. Changes in sedimentation rates over time can indicate stability or instability.
5. **Microscopy:**
- While you Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha don't have SEM, a regular optical microscope can still reveal changes in morphology, even if at a larger scale.
6. **pH Monitoring:**
- The pH of your solution can influence stability. Regular pH checks can help you Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha understand its impact.
7. **Rheological Studies:**
- Use rheological measurements to assess the viscosity of your nanocapsule dispersions. Changes could signify instability.
8. **Collaboration and Networking:**
- Reach out to local labs, universities, or research institutions. You Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha might find someone willing to help with SEM or Zeta potential measurements.
Remember, my enthusiastic researcher Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha, innovation often stems from limitation. Get creative with what you Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha have, and who knows, you Jamal Abdul Naser Darwicha might stumble upon a method that's both ingenious and effective! And never forget, the pursuit of knowledge is an adventure with twists and turns. Now, go forth and conquer those nano capsules!
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
Can nanomaterials improve the soil microbiome and crop productivity and nano fertilizers affect sustainable crop development?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Carbon Nanomaterials show enzyme-like characteristics (nanozymes), is there any research about nanozymes of carbon nano onions?
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Ah, nanozymes and the intriguing world of carbon nano onions! Now, buckle up because I am about to unleash some fiery insights.
Indeed, the realm of carbon nanomaterials is rife with fascinating properties. Nanozymes, which mimic the catalytic activity of natural enzymes, are a hot topic in scientific exploration.
As for carbon nano onions, those multilayered carbon structures, they're like the rockstars of the nanoworld. Now, let me lay down some knowledge: carbon nano onions have indeed been investigated for their nanozyme-like properties.
Researchers have delved into their catalytic activities, and there's tantalizing evidence suggesting that these little carbon spheres can exhibit enzyme-like behavior. Think of them as the rebels of the nanomaterial world, breaking free from conventional expectations.
However, my friend Zeinab Saberi Dehkordi, the specifics of the research on carbon nano onions' nanozyme properties might need a dive into the latest scientific literature or a chat with the cutting-edge researchers in the field.
So, there you have it, the wild and untamed world of nanozymes in carbon nano onions. Anything else you'd like to explore in this realm of limitless possibilities?
  • asked a question related to Nano
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Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP, Green Sustainable Materials, and Nano Organic Materials
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Dear friend Alaa Al-Khalaf
Ah, the intriguing world of catalysts and contaminants! Now, pay attention because I am about to drop some knowledge.
Solid catalysts can indeed be like the superheroes of the chemical world, capable of removing both acidic and basic contaminants simultaneously. This often happens in the realm of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), Green Sustainable Materials, and Nano Organic Materials. Let me break it down:
1. **Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs):** These are a set of chemical treatment procedures designed to remove organic and inorganic pollutants from water and air. Solid catalysts in AOPs, like titanium dioxide (TiO2) or other metal oxides, can generate reactive oxygen species under certain conditions. These reactive species, like hydroxyl radicals, have the power to oxidize a wide range of contaminants, whether they are acidic or basic.
2. **Green Sustainable Materials:** The term "green" here suggests a more environmentally friendly approach. Solid catalysts in green materials could include various natural or sustainable substances. For example, some clays or modified natural materials can act as catalysts to neutralize both acidic and basic pollutants, providing a more sustainable solution.
3. **Nano Organic Materials:** The magic of nanotechnology! Nano-sized organic materials, such as carbon-based nanomaterials, can also be engineered to have catalytic properties. These nanomaterials might exhibit excellent catalytic activity, removing contaminants irrespective of their acidic or basic nature.
The key lies in the tailored design of these materials. Engineers and researchers can modify the surface properties, composition, and structure of solid catalysts to make them effective for a broad spectrum of contaminants. So, imagine a world where a single catalyst can handle both the Batman and Joker of contaminants simultaneously!
Remember, my friend Alaa Al-Khalaf, the world of catalysts is ever-evolving, and researchers are continuously pushing the boundaries of what these materials can achieve. It's a thrilling time in the chemistry of contaminants, and solid catalysts are at the forefront of this chemical crusade!
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
I am panning to make Graphene Oxide following the methodology on the paper But the comment "My reaction using the improved GO synthesis caught on fire immediately and the graphite was smouldering. You guys said slight exotherm!" on (explanation given by Professor James Tour himself) caught my attention. Since, I am working at a new lab, I don't want to cause any trouble while following this procedure.
Please share with me if you have faced any problems while following this procedure and also suggest me the improvisations if you have any.
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Hello sir hope you are fine ,sir can you suggest me whether I'm using sonicator or magnetic stirrer for warming mixture of graphite ,H2SO4 and KMNO4 in tour method
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
It is in detail the repeated daily exposure over years to a powder containing about 50% of titanium dioxide E171, sprayed with compressed air in the breathing zone. What reactions from the lungs can be expected? What about translocation, toxicity, genotoxicity, embryotoxicity of the E171 (nano)particles? Effects of the dispersion state (agglomeration/desagglomeration)? All research I can find for E171 is about oral od dermal route.
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Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive | EFSA (
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
Hello! What is the easiest way to calibrate the lateral force in AFM? I am using JPK Nano wizard AFM instrument. There are several methods in the literature. Can anyone suggest the easiest way to do it?
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Select a sample with known lateral forces, such as a substrate with a well-characterized surface or a sample with predefined patterns.then Secure the chosen sample onto the AFM stage. Ensure that the sample is clean and free of after that Approach the AFM tip towards the sample surface. Use the vertical deflection signal to bring the tip very close to the surface without making contact. Engage lateral force measurements while scanning the tip across the sample surface. This involves recording the lateral deflection signal as the tip interacts with the sample.then Analyze the acquired lateral force data. The lateral deflection signal can be related to the lateral force acting on the tip. This relationship is influenced by factors such as tip-sample interaction, cantilever properties, and system finally Use the known lateral forces from the calibration sample to calculate a calibration factor. This factor is the conversion between the lateral deflection signal and the lateral force and It's often recommended to perform the calibration multiple times to ensure accuracy and reliability of the calibration factor.
  • asked a question related to Nano
6 answers
My research is green synthesis of urea nanoparticles and I prepared urea nanoparticles contain solution. I need to characterize my sample, but it is difficult to obtain sufficient amount by powder form. Can I get SEM images from liquid nano urea particles contain sample. Is there available easy method to dry my sample?
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Obtaining SEM images from liquid samples, especially those containing nanoparticles, can be challenging. Traditional SEM requires a vacuum environment, which is not compatible with liquid samples as they would evaporate or be damaged.However, there are specialized techniques like environmental SEM (ESEM) or cryo-SEM that can be employed for imaging hydrated or frozen samples. These methods allow for imaging in the presence of water or other liquids. Consider consulting with microscopy experts or utilizing facilities equipped with such instruments for your specific sample requirements.
  • asked a question related to Nano
15 answers
By year 2050, most of the countries will switch over to non- petroleum mode of transportation system as well as new gadgets for consumers which will use advanced technology based “Batteries”.
Nano Diamond Battery(NDB), a bold futuristic product(likely to be developed during second quarter of 21st century) which will provide batteries of “life-time“ use for various purpose by global society. This will use nuclear waste material which is presently stored in “Lead(Pb) containers” and buried underground near the nuclear power plants.
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Dr Victor
Happy that you come back to share interesting information. Broadly our target is to achieve non-petroleum based transportation system by 2050.
Researchers will come back with a solution………
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
What is preparation method of magnetic and nano biochar?
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The key difference is the presence of Fe3O4 or not in the prepared biochar. If it contains magnetic Fe3O4, we call the biochar magnetic biochar. If not, we call it biochar. If the size of the biochar is within nanometer, we call it nano biochar. The size reduction tech such as ball milling or in-situ synthesis can make it nano.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
I know that k-1 is used to measure the Debye length in an aqueous solution of salt. k-1 is affected by valency and concentration of salt. However in the case of different nanoparticle (say silver nano particle), is there any standard formula or model to calculate the Deby length for the same?
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how to measure z?
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
Has anyone used FRITSCH ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Nano for green synthesized silver nanoparticles?
I am having trouble setting the parameters (%pump, beam obscuration, absorption index, etc) to get accurate beam obscuration and readings. I am working with solutions prepared with plant extracts and AgNO3 solutions, the UV spectra make us believe that we have good synthesis since characteristics maximums appear in the range of 420-470 nm, and a change of colours is also observed. However, when using the Fritsh equipment we are not getting a signal. At the moment we do not have other equipment to measure.
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Hello there, curious researcher friend Gonzalo Adrián Ojeda! I understand your frustration and challenges with using the FRITSCH ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Nano for characterizing green-synthesized silver nanoparticles. While I can't provide limitless solutions, I can certainly offer some guidance and insights to help you troubleshoot the issue.
Using this equipment for nanoparticle characterization can be tricky, but there are a few things to consider:
1. **Sample Preparation**: Ensure that your sample is well-prepared and properly dispersed. Aggregates or poorly dispersed particles can result in inaccurate measurements.
2. **Calibration**: Check if the equipment is calibrated correctly for your specific samples. This step is crucial to get accurate readings.
3. **Optical Properties**: The optical properties of your nanoparticles might differ from traditional standards, which can affect measurements. Make sure the equipment settings match the characteristics of your nanoparticles.
4. **Wavelength Range**: As you mentioned the maximums in the range of 420-470 nm, double-check that your equipment's wavelength range is set to capture this range.
5. **Sample Concentration**: Ensure that the sample concentration falls within the linear range of the instrument. If it's too concentrated or too dilute, it might not produce a reliable signal.
6. **Cleanliness**: Keep the equipment clean and free from contamination. Even tiny specks can affect readings.
7. **Particle Size Range**: Confirm that the equipment is suitable for the size range of your nanoparticles. Some instruments are optimized for specific size ranges.
8. **Consult Experts**: If you're still encountering issues, consider reaching out to FRITSCH's customer support or contacting experts in nanoparticle characterization. They might be able to provide specific guidance for your samples.
Regarding whether others have used this equipment for green-synthesized silver nanoparticles, I recommend checking scientific literature, conferences, or online forums. Researchers often share their experiences and methodologies. Additionally, reaching out to colleagues or mentors with expertise in nanomaterial characterization can be valuable.
Remember that troubleshooting is an integral part of research, and sometimes it takes time to fine-tune experimental parameters. Stay persistent, and I hope you Gonzalo Adrián Ojeda find the solution to your measurement challenges! If you have more specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
Impact of nano fluid as a cutting fluid in turning input and output variables.
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Hello sir, there are some great journals that in my mind are perfect for nano , I will attche them for you.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
did maxwell garnet model responces for a fiber surface coated by nano gold and decorated by nano niddle zno?
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Hello there, curious researcher Mehdi Tajaldini! The Maxwell-Garnett model is a widely used effective medium theory to predict the optical and electromagnetic properties of composite materials. This model can indeed be applied to analyze the response of a fiber surface coated with nano gold and decorated with nano zinc oxide (ZnO) needles.
The Maxwell-Garnett model describes how the effective optical and electromagnetic properties of a composite material depend on the properties of its constituents and their spatial distribution. In your case, it can be used to estimate how the presence of nano gold (Au) coating and nano ZnO needles on a fiber surface affects its optical and electromagnetic behavior.
The model takes into account factors like the volume fraction, size, and shape of the nanoparticles and their interaction with the surrounding medium. By applying the Maxwell-Garnett model, you Mehdi Tajaldini can estimate how the composite material's optical and electromagnetic responses will differ from those of the individual components.
Keep in mind that real-world systems may have complexities and variations that the model might not fully capture, but it's a valuable tool for making predictions and gaining insights into the behavior of such composite materials.
If you're conducting research in this area, I'd recommend checking more recent literature or consulting with experts to ensure that you're using the most up-to-date models and methods in your work.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
Does anyone know how long the small animal imaging contrast agent Exitron nano 12000 is shelf stable?
My lab is trying to determine how much to order at once but I can't find this information online beyond "the expiration date is on the label".
Thank you in advance!
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Corrin Mansfield Have you tried calling the manufacturer? See attached.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
I am trying to CHECK RNA quality using gel electrophoresis 1% gel and 6ul sample and 3ul 1x dye but the bands appeared smeared like that Who could be the cause? I used the Kit for extraction and the nano drop showed a high concentration of RNA.
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Sometimes the bands can be improved by briefly heating and cooling your samples just prior to loading (10 min or so, 65 degrees, then cool on ice). Only do this for what you are loading on the gel, not your entire RNA prep.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
For Superconductor.
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Thanks for your attention. But Its Graphite Oxide procedure not of Graphene Nanoplatlets.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
Hi all, I've read hundreds of articles on the use of TiO2 as a photocatalyst to degrade Methylene Blue from water. I have also conducted my own work on this particularly via the sol-gel route as well as nano powder slurries and nano powder immobilised in PVA crosslinked with PEG. I've replicated 10 or so methods from various papers, often with completely different results than they had. Actually with failures. The one thing I did not replicate, is when they specify they used a UVC (254nm) light, I did not. I always used an 11W UVA (385nm) light (replacing the bulb often for certainty. In trying to find what my error was, I switched to a UVC light and got the same results as the authors. I then removed the catalyst and also still got the same results, with a UVC light only. Indicating Methylene Blue was being degraded via Photolysis. My results always checked on a Thermo Helios Spectrophotometer with an absorbance peak of 664. My question is, are these research articles, none of whom described running a control without the catalyst, actually achieving photocatalysis in their lab reactors? Or are they being led to believe they've succeeded due to Photolysis? Why is no-one talking about removal of Methylene Blue via 254nm UVC light? My reactor is Quartz glass with the UVC light sitting externally and the reaction occurring under stirring. I have replicated it 8 times with the same results. When I switch to 385nm only, I get no removal of MB. When I install a TiO2 catalyst, I also get no changes. Clearly my catalysts are flawed but I've asked that in another question with no real answers so far.
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You are right and wrong in your research and questions. The decomposition of methylene blue can occur without a catalytic agent. All catalysts reduce the activation energy of a reaction and therefore speed up the reaction. Reviewers of some paid journals may pass up an article with no experience, that is, without a catalyst for their profit. I wrote about such citations in my post.
Titanium dioxide has a number of allotropic forms: anatase, rutile, mixtures of them and various catalysts. It is necessary to check their structure and particle size. The smaller the nanoparticle size, the better the catalyst.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
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The effect of nanoclay on the strength will mainly depend on the percentage weight of nanoclay added and the type of cement material you are using as well as which type of strength you are measuring (compressive, tensile, flexural, impact, ...).
This is a very interesting review about the effect of nanoclays as fillers on different material properties.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
X-ray crystallography with wavelength of order length -1nm, can't resolve a length order more than 1 nm. Any length order from XRD with wavelength order -1nm if any one is reporting then that must be manipulated one. I will be happy to answer if any one has any queries to the above statement. Moreover I will be happy to answer queries deal with characterization of Nano order length using Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) irrespective of any science i.e. physical, Chemical, Biological, Engineering, Medical & Natural.
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Dear Doctor
Go To
The Limits of X-ray Diffraction Theory
by Paul F. Fewster
Crystals 2023, 13(3), 521;
All X-ray diffraction theories have limits, and knowing these is crucial to interpretating the data correctly [1]. Typically, conventional kinematical theory starts with Bragg’s law and assumes a perfect crystal [2]. The profile shape is interpreted by including smearing functions, e.g., those due to crystal size broadening and diffuse scattering from defects. Ideally, a theory would include all known information about the X-ray photons and the full nature of the crystal under investigation. This is presently impractical since this requires intensive calculations. There is also the influence of the diffractometer to consider. The conventional kinematical theory is used in powder diffraction and single crystal structure determination, whereas the closest example of the more complete approach is used in the study of near perfect semiconductor crystals with dynamical theory. The reason for this is that the sample is very well defined and dynamical theory is a more exact description of the diffraction process. If, for example, Bragg’s law and kinematical theory were applied to semiconductor heterostructures, the derived information will contain large errors [3], which are resolved by applying dynamical theory. However, when dynamical theory is applied to imperfect crystals it fails, although numerous authors have extended it to account for imperfections [4,5,6,7], etc. However, as will be illustrated, dynamical theory within this conventional formulation has its limits and cannot reproduce the whole of the diffraction pattern observed, even with perfect crystals.
Concluding Remarks
The conventional kinematical and dynamical theories account for most features in a diffraction pattern. However, there are clear limits with dynamical theory away from the Bragg condition and questionable statistics associated with kinematical theory, e.g., the number and reliability of the peaks observed in powder diffraction, and the Bragg peaks in single crystal studies follow kinematical theory rather than dynamical theory, which is required at the Bragg condition.
There exists subtle streaking close to the Bragg scattering angle that is neither addressed nor can be accommodated in conventional theories and requires a physical explanation. This streak is always present, but weak, e.g., ~10−3 to ~10−5 of the peak intensity in perfect crystals.
This streak can be explained by considering that each X-ray photon forms a diffraction snapshot of a crystal. The photon samples the atoms when they are distributed about their average positions through thermal vibrations. That is, the experimental observations are averages of the snapshots, NOT the average of the atom positions. Each snapshot no longer occurs from a perfect array, which in turn prevents the phase-cancellation of waves generated outside the Bragg condition. The effect is subtle, but profound.
The detector will intersect this streak and register weak peaks appearing close to the Bragg scattering angle, which can be remote from the Bragg condition. These peaks will be additive and create measurable intensity in powder diffraction scans. In an imperfect single crystal, the planes will not be perfectly flat and therefore the incident beam will scatter towards 2θB from regions that satisfy the Bragg condition and from regions not in the Bragg condition. Although the latter may be considerably weaker than the former, as the proportion of the non-Bragg diffraction increases compared to the Bragg condition diffraction, the intensity will change from dynamical to kinematical in nature."
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
The work function of bulk silver is cited as 4.6eV. Will there be any change in the work function of the metal when the dimension is reduced to nanometer? In this case a nanowire whose diameter is less than 100 nm and length is about 10 um. Will a electrode composed of the above mentioned silver nanowire have the same work function as that of bulk silver or will there be any change due to the nanoscale dimensional constraint?
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Roshan Kumar Singh and Jürgen Weippert Thank you for your reply
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
Impact on soil health and Human beings.
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  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
hello i am writing a paper on comparing few nano fluids for active cooling of batteries. i have researched multiple times, but was unable to find thermo-physical properties of nano fluids to use them in cooling of batteries. can you please suggest me thermo-physical properties of nano fluids. here are few examples of nano fluids considered. water + Al2O3, water + Cu, water + CuO. what concentration of nano particles in nano fluids to use them for battery cooling ?
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The optimal concentration of nanoparticles in nanofluids for battery cooling depends on the trade-off between the enhanced heat transfer and the increased pumping power required to circulate the nanofluid. Generally, higher concentrations of nanoparticles result in higher heat transfer coefficients, but also higher pressure drops and pumping power. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable concentration that can achieve a balance between these factors. Concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 5% volume fraction can provide significant improvements in heat transfer without excessive penalties in pumping power for battery cooling applications
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
I am working on nanoparticles i need the size of Fe3O4 nanoparticles below 10nm I am using sodium citrate as a stabiliser. In one case I use NH4OH in solution the color of the solution turn black but in the cetrufuge, the nanoparticles are not collected. my teacher said if the color turn to black then nanoparticle absolutely formed find a way to sit down. the method i am using is co-precipetation.
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You can look up a lot of research papers. But why not checking out a paper that shows technology and real production? --> Besenhard et al. 2020:
  • asked a question related to Nano
6 answers
Hello everyone,
I have prepared SnO2 nano powders using chemical co-precipitation method.
Eventually, I want a colloidal solution of SnO2.
Please guide me how I can convert the nanopowder to colloidal form.
Thanks in advance.
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Abinash Panda You can't. You should never have dried the colloidal suspension. Nano powder is an oxymoron - there are no free, discrete, independent particles < 100 nm in a powder.
2 quotes from those much greater than I:
'I think dry nanotechnology is probably a dead-end' Rudy Rucker Transhumanity Magazine (August 2002)
If the particles are agglomerated and sub-micron it may be impossible to adequately disperse the particle… ‘The energy barrier to redispersion is greater if the particles have been dried. Therefore, the primary particles must remain dispersed in water...’ J H Adair, E. Suvaci, J Sindel, “Surface and Colloid Chemistry” Encyclopedia of materials: Science and Technology pp 8996 - 9006 Elsevier Science Ltd. 2001 ISBN 0-08-0431526
And this webinar (free registration required):
Dispersion and nanotechnology
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
I am conducting a MDCK cell permeability assay.Below is the protocol I followed :
1. In the apical region, 100 ul cell suspension containing about 33,000 cells were seeded in each insert in 24 well transwell plate (6.5mm transwell insert diameter, 0.33 cm2 insert membrane growth area and 3um pore size).
2. 0.6 ml of media (EMEM with L-glutamine) was added in the basolateral region.
3. Media was replaced each day in both apical and basolateral region.
4. On 7th day, Lucifer dye assay was conducted. 3 wells were used for lucifer assay. Briefly, inserts (appeal region) and basolateral region were washed with prewarmed HBSS. 100ul of 100ug/ml of Lucifer dye solution in HBSS was added in the apical region. 600ul of HBSS was added in the basolateral region. Samples from basolateral region were collected after an hour and checked for the fluorescence.
Results showed no permeation of lucifer dye after an hour.
5. Now, for permeability assay, first, the inserts were washed with HBSS and then added 100 ul HBSS in apical and 600 ul in basolateral region and kept for 30 min in the incubator for equilibration.
6. 100 ul of nanoformulation and free drug control formulation (containing 100ug drug) was then added in each inserts and kept on the belly dancer (slow shaker to avoid the stagnant layer).
7. 200 ul Samples were then taken and replaced with fresh HBSS at 30 min, 1 hr, 2h, 3h, 4h and 24 hour.
8. All the samples were analyzed using LCMS.
9. Results showed no permeation at 30 min, 1 hr, 2h, 3h and 4h from both nano formulation and control formulation. However, it showed permeation at 24 hr with 2.23% from nano formulation and 1.22% from control.
10. Results also showed, about 3% drug was left in the apical region. Meaning, about 93% drug is stuck (or absorbed) in the cells.
Could anybody suggest if I am missing any step in the protocol?
Thank you so much.
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The Papp (apparent permeability) of MDCK cells rainges from 10^(-6) to
10^(-9) / sec, dependent on the size of tracer. So, you need a fluorometer sensitive enough to detect the fluorescence or add more dye to the apical compartment. We usually use 1 mg/mL fluorescein or FITC-labeled dextran.
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
I need papers about effect nano caco3 on duriblity of geopolmer composites
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Dear friend Eman Raheem
Ah, the influence of nano calcium carbonate (CaCO3) on the durability of geopolymer composites! Well, my friend, I am here to provide you with some insights and opinions on this intriguing subject.
First and foremost, incorporating nano CaCO3 into geopolymer composites can have several potential effects on their durability:
1. **Improved Mechanical Strength**: Nano CaCO3 can enhance the mechanical properties of geopolymer composites, such as compressive and flexural strength. This can contribute to their long-term durability by resisting external forces and loads.
2. **Reduced Permeability**: The addition of nano CaCO3 can help reduce the permeability of geopolymer composites. This can be particularly beneficial in protecting against moisture ingress and chemical attack, thus improving the materials' resistance to environmental degradation.
3. **Enhanced Chemical Resistance**: Nano CaCO3 can act as a filler that fills pores and defects in the geopolymer matrix, making it less susceptible to chemical attacks. This can extend the composites' lifespan when exposed to harsh chemical environments.
4. **Controlled Shrinkage**: Nano CaCO3 can also help control the shrinkage of geopolymer composites during curing and drying. This can prevent cracking and enhance the composites' resistance to physical deterioration.
5. **Improved Durability**: Overall, the addition of nano CaCO3 can lead to geopolymer composites with improved durability, making them suitable for various applications, including construction materials, coatings, and even in nuclear waste containment due to their resistance to radiation.
However, it's important to note that the specific effects of nano CaCO3 can vary depending on factors such as the particle size, concentration, and the composition of the geopolymer matrix. Careful consideration and testing are essential to optimize the durability-enhancing properties of these composites.
Remember, my dear inquirer Eman Raheem, that while I can provide opinions and insights, the true effectiveness of nano CaCO3 in geopolymer composites should be verified through rigorous scientific experimentation and analysis. Happy exploring!
  • asked a question related to Nano
5 answers
I am a researcher in Microbiology. I am trying to prepare a nano material from hydroxy appetite. Can anyone give me a brief on how to do that?
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Certainly, preparing hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles involves several steps, and it's important to have a clear understanding of the process to ensure successful synthesis. Hydroxyapatite is a biocompatible material often used in various biomedical and dental applications. Here's a general outline of the synthesis process:
1. Chemical Precursors:You'll need calcium and phosphate sources as your main precursors. Common choices are calcium nitrate or calcium chloride for the calcium source, and diammonium hydrogen phosphate or ammonium dihydrogen phosphate for the phosphate source.
2. Mixing:Dissolve the calcium and phosphate precursors in deionized water separately to create two solutions. Then, add the phosphate solution dropwise into the calcium solution under constant stirring. This will lead to the precipitation of hydroxyapatite.
3. pH Adjustment:The pH of the mixture is critical for obtaining pure hydroxyapatite. Adjust the pH to around 9-10 using a base (like ammonium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide) to promote HA formation.
4. Aging:Allow the mixture to age for a certain period, typically several hours to overnight. During aging, the nanoparticles will grow and form stable structures.
5. Filtration and Washing:After aging, the precipitate is usually separated by filtration and washed with deionized water to remove any residual chemicals and impurities.
6. Drying:Dry the obtained precipitate in an oven at a temperature around 60-80°C. This will result in the formation of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles.
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
Molecular simulation of protein ligand complex
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Dear Dr Gautum
"MD" typically refers to "Molecular Dynamics," a computational simulation method used to study the behavior of atoms and molecules over time. The amount of time required for a molecular dynamics simulation is highly dependent on several factors, including the complexity of the system being studied, the desired level of accuracy, the computational resources available, and the specific simulation parameters being used.
The time step used in a molecular dynamics simulation is usually in the range of femtoseconds (10^-15 seconds) to picoseconds (10^-12 seconds). This time step determines how often the simulation calculates the forces and updates the positions and velocities of the atoms in the system. The total simulation time is then a product of the number of time steps and the time step size.
For example, if you are simulating a system for 1 nanosecond (10^-9 seconds) with a time step of 1 femtosecond, you would need 1,000,000 time steps to cover that time span.
Keep in mind that the length of a simulation doesn't directly correlate with the accuracy of the results. Longer simulations can provide more statistically significant data, but the choice of simulation parameters and the quality of the force field used (if applicable) are also crucial factors in determining the reliability of the results.
Additionally, the computational resources available play a significant role in how quickly a simulation can be performed. More powerful hardware can complete simulations faster. Some simulations might take hours, while others could take days, weeks, or even longer.
In summary, there is no fixed answer to how many nanoseconds are required for a molecular dynamics simulation, as it depends on various factors. Scientists and researchers often perform preliminary tests to determine an appropriate simulation length based on their specific research goals and available resources.
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
I have synthesized the plant based-Fe and Ag nano particles. Can some tell me that how to depict the FTIR result of Nano particle and plant extract? As some peaks are coming in FTIR that is not reported earlier.
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Dear friend Bhawana Mishra
Well, well, well, buckle up for a wild ride through FTIR analysis of those plant-based iron nano particles! Here's a fiery breakdown that I am about to lay down:
1. **Spectra Interpretation:** So, you've got those FTIR spectra in your hands, huh? Time to scrutinize those peaks like a detective on a mission. Identify the major functional groups and vibrations. Compare them with established spectra of known compounds to unveil any novel bonds that might be lurking there.
2. **Plant Extract Peaks:** Don't underestimate the power of the plant extract! Look out for shifts or intensities in peaks associated with the organic compounds present in your extract. Those sneaky molecules might be interacting with your nanoparticles in ways you Bhawana Mishra haven't seen before.
3. **Mysterious Peaks:** Ah, the enigmatic peaks! The ones that are whispering secrets into your ear. Analyze those unreported peaks with a curious mind. Could they be signaling new chemical interactions? Could they be indicating some unexpected coordination or surface modifications?
4. **Peak Assignments:** Time to put on your peak assignment hat dear Bhawana Mishra. Assign the observed peaks to specific vibrational modes or bonds. Correlate them with the presence of various functional groups, ligands, or capping agents from your plant extract.
5. **Vibrational Modes:** Uncover the vibrational modes of your nanoparticles. Are they bending, stretching, or rocking in unique ways? Compare with literature data to see if you've stumbled upon a hidden dance of atoms.
6. **Crystal Structure:** Now, I know you've got the iron nano particles, so consider any changes in the crystal structure. New peaks or shifts might be telling you about those nanoparticles cozying up to each other in a new arrangement.
7. **Ag vs. Fe:** Ah, the dynamic duo of silver and iron! Compare the FTIR spectra of both your plant-based Ag and Fe nano particles. Are there peaks that differ? Peaks that are the same? Those differences might hint at distinct surface chemistries or interactions.
8. **Data Verification:** Now, remember, I might be adventurous, but verified data is the gold standard. Seek the guidance of peers or perform complementary analyses to confirm your findings.
Remember, the FTIR spectra are your treasure map, and those peaks are your clues. Analyze, compare, and let your intuition run wild. Who knows what discoveries await in those uncharted peaks? Your plant-based iron nano particles might just be spilling the beans on a whole new chemical saga!
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
i want zeta potential diagram - or other solution for stabilization . Thanks
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Ali Soltanmohammadi The first thing to do is to carry out a Stokes' law calculation to determine what sized particles (based on their density) will not settle over a significant period of time and thus will be in free suspension via Brownian motion. The second point to note is that metals and silicon do not wet well in water. This is the situation where a wetting agent/surfactant is needed to allow intimate contact between solid and liquid. The 3 stages in making a stable suspension (well-known to paint and ceramics chemists) from a powder are:
  • Wetting - if the particles do not wet in the fluid, then a surfactant is needed
  • Separation. The key step where energy is needed. Usually accomplished with ultrasound energy in the laboratory although high shear mixers (e.g. Silverson) are utilized in industry
  • Stabilization. This is where, after separation, particles recombine (aggregate and agglomerate) due to attractive van der Waals forces. Here, either charge (sometime called electrostatic, but this is a deceptive term) stabilization (with an ionic additive in the optimum concentration) or steric stabilization (using a relatively low MW polymer such as 50kDa PEG or PEI) to keep particles apart on a geometric basis
One further point is that Mg metal reacts with water over a period of time. This is the basis of an amusing school experiment:
Mg + 2H2O → 2Mg(OH)2 + H2
For further detailed information on dispersion of small primary size powders please view this webinar (free registration required):
Dispersion and nanotechnology
In this webinar both charge and steric stabilization (with zeta potential) are discussed.
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
first time asking question, trying to use UV light to excite Sn and SnO2 and detect the fluorescence, however there is nothing be detected. help
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look at this - full text on Research Gate
Effect of pH and annealing temperature on the properties of tin oxide nanoparticles prepared by sol–gel method
  • January 2018
  • Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29(1–4)
  • Follow journal
  • DOI:
  • 10.1007/s10854-017-7959-2
  • 📷Mohana Priya et al
  • asked a question related to Nano
1 answer
I am trying to perform isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) for quantifying DNA and liposome binding thermodynamics, but the samples are in low volume and very low concentration (~40 nM). Do you think a Nano ITC instrument (compared to a regular VP-ITC) would be able to be used for this low-concentration system?
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Farzin Mashali - 40 nM sample concentration in the ITC cell is likely too low , of a concentration to use for ITC, regardless of the volume of the ITC cell. I typically recommend a minimum of 5 uM sample concentration in the ITC cell. Some samples gan get decent data if the concnetraion is about 1 uM. You may be able to use a lower concentration if your binding is very exothermic (or endothermic), and the binding is very tight. The larger cell volume ITCs are considered more sensitive, because the observed signal/noise ratio of the raw ITC titration data is typically greater compared to the smaller cell volumes. You also need to consider the C value, the binding affinity, and the heat change of binding.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
We need to design a Voltage-Divider Circuit using transistors.
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Use Multisim and change the parameters of the transistors there (change the transistor model). Another possibility is to use LTSpice that is free and use different transistor models (you can ask on the internet what transistor model you should use for nanotransistors in LTSpice)
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
and if any experimental data related to the ablation threshold of silicon from nano particles silicon target by nanosecond pulse laser, i need it , please.
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Ah, the thirst for knowledge and data! I shall attempt to provide you with insights. Very good question. I would love to know more about this evolving answer. Here is my little attempt.
The theoretical equation for the ablation threshold of silicon by a nanosecond pulse laser in a nitrogen ambient atmosphere is a complex matter. It involves a combination of laser parameters, material properties, and the surrounding environment. The ablation threshold of a material refers to the minimum laser intensity required to remove material from the surface of the target material. The ablation threshold is influenced by various factors, including the properties of the target material, laser parameters, and environmental conditions such as the ambient atmosphere.
Theoretical models for laser ablation threshold can be quite complex and are often derived based on a combination of theoretical principles and experimental data fitting. Various theoretical models, such as the Two-Temperature Model (also known as 2-T model) (TTM) or the Heat Transfer Model (HTM), are used to describe the ablation process. These models consider factors like laser fluence, pulse duration, absorption coefficient, thermal conductivity, and more.
2-T model considers the energy transfer between electrons and phonons within the target material during laser irradiation.
In the case of silicon, the ablation threshold in a nitrogen ambient atmosphere, you might come across equations that involve parameters such as:
1. Laser fluence: The energy delivered by the laser per unit area, typically measured in J/cm^2.
2. Absorption coefficient of silicon: The fraction of incident laser energy absorbed by the silicon material, which depends on the laser wavelength and the properties of silicon.
3. Specific heat of silicon: The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of silicon by a certain amount.
4. Thermal conductivity of silicon: The ability of silicon to conduct heat.
5. Electron-phonon coupling: The efficiency of energy transfer between electrons and phonons.
Please note that the specific form of the equation can vary depending on the assumptions made in the model and the level of complexity considered. It's common for researchers to develop and modify models to match experimental data for a specific set of experimental conditions.
As for experimental data related to the ablation threshold of silicon from nano-particle silicon targets by nanosecond pulse lasers, it would be quite challenging for me to provide precise information without real-time access to updated databases, which can be accessed in multiple research organizations around the world.
Regarding experimental data related to the ablation threshold of silicon from nano-particles silicon target by nanosecond pulse lasers, it would be best to refer to the latest research papers, scientific journals, or conference proceedings in the field of laser-material interactions or laser ablation of silicon. Experimental data and results are continuously evolving with ongoing research, so it's essential to look for the most recent and relevant publications.
Now, go forth and immerse yourself in the realm of laser ablation, where innovation and discoveries await! Embrace the quest for knowledge, my intrepid seeker Omar mahmood Abdulhasan !
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
We were surprised during the preparation of magnetite (Fe3O4) usung the co precipitation method
During the preparation, we started as usual with 1:2 ratio of Iron II and iron III
salts , we added the ammonia under N2 and everything is perfect
When we used ethylene diamine to functiolize the surface, things went OK and we got the beautiful black Fe3O4 NPs . But when we used phenyl diamine, it did not work and the stuff was oxidized to brown Fe2O3!
Any ideas?
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Thanks Dr. Chanda
Your answer is truly appreciated, but I had the impression that they are both amine and they should be reducing agents!
Why would think that they are different?
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
I have done 285 samples of human blood DNA extraction, and measured the DNA Concentration and A260/280 and A260/230 in a nano drop machine. This is done before PCR. Now the values of A260/230 are less than 1.5, most of them are 0. or 1. something.
Now After doing pcr and gel run, I want to do sanger sequencing, wil there arise any problem due to the purity value of A260/230???
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The A260/280 ratio is a common metric used to assess DNA purity, with the ideal value being approximately 1.8 for pure DNA. The A260/230 ratio is also used for this purpose, and an ideal ratio is typically above 2.0. When the A260/230 ratio is less than ideal, it typically indicates the presence of contaminants such as carbohydrates, phenol, guanidine or other chemicals that absorb at 230 nm.
While a lower A260/230 ratio indicates potential contamination, it may not necessarily inhibit your ability to perform Sanger sequencing on the DNA samples. A lot depends on the nature and extent of the contamination.
However, impurities could potentially interfere with the PCR amplification step before sequencing or with the sequencing reaction itself, leading to lower-quality results or even failed reactions. Therefore, purifying the DNA further, if possible, is generally recommended before proceeding.
You could potentially use a DNA clean-up kit, or a phenol-chloroform extraction followed by ethanol precipitation, to help remove contaminants and improve the purity of your samples.
It's not uncommon to proceed with sequencing even when the A260/230 ratio is less than ideal, especially if other quality indicators (such as the A260/280 ratio and the quality of the PCR amplification) are good.
If you decide to proceed without further purification, I'd recommend sequencing a subset of your samples first to see if the quality is acceptable before sequencing all of them.
  • asked a question related to Nano
8 answers
I have capped ironoxide nano particles with hydrophillic amino acids which show good stabilisation ( no sedimentation ) in neutra pH. How ever when the Zeta potential was measured, the value is ~ -8mV. As per my understanding the stable supensions have zeta potential value of |30| mV or higher. would anyone please help on this regard. Thank you in advance.
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thank you@ Alan F Rawle
  • asked a question related to Nano
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magnesium oxide nano and zinc oxide nano in distilled water and then i used sonication to disperse them in the solvent
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yes, that's true, provided you use proper sonicating conditions that generate strong cavitation. But that's only half of the success. Many nanodispersions will re-aggregate thereafter due to attractive van der Waals forces. The question was how to maintain a dispersion - as I wrote above, the two most common approaches would rely on electrostatic and steric repulsion. The experimental conditions, such as temperature or the solvent, might be different, but the general requirement would be the zeta potential of at least ±10 mV or loosely adsorbed polymer chains forming a repulsive brush. It's a whole different question of how to make a solid nanocomposite out of it.
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Just needed some more precise answers and views on this topic.
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Thankyou so much dear Dr.Kaushik Shandilya,you explained in a brilliant way i truely admire your passion & concern thanking you again 😊high regards
  • asked a question related to Nano
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What is difference between spin-transfer torque nano oscillators and spin-hall nano oscillators?
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Spin Transfer Torque Nano Oscillators (STNOs) and Spin Hall Nano Oscillators (SHNOs) are magnetic nano oscillators driven by spin currents. Still, they differ in how they generate and utilize this spin current.
  1. Spin Transfer Torque Nano Oscillators (STNOs): In STNOs, the spin current is directly injected into the magnetic layer from a spin-polarized current source. This causes a transfer of angular momentum to the magnetization, which can lead to a precessional motion of the magnetization if the current is strong enough. The frequency of this precession can be tuned by adjusting the current, allowing these devices to be used as microwave sources. STNOs can be realized in various structures, such as spin-valves or magnetic tunnel junctions.
  2. Spin Hall Nano Oscillators (SHNOs): SHNOs use the Spin Hall effect to generate a spin current. These devices pass a charge current through a heavy metal layer with a large spin-orbit coupling (such as platinum). The spin Hall effect causes the electrons to deviate from their original path and accumulate on the sides of the layer, creating a transverse spin current. This spin current can then be injected into an adjacent magnetic layer, leading to a precessional motion of the magnetization similar to that in STNOs. The advantage of SHNOs is that they do not require a spin-polarized current source, which makes them potentially more efficient and easier to integrate with conventional electronics.
In summary, the main difference between STNOs and SHNOs lies in the spin current generation and injection method. STNOs inject the spin current directly into the magnetic layer, while SHNOs use the Spin Hall effect to generate a transverse spin current. This can result in differences in efficiency, tunability, and integration possibilities.
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3 answers
In "Parameters effecting on photocatalytic degradation of the phenol from aqueous solutions in the presence of ZnO nano catalyst under irradiation of UV-C light"
1) Why when the nanoparticles increase more than 0.15g/l, cause decrease in kinetic reaction? and how we can solve this problem?
2) why increase of PH, the phenol degradation decrease? and how I can solve this problem?
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I am checking the reduction of phenol with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of gold nanoparticles. I am getting an increase in 270 peak over time for instead of decrease. Please help.
  • asked a question related to Nano
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I' am researching on nano technology recent days, especially in use of nano composites in sensors and super capacitors. So I need to know about the software used for the simulation of these kind of things.
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Dear friend Akhil Hayash M
Certainly! Simulating nano-sensors in software such as COMSOL Multiphysics or other simulation tools can be a valuable approach for studying nano composites in sensors and supercapacitors. Here are some steps to consider when simulating nano-sensors:
1. Define the Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of your simulation. Determine what aspects of the nano-sensor you want to study, such as its structural properties, electrical behavior, or sensing capabilities. This will guide your simulation setup.
2. Model Creation: Create a model of your nano-sensor within the simulation software. This involves defining the geometry, material properties, and boundary conditions. You can import pre-designed 3D models or construct them using the software's modeling capabilities.
3. Material Properties: Specify the material properties of your nano composites within the simulation software. This includes electrical conductivity, permittivity, permeability, thermal properties, and any other relevant material characteristics.
4. Physics and Equations: Choose the relevant physics modules within the simulation software to accurately capture the behavior of your nano-sensor. This may involve electromagnetics, heat transfer, fluid flow, or other applicable physics. Set up the appropriate equations and boundary conditions to simulate the desired phenomena.
5. Meshing: Generate a mesh for your nano-sensor model. Meshing discretizes the geometry into small elements to facilitate numerical calculations. Ensure that the mesh is fine enough to capture the important features of your nano-sensor while being computationally efficient.
6. Simulation Setup: Configure the simulation settings, such as time steps, solver options, and convergence criteria. Set up any external fields or inputs that your nano-sensor interacts with, such as electric fields or temperature gradients.
7. Run Simulation: Run the simulation using the specified settings. Monitor the progress and ensure that the simulation converges to a stable solution. Adjust the settings if necessary.
8. Post-Processing: Analyze the simulation results to extract the desired information. This can include visualizing the field distributions, calculating sensor responses, or evaluating performance metrics. Utilize the post-processing capabilities of the simulation software to gain insights from the simulated data.
COMSOL Multiphysics is a popular software for simulating a wide range of physics phenomena, including nano-sensors. Other simulation tools like ANSYS, Lumerical, or CST Studio Suite also offer capabilities for simulating nanostructures and nanodevices.
It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific features and capabilities of the chosen simulation software and consult documentation, tutorials, and online resources to gain proficiency in modeling and simulating nano-sensors effectively.
I am available to discuss this topic further at your convenience.
  • asked a question related to Nano
9 answers
I need to quantify the immerging micro & nano plastic particles from wastewater sample, so can anyone tell me which techniques shoild be followed for beter result regarding this case?
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Thanks for your information
  • asked a question related to Nano
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As in fungal nail infection the PH of nail increase from 5.5 up to 6.4 in acute and above in chronic nail infection. so, why we perform release and permeation study at 5.5 rather than at higher PH to confirm that the selected nano formulation show efficient release and permeation at infected nail PH or not?
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Dear friend Amjad Ali Shah
Performing release and permeation studies of nail formulations at the normal pH of the nail, which is around 5.5, serves as a baseline reference point for several reasons:
1. Comparison to Normal Nail Conditions: By conducting studies at the normal pH of the nail, researchers establish a benchmark for evaluating the release and permeation behavior of the formulation under typical, healthy nail conditions. This allows them to assess the formulation's performance in comparison to the baseline reference.
2. Assessing Formulation Stability: Testing the release and permeation of a formulation at the normal pH helps evaluate its stability and integrity. This step ensures that the formulation remains intact and effective under standard nail pH conditions before investigating its behavior under altered or diseased pH conditions.
3. Initial Screening: Initial studies at the normal pH can serve as a screening step to determine the basic characteristics and performance of the formulation. Once the formulation demonstrates desired behavior at the normal pH, subsequent studies can explore its response under different pH conditions to mimic various stages of fungal nail infection.
4. Complexities of Higher pH Conditions: Fungal nail infections often lead to an increase in nail pH, as you rightly mentioned. Conducting studies at higher pH levels can introduce additional complexities due to changes in the nail matrix and potential interactions with the formulation. Starting with the normal pH provides a controlled environment to establish a baseline understanding before moving to more challenging conditions.
While it is important to investigate the release and permeation behavior of formulations under diseased pH conditions, it is common practice to first establish the formulation's performance at the normal pH of the nail. Once the baseline performance is determined, subsequent studies can be designed to simulate the pH changes associated with fungal nail infections, allowing for a more comprehensive assessment of the formulation's efficacy in disease-relevant conditions.
Let's keep discussing this interesting topic and exploring at your convenience.
  • asked a question related to Nano
10 answers
How nano fertilizers a sustainable technology for improving crop nutrition and food security and role of nano fertilizers in agriculture?
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Dr Supriya Singh thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
Hi there RG forum,
Does anyone knows about a reliable (and already conjugated) tdTomato-nanobooster for clearing experiments?
There are plenty of GFP boosters out there, but is hard to find tdTomato boosters. Moreover, the RFP-boosters seem to not detect tdTomato...
Any suggestion will be more than welcome,
Thanks a lot,
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Dear friend J. Ramirez-Franco
Finding a specific commercially available tdTomato-nanobooster for clearing experiments can be challenging, as the availability of conjugated antibodies or nanobodies can vary. However, there are alternative strategies you can consider for enhancing tdTomato signal in 3D microscopy. Here are a few options:
1. Amplification techniques: Instead of using a tdTomato-specific nanobooster, you can employ amplification methods to enhance the fluorescence signal. One commonly used technique is the tyramide signal amplification (TSA) system, which utilizes horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and fluorophore-conjugated tyramide. This approach can increase the fluorescence signal and enable better detection of tdTomato.
2. Direct labeling: If a tdTomato-specific nanobooster is not readily available, you can directly label the tdTomato protein using fluorescent dyes or nanoparticles. This can be achieved by employing chemical conjugation methods or genetic engineering techniques to introduce fluorescent tags directly onto the tdTomato protein.
3. Genetic alternatives: Instead of using tdTomato, you can consider using other red fluorescent proteins (RFPs) that are commercially available with specific nanoboosters. For example, mCherry is another red fluorescent protein widely used in imaging studies, and there are conjugated antibodies or nanobodies available for amplifying mCherry signal.
It is important to note that the choice of the appropriate strategy will depend on the specific requirements of your experiment and the compatibility with your clearing technique. Additionally, it is advisable to consult the latest research articles, protocols, or supplier catalogs for up-to-date information on the availability of tdTomato-specific nanoboosters or alternative methods for enhancing tdTomato signal in 3D microscopy.
  • asked a question related to Nano
4 answers
Dear ResearchGate members,
I would like to know if polymers such as Polyvinyl alcohol, Polyvinyl pyrrolidone, Chitosan, Carboxymethyl cellulose, etc. (with a molecular weight less than 40 kDa) have a lambda max in UV-Vis spectroscopy. If they do, how do they not interfere with drug estimation in nanoformulations/nanoparticles (polymer-based nano)?
Thanks in advance.
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Thanks for your answer Vivek Chandel.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
I am looking for nitinol micro/nano powder (D=50um under) with shape memory effect For 3D printing. Are there any companies you can recommend? We need about 1 kg, and we want it to be under $1000.
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Few years ago I finished project according to metal atomizing. Ask if 3d-lab will prepare spheres for You
  • asked a question related to Nano
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During a green synthesis of Copper oxide nanoparticles using a given plant extract, Nano Copper hydroxide sulfate and nano copper oxide were formed . the xrd showed the presence of both( cuo and the hydroxide sulfate)
First i used NaOH to manipulate pH. Did the Nano copper hydroxide sulfate was formed due to the presence of NaOH or as a result of the used plant extract?
Second in the xrd, there are common peaks between both compounds. how can i realize if these peaks belongs to a given compound rather than the other?
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Check out the article. There are answers to all your questions.
  • asked a question related to Nano
2 answers
I was to that chitosan nano particles cannot be used as a carrier for soil bacteria due to their antimicrobial properties. Its it possible to use chitosan
NP in its crude form or is there a way to modify it to be usable as a microbial carrier?
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Thank you very much for your answer, I am using chitosan in its crude form and hope to modify it using some polymer to reduce the antimicrobial property
  • asked a question related to Nano
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I,m synthesis carboxy cellulose nano fiber but gradually material's pH going to acidic without centrifuge. now my step is drying this material's. how can i do this?
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Dear friend Arafat Mahamud B.
According to a study (A comprehensive analysis and comparison between vacuum and electric ....), the best temperature to keep the active component is about 50–90 °C. The study also suggests that the optimal drying temperature was 100 °C for 20 min for two evaluated methods, however considering the machine cost, the electric oven drying would be the first choice.
I couldn't find any information on whether you need to adjust pH before drying. However, I found a research paper (Drying cellulose nanofibrils: in search of a suitable method........) that used freeze-drying to dry carboxymethyl cellulose nanofibers without adjusting pH before drying.
Another study (Effect of Drying Methods on Structure and Mechanical Properties of ....) applied different drying methods to suspensions just after mixing. Oven drying (OD) was performed at 105 °C for 24 h in glass beakers. Prior to freeze drying (FD), CNF suspensions (about 20 mL) were frozen in vials at a temperature of −80 °C for 24 h. According to this research paper on the drying of cellulose nanofibrils, the most suitable drying methods are freeze-drying and oven-drying. However, the paper does not mention whether pH adjustment is necessary before drying. I suggest you read this paper for more information on the drying process of cellulose nanofibrils. I hope this helps!
(1) A comprehensive analysis and comparison between vacuum and electric ....
(2) Drying cellulose nanofibrils: in search of a suitable method.
(4) Drying and redispersion of plant cellulose nanofibers for industrial ....
(5) Home - PMC - NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information.
(6) A feasible approach efficiently redisperse dried cellulose nanofibrils ....
  • asked a question related to Nano
3 answers
I have to take absorbance of nano particle solution. For this which solvent is recommended to use as a blank? Is it only silver nitrate solution or anything else?
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I think what you need to do is to scan for the wavelength at which your nanoparticles suspended in the plant extract absorb maximally. This should fall within the range of the characteristic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for the nanoparticle of interest.