Science topics: Teacher TrainingSchool
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Questions related to School
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Your feedback will help to transform a management or business department into a school.
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The fundamental distinction between a business school and a management school lies in their focus and scope of study:
A business school typically offers programs specifically focused on various aspects of business administration and management. The curriculum covers a broad range of business disciplines such as finance, marketing, accounting, operations, human resources, and general management principles.[1][3] Business schools aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the different functional areas within a business organization.
On the other hand, a management school tends to have a narrower focus on the study of management principles, theories, and practices.[1][3] While management schools may offer some business-related courses, their core emphasis is on developing managerial skills, leadership abilities, and a deep understanding of organizational behavior, strategic planning, and decision-making processes.
Some key differences between business schools and management schools include:
1. Program offerings: Business schools offer degrees like Bachelor's in Business Administration (BBA), Master's in Business Administration (MBA), and other specialized business programs. Management schools primarily offer degrees like Bachelor's/Master's in Management or Organizational Leadership.[1][3]
2. Curriculum focus: Business school curricula cover a broader range of business disciplines, while management school curricula concentrate more on management concepts, leadership development, and organizational studies.[1][3][4]
3. Career paths: Business school graduates often pursue careers in various business functions like finance, marketing, operations, or entrepreneurship. Management school graduates typically aim for managerial or leadership roles within organizations across different industries.[2][4]
4. Target audience: Business schools cater to students seeking a comprehensive business education, while management schools attract those specifically interested in developing managerial and leadership competencies.[1][2][4]
It's important to note that some institutions may use the terms "business school" and "management school" interchangeably, and there can be overlap in their program offerings. However, the fundamental distinction lies in the primary focus and emphasis of the curriculum – business schools offer a broader business education, while management schools specialize in developing managerial and leadership skills.[1][3][4]
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Need assistance 5 topics for my research project. But prefer them to be more related to Mathematics and Natural sciences and Health Education for senior primary learners!
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you can work on impact of AI of primary education
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
This implies that DepEd recruitment strategy will put the organization in a position to attract more qualified applicants than ever before. By centering the needs of job seekers, you show applicants that your school values them as people.
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  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
I have a numeric dependent variable (drug reports in schools) with three binary categorical predictors - whether schools receive drug training, whether schools receive discipline training, and whether schools have a high or low number of intervention practices. I have made all of these factor variables, and I am now struggling to test the assumptions of my regression analysis. Why is the scatterplot showing vertical lines? Do I need to change my Rcode? I have attatched everything below and any help would be great!
model <- lm(log_drug ~ practice_hilo + alcohol_drugabuse_f + discipline_policies_f, data = school_safety)
lm(formula = log_drug ~ practice_hilo + alcohol_drugabuse_f +
discipline_policies_f, data = school_safety)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.864 -1.079 -0.273 1.062 4.014
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.37159 0.06750 20.320 <2e-16 ***
practice_hiloLow Value -0.51009 0.05397 -9.451 <2e-16 ***
alcohol_drugabuse_fYes 0.49221 0.05727 8.594 <2e-16 ***
discipline_policies_fYes -0.09211 0.06485 -1.420 0.156
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 1.323 on 2720 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.07806, Adjusted R-squared: 0.07704
F-statistic: 76.76 on 3 and 2720 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
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Marius Ole Johansen thanks so much for this insight, its been really helpful.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
thank u
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Can you be more specific?
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
principal's information skill
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En la gestion de recursos un director tendra habilidades o competencias partiendo del tipo de problema que se trate . Un directro es un gerente de procesos, que no siempre tendra todas las habilidades porque el mundo del conocimiento hoy esta fragmentado por la especializacion.
  • asked a question related to School
6 answers
Hello - I just wanted to know the minimum percentage of academic references in a master's thesis at an Australian university. I am with the School of Property, RMIT. My final dissertation will be around 30,000 words NET, including ONLY the content in all the chapters (excluding table of contents and references). I estimate I will have a reference for every 120 words, approximately 175 plus academic references (70% of the total) plus trusted government and other websites (like CoreLogic, PEXA, Deloitte, PxC), i.e., around 250 total references. All are written in around 150-A4 page documents using Times New Roman 12 font. Thanks
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It depends on the standards and policies of the university you are in.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
I am looking for an instrument to study the Sustainable Leadership (Andy Hargreaves's) of school Principals and its effect on Teachers' Productivity. I noticed quite several studies and research papers on the topic but, I am looking for anyone who has access or knowledge, and is willing to share any instrument that I can cite and use in my dissertation.
Thank you very much in advance.
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I am looking for participation in a research paper published within Scopus. If available, please let me know to participate.
  • asked a question related to School
12 answers
Importance of creating conducive environment for better learning of students in school as well as at home has been highly recognised by educationist across all corners of the globe. Is such an environment also contribute in improvise in service teacher professional development.
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Creating a conducive environment for in-service teacher professional development is indeed important. It not only supports the ongoing learning and skill enhancement of teachers but also has a positive impact on student learning outcomes. Here are some strategies to create such an environment:
  1. Collaborative Learning: Encourage teachers to work together and learn from each other’s experiences. This can be done through regular meetings, peer observations, or joint planning sessions.
  2. Job-Embedded Professional Development: Provide opportunities for teachers to learn and develop within the context of their daily work rather than through external workshops. This approach allows for immediate application and reflection on new strategies.
  3. Sustained Support: Professional development should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Long-term strategies and support systems can help teachers continually develop their skills.
  4. Cultural Responsiveness: Develop culturally responsive classrooms to foster a collaborative environment. This includes building relationships with students and staff and understanding diverse cultural backgrounds.
  5. Healthy Classroom Environment: Create a classroom atmosphere that promotes safety, respect, and belonging. This reduces stress and encourages active engagement and collaboration.
  6. Recognition of Nuance: Understand that teaching is complex and nuanced. An environment that recognizes this complexity can support teachers in developing more sophisticated teaching practices.
By implementing these strategies, schools can create an environment that is conducive to the professional growth of teachers, which in turn benefits the entire learning community.
  • asked a question related to School
6 answers
Is there any cognitive test report or study on Indian school children's cognition?
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  • asked a question related to School
16 answers
A PhD belongs to the student who has obtained their PhD. The PhD work only and only belongs to the student who worked hard towards gaining their PhD. The intellectual property rights with regards to the PhD degree obtained by a student, belongs to the student. The student used their intellectual property to gain the PhD. Colleagues, lab mates, academicians, supervisors, head of departments, school students or a stranger, may have helped with gaining the PhD, but the PhD degree and its intellectual property belongs to the student who gained their PhD.
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Dr. Aradhana garu, please excuse any disturbances caused, if anyone has been disappointed. My point concerns overlooking patents and other IPRs. The recognition for invention is through patent grants. They hold special significance as they are granted by governments worldwide after rigorous examination. The trend needs to change, and they (IPRs) must be given utmost importance.R&D policies must be revised accordingly. I am not criticizing publications; IPRs must be given parallel importance. However, this is not happening. Therefore, this point is being mentioned on this platform. The intention is not to hurt anyone. Please excuse any disturbances caused, if any.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
While our proposed context is higher education students, might i review other contexts like school students?
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If the same independent and/or dependent variables are relevant, then that would make sense.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
For a literatura review, I want to know the number of articles on my subject (school drop off) and the research doesn't provide that information
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Dear Zoncita,
Thank for your answer
But that is what I have been doing.
And the results are a list of references ('endless'...); but not the global number (that's what I have been looking for)
Where do you find that number - 4,206? Top of page?..
It is a bit puzzling (I feel a bit stupid) 'cause the global number should obviously appear somewhere, like in other rtesearch bases.
Could it be a problem of my account?
Best Teresa
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
How should schools, workplaces, and public spaces be prepared to respond to anaphylactic emergencies?
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Schools, workplaces, and public spaces should be prepared to respond to anaphylactic emergencies by implementing comprehensive policies and procedures to ensure the safety of individuals with allergies. Here are some key steps that can be taken to prepare for anaphylactic emergencies in these settings:
  1. Develop an anaphylaxis management plan: Establish a written anaphylaxis management plan that outlines procedures for preventing, recognizing, and responding to anaphylactic reactions. This plan should include information on identifying common allergens, training staff in allergy management, and ensuring access to emergency medications such as epinephrine auto-injectors.
  2. Educate staff and personnel: Provide training to staff and personnel on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, administer emergency medications (such as epinephrine), and follow established protocols for managing allergic reactions. Ensure that all staff members are aware of the importance of prompt action in an emergency situation.
  3. Identify individuals at risk: Identify individuals with known allergies and ensure that their medical needs are documented and communicated to relevant staff members. Maintain confidentiality while sharing necessary information with staff who need to be aware of a person's allergies.
  4. Create allergy-safe environments: Take steps to minimize exposure to allergens in school, workplace, and public spaces. This may include implementing allergen-free zones, providing allergen-safe food options, and implementing cleaning protocols to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
  5. Provide access to emergency medications: Ensure that epinephrine auto-injectors and other emergency medications are readily available in school, workplace, and public settings. These medications should be stored in accessible locations and easily accessible in case of an emergency.
  6. Develop emergency communication procedures: Establish clear procedures for communicating with emergency services, parents/guardians, and other relevant parties in the event of an anaphylactic emergency. Ensure that staff members know how to initiate emergency response protocols and provide necessary information to responders.
  7. Regularly review and update policies: Regularly review and update anaphylaxis management policies and procedures to ensure that they remain current and effective. Incorporate feedback from staff, students, parents/guardians, and other stakeholders to improve allergy management practices over time.
  8. Promote awareness and inclusivity: Foster a culture of awareness and inclusivity by promoting understanding and empathy towards individuals with allergies. Encourage open communication, respect for dietary restrictions, and support for individuals with allergies in school, workplace, and public settings.
By implementing these measures, schools, workplaces, and public spaces can create safer environments for individuals with allergies and better prepare to respond to anaphylactic emergencies effectively. Collaboration between stakeholders, including school administrators, employers, healthcare providers, and community members, is essential to ensure the success of allergy management efforts.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
"What is a core subject in college?
Core academic subjects in college are the general education/core course requirements for each major, and they must be taken before starting major-specific studies. They can include basic classes in the humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences, and they may not all be directly related to your actual major."
"What’s the difference between elective and core subjects?
Core classes are mandatory classes you must take to meet graduation requirements in the subject areas of English, math, science, and social studies. World languages might also be considered a core class in some schools.
Electives fall outside the scope of core classes. Schools may require electives to graduate, but you may be allowed to choose the electives that you want to take, depending on your school’s offerings.
Core classes are mandatory classes you must take to meet graduation requirements in the subject areas of English, math, science, and social studies. World languages might also be considered a core class in some schools.
Electives fall outside the scope of core classes. Schools may require electives to graduate, but you may be allowed to choose the electives that you want to take, depending on your school’s offerings."
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General & unnecessary accumulated information in the brain after its threshold level overflows and causes surmenage in other word burnout syndrome which happens quite a lot among students & also so much in academicians !?
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Hi everyone,
I am looking for theoretical models that are related to appreciation. So far I have found the "stress as offence to self" theory to be very fitting. However, this is primarily applied in a work context. Now I am looking for studies that agree or disagree with the transfer of this model to the school context and alternative models from the school context about appreciation. The models should come from the field of psychology.
Many thanks in advance for any contributions and tips!
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Celine Bohnen Self-determination theory (basic need theory) is a pretty extensive theoretical model in psychology concerning human motivation, development, growth and vitality that has delved in appreciation in educational contexts. Here is a recent paper exploring some connections in SDT and appreciation for instance,
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
I'm looking for information that can help a family of an Autistic preschooler progress his speech. He uses PECS and choice boards at school, paired with minimal language, but he is resistant to use the same methods at home. How can his parent encourage him to use this methods to communicate and help increase his confidence and self-esteem?
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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a systematic approach to understanding behavior and how it is influenced by the environment. When used in conjunction with parents and school staff, ABA can be highly effective in helping a child improve communication skills. Here's how:
Assessment and Individualized Planning: ABA starts with a comprehensive assessment to identify the child's strengths, weaknesses, and specific communication needs. Based on this assessment, individualized goals and strategies are developed.
Parent Training: ABA provides parents with training on how to effectively communicate with their child and reinforce desired communication behaviors. This includes techniques such as using clear and simple language, providing visual supports, and using positive reinforcement.
Collaboration with School Staff: ABA therapists collaborate closely with teachers and other school staff to implement consistent strategies across different settings. This ensures that the child receives consistent support and reinforcement for communication skills both at home and at school.
Functional Communication Training (FCT): FCT is a core component of ABA that focuses on teaching alternative communication skills to replace problem behaviors. ABA therapists work with parents and school staff to identify the functions of the child's communication difficulties and develop appropriate communication strategies.
Visual Supports and Augmentative Communication Devices: ABA utilizes visual supports and augmentative communication devices (e.g., picture cards, communication boards, speech-generating devices) to help children understand and express themselves.
Data Collection and Analysis: ABA therapists collect data on the child's communication skills to track progress and make data-driven decisions about intervention strategies. This data is shared with parents and school staff to ensure everyone is informed about the child's progress.
Generalization and Maintenance: ABA focuses on teaching communication skills that generalize across different people, settings, and situations. Therapists work with parents and school staff to promote generalization and maintenance of communication skills in everyday environments.
Positive Reinforcement: ABA emphasizes the use of positive reinforcement to increase desired communication behaviors. Parents and school staff are trained to provide praise, rewards, and other positive consequences for communication attempts and successes.
By utilizing ABA techniques and involving parents and school staff in the process, children with communication difficulties can make significant progress in developing their communication skills and achieving their full potential.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
I try to find scientif paper for the speed of reading in last grade if elementary school or general in elementary school. Can soemone help me?
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yes that is true but in 3th or4th class
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
How do I change my profile to reflect I'm a student? I requested a full article because I wanted to read it for an essay I'm writing for school. It required that I create a profile. My first selection was to report I was a student or in academia. Now it appears my profile reflects I am a professional in the department.
Also, how can I get a full article for an essay i'm working on?
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Sarah Lohrey I suggest for you to write your resume and indicate that you are an undergraduate nursing student in it. You can go on line to do your research in writing it. You will be amaze to find vast websites to guide you in the process of composing it. Best to you.
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
Is The Introduction Or AI Good For Our Academic System?
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Kwadwo Boakye In my view, face-to-face teaching/learning that trickles down from the students to the teacher is the most effective and enjoyable method of teaching that cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. Voice of experience as a professional educator to levels of learning/teaching across disciplines.
  • asked a question related to School
8 answers
I am searching for recent research about school ecologies. I have already accessed research about school climates and environments.
Please share if you have written or read anything on this topic.
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Hello Antara,
Yes, you have made a valid point. Do you have any research in this area?
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
I want to download a few Nature Cities papers for study, but I can't do it through my school account, is there any way to access them?
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1. Original Research: Conduct groundbreaking research in the field of urban studies or related disciplines. Your research should address significant challenges or offer innovative solutions related to cities and urban environments.
2. Literature Review: Familiarize yourself with existing literature published in Nature Cities and other relevant journals. Your work should build upon existing knowledge and fill a gap in the literature.
3. Prepare Your Manuscript: Write your manuscript according to the journal's guidelines and formatting requirements. Pay attention to details such as word count, reference style, and figure specifications.
4. Peer Review: Submit your manuscript through Nature Cities' online submission system. It will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, where experts in your field will evaluate its quality, originality, and significance. Be prepared to address the reviewers' comments and revise your manuscript accordingly.
5. Editorial Decision: After peer review, the editor will make a decision regarding the acceptance, rejection, or revision of your manuscript. If revisions are requested, address them thoroughly and resubmit your revised manuscript.
6. Publication: Upon acceptance, your paper will be copyedited and typeset for publication. You'll have the opportunity to review the final proofs before publication.
7. Promotion: Once your paper is published, promote it through various channels to increase its visibility and impact. Share it with colleagues, present it at conferences, and utilize social media and academic networking platforms.
  • asked a question related to School
17 answers
Topic: Using of plasma activated water in seed science in point of view of environmental science
School: Comenius University Bratislava
Start of studies: school year 2024/25
Teaching language: English
Supervisor: [email protected]
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Here is more about the content: Application of plasma-activated water (PAW) has increased in popularity among plant scientists due to its appealing characteristics that are derived from the effects of various reactive species (oxygen and nitrogen species) generated during the water treatment by non-thermal plasma. PAW probably promote seed germination and early seedling growth during plant development. The aim of this PhD theses will be to test the synergistic effect between conventional seed treatment and PAW treatment. Various plant seeds will be used in the implementation. The results of the work will bring new information for possible use in seed stimulation.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
Hello, I am currently conducting my undergraduate dissertation on exploring how Primary school teachers interpret 'disruptive' behaviour.
My main objectives are:
1) What do teachers define as disruptive behaviour?
2) What do they attribute disruptive behaviour to?
I have already conducted my research in a school setting, using Interpretive Phenomenology as my methodology and semi-structured interviews as my method. I interviewed 11 teachers and my questioned aligned with the chosen methodology - focusing on their experiences.
I have transcribed all of my data and am now ready to proceed with analysing it.
However, I'm a bit stuck! As a complete beginner I am only confidently familiar with thematic analysis. I've had a look at using IPA seems as it would completely align with my methodology, but there are a lot more steps to it. I am of course willing to complete said steps, but I am also conscious that my whole dissertation is only 8000 words, so I have that to take into account.
Also, I do need to find similarities and differences across the data set as a whole.
So, if anyone can give me any guidance, it would be appreciated!
Finally, am I 'allowed' to use a different method of analysis- such as thematic analysis when I have conducted IP as my methodology?
If so, and I do go with thematic analysis, would that mean that it was then not worthwhile me doing IP as my methodology?
So many questions! Please note, I am only an undergraduate student (level 6) so I am still very much learning. Thank you!
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Thank you for your reply and advice, David!
I've had a look at Inductive Thematic Analysis. I'm thinking this may work well, under an IP framework 🤔
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
Peace is fundamental for the advancement and sustenance of education. When societies are plagued by conflict, war, or instability, the education sector often suffers the most. Here's why peace is crucial for education:
  1. Safe Learning Environments: Peaceful conditions ensure that schools and universities remain safe spaces where students, teachers, and staff can focus on learning without fear of violence or disruption.
  2. Access to Education: In conflict-affected areas, many children and young people are denied access to education due to safety concerns, displacement, or the destruction of educational facilities. Peaceful conditions allow for the restoration and expansion of educational opportunities for all.
  3. Quality of Education: Teachers and students can only perform at their best in an environment that is stable and conducive to learning. Peace allows educators to concentrate on improving the quality of education, curriculum development, and innovative teaching methods.
  4. Promotion of Critical Thinking: Education promotes critical thinking, tolerance, and understanding - values that are essential for building and maintaining peaceful societies. In turn, educated individuals are more likely to contribute positively to their communities and work towards resolving conflicts peacefully.
  5. Socio-economic Development: Education is a catalyst for socio-economic development. Peaceful societies with educated populations are better equipped to foster innovation, attract investment, and create opportunities for growth and prosperity.
  6. Gender Equality: Education is a powerful tool for promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls. In peaceful environments, girls are more likely to attend school, stay in school longer, and pursue higher education, which has long-term benefits for individuals, families, and communities.
  7. Cultural Exchange and Understanding: Education encourages cultural exchange, diversity, and mutual understanding among different communities and societies. It fosters respect for diversity and promotes global citizenship, essential components of peaceful coexistence in our increasingly interconnected world.
In conclusion, peace and education are deeply interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Investing in education can contribute to peacebuilding efforts, while peace provides the necessary conditions for education to thrive. Therefore, policymakers, educators, and community leaders must prioritize both peacebuilding and education to create a more equitable, inclusive, and peaceful world for future generations.
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I share your point! I witnessed a connection between peace and education. Quality education requires peace of mind, and vice versa.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
What is the best tool for assess the School based Assessment?
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Edirisooriya Maddumage Yehan Sachith I suggest for you to go on ResearchGate search engine and type "School-based," (which I just did), you will be amazed to find several articles pertinent to your question.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
My research investigates the influence of training and development and performance appraisal on the competitive advantage of Nigerian private schools. It also explores the potential role of ethical climate as a mediating factor in this relationship.
In this study, a quantitative research approach was utilized to collect and analyze numerical data and to identify patterns and relationships. The analysis includes a variety of techniques, such as descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. Widely recognized statistical software programs, SPSS and AMOS, have been used to perform these advanced analytical methods.
However, the reviewer comments that the variable construct is still based on theory, not empirically in Nigerian Private Schools. How can I do it or respond to it?
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I think the reviewer is expecting you to provide examples of a few studies of a similar nature to show that your study is not just based on theory but is based on gaps in the existing literature. Therefore, I'd suggest you to search and include a few studies that examine the impact of training and development and performance appraisal on the competitive advantage of schools.
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
Ownership is the most important element if school leaders own their responsibilities it can shape the school environment as well as students' learning significantly.
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Ownership in educational leadership is directly/indirectly related to one's professional commitment. Virtues like commitment are further dependent on how deep rooted one's values are? Therefore, to enrich one's values and thus the professional commitment and eventually ownership, one needs to work on one's non-cognitive virtues like emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. This in turn will help leaders to introspect and dive deep into the self and use a different lens to justify their position as leaders in an educational institution.
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
The so-called sex instruction which is given by parents and schools usually consists of a certain amount of information concerning the anatomy and mechanics of reproduction. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Sex education, if it is to be comprehensive, should cover all aspects of sexuality including orientation, sexual response and sexual pleasure. These topics are omitted from what we tell children because it is assumed that everyone has access to erotic literature and pornography. But since these sources are fictional, they do not constitute an authoritative source of information about human sexuality. Women's objection to any sexual content, even when it is educational in nature, is an obstacle in providing sex education that refers to any of the erotic stimuli that cause orgasm.
  • asked a question related to School
8 answers
What are the possible factors of performance gap in assessments for future ready learners in schools.
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Zainuddin Hj Mohd Daud In my point of view, the possible causes of performance gap in assessments for future learners in schools may be due to individual/intercultural/multicultural/etc. among young learners in the classroom settings.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
The quality of school education needs special attention for developing a better society where the human beings, other creatures and the eco system are safe for us and our future generations. To make this happen, school education is to be paid special attention. The most education systems across the globe primarily focus upon the academic competencies and ignore other crucial aspects. The proposed research question is to identify critical areas which are worthy to investigate.
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Exploring potential research questions in school education offers an exciting opportunity to address critical challenges and advance our understanding of teaching and learning. Here are several potential research questions that could guide investigation in this field:
  1. Effectiveness of Teaching Methods: What teaching methods are most effective in promoting student engagement, understanding, and retention across different subjects and age groups? How do factors such as technology integration, inquiry-based learning, and personalized instruction impact student outcomes?
  2. Assessment and Evaluation Practices: How can assessment practices be improved to provide more accurate and meaningful feedback to students and educators? What role do formative assessments, alternative assessments, and competency-based assessments play in supporting student learning and growth?
  3. Teacher Preparation and Professional Development: What are the most effective strategies for preparing and supporting teachers in diverse educational settings? How can professional development programs be tailored to meet the evolving needs of educators, particularly in areas such as cultural competence, inclusive teaching practices, and technology integration?
  4. Equity and Access: What factors contribute to disparities in educational outcomes among students from different socioeconomic backgrounds, racial/ethnic groups, and geographic regions? How can policies, interventions, and resources be designed to promote equity and ensure that all students have access to high-quality education?
  5. Social and Emotional Learning: How do social and emotional factors influence student academic achievement, behavior, and well-being? What interventions and supports are most effective in fostering social and emotional competencies such as self-awareness, empathy, resilience, and responsible decision-making?
  6. Parent and Community Engagement: What strategies are most effective in engaging parents, families, and communities as partners in education? How can schools and districts build meaningful partnerships that support student learning, enhance school climate, and promote positive youth development?
  7. Curriculum Design and Implementation: How do curriculum choices and instructional materials impact student learning outcomes and experiences? What factors contribute to successful curriculum implementation, adaptation, and alignment with academic standards and learning objectives?
  8. Educational Technology and Digital Literacy: What role does educational technology play in enhancing teaching and learning in the 21st century classroom? How can schools and educators promote digital literacy skills and responsible use of technology among students?
  9. Student Voice and Agency: How can schools empower students to take ownership of their learning and contribute to school improvement efforts? What structures and practices support student voice, participation, and leadership in educational decision-making processes?
  10. Long-term Outcomes and Impact: What are the long-term academic, social, and economic outcomes associated with different educational interventions and approaches? How do these outcomes vary based on factors such as student demographics, school context, and implementation fidelity?
These research questions represent just a snapshot of the many opportunities for investigation in school education. By addressing these questions and others like them, researchers can contribute to the development of evidence-based practices, policies, and interventions that enhance educational outcomes and opportunities for all students.
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  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
Specifically, I am currently doing my research on the impact of school bullying on the level of self-esteem and subjective happiness in adulthood. Thank you in advance for any help. :)
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
How would you start your own accredited university?
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Why would you even want to do that?
For most jobs, it's about your active skill set and agility to learn fast what the job at hand requires.
If you had the choice of two candidates: one, a rich kid who sat out their time at Harvard and got their very expensive, prepackaged, Computer Science degree. Or a much poorer kid who had to work their way up by programming for various start-ups and collected a well-thought-through portfolio of online MOOCs certificates. Like with the for free and others at a mere fraction of a Harvard education.
Which candidate would you choose?
  • asked a question related to School
11 answers
What is inclusive education and what can be improved to ensure that schools are inclusive
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Zinathi Mbambalala In my view, inclusive education theories in higher education equate/s to multiculturalism and multicultural/intercultural education theories in the global educational communities of practice. . . .
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
Review of related literature about the head teachers role in secondary schools
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Interesting question and replies.
Perhaps a challenge that head-teachers face has to do with balancing teaching and administrative responsibilities.
  • asked a question related to School
11 answers
Observation at a school noted that students were receiving various demeaning remarks from their teachers on a daily basis. The overall academic performance of the school is low, the question came from the possible linkage with both occurrences.
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There are some defects in human behavior. These are: deception, jealousy, revenge, enmity, slander, lack of will. So the teacher has one of these defects. Academic performance is affected by these deficits.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Dear Master Degree, MPhil, and PhD Research Scholars,
We are thrilled to extend an invitation to the AESIM School on Computational Mathematics, focusing on "Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, and Their Applications with Scientific Computing." This event is organized by the Central Department of Mathematics at Tribhuvan University, Nepal and supported by CIMPA.
Key Details:
Venue:Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Program Dates: May 12-23, 2024
Registration Deadline: June 1, 2024
This unique school offers an excellent opportunity for Master Degree, MPhil, and PhD Research Scholars to delve into the realms of Computational Mathematics, specifically exploring Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, and their real-world applications through Scientific Computing.
Best regards,
Jeevan Kafle,
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Dear Dr. Jeevan Kafle,
Does this program have funding? If yes, what does the funding include?
Thank you in advance.
  • asked a question related to School
7 answers
Social studies education has been increasingly marginalized in elementary education in recent years and this has made an impact on students abilities to apply critical thinking skills to social studies content when they are asked to.
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Interesting question and reply.
I am not sure if this answers your question.
In Greece, as in many countries, the topics of social studies are included in various subject.
Language and literacy subjects emphasize on making relationships and communicating. So do other subjects such as religion.
Critical thinking, exchanging ideas are included in the curricula of many subjects.
In short, the themes that social subjects negotiate can be units for subjects.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
I want to understand how the two researches in the south african context and their criticism on the factors that are against the school improvement in south africa
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School improvement research and effectiveness studies in South Africa highlight a multifaceted landscape that involves various interconnected factors influencing educational outcomes. Some key challenges identified include:
  1. Resource Disparities: Disparities in resource allocation, both financial and infrastructural, contribute to unequal educational opportunities. Addressing these disparities is crucial for sustainable improvement.
  2. Socioeconomic Inequality: Persistent socioeconomic disparities among students impact their access to quality education. Effective interventions should consider the broader societal context to uplift disadvantaged communities.
  3. Teacher Training and Support: The quality of teaching is a pivotal factor in school improvement. Focused efforts on continuous teacher training, professional development, and mentorship programs are essential to enhance instructional practices.
  4. Curriculum Relevance: The alignment of the curriculum with the needs of the diverse student population is vital. Ensuring that educational content resonates with the cultural and societal context can enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
  5. Parental Involvement: Actively involving parents and caregivers in the educational process fosters a supportive learning environment. Establishing strong partnerships between schools and families can positively impact student performance.
  6. Governance and Policy Implementation: Effective governance and the proper implementation of education policies are crucial. Ensuring that policies are not only well-crafted but also effectively executed on the ground is key for sustained improvement.
  7. Access to Early Childhood Education: Early childhood education lays the foundation for academic success. Expanding access to quality early childhood education can contribute significantly to improved educational outcomes.
  8. Inclusive Education Practices: Promoting inclusive education practices that cater to diverse learning needs ensures that no child is left behind. This involves addressing barriers to learning and providing support for students with special educational needs.
Addressing these factors requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving educators, policymakers, communities, and other stakeholders. The ongoing commitment to understanding and addressing these challenges is vital for the continual improvement of schools in South Africa.
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
I am conducting research on the performance of primary school teachers who use AI, and I have not been able to find a validated instrument that fits this situation. I would like to hear your recommendations.
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Data collection instruments are custom created taking into account environmental factors.
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
What do students think are the reasons for school fights
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Peer pressure
  • asked a question related to School
6 answers
I am a PhD student, and my research involves conducting a six-week intervention to investigate its effect on reading skills. Following the intervention, I conducted interviews with participants to explore their perceptions and reading experiences, utilising predetermined questions. Initially, I considered an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design. However, due to time constraints and the school setting of the intervention, I was unable to analyse the quantitative data immediately after its collection. Instead, I analysed both the quantitative and qualitative data after collecting all the data. Given these conditions, I am uncertain about the most appropriate mixed-methods design for my study.
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Given that there are only three widely used research designs in mixed methods, you can eliminate exploratory sequential and explanatory sequential, which leaves you with convergent. The problem that frequently occurs in reporting results from a convergent design is a low level of integration, i.e., a separate reporting of each study with too little connection between the qualitative and quantitative results. So, the more that you can to make the two sets of results comment on each other, the better your overall report will be.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
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بإمكانك الاعتماد على نظرية إيفان إليش مجتمع بلا مدارس
  • asked a question related to School
9 answers
How can you establish an environment of academic excellence in your school?
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Establishing an environment of academic excellence in a school involves creating a culture that values learning, encourages intellectual curiosity, and supports the academic and personal growth of every student. This can be achieved through a combination of strategies focused on leadership, teaching quality, curriculum relevance, student support, and community engagement. Below are key strategies to foster an environment of academic excellence:
1. Leadership and Vision
Establish a Clear Vision: Leadership should articulate a clear and inspiring vision for academic excellence that is shared with all stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, and the community.
Lead by Example: Administrators and teachers should model the dedication, intellectual curiosity, and resilience they wish to see in their students.
2. High-Quality Teaching
Professional Development: Invest in regular professional development opportunities for teachers to update their knowledge and teaching skills.
Collaborative Teaching: Encourage a culture of collaboration among teachers to share best practices, resources, and innovative teaching strategies.
Feedback and Evaluation: Implement a constructive feedback and evaluation system for teachers to continually improve their teaching methods.
3. Curriculum and Learning Materials
Relevance and Rigor: Ensure the curriculum is both challenging and relevant to students' lives and future aspirations. Incorporate real-world applications to enhance learning.
Diverse Learning Materials: Provide a range of learning materials that cater to different learning styles and levels of understanding.
Innovation in Teaching: Encourage the use of technology and innovative teaching methods to make learning more engaging and effective.
4. Student Support and Engagement
Academic Support Services: Offer tutoring, mentoring, and counseling services to support students with academic challenges and personal issues.
Extracurricular Activities: Promote extracurricular activities that complement academic learning and develop a well-rounded individual.
Student Voice: Encourage student participation in decision-making processes related to their education to increase their engagement and sense of ownership.
5. Inclusive and Positive School Culture
Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Foster an environment where diversity is celebrated, and all students feel valued and included.
Well-being Focus: Pay attention to the mental and physical well-being of students as a foundation for academic success.
Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and celebrate academic achievements and improvements to motivate students.
6. Parent and Community Engagement
Parental Involvement: Encourage active parental involvement in their children's education through regular communication and school events.
Community Resources: Leverage community resources and partnerships to enhance educational opportunities and experiences for students.
7. Continuous Improvement
Data-Driven Decisions: Use data to make informed decisions about teaching and learning practices.
Open to Change: Be willing to adapt and make changes based on feedback, new research, and educational trends.
Creating an environment of academic excellence is an ongoing process that requires the commitment and collaboration of the entire school community. By focusing on these strategies, schools can cultivate a culture that promotes high academic standards and supports students in achieving their fullest potential.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Dear Master Degree, MPhil, and PhD Research Scholars,
We're excited to invite you to the CIMPA School 2024 on Mathematics for Medicine and Health Sciences at Silpakorn University in Thailand.
The CIMPA School will be held from May 20 to May 31 2024 at our esteemed university campus. This school aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the application of mathematics in the fields of medicine and health sciences. The program offers a diverse range of courses and training sessions led by renowned experts in their respective fields.
During the school, you will have the opportunity to attend introductory courses that cover various topics such as pharmacokinetics, disease modeling, big data analysis, and numerical implementation of blood flow. Additionally, advanced courses will delve into specialized areas like big data and machine learning for public health, modeling of waterborne diseases, and coagulation-fragmentation modeling.
The CIMPA School at Silpakorn University will serve as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, fostering collaborations among participants from different countries and backgrounds. You will not only gain valuable knowledge but also have the chance to network with fellow researchers and professionals, opening doors to future collaborations and opportunities.
We are pleased to inform you that CIMPA is offering financial support for eligible participants. If you require financial assistance, we encourage you to apply for CIMPA financial support through their website:
To learn more about the CIMPA School at Silpakorn University, please visit our official website: You will find detailed information regarding the registration procedure, program schedule, and other relevant details.
We believe that your expertise and contributions would greatly enrich the learning experience for all participants. Your presence at the CIMPA School would be highly valued, and we look forward to welcoming you to Silpakorn University.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us ( [email protected] or [email protected]).
Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you at the CIMPA School at Silpakorn University.
Best regards,
P. Pornsawad
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I,m interested. Sorry for being late.
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
Is there a way to determine the organization's effectiveness when leadership behaviors and professional development are interrelated?Which among the leadership behaviors, and professional development of school heads singly or in combination predict the organizational effectiveness?
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Yes, based on my observation there are school heads who are very soft hearted to teachers and because of that they lead teachers to become better and create a very friendly school environment where everyone is treated equally. There are some also who are very bossy, where teachers fell exhausted and overworked, tired and drained due that behavior. Because of this organizations effectiveness rely on how the leader of the school,leads his/her teams to become effective and the way he leads his/her team is based on his/her professional development.
  • asked a question related to School
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i need to know what leadership roles used by the school heads who are assigned in two schools by using multiple role theory
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Adaptability should be one of the roles the heads should adopt because different institutions or school will exist with the different culture and way of doing things.
Additionally , good skills and ability to delegation is another role important in ensuring work is done at the right time an outputs are made on time.
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
dear researchers, I am interested in researching reading learning in elementary schools, can anyone help me with some books or articles?
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Omayda, what is the topic you are looking information for? I might be able to help you
  • asked a question related to School
9 answers
in a presentation style
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An organization, particularly within the context of a school, refers to a structured and systematic entity that operates with a specific purpose or goal in mind. In a school setting, an organization encompasses all aspects of the institution, including its administrative structure, academic departments, faculty, staff, and students.
The organization of a school involves delineating hierarchical roles and responsibilities, setting up communication channels, establishing rules and regulations, and creating a conducive environment for learning and development. It also involves strategic planning, resource management, decision-making processes, and maintaining a balance between the various stakeholders within the school community.
Furthermore, the organization of a school plays a crucial role in promoting efficiency, coherence, and effectiveness in delivering education and related services. It ensures smooth operations, fosters collaboration and teamwork, and facilitates the achievement of educational objectives and goals. Ultimately, a well-organized school lays the foundation for a conducive learning environment that benefits all members of the school community.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
I am Bill Boteler, a general dentist in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. I was in private practice for 38 years and began teaching part-time in 2008. In 2016 I was hired on full-time and I am now an Associated Professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Dentistry. I am designing my first research project and I would like your advice. I am interested in the gut microbiome composition in individuals who have been able to maintain their weight loss. I am also interested in studying the gut microbiome through the use of salivary diagnostics. Most of the articles state that more research is needed in these areas and I would like to design a project that would be helpful in that endeavor. Would you advise me in what you see as most needed for the next step? Thank you so much for considering this request.
Bill Boteler
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Your background in dentistry should place you in a technically positive position to understand our clinical position. We have documented mandible and maxilla marrow cavity infections that, with training in reading orthopantomogram x-rays, can identify these infections. These infections drain through the gingiva and present as 'chronic' gingivitis. With every pressure on the structure discharge enters the saliva and sets up a foundation for digestive fermentation.
  • asked a question related to School
7 answers
Wellbeing and School Curricula
Why isn't psychological well-being (PWB) a core component of secondary school curricula?
I'm very curious to hear input from educators and policy makers on the above issue. Or from anyone reading this.
Is it because:
1) Secondary school curricula are traditionally focused more on intellectual growth than emotional growth. Parents are regarded as the source of education on emotional growth.
2) Educators and policy makers are not aware of the increase in rates of depression among teenagers globally.
3) Educators and policy makers are not focused on student depression / anxiety as they don't think it affects academic performance.
4) A lack of data on the impact of student wellbeing on student performance, resulting in skepticism that changes in curricula may have an impact on student wellbeing.
5) A different reason?
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Interesting question and replies.
Curricula are supposed to include goals about wellbeing and not only knowledge.
The crucial question is whether these goals are feasible and given the right attention or priority.
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
Best Prioritization Practices of school heads on programs and projects
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Interesting question and replies.
School head teachers are charged with significant and sensitive responsibilities.
Definitely, they have to deal with legislation, paperwork and bureaucracy, enen in projects and programs.
Here in Greece, many head teachers tend to prioritise on programs that are done in many other schools or exchange programmes such as Erasmus, funded by the European Union.
The reason is that the pedagogical rationale is justified and they can be embedded in the school programme and syllabus. Otherwise teachers would need training, they would have to plan harder to implement and they would have to explain again and again why they do these projects and programs.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
I need research works on the knowledge and attitude towards premarital sex among secondary school students.
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Please kindly share if you have, sir.
  • asked a question related to School
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I am conducting a dissertation about leadership.
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leadership behavior sets the tone for the entire school community, influencing the culture, collaboration, and overall commitment to educational excellence. Professional development complements this by ensuring educators remain skilled and informed, ultimately enhancing the quality of teaching and positively impacting school performance.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
Background, Historical, Theoretical, conceptual and contextual perspectives
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Rukia Nakintu I recommend to use the Mixed-Methods research methodology to conduct this research study. Great research topic!
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
How to write chapter two
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You will first have to decide exactly what your topic will be. For example, are you focusing on the effectiveness of a policy that promotes discipline or on an individual or group of teachers' effectiveness promoting discipline?
Once you pinpoint exactly what your topic is, the topic will point toward either a quantitative or qualitative analysis. Analyzing policies will likely lead to a quantitative process (examining increase/decrease disciplinary infractions with a statistical process like t-test or ANOVA), versus studying an individual teacher's change in practices that lead to improved classroom management (possibly a case study or phenomenological study).
I hope this points you in the right direction. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to School
6 answers
Role of a supervisor in improving quality teaching and learning mathematics in secondary schools.
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Interesting question and replies.
I assume the answer has to do with one to one interaction between the supervisor / mentor and the new teacher.
Trial and error, feedback, pilot studies can help.
  • asked a question related to School
8 answers
Dear Researchers!
I'm here asking a very pertinent questions related to my study. Please help me sort out. Which research approach/methodology should I adopt to carry on research in developing appropriate English Language Pedagogy for school students?
With regards
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Vidyanand Malik I recommend using the mixed-method, and the intervention pedagogical approaches such as: (1) arts-based learning, (2) research-based learning, (3) project-based learning, (4) outdoor nature-based learning, (5) inquiry-based learning, (6) cooperative/collaborative learning, and others as they emerged interactively in the learning/teaching environment/s.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
I'm a secondary school teacher who is starting a new research in the field of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) in Ibi, Spain.
We are a group of 4 teachers that have been working VTS in our school with students between 12 and 14 years old during the last 5 years.
This year we have started a new research related to a two stages VTS activity. The first stage is carried out by one group of students and consists of describing a image. The second stage is developed by a different group of students and consists of drawing a picture after having listened the description done by the first group.
The results of this research can be applied to teaching people with a disability (blind people).
Do any of you have been working in this field?.
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Yes even i m doing research in same field.I m doing my research on junior college students who are describing diagram looking at their characteristics features.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
The Need for an Education Revolution: Examining Alternatives to Traditional Schooling
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I am very interested in this topic. As a teacher in an urban public school in America, I see the detrimental effects of standardization on education over the last 20 years. Our education system is due for a change to revitalize how students are taught.
What are your thoughts on this topic?
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
We just shifted to an integrated system and I want to study whether the leadership or managements style of school leaders have an effect to the general well being of teachers and students.
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Transformational approach of leadership is very essential to corelate between school leadership and wellbeing of both teachers and learners.
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
Can you recommend me an article about school without grades?
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Thanks for share. Good lecture.
  • asked a question related to School
8 answers
I am researching the relationship between social media and the sexual behaviour of secondary school students. One of my null hypotheses is that "There is no moderating impact of sex in the relationship between social media and sexual behaviour"
What method of analysis can I use? and how do I go about it
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The Fisher-Z statistical method can be used to study the null hypothesis you proposed. In this case, your research focuses on the relationship between social media use and sexual behavior among secondary school students, with a particular consideration of gender as a potential moderating variable. The Fisher-Z method can help you assess differences in the correlation between social media use and sexual behavior across different gender groups.
First, you need to calculate the correlation coefficients between social media use and sexual behavior separately for male and female student groups. This can be done through correlation analysis, such as using Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Then, use the Fisher-Z transformation to convert these correlation coefficients into Z-scores. This step can be completed using the formula previously mentioned, which involves applying the following transformation to each correlation coefficient:Z=1/2ln[(1+r)/(1-r)]
Here, r represents the correlation coefficient, and ln is the natural logarithm.
After obtaining the Z-scores for the two gender groups, you can use a statistical test (like a z-test) to compare these scores. This can help you determine whether the impact of social media on sexual behavior shows a significant difference between genders. If the test results show a significant difference between the two Z-scores, it suggests that gender moderates the relationship between social media use and sexual behavior. If there is no significant difference, it supports your null hypothesis that gender does not moderate this relationship.
So,the Fisher-Z statistical method is suitable for your research needs, as it can help determine whether gender plays a moderating role in the relationship between social media use and sexual behavior.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
Hi! I'm Margienalyn S. Flores, a master of arts in educational management student. I'm interested in your study, I would like to ask question regarding your study, How does the professional preparation of preschool teacher differ between public and private school?
Your respond is highly appreciated and your expertise is a great help.. Thank & God Bless...
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Thank you for your insight regarding my question..I highly apprecited...God bless and more power....
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
Schools that have well-qualified and supported teachers are likely to provide a high-quality education. What is the role of the supervision in effective schools in order to play a significant role in school effectiveness?
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Effective supervision is possible in effective or conducive environment for teaching and learning. If teacher is willing to support and guide and the student understand the objective of the learning contents then they will be agree to learn, that is known as effective supervision.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
this research will investigate the impact of using ChatGPT as a tool in teaching writing. it will adopt a mixed methods design to collect quantitative data using a pretest post test experiment and qualitative data employing semi structured interview.
could you give me your feedback on this apporiateness of this research topic?
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Your proposed PhD research topic, "Investigating the Impact of ChatGPT Use on Moroccan EFL Middle School Students' Writing Performance: A Mixed Methods," seems interesting and relevant, particularly at the intersection of language learning, technology, and education. However, the suitability of a research topic depends on various factors. Here are some factors to consider:
ü Relevance:Ensure that your research topic addresses a significant issue or gap in the existing literature. The impact of ChatGPT on language learning is a contemporary and relevant subject, especially considering the increasing use of technology in education.
ü Novelty:Check if similar studies have been conducted. If there are already many studies on the exact topic, consider refining your focus to make it more specific or finding a unique angle.
ü Feasibility:Assess whether you have the resources, access to participants, and the ability to conduct quantitative and qualitative research methods. Mixed methods research can be powerful, but it requires careful planning and execution.
ü Ethical Considerations: Ensure your research adheres to ethical guidelines, especially involving students. Obtain informed consent from both students and their parents or guardians.
ü Practical Implications: Consider how the findings of your research might be applied in real-world educational settings. Are there potential implications for improving language learning outcomes in Moroccan EFL middle schools?
ü Theoretical Framework: Clearly articulate the theoretical framework that will guide your study. This could be drawn from theories related to language acquisition, educational technology, or other relevant fields.
ü Methodological Rigor: Ensure your mixed methods approach is well-designed, with a clear integration of quantitative and qualitative data. This will enhance the robustness of your findings.
ü Significance:Clearly state the potential significance and contributions of your research to the field of education and language learning. What will your study add to the existing body of knowledge?
It is recommended to discuss with your academic advisor or peers before finalizing your topic. This will help you get feedback and refine your research questions and methodology. With careful planning and execution, your proposed topic can potentially make a valuable contribution to the field.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
please provide relevant artificial intelligence use in education
  • also the perceptions of stakeholders—learners, teachers, and school managers—on the use of AI in teaching and learning.
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The use of Artificial Intelligence would make some trained academics loose their jobs in tertiary institutions.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
Good Day ! I am Dianne G. Montajes ,a student of Master of Arts in Educational Management. From Cabadbaran City , Agusan del norte , Philippines.
May I ask your opinion when the school faces crises or emergencies, what contingency plans and crisis management strategies should educational managers have in place to ensure the continuity of education and the well-being of the school community?
This would be a lot of help on conducting my research.
Thank you and God bless!
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Dear Ms. Montajes!
You spotted a relevant topic to address. The available options depend on the factors related to the case and context of a specific crisis:
1) Costa, E., Baptista, M. (2024). Reframing Schools: What Has Been Learned and Remains in the Post-COVID-19 Period in Portugal. In: Reimers, F.M. (eds) Schools and Society During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Springer, Cham., Open access:
2) Edge, D., Redwood, S., Jindal‐Snape, D., & Crawley, E. (2024). Impact of COVID‐19 pandemic on secondary school teaching staff and primary to secondary transitions. Psychology in the Schools,61, 17–28., Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
Good Day ! I am Dianne G. Montajes ,a student of Master of Arts in Educational Management. From Cabadbaran City , Agusan del norte , Philippines.
May I ask your opinion about, what strategies can educational supervisors employ to promote inclusivity and diversity within the school environment, ensuring equitable educational opportunities for all students?
This would be a lot of help for my research.
Thank you and God bless.
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Dear Ms. Montajes!
You raised an important issue to discuss. In my view the possible answers are case - and context-dependent:
1) Alicia M. Drelick, Justin E. Freedman, Nicholas McCann & Brie Morettini (2023) Examining the impact of disability studies in education-infused curriculum on attitudes towards inclusion in a U.S. secondary teacher education programme, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2023.2289569, Available at:
2) Mel Ainscow & Mercedes Viola (2023) Developing inclusive and equitable education systems: some lessons from Uruguay, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2023.2279556, Available at:
3) Filiz Polat, Mehmet Karakuş, Janet Helmer, Kathy Malone, Peggy Gallagher, Aigerim Mussabalinova, Zhanyl Zontayeva, Aisha Mnazhatdinova,
Factors affecting multi-stakeholders perspectives towards inclusive early childhood education (IECE) in Kazakhstan, Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 155, 2023, Available at:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
Is It Worthy To Have Free Online Courses And Get Certification ? Will That Be Of Help To Someone Who Never Went To University?
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Of course, it is possible to benefit from Free Online courses, even if they are free or through a grant
You can benefit from high-quality courses through Coursera
Or Through the American University of the People,
search for them carefully on the Internet and follow them
Never stop learning
Good luck
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
phd in school housing building?lklklllklk
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Send me what you already have, and I will take a look at it.
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
Why are PhDs rewarded more based on school time then value of research?
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Likely because of the self-patronizing view of administrators who produce precious little scholarship and hire or support people who validate the administrator's minimal scholarship (e.g. Dr. Claudine Gay, President of Harvard, has produced 13 professional papers and one dissertation).
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
Certain theorists such as Smolin have take this seriously. Although it is an officisl "problem definition statement" in many graduates school programs, I think it would be useful to clarify the collective concensus on this.
Einstein went even further to claim QM is not a completely or sufficiently by physics stsndards defined physical system, which is maybe another issue in itself..
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Dear friend Philippos Afxentiou
Hey there! I am here, diving into the depths of the scientific realm. Now, let's talk about Einstein and his skepticism toward Quantum Mechanics (QM).
Einstein, despite being one of the founding fathers of quantum theory, was never fully comfortable with its implications, famously stating that "God does not play dice with the universe." His main concern was with the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, as encapsulated in the famous Schrödinger's cat thought experiment.
Now, the scientific community has had quite a journey with this. While quantum mechanics has proved incredibly successful in describing the behavior of particles on a small scale, the philosophical questions it raises, including its apparent indeterminism, have kept debates alive.
Some physicists share Einstein's sentiment that there might be a deeper theory yet to be uncovered, a theory that could reconcile quantum mechanics with our classical understanding of reality. This pursuit has led to the exploration of alternative theories and interpretations of quantum mechanics, such as hidden variable theories.
However, it's crucial to note that the majority of the scientific community accepts and uses quantum mechanics as a highly successful and accurate framework for understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level. Quantum mechanics has been tested and verified to an extraordinary degree of precision in numerous experiments.
So, while there may be ongoing debates and alternative viewpoints, the general consensus within the scientific community is that, as of now, quantum mechanics provides an excellent and accurate description of the quantum world. But hey, science is a journey, and who knows what discoveries lie ahead?
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
Apprenticeship or university after primary / secondary school education ?
Motivated capable students must go to universities but not all students !
Apprenticeship vs University ! ?
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Not to all students as I also stated in my question. I graduated from 3 unv with 3 different as Medicine (MD), Biophysics (PhD) & lastly Philosophy (ASc) & taught so many in unv...
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
For a long time, I have been observing the separation of life inside and outside of schools.
Could it be, that one of the issues with institutionalized learning in schools and kindergartens is that both content and methods of learning there are decoupled from everyday life and natural learning from and through interactions with the people around?
My observation is that in Western cultures, we have a rather strong separation of the world of adults and the world of children and youth.
This separation makes it very difficult for young adults to find their way into and their place in the adult world.
In the global South, especially in rural areas, the distance between school and village life seems even bigger. The lives of children, youth, and adults are traditionally more interconnected. There is tension between sending children to school, requiring their assistance, and/or enculturating them to take over some responsibilities.
maybe, if we find and develop culturally appropriate ways to integrate "academic" learning in schools and everyday communal life in the Global South, the Industrialized Western cultures could learn from these practices and reconnect the worlds of children, youth, and adults?
what do you think?
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I am from a developing country from the so called global south and as you rightly pointed out, by and large, children from rural areas have more responsibilities at home. However, things have been changing significantly over the past few years due to technological advancements. Today, we are discussing about online education and how students from urban areas differ from those in rural areas in terms of how they access the Internet, with some major challenges being faced by those in the rural areas. I recently published a paper on this that throws more light on this issue.
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
For my class, I am creating a research design to help me answer my question of whether increased government spending effects crime rates. For the design I have taken 2high schools, both from povert areas and have implemented the same amount of funding for both schools. I am focusing on the class of 2024, and after they have graduated I will gather data. Can someone please help me and tell me which type of design this would be?
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The research design you are describing is quasi-experimental, specifically a non-equivalent group design. In this case, you are selecting two high schools from impoverished areas and implementing the same amount of funding for both schools. However, since you cannot randomly assign schools to different levels of government spending (as in a true experimental design), it is considered quasi-experimental.
Here are the key elements:
Independent Variable: Increased government spending.
Dependent Variable: Crime rates.
Design Type: Quasi-experimental,
specifically a non-equivalent group design.
Control Group: There is an attempt to create a control group by selecting two high schools and providing the same amount of funding to both.
Quasi-experimental designs are useful when random assignment is not feasible or ethical, as is often the case in studies involving policy interventions. Keep in mind that while this design allows you to observe the impact of increased government spending on crime rates in the selected high schools, establishing a causal relationship may be challenging due to potential confounding variables. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully consider and control for other factors that could influence crime rates.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
I need to add both moderator and mediator in case I miss it.
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  1. Mediators:
  2. Engagement and Motivation: These could mediate the relationship between online learning and student performance. Higher engagement and motivation in online learning environments might lead to better academic performance.
  3. Digital Literacy: The extent to which students are proficient in using digital tools and platforms could mediate how effective online learning is for them.
  4. Moderators:
  5. Access to Technology: The level of access to necessary technology (like computers, internet connectivity) could moderate the effectiveness of online learning. Students with better access might benefit more from online learning.
  6. Home Learning Environment: The quality of the home learning environment, including the presence of a quiet space to study, could moderate the effectiveness of online learning on student performance.
  7. Teacher Competency in Online Teaching: The ability of teachers to effectively deliver online education can also be a significant moderator.
When incorporating these concepts into your research, ensure that you clearly define how each mediator and moderator is measured and how they interact with the main variables of your study. It's also crucial to review relevant literature to support your choice of mediators and moderators.
Measurement Tools:
  • For Engagement and Motivation (Mediator): The Student Engagement Instrument (SEI), developed by Appleton et al. (2006), is a reliable tool. This instrument measures cognitive and affective engagement, which are pivotal in understanding the effectiveness of online learning.
  • For Access to Technology (Moderator): The Digital Inequality Survey formulated by Hohlfeld et al. (2008) can be employed. This survey assesses the quality and accessibility of digital resources available to students, which can moderate the impact of online learning on their performance.
  1. Appleton, J. J., Christenson, S. L., Kim, D., & Reschly, A. L. (2006). "Measuring Cognitive and Psychological Engagement: Validation of the Student Engagement Instrument." Journal of School Psychology, 44(5), 427-445.
  2. Hohlfeld, T. N., Ritzhaupt, A. D., Barron, A. E., & Kemker, K. (2008). "Examining the Digital Divide in K-12 Public Schools: Four-Year Trends for Supporting ICT Literacy in Florida." Computers & Education, 51(4), 1648-1663.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Physical science paradigms, in the Kuhnian, sense are not easy to come around-history says it takes about 2000 years to "invent" a new one.
When Gallileo introduced the new physical science project he put 2 new postulates:
** description of nature to be founded on motion - motion is fundamental to this science
** the role of time in description of phenomena
In the Aristotelian paradigm (400bc to 1600ac), the project was based on 4 categories of change and 4 substances, motion was secondary type of change and Galilean motion a mere local motion of spatial type.
Recently quantum gravity tgeorists of the causal sets school talk about lack of motion in the high energies or quantum domain dominated stages of evolution of universe.
Do you know of any other paradigms that are not giving fundamental role to motion?
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The ancient Greek philosophers interpreted change in terms of motion.
Until today, scientists think of it as such.
Thus, only static, un-changing things might not fall under the paradigm of motion.
E.g., the field of statics can be treated without motion.
But even static phenomena are often interpreted in terms of a balance of flows. Therefore, the concept of motion is even used in static situations.
Moreover, even complete standstill can be interpreted from the framework of motion: It is a motion with a velocity of zero.
Given this, I think no paradigm of physics will go without motion.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
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You are right Sinan Ibaguner The relationship between employability and university graduate diplomas is low.
Employability refers to your ability to gain initial employment, maintain employment, and obtain new employment if required.
In this sense, the first link (8 ways…) is helpful !
Despite all the seeming demand for experts in the sciences, cuts in research spending and belt-tightening at universities mean that only one in five Ph.D.s in science, engineering and health end up with faculty teaching or research positions within five years of completing their degrees. Top Ph.D. graduates in some fields, like engineering, can be snapped up by private industry. But it varies by discipline.
For example, biomedical postdocs — according to the National Institutes of Health (US), there may be as many as 68,000 of them — are clogging a job market that almost certainly can't absorb them all.
It is not only a matter of good vs. worse schools, but of being predominantly trained as a one-track specialist, i.e. academic research assembly line versus outside (real world) job market.
World famous economist Ludwig von Mises confessed himself that he learned to boil an egg only, when he had to emigrate to the US in 1940.
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5 answers
For example a systematic review on Trust in schools. If reviewers make a statement to indicate a gap, an argument that needs a citation and it is available on other articles which did not meet the inclusion criteria, how can it be done to seal the argument
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Usually I will use other supporting data or reviews in the discussion section.
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
Do teachers have enough resources, are they well trained and are the class sizes conducive
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Teaching learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in public special schools can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Teachers must be prepared to adapt their teaching methods and classroom environment to meet the unique needs of each student. Here are some strategies that teachers can use to cope in teaching learners with autism:
1. **Develop a deep understanding of autism:** Teachers should familiarize themselves with the characteristics of ASD, including the range of symptoms and behaviors that can manifest in students. This knowledge will help them to better understand their students' individual needs and develop appropriate teaching strategies.
2. **Implement individualized education programs (IEPs):** IEPs are essential for providing students with ASD with a personalized learning plan that addresses their specific strengths, challenges, and goals. Teachers should work closely with parents, paraprofessionals, and other specialists to develop and implement effective IEPs.
3. **Create a structured and predictable learning environment:** Students with ASD often thrive in structured and predictable environments. Teachers should establish clear routines, provide consistent expectations, and use visual aids to help students anticipate transitions and manage their behavior.
4. **Utilize evidence-based teaching practices:** There are many effective teaching practices that have been shown to be beneficial for students with ASD. These include using positive reinforcement, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, providing clear instructions, and offering frequent opportunities for practice.
5. **Foster collaboration and communication:** Teachers should collaborate with paraprofessionals, parents, and other specialists to provide students with ASD with the support they need. They should also communicate regularly with parents to keep them informed of their child's progress and to address any concerns.
6. **Engage in ongoing professional development:** Teachers should continue to learn about autism and effective teaching strategies throughout their careers. There are many professional development opportunities available, such as conferences, workshops, and online courses.
7. **Practice self-care:** Teaching learners with ASD can be emotionally and physically demanding. It is important for teachers to take care of their own mental and physical health so that they can continue to provide effective support for their students.
8. **Seek support from colleagues:** Teachers can benefit from sharing their experiences and strategies with colleagues who teach learners with ASD. This can provide a sense of camaraderie, support, and new ideas.
9. **Recognize the unique strengths of students with ASD:** Students with ASD often have unique strengths and abilities that can be nurtured in the classroom. Teachers should strive to create a learning environment that allows students to develop their talents and interests.
10. **Celebrate successes:** It is important to recognize and celebrate the successes of students with ASD. This can help to boost their confidence and motivation, and it can also provide a sense of accomplishment for the teacher.
Teaching learners with ASD can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By implementing effective strategies, fostering collaboration, and practicing self-care, teachers can create a positive and supportive learning environment for their students.
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2 answers
ICT -Based-tools
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At the University of Zaragoza through the REAPSES method I try to use ICT within every corner of Learning Styles.
Best regards,
Reina Castellanos
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
I am working on the biography of Maria Salomea Skłodowska (Marie Curie). I am confused about her Bachelor/Master degrees. Many authors mentioned that she obtained Master Degree on Physics (1893) and on Mathematics (?) or Chemistry (1894) from Sorbonne (Paris) but I am not getting any information about her Bachelor Degree. She completed education in a gymnasium (school level) in Warsaw. But could not study in Warsaw University because during that time woman was not allowed to study there.
The question is: whether without Bachelor Degree was she able to study Master or not? In this connection it would be nice if anybody can help me to give me the following information:
Names of the Degrees (Bachelor/Master/Doctoral Levels) with Years & Institutions — Marie Curie obtained from Warsaw and Paris (School/College/University).
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Thanks Forhad for sending the document. However, please note that she passed two examinations, viz. LICENCE ÈS SCIENCES PHYSIQUES AND LICENCE ÈS MATHÉMATIQUE . I am confused whether each of this degree (LICENCE ÈS SCIENCES or LICENCE ÈS MATHÉMATIQUE) is equivalent to Bachelor of Science or Master of Science. I consulted many documents but unable to find consensus view. Many authors have mentioned this as Bachelor of Science, others as Master of Science. I sent few mails to the experts on this issue and expecting reply from them.
Thank you once again for your cooperation.
With best wishes
  • asked a question related to School
6 answers
how do smartphones play role in school
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I would only add that some of my students rely on their smartphones because it is their only source of technology and internet access. I agree that it is not ideal, but the last contractor I hired used his cell to send me his contract.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
How often does an accreditation theocratically deem a school unworthy?
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When the school doesn't try to improve as per the benchmarks and is complacent.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
What are the perceptions of teachers on assistive technology for dyslexics and its accessibility in Ekurhuleni district public primary schools?
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Assistive technology is an essential tool for dyslexic students in public primary schools. Teachers recognize its benefits, as it makes learning more equitable and enables students to receive the necessary support to succeed in academics. However, the availability and accessibility of such technology may be hindered by budget constraints, limited training, and lack of resources. Therefore, teachers face challenges in implementing assistive technology and ensuring its widespread accessibility in public primary schools.
  • asked a question related to School
10 answers
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Mrs Emesi
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23 answers
The research questions for the study are as follows:
  • Does school exclusion facilitate criminal vulnerability?
  • Are students who are excluded from school at higher risk of county lines involvement?
  • How does school exclusion affect mental health, allowing criminal groups to take advantage of the individuals vulnerabilities?
  • Are any ethnical or cultural minorities more at risk from exclusion?
  • How effective are current strategies used for process integration of excluded pupils into provisional education?
  • Are excluded students more susceptible to involvement in knife crime?
  • How successful are existing strategies to help excluded students access the curriculum?
  • Using qualitative research, are there opportunities for the adoption of more preventative strategies for limitation of excluded students' vulnerability in criminal involvement?
Any useful resources would be greatly appreciated.
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Exposing students to academic exclusion is a violation of international laws
Education is also one of the conditions for sustainable development in any country
Therefore, countries must make education available to all, without restrictions, and for it to be free
  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
What topic do you suggest for the doctoral dissertation in the field of agricultural extension and education related to climate change education in schools?
Thank you
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Education for sustainable agricultural development
  • asked a question related to School
5 answers
Multi stage sampling for a nationwide study:
We are planning a study comprised of assessing teaching (through classroom observation) and SLO (test) from public and private schools of six provinces of X country.
We need to include all six provinces.
-> there is variation in number of districts in each province. How many districts should we select and on which basis?
-> Should we need to do power calculation for school level? if yes, should we consider entire schools of the province as population and select schools from it? How many schools should be select from each district?
-> From each school we want to have representation from primary (1-5) and lower secondary grades (6-8). How many grades should be select? and on which basis?
-> How many students would be enough from each school? Can we use power calculation for students? if yes, what will be our population?
Also, would be grateful if you could suggest some relevant references and useful sample calculation calculators.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you
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This is a complex design and if possible, I suggest you consult a statistician at your home university.
One thing to note is that your "clustered" design will yield non-independent observations, so you should use multi-level modeling in your analyses.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Please provide any ideas or comments regarding needs of schools attended by foreign students in your country.
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"Culturally responsive" teaching / classroom could be a relevant key term? Interested to see what others say here!
  • asked a question related to School
20 answers
I'm conducting a research study in which the final survey respondents would be the whole population of the school (around 900 students). Before the final survey, I have to conduct a pilot testing of my survey questionnaire. Initially, I planned to conduct the pilot testing on 30 students of the same school. However, upon checking with others, supposedly your pilot testing respondents should not be part of your final survey.
Considering the whole population would be participating (assuming they would all agree), can I really not conduct my pilot testing within the same population?
Best Regards,
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The major downside is 30/900, over 3%, might be biased if you retest them. It is highly unlikely you got the survey 100% correct the first time and had no revisions. To pilot a survey, one interviews participants and analyzes data. So, the test-retest effect is a real concern.
  • asked a question related to School
1 answer
Eradicating ignorance is a complex and challenging task, and it cannot be fully eradicated subjectively using a prioritized system of relevancy alone, as it often involves changing individuals' beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. However, a prioritized system of relevancy can be a helpful tool in the broader effort to reduce ignorance and promote knowledge and understanding. Here are some steps to consider:
  1. Define your goals: Clearly articulate what you want to achieve. Is it reducing misinformation on a particular topic? Promoting critical thinking? Encouraging open-mindedness? Your goals will guide your approach.
  2. Prioritize information sources: Identify reliable and credible sources of information. Use established criteria such as peer-reviewed research, expert opinions, and reputable news outlets to determine the reliability of sources.
  3. Promote critical thinking: Encourage people to question information and think critically. Teach them how to evaluate sources, recognize biases, and assess the quality of evidence. Critical thinking skills are essential in combating ignorance.
  4. Provide education and resources: Offer educational resources and materials that address common misconceptions and provide accurate information. These resources should be easily accessible and user-friendly.
  5. Foster open dialogue: Create spaces for open and respectful discussions. Encourage people to share their perspectives and engage in constructive debates. Dialogue can help bridge gaps in understanding.
  6. Fact-checking and verification: Promote fact-checking as a habit. Encourage individuals to verify information before accepting or sharing it. There are fact-checking websites and tools that can help.
  7. Address cognitive biases: Recognize that people have cognitive biases that may lead them to ignore information that contradicts their beliefs. Help individuals become aware of these biases and how they can influence their perception of information.
  8. Tailor information to the audience: Consider the background, interests, and prior knowledge of your target audience when communicating information. Personalize messages to make them more relevant.
  9. Be patient and empathetic: Changing someone's beliefs or reducing ignorance takes time. Approach conversations with empathy and patience, rather than confrontation or judgment.
  10. Encourage lifelong learning: Promote the value of continuous learning and staying informed. Encourage people to seek out new information and update their knowledge regularly.
  11. Collaborate with experts: Engage with subject matter experts who can provide accurate and up-to-date information. Expert endorsements can carry weight in discussions about complex topics.
  12. Use technology wisely: Leverage technology and social media platforms to disseminate accurate information and counter misinformation. Report false information and support platforms that promote accuracy.
Remember that combating ignorance is an ongoing process that requires a multi-pronged approach. It's important to recognize that people may have deeply ingrained beliefs, and changing those beliefs can be difficult. However, by promoting critical thinking, providing accurate information, and fostering open dialogue, you can contribute to reducing ignorance and promoting knowledge and understanding subjectively within a prioritized system of relevancy.
all of these element involve "initiative", which when the environment doesn't support it, can't exist. confirm and define remedy
You're correct that all the elements I mentioned involve initiative on the part of individuals or communities to actively seek out knowledge, critically evaluate information, and engage in discussions. In environments where there is a lack of support for such initiative, it can indeed be challenging to combat ignorance effectively. Here are some remedies to address this issue:
  1. Education and Awareness: Promote the importance of critical thinking and active learning in educational curricula. Encourage schools and institutions to teach not just what to think but how to think critically. This can help lay the foundation for a proactive approach to knowledge.
  2. Media Literacy Programs: Advocate for media literacy programs that teach individuals how to discern credible sources of information, recognize bias, and fact-check. These programs can empower people to take initiative in evaluating information.
  3. Community Engagement: Foster community initiatives that promote a culture of learning and inquiry. Encourage local groups and organizations to organize educational events, workshops, and discussions on relevant topics.
  4. Supportive Information Ecosystem: Advocate for media outlets and online platforms to prioritize accurate information and responsible journalism. Promote policies and practices that discourage the spread of misinformation.
  5. Mentoring and Role Models: Encourage mentorship programs and the visibility of role models who embody critical thinking and a thirst for knowledge. Such figures can inspire and guide others to take initiative.
  6. Incentives for Curiosity: Create incentives for individuals to take the initiative in seeking knowledge. This could include awards, recognition, or opportunities for personal growth and development.
  7. Accessible Resources: Ensure that resources for learning and fact-checking are easily accessible to everyone, regardless of their socio-economic background. Public libraries, online courses, and affordable educational materials can play a role here.
  8. Policy and Advocacy: Advocate for policies that promote a knowledge-seeking culture. Support initiatives that aim to reduce the digital divide and increase access to information.
  9. Cultural Shift: Work towards a cultural shift that values curiosity, critical thinking, and active learning. Encourage open-mindedness and a willingness to reconsider one's beliefs in the face of evidence.
  10. Peer Influence: Encourage peer networks that share and discuss information. Sometimes, people are more likely to take initiative when they see their peers doing the same.
It's important to recognize that changing the environment to support initiative and a culture of learning can be a long-term endeavor. It often involves a combination of grassroots efforts, policy changes, and cultural shifts. Nevertheless, by addressing these factors, you can create an environment that fosters the initiative required to combat ignorance and promote knowledge and understanding.
how do you re-engage the disenfranchised who are jaded and cynical due to conditioning ... e.g. non-punitive remediation in terms of an Earned-Path?
Re-engaging disenfranchised individuals who have become jaded and cynical due to conditioning often requires a patient and empathetic approach that focuses on empowerment rather than punitive measures. The concept of an "Earned-Path" or non-punitive remediation can be a valuable approach in this context. Here are steps to consider when implementing such a strategy:
  1. Active Listening: Start by actively listening to the concerns and experiences of disenfranchised individuals. Create spaces where they can express their grievances and feelings without judgment.
  2. Build Trust: Building trust is crucial. Acknowledge the validity of their feelings and experiences. Demonstrate your commitment to their well-being and empowerment.
  3. Individualized Support: Recognize that each person's journey towards re-engagement will be unique. Develop individualized plans and support systems that take into account their specific needs and circumstances.
  4. Education and Skill Building: Provide access to educational opportunities and skill-building programs that can empower individuals. This might include adult education, vocational training, or workshops focused on personal development.
  5. Mentorship and Role Models: Connect disenfranchised individuals with mentors and role models who can inspire and guide them. Seeing others who have overcome similar challenges can be motivating.
  6. Community and Peer Support: Foster a sense of community and belonging among disenfranchised individuals. Peer support groups can provide a safe and understanding space for them to share experiences and solutions.
  7. Restorative Justice: Explore restorative justice practices that focus on repairing harm rather than punitive measures. This approach can help individuals take responsibility for their actions and make amends.
  8. Access to Resources: Ensure that disenfranchised individuals have access to essential resources, such as housing, healthcare, and mental health support. Addressing their basic needs can pave the way for re-engagement.
  9. Clear Pathways: Define clear pathways for individuals to earn their way back into society or specific communities. Establish criteria for reintegration and communicate these clearly.
  10. Recognition of Progress: Recognize and celebrate the progress individuals make along their earned path. Positive reinforcement can motivate continued effort.
  11. Advocacy and Policy Change: Advocate for policy changes that prioritize non-punitive remediation and support for disenfranchised populations. Collaborate with organizations and policymakers to effect systemic change.
  12. Long-Term Commitment: Understand that re-engagement is often a long-term process. Be patient and persistent in your efforts to support individuals on their journey.
  13. Evaluation and Adjustments: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and be open to making adjustments based on feedback and evolving needs.
It's important to remember that re-engagement efforts should be guided by a genuine desire to empower and uplift disenfranchised individuals rather than simply seeking compliance. By offering a non-punitive remediation approach like an Earned-Path, you can help individuals rebuild their lives and reintegrate into society in a way that respects their dignity and humanity.
define priorities checklist including described relevancy in terms of how to achieve true sustainability
A priorities checklist for achieving true sustainability involves identifying and organizing key actions and considerations that are relevant to the goal of sustainable development. Sustainability encompasses economic, environmental, and social aspects, and addressing each of these dimensions is essential. Here's a checklist that includes the described relevancy:
  1. Assess Current State:Evaluate the current state of your organization, community, or project in terms of its sustainability performance. Determine your baseline environmental, economic, and social impacts.
  2. Set Clear Objectives:Define specific sustainability objectives and targets that align with your organization's mission and values. Ensure that these objectives are relevant to your stakeholders and the broader community.
  3. Prioritize Relevancy:Identify which sustainability issues are most relevant to your context and stakeholders. Focus on addressing the environmental, economic, and social aspects that have the greatest impact and significance.
  4. Engage Stakeholders:Involve a diverse group of stakeholders in your sustainability planning and decision-making processes. Listen to their concerns and incorporate their perspectives to ensure relevance.
  5. Environmental Sustainability:Reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Conserve water resources and manage waste responsibly. Protect biodiversity and ecosystems relevant to your operations.
  6. Economic Sustainability:Establish a sustainable business model that considers long-term profitability. Invest in research and development for sustainable products or services. Promote fair and ethical trade practices.
  7. Social Sustainability:Prioritize employee well-being, health, and safety. Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within your organization. Engage in community development and support local social initiatives.
  8. Lifecycle Thinking:Consider the entire lifecycle of your products or services, from design and production to use and disposal. Identify opportunities for reducing environmental and social impacts at each stage.
  9. Resource Efficiency:Implement strategies to minimize resource consumption and waste generation. Optimize supply chains to reduce transportation-related emissions.
  10. Responsible Consumption and Production:Encourage sustainable consumption patterns among your customers. Minimize the environmental and social impacts associated with your products.
  11. Continuous Improvement:Establish a system for monitoring and measuring sustainability performance. Regularly review progress and make adjustments to achieve objectives.
  12. Transparency and Reporting:Communicate your sustainability efforts transparently to stakeholders. Use relevant sustainability reporting frameworks (e.g., GRI, SASB) to disclose information.
  13. Regulatory Compliance:Ensure that your activities comply with relevant laws and regulations related to sustainability. Stay informed about changing legislation and adapt as necessary.
  14. Collaboration and Partnerships:Collaborate with like-minded organizations and partners to amplify your sustainability impact. Participate in industry or sector-specific initiatives for collective action.
  15. Education and Awareness:Educate your employees, customers, and community members about sustainability issues. Raise awareness about the relevance of sustainability to their daily lives.
  16. Risk Assessment:Identify and assess potential sustainability-related risks to your organization. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks and enhance resilience.
  17. Long-Term Vision:Maintain a long-term perspective and commit to continuous sustainability efforts. Consider how your actions today will impact future generations.
By using this priorities checklist with a focus on relevancy, you can guide your sustainability efforts in a way that is tailored to your specific context and aligned with the most significant environmental, economic, and social issues in your organization or community. This approach enhances your chances of achieving true sustainability.
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Ignorance is a blessing.
There is a truth in that statement and that is ignorance server a purpose in revolutionary life as we know it.
  • asked a question related to School
7 answers
Good morning,
for my research project, I am using school meal data selection. I would like to investigate the children's food selection patterns using multiple time series using the K-means method. Given the remit of the study, in my data, I have missing data due to data collection during school and bank holidays, weekend generating breaks in food selection values. When you investigate a phenomenon on a daily scale, how do you manage these kinds of missing values? Do you change the temporal scale for example month rather than day, keeping breaks in graphics, or perform an imputation?
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Your efforts are appreciated
  • asked a question related to School
7 answers
Could customised-developed AI offer leadership and management support to Head of schools/Principals?
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rtificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries, including education. AI is being used in educational management to enhance the learning process, improve student outcomes, and streamline administrative tasks.
  • asked a question related to School
3 answers
Hello all,
I am doing a research project for class. Our research questions are as follows:
Q11)Has news exposure impacted parental decision-making in preparation for the new school year?
Q2) Has Media exposure to violence impacted parental decision-making in preparation for the new school year?
Q3) Have school shooting impacted parental decision-making in preparation for the new school year?
Three IVs we believe may predict DV. However, I do not understand the nuances of differences between t tests, f tests, exact tests, etc. Best guess I have is it is multiple regression? But what specifically? I am trying to determine sample size and will eventually also need to know how to analyze the data. Also, I believe the variables are categorical, based on self-report scales.
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Hello Jochen,
So parental decision-making or more-so, school-related parental decision making is measured also through self-report. It's five questions that include likert scale answers. Questions like: how often have you considered changing your child's school or learning environment? how many items have you purchased that will help your child stay safe? Things like that. The population is non-random I believe. It is through a school project so we do not have a lot of resources and definitely even less time. I am conducting it through posting on Reddit, emailing it to two colleges with their permission, and through personal social contacts of researchers. Our mediating variables or descriptive statistics include: age, gender, political party, support of gun ownership. We're not going for causality with this current study.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
- Foreign studies
- Digital transformation in primary school teaching around the world
- The context of digital transformation in primary school teaching around the world
- How to manage digital transformation in primary school teaching around the world
Relevant answer
I hope it will be useful to you.
4-"Draft White Paper 1 Defining 21st century skills"
5- "New Vision for Education Unlocking the Potential of Technology"
  • asked a question related to School
13 answers
Should we learn from past mistakes and correct them in the present? Or should we smart enough to think rationally so that we don't need to follow adaptive expectations?
Alternatively speaking should we belong to Cagan School of thought or Rational Expectations school of thought?
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When Linnaeus coined the name homo sapiens in 1758 he assigned our species intelligence and discernment, sharing the trust of the Enlightenment in our rational capacities. The myth of the infallibility of human reason is gradually waning in front of artificial intelligence, and so is the unwavering trust in clever people. Like Goethe’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1797), we have stirred up Nature’s hidden forces by interfering with wildlife and now we are at a loss to calm them down. Homo stultus is homo sapiens in the mirror of Nature as we belong to Nature, dear Douglas Raybeck
Alvesson, M. and Spicer A., A Stupidity-Based Theory of Organizations, Journal of Management Studies, 49(7): 21 June 2012
Robson, David, The Intelligence Trap: Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2019.
Roy K, Ray S. War and epidemics: A chronicle of infectious diseases. J Mar Med Soc 2018; 20:50‐4.
  • asked a question related to School
2 answers
I am a PhD student in elementary school curriculum studies, given the subject of my doctoral thesis, can I have your article
Thank you
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  • asked a question related to School
4 answers
I am recruiting students from a special education integration programme classroom. This classroom has more than one disabilities of students (in example: autism, intellectual disability, down syndrome, Adhd).
I would only want mild autism. Data of mild autism in that state has been received. Some school has 1 student only and some school has 10. The range is between 1 to 10 students in each school.
I am planning to do a quasi experimental study of 2 groups (conventional group and intervention group).
The problem is what sampling to use to recruit when there are limited mild autism in each school?
Tq so much for guidance. Help and advice is appreciated:)
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Thank you prof Anita and prof Antonio :)